New Century Swordsman

Chapter 24 The Layout of Shengke

Even if it is far away, Ling Yu can feel the horrible breath emitted from those aircraft, but there is a trace of indelible kindness in the horror.

"This feeling? Is it the smell of the box my mother left me?

Even if you close your eyes, the feeling still exists and even becomes stronger.

Shengke, who carried out the final tactical deployment of the mercenaries, also obviously felt the difference between Ling Yu and asked a few questions with concern. Ling Yu shook her head and made her feelings clear to him.

"Can you perceive the target? Since the original plan needs to be adjusted, although the danger may increase, the success rate will be much higher..."

Shengke suddenly turned his head and said to Ling Yu with a grim expression, "If you don't want me to die next, you must remember it word for word!"

He saw Ling Yu nodded solemnly and took a deep breath and said, "In the next battle, Ling Yu, please don't participate in the war for the time being!"

"What?! No way! The other party..." Ling Yu shouted anxiously as soon as she heard his words.

Shengke waved his hand to interrupt him and said, "In my original plan, the probability that we will take back the box is only 50%. But now that you can perceive the goal, you must change the plan! If there is a loophole in my plan, there is at least an 80% chance to take back the box!"

Ling Yu's hand holding the sword was slightly white because of excessive force. He lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What are you going to do?" He asked after half a sound.

Shengke held the hair on his forehead and said, "You have observed the situation of your home before and initially judged that the other party has two half steps and one step. The strong will definitely come out to fight, otherwise they can't withstand our attack at all. Therefore, there are only two possibilities for the box to go - to be sealed in an aircraft or held by a half-step guy. And the latter is the most likely. Your task is to rely on the conditions we made for you to take back the box as soon as possible!"

Ling Yu looked at the huge thing that was getting bigger and bigger in the distance. He turned his head and asked Shengke, "What are you going to do with that place?"

It is invincible under the ground. It is not unreasonable that this sentence has been circulating for more than 300 years in the new century. Not everyone has such a strange body as Ling Yu, and there are still a few who can win the leap-level challenge.

Shengke looked at Ling Yu's worried face and smiled.

"Don't underestimate me... Naturally, I have my own way. One minute! I can only hold him for a minute, and in that minute you have to get the things. Otherwise, our end is - mass destruction!"

One minute? All right! Let me solve everything in this minute!"

Finally, three huge aircraft entered the attack range set by Shengke.

"One team, start action!"

Shengke rose into the air with strong thinking power, and two huge pistols had fallen into his hands. He turned his head to look at Ling Yu.

"You gave everything to you, brother!"

After saying that, there was a slight fluctuation, and the whole person had flown towards the battlefield. The cold wind in the sky hit him, but it made his heart hotter and hotter!

"I don't want to die! Ling Yu, my life is in your hands. Let me live!"

Ling Yu looked at the faraway figure and forgot her situation for a moment. It was not until there was a violent explosion in the sky that he really woke up. At this moment, in just a few seconds, the sky had become chaotic, full of lasers, bullets, and... Monster!

The anti-gravity device of the combat uniform suddenly started, and Ling Yu's body suddenly rose to the sky. These monsters are the most important part of Shengke's plan and the reason why he designed the battlefield as this Yamada grassland.

Ling Yu still remembers the cold expression on Shengke's face when he made a tactical deployment to 20 mercenaries, which seemed to put others, no, or even his own life and death aside. At this time, Ling Yu feels that she seems to know too little about this friend. What kind of life does Noah live to make him such a person?

Ling Yu quietly lay in the air, waiting for Shengke's message at any time.

And on Shengke's side, he stood in the air and casually avoided the attack of this group of flying monsters. He sent a total of 13 mercenaries to attract this group of monsters in order to break the strong defense of the opponent's aircraft. These monsters without much wisdom, no matter what force you are behind, as long as they are related to human beings, they will spare no effort to destroy them. And the divine aircraft is so huge that it naturally becomes their first attack target.

In fact, if there are only monsters, the powerful external firepower of the E7 aircraft is enough to destroy this group of monsters unscathed. But the reality is that there is still this group of cowardly mercenaries outside, but only a few tens of seconds. The people inside the aircraft could not stand this double blow. The metal spliced and flashed, and the huge aircraft suddenly turned into several compressed metals and was put into the robotic arm by an arm.

"Second team, launch an attack immediately!"

Shengke shouted on the battle channel.

In an instant, dozens of bullets were fired from all corners of the battlefield, each of which was a powerful electromagnetic high-explosive bomb. The next moment, dozens of people died under these black guns before they understood. After several rounds of such attacks, there were less than 30 people left on the other side.

But both Ling Yu and Shengke understand that at this point, the other party is also a well-equipped warrior, and it is impossible to be beaten passively like this.

Sure enough, after paying the price of nearly half of the deaths, they finally woke up. They dodged and dodged one after another, and rushed to the sniper point at the same time.

"Team 3, start to act and protect all sniper points!"

After shouting this sentence, Shengke was completely silent, because a black figure floated quietly in front of him, and the dazzling black mask was even more horrible in the night.

"Did you find out my existence so soon? What a horrible guy!"

Shengke's wrist shook, and two pistols were replaced with new magazines at the same time. He took a look in the direction where Ling Yu was and suddenly raised his hand and shot at the sky. Under the increase of mind power, the loud gunfire of traditional power guns resounded over the grassland - this is the signal he discussed with Ling Yu!

"Brother! I have entrusted my life to you!"

His eyes flashed, and the air in front of him suddenly fluctuated like water. At the same time, a trace of white hair suddenly appeared in the hair on his forehead...

"Come on! Let me see the so-called steps!"


This is from yesterday, now I'm going to add it~ Please collect it~~~