New Century Swordsman

Chapter 5 Zero Reproduction

As soon as the earth comes out, the sky and the earth change color.

The scorching sun in the sky is indeed exuding enthusiasm, but hundreds of soldiers on the battlefield do not feel any warmth, as if all the light in the world is attracted by the not-tall man in front of him, and only the long sword shines...

"It's not the first time to fight with the ground. Don't lose face to our Third Military Region!"

As a strong man on the ground, Xiao Da is still affected by Ling Yu's magnificent momentum, but he can still stay awake. In anger, all the soldiers woke up, and a ten-meter-high camouflage robot was instantly generated by Xiao Da, quietly suspended in the air.

Ling Yu, who had been standing quietly before, suddenly moved, holding Xiuxiu in one hand and holding the long sword with horror in the other.

Ling Yu's speed has been raised to the limit seen by the human eye in several changes, and the long sword rushed to the robot in the sky with a wave. The so-called capture of the thief captures the king first. Now that the other party has begun a real battle, Ling Yu will not have any other feelings in her heart - killing or being killed.

It can be seen that what he has cultivated in the dense forest in five years is not only his strength, but also his heart!

Ling Yu's sword is just a tentative move, leaving enough strength for change, but even so, the ordinary ground-level strongman at his speed is not a single enemy at all.

And at this moment, Xiao Da did not react at all. His hand had just been put on the control panel, and it was impossible for him to keep up with Ling Yu's nerve reaction speed. However, the camouflage mecha moved at the first time, and the movement of the huge body was not bloated at all.

A turn around and punched straight to meet Ling Yu's sword body, and the huge roar even cracked the eardrums of several nearby land soldiers. Ling Yu didn't want to win or lose in one move. Her body turned upside down, her toes gently touched the iron fist of the camouflage mecha, and her body quickly turned and disappeared on Xiao Da's optical imager again.

If Ling Yu's opponent is only Xiao Da, he can easily kill the other party with his speed. However, there are hundreds of elites in the army below, who are definitely at the top of the world in terms of equipment and military literacy. Now their officers are holding back the target. If they can't even do the most basic cover, it's better to retire and go home as soon as possible to avoid dying on the battlefield.

Say that sooner or later, because the physical quality is not enough, the armorers under the ground can't drive the mecha, so hundreds of unmanned combat robots occupied the whole sky in a moment...


Ling Yu licked his lips slightly. In the face of endless attacks like waves, there was no weakness in his eyes, but full of desire - the desire to fight!

His eyes silently told everyone that he was no longer the one who faced everything passive five years ago. Whether it's a battle or something else, everything is up to him!

And his current choice is - war!

Xiuxiu was still firmly held in his arms, and her long fluffy hair hit Ling Yu's face, but she could not confuse his feelings at all. Every time the sword passes is an explosion of dozens of combat robots, and the sword light flashes and collides with camouflage mecha again and again...

Xiao Da's fingers are faster than any pianist, and there is a thin shadow on the huge control panel, and even the shadow is not enough to describe his hand speed. But even so, the thin figure in front of him still stood in the air so casually, blocking all his attacks again and again with the three-foot sword alone.

"Is this the strength of the three levels? In the face of the 500-strong army without any difficulties, the battle can be solved by waving... I still underestimate his strength!" Xiao Da suddenly punched the super alloy special control panel. Ten fingers had been completely broken, and the bright red blood stains had already soaked the control panel.

All aircraft and robots in the sky have been destroyed, and only Ling Yu and Xiao Da look at each other from a distance in the sky.


Ling Yu waved her long sword and threw away the blood stains on it. The scarlet blood drew a beautiful track and fell directly on a soldier's face, but he did not notice it at all. Because in his eyes, there are only those two figures in the air that are far apart in size and strength...

"Do you still need to fight again? It's the same level. You know why I didn't kill you!" Ling Yu asked coldly.

The camouflage mecha was silent for a long time, and suddenly Xiao Da's voice came out: "You... Want to retreat all over?!"

Ling Yu nodded and did not say anything, but the meaning between the words was already obvious. They are also on the ground level. Although there is a gap in the strength of the two, it is not as different as the ground level and the person level. If Ling Yu kills the other party, she will also have to pay a certain price, not to mention the soldiers who are good at killing tricks.

"Don't look down on people! Our Third Army only has soldiers killed in the battle, and there are no escaped bastards!"

"Real... Sorry, I took back what I said before... Let me see the will of the legendary soldiers!" Ling Yu Jianfeng suddenly turned around, and his body suddenly disappeared in place. Although Xiao Da could not see Ling Yu's figure with the naked eye, the mechanical statistics sounded a harsh alarm, because Ling Yu's speed has exceeded the limit that the machine can observe...

Ling Yu turned around at the same time, and the sword body trembled rapidly in his hand. In an instant, sixteen dark blue sword lights drew their respective tracks.

The machine marked the attack route of Jianman as soon as possible, but this is already the limit. It is impossible to avoid the flexibility of the mecha or Xiao Da's hand speed.

"Only less than three swords can hit, and it is not a key position... Ling Yu, you have spent so much internal strength. I'll see how you can continue the next battle!"

Ling Yu really wants to solve the battle quickly through the sword, because Xiuxiu is in his arms, and the longer the battle, the more dangerous it will be. Moreover, the battle has been carried out until now, and both sides have completely fought a real fire. The moves are fatal moves, and there is no room for half. Now seeing that dozens of swords were about to go in fut, Ling Yu suddenly roared in her heart--

"Zero. Silk!"

The long-lost zero reappearance is different now!

Ling Yu's sword body turned, and the sword light that had been waved turned in the air, drawing traces like life-threatening runes. Sixteen sword lights formed a dark blue flower in the sky and bloomed in front of Xiao Da...


The glory flashed, and the world calmed down again...