New Century Swordsman

Chapter 11 Nerd Lingyu

"Brother Wan is back!" The little girl who had appeared on the beach before heard the sound of the aircraft, turned her head and suddenly shouted, and the two companions around her immediately found the shadow in the sky. Not only them, almost the whole town - whether it was the old man sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the cool, or the boys and girls shopping, noticed the two dilapidated aircraft in the sky. Two aircraft passed through the sky like stars and plunged into the parking center of the town in the eyes of everyone.

As soon as the aircraft fell, more than a dozen men gathered around and skillfully launched the unloading device, waiting for the aircraft to disintegrate. Guanghua flashed by, and Brother Wan was the first to come down with his huge axe on his back. A ten-year-old teenager among the men waiting rushed over first and said to them in large numbers: "Brother Wan, what is it this time? What the little guys in Zhenxi said is so mysterious, but I see what you look like... It doesn't seem to have experienced a battle, right?

The teenager wears a cap. His white face under the hat is extremely handsome, but his body is thin, as if the wind blows away. Looking at his ghostly appearance, it does not look obscene, but gives people a very exciting feeling.

Brother Wan picked up the corners of his mouth slightly, and a big hand full of scars suddenly patted the teenager on the head, rubbed it hard and said, "You boy still hope there will be a battle! It's naturally a good thing that you don't want to fight and brothers don't get hurt. There are two 'good things' in the back. Go and move down quickly.

The teenager smiled and said, "Okay!"

But not long after, there came the shouts of the teenager, with three points of surprise, five points of panic and two points of fear...

"Brother Wan, what is that?!" The teenager pointed behind him and asked. Brother Wan shrugged his shoulders and did not answer his question. Instead, Lao Zhang with glasses asked with a smile, "Do you mean a human or a monster?"

The teenager said angrily, "Of course it's human! Why did you bring someone back? I thought he was his prey and almost dismembered him..."

Brother Wan suddenly seemed to think of something. He came over and patted the teenager gently on the shoulder and said, "Since you are so predestined... Why don't he stay at your house these days until he wakes up? How about I give you a quarter of this monster at the cost?

After listening to his words, the teenager suddenly fell silent. Brother Wan made the savior of their town. If it hadn't been for the fact that many people in his town would have been expelled from the city because they could not pay the monthly tax. In order not to make people feel that he owes him, Brother Wan will ask others to do a simple thing every time he gives something... And it seems to be him today...

"I don't want your charity. I'm also a man! I will support my own family..." The teenager stared at Brother Wan and shouted, but halfway through the words, he was stopped by a big hand. Feeling the warm big hand on his head, the teenager suddenly felt extremely warm in his heart, but the tip of his nose couldn't help but become sour.

"Kivil, men don't just want to be... If you want to bear it, learn to protect your beloved first! If you are expelled from the city, even if you are fine, what will your mother do?

One drop, two drops...

The cap blocked everyone's sight, but tears fell disobediently on the gray ground.


The teenager suddenly spit on the ground, turned around and picked up the black figure, and silently walked out of the crowd.

"Just transfer the money to my account in a few days... And I will definitely return it to you!"

"Haha... That's the best..."


A gray figure sat up without warning, covered his left eye tightly with his right hand, and scratched his left hand on his clothes casually. Suddenly, a neat cloth strip was torn off. Judging from this familiar action, this person who got up is Ling Yu, who has disappeared for a long time.

"Are you awake? You..." The teenager had a black scarf tied to his head and asked when he saw the person sitting up, but before he finished speaking, he saw Ling Yu cutting his clothes and couldn't help screaming. However, his cry did not seem to affect Ling Yu's movements at all, and he tied the cloth on his head smoothly.

Seeing that this has come, the teenager can't say anything. He stared at Ling Yu fiercely and said coldly, "It's time to get up. Come out for dinner!"

However, Ling Yu, who was sitting aside, had no result. Not only did he not have any rebuttal, but even the expression on his face did not change.

The teenager's heart was also slightly frightened when he looked at him, but he was not willing to show weakness at all. He secretly swallowed his foam and said, "I don't know if it's better. You can go tomorrow at dawn. Don't rely on my house!"

"What's wrong? Did the guest wake up? Suddenly, a gentle and beautiful sound came from outside the door, and then a beautiful woman about 30 years old came in. She looked at her son who blushed because of Ling Yu's silence, and her eyes turned and glanced at Ling Yu, who was silent. After a moment of knowing the story, a shallow smile suddenly lit up the whole room with her smile.

She moved to Ling Yu's side in a few steps and squatted down gently. He asked gently, "What's wrong? It's impossible not to eat after being dizzy for so long. Although the food I made is a little bad, I always have to eat something! If you think the taste is wrong, I'll ask the child to buy some tomorrow, so let's go to dinner tonight!"

Although she looks only about 30 years old, she is also the mother of an 18-year-old boy, and naturally treats Ling Yu like a child. Under her persuasion, Ling Yu's eyes actually regained a little. Although she was still paralyzed and expressionless, she had already stood up with the woman.

"Mom!" The teenager wanted to say something more, but he was silenced by his beautiful mother's eyes.

Why did Ling Yu become such a strange situation? This has to start two days ago...

On that day, Ling Yu was swallowed into her stomach by a monster, and her consciousness unconsciously fainted because of the chaos of the previous battle. Yes, a strong man can die and be injured, but it is the first time he has heard that he can faint by himself. And when Ling Yu saw the man in front of her, she knew that she didn't faint at all this time.

"Long time no see!" The opposite man who looked exactly like Ling Yu greeted him easily. It was Ling Yu, the demon he hadn't seen for a long time.

Ling Yu's face suddenly turned cold, stared at the other party and said coldly, "You pulled me in?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't be so fierce! I have learned to joke for five years. Why are you still like this? No wonder you lost to the boy Qi Nian, and even Xiuxiu was taken away...

But don't get me wrong. The BOSS's mental training effect on your mind is really amazing. My power is still pressing on a corner of your brain. I can't get you in. You were so hit that you walked in by yourself!"

The demon Ling Yu licked his lips. Although there was a shallow smile on his face, his eyes had begun to show murderous intent.

"Since you're here, play with me. If you don't use this little power you finally found, it's a pity..."

In a simple body, there is a battle that the world can't imagine, but Ling Yu on the surface always maintains the appearance of a nerd...

"Dumb" is the name of the teenager Ling Yu before. Ling Yu has been living in his house for nothing for almost a week, but not to mention talking, even his mouth only opens when eating. The teenager didn't know his name, and now Ling Yu was a little out of the scope of normal people, so he gave him the title of "dumb".

I can't imagine what he would look like if he knew Ling Yu's real identity. But no matter what will happen in the future, the current teenager will not have a trace of awe for Ling Yu...

"Idiot, it's time to eat!"

I forgot to say that the teenager has a beautiful name: Su Weikong. Su Weikong opened the door carelessly and came in. Anyway, in his opinion, the fool in the room sat in ** every day except for eating, and he didn't know what he was thinking every day.

As expected, Ling Yu was sitting on **, quietly closing her eyes. Hearing Su Weikong's words, he slowly opened his eyes and got up, and walked straight out without looking at Su Weikong beside him.

"You..." The blue veins were so stiff that he couldn't wait to kick him out of the house because of this strange man. However, my mother tried her best to stop it, thinking that since she had received the favor of Brother Wan, she had to help her well. What's more, Ling Yu would not have any consumption at all except the food she ate every day - and in the new century, if she didn't be picky about her appetite... Food is the cheapest.

"He is not sick, but has a different view of the world..." Su Weikong repeated his mother's words to him and calmed down the flame-like anger in his heart.

"Child, sit down, get hungry!" The young mother entertained warmly, took out the tableware and gently put it in front of Ling Yu, while Ling Yu picked it up and ate it without saying anything, regardless of the two people beside her. Su Weikong, who had just come by, saw it, and his calm heart suddenly became angry, but as soon as he was about to attack, he was choked back by Su's mother's helpless eyes.

"Mom!" Su Weikong pulled the stool and sat up, grabbed the chopsticks and pounded the meal hard to show his dissatisfaction. Why do we have to serve him like this? Those bastards who collect monthly taxes will come in a few days. Although they have Brother Wan's money, but..." Su Weikong's worry is not groundless. Several cities near them belong to the sphere of influence of a strong man. While being protected by him, he also needs to pay extremely expensive taxes.

"And this tax is paid according to the number of people..."

The mother and son immediately fell silent, while Ling Yu, the "nerd" beside him, did not notice the atmosphere in the room at all. After stuffing all the food into his mouth in the simplest and fastest way, he got up without saying anything and went straight back to the room and continued to sit. And the battle in his consciousness space has gone to a white-hot state...

is still the dark space. Neither of them rely on the nature of the eyes, nor do they care about the darkness that cannot be dispelled like fog. The successive impacts caused violent shocks in the space, and the two of them were able to fight hundreds of moves within a few seconds of contact.

"Bang!" Ling Yu punched out and grabbed a flaw of the other party and hit the demon Ling Yu's shoulder fiercely. Suddenly, his whole arm turned into powder and disappeared in the air, and the demon body Ling Yu also rushed away thousands of kilometers away in an instant with this force.

"BOSS's training is really effective. Has it grown you enough to hurt me..." Just by his speaking time, countless fine powders in the space gathered in his right arm, and an arm recovered as before in a moment. The devil's body looked at Ling Yu with a shallow smile and said, "It's a pity... You can't kill me in this space, just like I couldn't kill you before. Unless you can smash my current consciousness projection in an instant, no matter how many injuries are, they will heal in a moment.

Ling Yu naturally understands that there is no moisture in what the other party said, but he has not had much time to waste here!

"You should understand that you and I are all in the body. Now we are all here, and no one controls the body at all... Aren't you afraid that someone will take the opportunity to destroy this body?

The demon body smiled and said, "I'm different from you. If I hadn't been suppressed by you, I could control it even at the genetic level. It's safe outside now, and you can't see anything that can threaten your life in a short time. If it really happens, I will let you out, but before that..."

"Let's have fun with me!"

At this moment, it is hundreds of kilometers away. Shengke and Chu Tian have come to the periphery of the First Air Force Legion and use optical telescopes to look at the giants in the sky.

"Although it has been found here... But what are you going to do next? Chu Tian put down the optical telescope and said worriedly.

Shengke still stretched out his right hand to torture a wisp of hair in front of his forehead. Countless thoughts in his heart arose in an instant and disappeared in the next moment. At the beginning, he was also psychologically prepared when he found that the final target may be here, but he didn't know the real horror of the so-called air force until he saw the real thing.

If the battle before the new century was dominated by the army, then the sky after the new century will always be the territory of the winner!

If you master the sky, you will master the battlefield. This sentence is no longer false after the emergence of the cosmic aircraft. The huge air fortress in the sky is even several times larger than the largest spacecraft Shengke has ever seen. It is completely an aerial city!

"Is this the most famous 'sky city' in Kunlun? It's really horrible..." Shengke put down his telescope and looked at the air fortress in the sky that could be clearly recognized by the naked eye. He turned around and sat on the ground casually and couldn't help sighing.

"What's wrong?" Chu Tian asked slightly nervously that Shengke was the only advisor of the Qingshui Hunters. If he said there was nothing he could do, then... Maybe I really have to give up.

Fortunately, Shengke didn't say anything to give up. He took a long breath and muttered, "I'm sighing that we don't have to face this horrible guy directly - unless Ling Yu has been caught by them - if I just get information from it, I can still do it..."

"Whether it is a small soldier or a high-ranking general, as long as he is a person, he will be affected by emotions. So give me three days... I will solve all the questions!"

Shengke suddenly turned over and stood up, untied his waist bag with a smile, in which hundreds of thumb-sized compressed electromagnetic high explosive bombs were lying quietly.

"First step, it's getting late. Let's get them up first!"

When Chu Tian saw Shengke's familiar smile, he had to pray silently for the soldiers in the sky...