New Century Swordsman

Chapter 9 The Last Battle (~)

"Bodyguard?" Ling Yu asked in consterrenly. He didn't expect that the other party was looking for him for such a thing. Ling Yu has been a martial artist for so many years, and has been a student, killed monsters, and even fought a strong man, but this is the first time that someone has asked him to do this bodyguard.

"Yes, your age is similar to my daughter. Although I don't think anyone in Shifang City dares to touch my daughter, since it is her insistence, I hope that her wish has been fulfilled. What do you think of Mr. Ling Yu?

After listening to Sun Yi's statement, Ling Yu carefully analyzed the pros and cons.

"The teacher mentioned before that he felt two powerful power fluctuations when he fought in Dante before, which made the teacher say that the strongest must be the strong man of the earth. If you leave directly in Hancock's aircraft, you will definitely be hindered by the two strong men, and this lady... It seems that I have to wrong her to be a hostage!"

These mixed thoughts just flashed in Ling Yu's mind. He looked up at Sun Yi and said, "Yes, but I hope it will be after I play the next game. If I win, I will go back with you that night; if I lose... The agreement is invalid. How about it?"

Sun Yi pondered for a moment, not that he was worried about anything. Ling Yu's condition is that it is too strange. It has no benefit to him at all, and even takes a lot of risks. Sun Yi doesn't understand why the other party does this.

In the end, Sun Yi still agreed with Ling Yu's words. Although more than ten years of business experience told him that this decision was very likely to be wrong, he couldn't think of any disadvantageous to this plan, not to mention that he did not believe that anyone dared to move him in the Shifang market.

How did Sun Yi know that she made a careless decision and had pushed her beloved daughter into a dangerous situation. Although Boss Wang, who was beside him, didn't understand what medicine was sold in Ling Yu's gourd, Ling Yu's willingness to fight again was not a bad thing for him. Therefore, the agreement was signed on the basis of the happy consent of all three parties. Everyone has their own ghosts, has their own ideas, and feels that they have made money. Who knows who is the last fisherman?

The next day, he arrived at the bloody and crazy martial arts arena again. Even Ling Yu could hear the roar of the audience in the lounge, like 10,000 boiling beasts, full of violence. The teacher is in a corner of the audience stand, with one or two staff beside him. Although his physical injury has not healed, it is still very simple to deal with two or three ordinary people. As long as Hancock launched the aircraft and caused chaos, Ling Yu would take action in an instant, take Sun Xiaoxiao as a hostage, and then put her back after escaping.

The whole plan has been discussed several times in one day through various channels, and now it depends on how it is implemented.

"I'm going!"

Ling Yu listened to the bell ringing in the room, got up with her sword and walked out. The huge light of the martial arts arena hit his face, and his ears were full of people's shouts. For a moment, Ling Yu's consciousness was a little blurred. He narrowed his eyes and carefully observed everything on the stage and found that a young man of his age had stood straight in the middle of the martial arts arena and was punching the audience.

Ling Yu saw the other party, and he obviously also saw Ling Yu. A finger shook to Ling Yu, and his eyes were full of disdain and contempt. Ling Yu glanced at him and ignored his naked provocation. At most, she could see him in the ring in two or three minutes. At this moment, it was completely unnecessary for Ling Yu to be angry because of such a trivial matter.

"It's sad that as a practicing person, you enjoy the feeling of being a plaything of others..."

Ling Yu thought silently.

It was still the bearded man before. In his rough shouting, Ling Yu stepped on the stage and began to face today's opponent. According to the previous bearded words, the other party is a biochemical person at the ninth level, named Wu Kui, whose specific ability is unknown.

In Ling Yu's opinion, although the other party is one level lower than him, the eagle and the rabbit are still fighting with all their strength. What's more, the other party is only half a step difference from him. If you accidentally overturn the boat in the gutter, it is the saddest thing.

With a flick of his left thumb, the swordfish jumped out and fell into Ling Yu's palm. Ling Yu stared at the other party and shouted in a low voice, "Come on!"

Wu Kui licked his lips, showing a strange smile, and an invisible fluctuation of his right hand emitted from his palm. Although Ling Yu could not see this fluctuation, she clearly felt the difference when she passed through her body.

Ling Yu knew that he must attack the biochemical man before his ability was fully exerted. With a low roar, his feet changed in an instant. His body was like an arrow from the mystery, rushing to Wu Kui along the elusive arc. In the face of Ling Yu's fierce offensive, Wu Kui did not move, but just stretched out a finger.

Is it that he wants to challenge the sharp blade with this finger?!

The audience in the distance was stunned.

This is also Ling Yu's idea, but although he is puzzled, his men will never hesitate at all. The long sword breaks through the air with cold light and roars at the opponent's shoulder.

"Triple gravity!"

In an instant, Ling Yu felt that her body had sunk several times, and the changes in her feet suddenly became chaotic, and the sword in her hand suddenly became unstable. The previous domineering attack suddenly became without any deterrent. Seeing this good opportunity, the other party immediately smiled at the corners of his mouth, and his right hand instantly poked straight out Ling Yu's throat from his waist, and suddenly held a dark dagger in his hand.

"Is this the ability of the space system?"

At the last moment, Ling Yu's super nervous response speed saved him, and the dagger brushed Ling Yu's cheek and stabbed him. Ling Yu immediately took this opportunity to adjust her body and kicked Wu Kui's head with her left foot and right leg.

"Half of gravity!"

With the low roar in Wu Kui's mouth, Ling Yu's body instantly popped from the ground. The transition from three times to one-half is extremely fast, and Ling Yu can't cope with it and reveals a huge flaw. Whether it is martial arts without sufficient internal support, the most taboo thing is that the other party is on the ground and the other side is in the air. There is no focus in the air, so you can only rely on a breath of inner breath. Once you are scattered by the other party, it will be a fatal ending.

At this moment, Ling Yu is facing this situation. One-half of the gravity Ling Yu not only jumped into the air, but also fell twice as long. Ling Yu watched the other party calmly take out a gun in his arms and aim straight at his body without doing anything.


The coil kinetic pistol makes a sharp sound, and then hundreds of thin bullets are fired out. Although the speed is not as fast as the laser weapon, it is also extremely fast and more destructive than several times that of the laser weapon.

The bullet roared out, and Ling Yu was about to die under the other party's gun!

A bullet like a rainstorm pear flower shot at the unreliable Ling Yu in mid-air. Seeing that Ling Yu was about to die under the gun, Ling Yu's body moved very strangely in the air at the last moment, avoiding the bullets.

It turned out that one second before Wu Kui pulled the trigger, Ling Yu judged the timing and position of shooting through the slight movement of his body muscles. At the first time, when he pulled the trigger, he strongly raised his inner strength and made minor adjustments in the air. While the other party was in a daze because of Ling Yu's movements, Ling Yu immediately stepped firmly on the ground.

The feet returned to the ground, and endless self-confidence and security returned again. This time, Ling Yu did not rush over. The strength of the other party was very strange. The previous lesson has made Ling Yu understand that if he wants to defeat the opponent in front of him, he must have a complete strategy. If he is not careful, he will not even know how to die.

"His ability can increase and decrease gravity within a certain range, and there must be many limitations in its use. Otherwise, he will directly shout a hundred times the gravity, and there will be no need to continue the fight. Therefore, the opponent's attack method is only by changing gravity and disrupting my attack rhythm, so as to fight back, but..."

Ling Yu casually avoided the bullets fired by the other party. As long as he stepped on the ground, there was no deterrent for him. The slight movement of his body muscles hidden under his clothes had completely betrayed him.

"B gamble! Fifty chances of success!"

Ling Yu's sword turned into a lightning. When he was still three meters away from Wu Kui, his eyes instantly became confused and entered the state of zero. The long sword scratched a beautiful arc and stabbed Wu Kui. He didn't look at the attack sword. He snorted coldly and shouted in a low voice, "Five times the gravity!"

However, Ling Yu's body has not changed at all this time, and the previous speed has not shrunk by half. The attacking sword seemed to have become a long road that existed in Wu Kui's eyes, which could not be shaken by his strength.

“... Sure enough, with my nerve response speed, as long as the other party adjusts his body at the moment of changing gravity, he will never be as passive as before. The only problem is that the instantaneous systemic adjustment really consumes too much internal force..."

From the step-by-step cultivation of newcomers to the ninth level of people, it requires countless life-and-death struggles to achieve, which cannot be defeated so easily. Wu Kui roared to cover up the shock in his heart, and the gun in his hand shot at Ling Yu crazily. Sideways, bowing, and sliding, everything is handled with the simplest and smallest movements, and the sword in the hand does not shift at all in the process.


Wu Kui watched the other party's long sword stab his body from far and near, but he couldn't do anything. This kind of spiritual frustration was even more uncomfortable than killing him. The sword came from his collarbone into the body, revealing a sharp tip of the sword behind him.

"Give up, now as long as I spit out my internal strength, you..."

Wu Kui didn't listen to Ling Yu's words at all under the double blow of body and spirit. With a twist, he pulled the sword out of his body and flew straight into the air with his feet.

"Twenty times the gravity!"

Wu Kui shouted, and then Ling Yu felt for the first time that her body could not bear the power from the ground, and it took a lot of energy to make every heavy move. Ling Yu looked up at Wu Kui in the air and saw blood pouring out of his mouth and nose, and two lines of blood and tears in his eyes, which was like a symptom of biochemical people's excessive forced use ability.

He stared at Ling Yu, his eyes scarlet and full of resentment. The gun in his hand was cut off by Ling Yu's sword in the previous battle. Otherwise, the fight would have been completely over if he fired a few shots at this moment.

The audience outside the venue stared at the battle of the two. They didn't understand that Ling Yu had taken the initiative before, but now Wu Kui was full of great power. However, this kind of play of weak people's counterattack can best arouse their interest, and their mouths roar more and more excitedly--

"Kill him!"

This was also Wu Kui's idea, but he did not dare to approach Ling Yu without a gun in his hand, for fear that Ling Yu would suddenly kill him with a sword. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out the sound from between his teeth.

"Thirty times!"

Wu Kui actually wanted to crush Ling Yu to death by gravity!

Ling Yu felt the tremor of every muscle on her body and thought about the solution in her heart.

"I can't use the power of my left eye now, otherwise if I lose control of my body, who knows what variables will be generated in the future plan. But if it goes on like this for up to five minutes, the internal force will be exhausted. At that time, the body will inevitably be unable to hold on, and even muscle tissue collapse will occur under this high gravity. It must be decided quickly, even at the necessary time... Kill him!"

Ling Yu has no resistance to killing people. The only thing she worries about is that her body will get out of control due to blood. The wrist turned and pulled out the long sword that had been pestle on the ground. Several metal fragments flew to the sky with the sword, and then hit the ground at a very fast speed, which was even a few points faster than traditional power guns.

The left hand was wiped on the sword, and the strong martial arts spirit covered the body of the sword. Ling Yu's face was cold and full of determination. With a huge roar, his arm waved the sword and left. The sword made of composite metal emitted a faint light under the light, attracting everyone's attention. The feeling of time becoming slowness enveloped the whole martial arts arena. Crazy people calmed down and were worried about the results of this sword.

At this time, Wu Kui's body has begun to twitch slightly because he has used more than his body load for a long time, and blood no longer gushes out of his mouth and nose, but his pale and even cyan face is even more horrible, as if half a foot has entered the grave.

The speed of the long sword does not seem to be affected by 30 times the gravity at all, but everyone understands that Ling Yu's strength defeated the weight and threw the sword out abruptly.

"One-fifth of gravity!"

With Wu Kui's low roar, the nearby gravity changed again, and the rising angle of the sword suddenly increased, and he was about to fly over his head.

Suddenly, the hand full of age-caly grasped the hilt of the sword steadily and stopped the upward trend of the sword.

"It's over..."

The sword waved a shadow. Wu Kui's blood-filled eyes stared at the blade unwillingly, and the owner of the sword could not see clearly.

" hiss!"

Countless blood gushed out of the long wound and sprinkled all over the sky. And the slow feeling of time disappeared in an instant, and the audience who had been staring at it finally woke up. They roared crazily and explained their excited emotions. This bloody battle full of twists and turns is their favorite!

Blood hit Ling Yu's face, and he breathed and enjoyed the feeling. Suddenly, the sword turned around and cut to his arm until a deep wound was drawn.

"It's horrible. If you slow down one more point, your body will lose control!"

Ling Yu gasped in the air. It was only less than two seconds, but the power used to get out of that state was even more than the previous battle.

"But anyway, I won!"

Ling Yu looked at her teacher in the distance and nodded silently--

Plan to start...