New Century Swordsman

Chapter 38 Far Away (~)

Morya was like a shell and was punched by Ling Yu. With the loud sound, even the ground seemed to shake. Countless dust flew, and Ling Yu bowed and jumped in the sky, rushing to the ground as fast as Moria's fall, like a god, hitting Moria's chest with one knee.


A large mouthful of blood spewed out of Moria's mouth. He looked at Ling Yu on his body in horror and raised his left hand and grabbed him with his throat.

As the saying goes, feng shui takes turns. Half a minute ago, he still carried Ling Yu like a dead dog, but now he has fallen into today's field. Due to the heavy damage to her body again and again, Moria could no longer maintain her previous diamondization, and her whole body softened in an instant.

The dust stirred up around is one person high, completely hiding them in it. Ling Yu's scarlet left eye stared straight at Moria, and Moria began to feel hair under the gaze of that eye.

Suddenly, Ling Yu's left arm suddenly pressed him to the ground. In Moria's unbelievable eyes, he opened his mouth and bit him...

No one knows what happened inside. When the smoke dissipated, there was only meat and ghost-like jade all over the ground. As for Moria... I don't care about a loser, except--


The three men and women standing next to Su Zihang saw their captain's death at this moment, and they had no time to protect Su Zihang and turned into three winds to rush to Ling Yu.

Ling Yu "watched" the three people rushing, and the whole figure disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared in front of the front weapon, and his left hand punched the other party's chest. The armored man was shot dozens of meters away before falling to the ground. At this time, another warrior's dagger had reached Ling Yu's eyes. At his speed, he was clearly a nine-level assassin warrior.

Ling Yu turned her head sideways to avoid the other party's hot laser dagger, turned over and twitched the other party's jaw, and the other party was kicked away by Ling Yu in an instant. However, Ling Yu's nervous response was even faster. He pulled his body and hit the lower abdomen of the assassin warrior who was pulled back.

Son of a moment, a large mouthful of blood spewed out of the other party's mouth, and it could be seen from his painful expression how heavy the blow was. At this moment, Ling Yu's internal force is still flowing quietly in Dantian, that is to say, all the attacks before Ling Yu are physical power! The reason why it is so horrible just with the power of the body is really incomprehensible...

Hua Ze felt that she was going to collapse. The absolutely invincible captain in her heart was defeated by the other party, and her companions also fell one after another. Now she is left alone to face Ling Yu, the killer...

"I'm a doctor! There is no combat effectiveness. What should I do..."

Huaze held a traditional physical power pistol made in Texas with trembling hands. This gun was only collected by her when she was bored, and it was not even as powerful as Moria's finger. But such a pistol has become her last support. If she had known that she would encounter such a situation, she might even carry a huge quantum weapon on her back...

In Hua Ze's frightened and overwhelmed eyes, Ling Yu approached her step by step. Her bloody left hand suddenly clenched her fist, and her legs suddenly exerted strength. She was about to rush up and suddenly Ling Yu's calf burst without warning!

At this moment, there is no such a nine-level biochemical human. He closed his eyes and pressed the trigger crazily, allowing the bullet to pierce the air and scratch Ling Yu's side.

Looking at Ling Yu falling straight to the ground, the previous horrible breath has dissipated, her body is still twitching constantly, and from time to time there are some subtle blood vessels bursting. In a moment, Ling Yu turned into a bloody man, and the ground was full of his blood.

"This body... It's too weak..."

Huaze looked at Ling Yu who fell to the ground in disbelief. Her brain was blank because of excessive fear. She still didn't understand what hurt Ling Yu with the broken gun in her hand. It took a long time for her to recover, her eyes regained their energy, and the hand holding the gun stabilized. The 15.8mm huge muzzle pointed to Ling Yu's head, and Hua Ze wrote the resentment in his heart on his face.

" Stop it!"

The two Qi Nian, who were coming from afar, shouted at the same time as Su Zihang, who was hiding in the individual aircraft.

Huaze turned his head and looked contemptuously at Su Zihang, looked at the robot holding a huge gun in the distance, and proudly pointed the muzzle at Ling Yu--

"Bastard! Let's die together!"


Suddenly, a white hand seemed to emit a fascinating milky light, appearing in everyone's vision, as if the glory between heaven and earth had been taken away by that hand. The hand was not a trace of mortal fireworks, and his finger pointed to Hanazawa. The next moment, Huaze's eyes lost all his brilliance, like a puppet, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground as early as possible.

"Oh... Originally, I wanted to watch it behind the scenes, but now a small supporting role is disobedient, so I have to come out in advance to make a curtain call for you!"

The speaker is wearing a white robe, and his golden hair is like the sun in the sky, emitting a warm smell. The comer is none other than David, the spiritual insight Ling Yu has been looking for. Bofil!

He seemed to be hundreds of meters away, but Ling Yu appeared without warning. He gently picked up Ling Yu with a smile and didn't care that the scarlet blood stains wet his white clothes.

"David. Bofei..." Su Zihang looked helplessly at the legendary biochemical man in front of him. He didn't expect that Ling Yu was the plan... And David, a madman, also came out at this time...

"Fear? Kid?" I don't know when David actually leaned in front of Su Zihang's individual aircraft and gently tapped his fingers on the perspective alloy wall. Su Zihang, who was thinking, was suddenly shocked and burst into a cold sweat in an instant.

David seemed to know this and left Su Zihang with a smile. The other party is just a powerless kid who poses no threat to him. Although David is crazy, he will not have nothing to do with the enemy.

"Take me with you. You don't understand the importance of this chip at all!" If what he imagines is correct, then Ling Yu is far more important than that chip! And in today's situation, he must leave Elimir with the power of David, and no matter who is found by his strength, it will be a fatal end. No force is willing to let a senior scientist of a hostile force go back alive. The only thing that can be used as a bargaining chip today is...

"Importance..." David's slender fingers gently tapped on his forehead, and fine sweat covered his forehead.

Why, why can't you see through his heart? No, my power can't even penetrate this aircraft? Is it the effect of this strange alloy wall? Ha ha, it seems to be very interesting..."

David's ability of spiritual insight is extremely powerful compared with other biochemical people, but today it is blocked by a thin layer of alloy walls of the other party, which is really incredible. So although David really wanted to leave immediately, he still wanted to stay and find out everything.

"This aircraft, tell me the technology of this thing."

"It's hooked!" Su Zihang's heart moved.

"Yes, but you have to promise me first!"

Su Zihang is gambling, and the other party attaches great importance to his ability. No matter which biochemical person knows that his power has a way to crack, he will involuntarily want to know the reason. Su Zihang is betting that the other party attaches more importance to his ability than his desire to quickly leave the battlefield.

Now is the best time to escape from Elimir. Once the prayer year and others come, or the military will slow down, it will not be so easy for David to leave Elimir. For Su Zihang, he is undoubtedly the most dangerous now, distributed to him by the company

"Do you want to go or stay?"

"Keep up, kid, if you can still live..."


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