New Century Swordsman

Chapter 41 I'm going to beat you!

When Ling Yu regained consciousness again, he was already in another environment, and his combat suit had been replaced, and a high-voltage electric shock device was placed on his hands, feet and neck. As long as Ling Yu has any abnormal movements, he will immediately emit a super electric current, and even with his physical fitness, he can't bear it.

"Are I on Shen Pang's spaceship now?"

Feeling a slight vibration under his body, Ling Yu secretly thought of it.

Because there is no watch, it is impossible to predict the current time. Judging from the dryness of his mouth and throat, he has been unconscious for at least six hours, or even longer.

"Shengke's plan has begun. I don't know how he is preparing?"

Speaking of Shengke's plan, he had to start from the three drugs given to him by Kendeji in the morning. At that time, after Ling Yu injected the three reagents into his body, Shengke frowned and came over.

"Ling Yu, I suddenly have an idea that if I can even solve all the problems in an instant." Shengke's deep voice sounded in Ling Yu's ear. Ling Yu turned her head and looked at Shengke with a thoughtful face and asked him what he meant.

"When Shen Pang comes back next time, I want you to pretend to be defeated and be captured back to the research base by them. And when their spacecraft arrives, we will start to do it. At that time, I will gather all my strength and harass them outside at all costs.

He took a look at Ling Yu, sighed and continued, "But it's just harassment. After all, I don't know how long we can last in the face of a super organization like Shenpang..."

"And this is why I want you to venture into the Shenpang Research Base alone. One minute's five floors have been able to solve many problems..."

Ling Yu woke up from her memory and felt that the three potions were lurking safely in her body, and her heart was suddenly full of an incomparable sense of stability.

"The only thing to do now is to wait... Waiting for all the secrets to be unlocked!"

Ling Yu closed her eyes again and slowly began to practice her internal strength in the narrow and dark room.

The aircraft silently carried Ling Yu for three days, and Ling Yu stayed in the room for three days. None of them came to him or provided any food. It seemed that everyone had forgotten Ling Yu, but he knew that all this was just a temporary illusion.

Sure enough, with the landing of the aircraft, the door of the room, which had been closed for three days, suddenly opened. Two 25 or 26-year-old men came in, pulled up Ling Yu with an indifferent face and walked out. Ling Yu walked slowly under the pull. Following their arms, Ling Yu could clearly feel their sudden accelerated heartbeat, and even turned her head slightly to see the sweat left along their necks.

Ling Yu smiled and said, "Are you worried that I will kill you?"

In an instant, their bodies became stiff. Although their footsteps were still moving, they were full of astringency.

"Don't worry! I never kill people!" Ling Yu said.

How dared the two young mercenaries believe his words, and their footsteps suddenly went a little faster. They now have only one idea - to throw away this evil star early. But they don't know that Ling Yu is telling the truth. Except for those whose genetic power has been controlled in the past, as long as he is awake, he has never killed anyone, at least he has never done it directly.

"Is it interesting to flirt with two low-level mercenaries? I can add this to the experimental project if you want. The familiar voice sounded behind Ling Yu. Ling Yu didn't have to look back. He knew who it was just by his tone--

"Su Zihang..."

Su Zihang made several strides to catch up with them, looked at Ling Yu with a smile, and said, "I said we would meet again, but I didn't expect it to be this way, and it would take so long. Sure enough, it is the perfect original of the 'Tianyao Plan'. I think no one can compare with you except the legendary ontology!"

Ling Yu didn't say a word, and his cold eyes had been locking his throat. Su Zihang understood that it was useless to say anything to Ling Yu now. He smiled proudly and asked two mercenaries to take him to the research institute.

It was not until Su Zihang's figure could no longer be seen that Ling Yu took a long breath. Just now, when he heard Su Zihang's voice, he was even more nervous than the two mercenaries for fear of seeing a flaw. Fortunately, Su Zihang was now in joy and did not react for a moment.

Then there were countless physical examinations. Finally, Ling Yu was put on a pure white casual suit and thrown into a fully enclosed metal room, and there was no movement.

The watch has been put away for a long time. Ling Yu can only guess the time by mental calculation while practicing internal force, and it was more than four hours before the first sound sounded in the house.

"Ling Yu, how do you feel about our divine research institute?" Su Zihang said that in the huge projection in the house, his cheeks appeared cleanly in people's eyes for the first time.

"Yes, clean, strong and breathable, just as a cage." Ling Yu said coldly.

Su Zihang laughed and said, "You like hello! It's one o'clock in the morning now. Although it's time for me to sleep, how can I put you down and go to bed alone? Haha, it was cleaned just now, so let's get started!"

Ling Yu listened to his words with a twitching face and clenched his fists tightly.

"This boy... It's the same as Shengke. No, it's more yin than Shengke!"

Ling Yu looked up at Su Zihang's face, resisted the impulse to break it with one punch, and said, "Do you really think so much broken copper and iron can stop me?"

"Ha ha, don't underestimate this room. Every place in the room is made of A-class metal, and even the shelling of a spaceship can't blow it away. You? The strongest is just three floors, not to mention that the high-voltage electric shock device on your body is also equipped with electromagnetic bombs. I advise you not to act rashly if you don't want to die. Of course, it's difficult for you to die here..."

Suddenly, the screen in mid-air suddenly shook violently, and then suddenly darkened. After a moment, the image was formed again.

"Interesting, your friends actually found it here. Did you install a position chasing device on you? Impossible. If it is really installed, it will be..."

"Have Shengke finally come? If it's a little slower, I have to do it myself first..."

Ling Yu ignored Su Zihang, who was shouting on it, slowly stood up from the ground and shook her fingers to him - "Shut up!" Ling Yu suddenly released a medicine...

"I'm going to beat you!"

Although the two are several layers apart, Su Zihang feels as if he has been locked by Ling Yu. As long as he moves his finger, he will take his life.

The screen suddenly darkened, and Su Zihang got out of the creepy feeling just now. He was about to tell his subordinates something. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the ground, and at the same time, it was as strong as an earthquake, and the subordinates in the office shouted and ran out.

Listening to the sound of metal impact, a ominous foreboding suddenly appeared in Su Zihang's heart.

"Impossible! That's made of A-class metal, even if it's a cosmic spacecraft..."

Su Zihang muttered in a low and rapid manner, as if this could calm him down. Suddenly, a big hand full of fine scales suddenly grabbed his throat. The cold touch and mountain-like oppression immediately made Su Zihang suffocate to his chest and fainted like this.

However, the owner of this hand would not make him unconscious so easily. Su Zihang woke up with a slight force of his fingers, and his eyes were like bull's eyes. He looked at the "monster" in front of him in disbelief.

I saw Ling Yu's back with wings, covered with fine flesh-colored scales, two one-foot-long purple horns on her forehead, and even an unknown black lines on his face. At this moment, if he is in the eyes of ordinary people, he is indeed a monster.

"Where are all the documents of your so-called 'Demon Plan'? And where are my experiments? If you don't say it, I will kill you and ask others!" Ling Yu seemed to have really turned into a demon from hell, and her voice was full of brutality and coldness.

As an ordinary person without any cultivation, it is a miracle that Su Zihang can no longer faint in Ling Yu's hands. At least until he regains consciousness, he will not play with his wisdom again.

Su Zihang nodded to Lingyu and raised his finger in a direction. Ling Yu glanced at him and didn't see any action from him. He disappeared into this chaotic room in an instant.


The alloy wall is like paper paste under the terrible speed and power of Ling Yu, and it breaks apart at the moment of contact. In this way, Ling Yu rushed all the way to the scientific research room and copied a complete demon plan from his intelligent brain, and all this took Ling Yu less than two seconds, even including the time spent in his dialogue with Su Zihang.

But when he came to the laboratory under the leadership of Su Zihang, Ling Yu was shocked and angry!

Countless "Ling Yu" appeared in front of his eyes, impacting his vision. He casually left Su Zihang on the ground and looked at everything inside in a daze, allowing time to be squandered every second.

Surely, he broke out!

I didn't see any superfluous movements. His palms suddenly clenched, and countless culture tanks and nutrients burst instantly under the action of invisible force, turning into powder all over the sky.

As soon as he turned his finger, Su Zihang was pulled into Ling Yu's hand by a force. Ling Yu's pupils had turned into a slender line, and his eyes were blood red.

"At first, I wanted to let you go. I think you were dictated by others, but now it seems..."

Ling Yu's eyes suddenly condensed, and Su Zihang in his hand turned into a thin powder in a moment, and the ground was covered with a layer of pink in less than a second.

He shook his hand, threw the last powder on the ground, and then raised his head. His eyes passed through layers of obstacles and fell into the oppression approaching above.

"Subverted into real pressure? It's really not as simple as planned!"

Ling Yu silently thought that at the moment when his mind turned, the pressure had come to the top of Ling Yu's head.

"Come on! Let me take a look at the strength of the so-called five levels!"


The ceiling on his head suddenly turned into pieces of debris and hit Ling Yu's face, but faster than these debris was a pair of dark blue fists.

Ling Yu was fearless and roared. His feet seemed to be a dragon rising to the sky, facing the attack of the other party!