New Century Swordsman

Chapter 17 Reunion with the Five Years in Memory

You mean we need to attack the City of the Sky this time? The strongest air fortress in the world! This... It's crazy! Are you sure you're not going to die, but to save people? Shengke muttered unbelievable.

Seven hours have passed since the last battle in Zhongtai City. Shengke and the two finally found Ling Yu, and now they are flying aircraft to the air fortress where Qi Nian is located.

Zhongtai City has returned to normal life, and the protectors have also been replaced by the Qingshui Hunters. Although all citizens remember the slightly thin figure in the sky, after all, Ling Yu is carrying a wanted notice from the military, and the citizens of Zhongtai City can't use his name no matter how much they hope...

And the mother and daughter of the Su family have returned to a normal life. Perhaps only a rainy day will think of the tall figure in front of them. At this time, Su Weikong will look at the sky in a daze...

Ling Yu withdrew her thoughts, turned her head to Shengke, and sighed helplessly and said, "I don't want to... But Xiuxiu was arrested because of me. I have to get her out!"

"But you have said before that you can't wave your sword at Qi Nian at all - you can't hurt him, let alone kill him!" Shengke calmly made an analysis. Although he did not make it clear, he extremely disagreed with Ling Yu's idea, which was no different from death in his opinion. In his words, that is--

"This is beyond the control of 'wisdom'!"

Ling Yu naturally knew her friend very well. After a moment, she understood the meaning of his words. After a few wry smiles and said, "Maybe... Although I don't know what has happened to Qi Nian in the past five years, he is no longer the cold and hot guy I know now. I can no longer see any feelings in his eyes...

But I don't want to see anyone lose their freedom and life again because of me! I will never keep any hand this time. If he is still praying for the past year, let him stop first; if not... Then I can only kill him...

I know it will be very dangerous this time, so I didn't look for you when I was wanted by the military. I don't want to cause you any more trouble. You send me near the city of the sky and leave. I will face what I have caused by myself!"

Listening to Ling Yu's words, Shengke gradually lowered his head and smiled softly after he finished speaking. Due to the angle problem, Ling Yu couldn't see his face clearly, and the laughter gradually weakened after a while. Shengke stared at Ling Yu blankly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"We haven't seen you for five years. Is that what you said when something happened? Ling Yu, don't you treat us as brothers, or do you think we are too weak and need your protection in battle?! If you think so, then get out of here now, when I don't know you!"

" Shengke, I..." Ling Yu looked at her best friend so angry that she was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, there was a calm Chu Tian around him who came out to relieve him.

"Ling Yu, when did you start to distrust us? We are partners! If we run away for fear of death when you are in trouble, are we still friends? What's more... Don't think that you are the only one who has become stronger in the past five years. We haven't been lazy for a minute!"

"You two..." Ling Yu looked at the two faces in front of her in a daze and didn't know what to say. She only felt that her nose was slightly sore and her eyes were astringent. However, Ling Yu didn't want to lose face in front of his two friends as soon as he came back. He lowered his head slightly and swam half a circle to calm down his turbulent mood. When he raised his head again, there was no confusion in his eyes.

"Let's go! Let's save our deputy captain!"

"Huh? Isn't it me, the vice captain?" Shengke asked.

"You registered after Xiuxiu, of course, you are just an ordinary team member..."

"What?! No..."

The ancients were happy to have friends coming from afar. Happy time is always short, and it's almost late at night in a blink of an eye.

Ling Yu lay quietly in **, recalling the previous bits, from the battle five years ago to the grinding in the forest, and finally to being wanted and then seeing the prayer...

"It's still the most comfortable to be with these guys..."

The corners of his mouth involuntarily rise. Maybe he can only sleep at ease when he is with his partner! However, God didn't seem to want to fulfill his wish, and a slight sound of footsteps sounded from the door.

"Ling Yu, are you asleep?"

Ling Yu shook her head helplessly, got up and opened the door and said, "Your footsteps are so loud that even if I really sleep, I will be noisy by you... What's the matter? Haven't you slept so late?"

Shengke suddenly took out something from his back, and Ling Yu's eyes turned out to be a bottle of wine.

"That guy Chu Tian has never drunk, and I didn't take it out during the day. How about that? Let's have a drink!" Shengke shook the bottle and magically took out two wine glasses from behind him. Ling Yu didn't say anything, but grabbed the wine and poured herself a full glass first.

The two have not seen each other for many years, and they are close friends who talk about nothing. Naturally, they drink relatively quickly, and in a short time they have reached the bottom. The wine also began to rise slightly. Shengke shook the glass in his hand and finally spit out the problems in his heart.

"In the past five years... How did you live?"

Ling Yu smiled when she listened to this heavy topic, and her smile contained too many factors - nostalgia, bitterness and incredible. He picked up the glass and stared at the beige ** inside, as if recalling and sighing. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth...

"In the past five years, I have seen a field that has not been touched by any human beings... Do you believe it? Monsters are wise, and not all monsters are dedicated to killing human beings.

What does it mean? Don't tell me that you have spent the past five years with monsters?!" With Shengke's wisdom, he knew that he had guessed most of it in just a few words. Ling Yu shrugged his shoulders and did not refute it. Seeing that he was going to ask another question, he gently raised his hand and motioned him to wait for him to finish his words first.

Sip the residual wine in the glass, Ling Yu tasted its bitterness with amellow taste, slowly opened her mouth and began to talk about everything over the past five years...

Back in time, back to the snowy night of war five years ago.

Ling Yu waved her wings and came hundreds of kilometers away almost in a moment. He stood quietly in the night sky, taking a deep breath and feeling the taste of life with only a few seconds left.

"It should be fine here. Whether it will explode or become a murderer, it will not affect everyone..." The words in his mouth seemed to have become his last words, and he closed his eyes and quietly waited for the arrival of death.

It seems that every sense of the body has become extremely clear because it is about to die. Whether it is a silky breeze or the free energy in the air, it is so clear that there is even a strange gravity somewhere in the southeast.

"That direction... It should be the Sukai Forest mentioned by Dai Hai, right? Unfortunately, I have no life to go..."

Suddenly, Ling Yu suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the small black dots running in the distance--

"Damn it! What is this stupid girl doing here?!" Ling Yu's eyes condensed and saw that the black spot was the Xiuxiu chased by the driver's flying board. The originally stable mood in her heart suddenly became complicated again, and she was worried, but at the same time there was a trace of undue joy.

Ling Yugang wanted to leave immediately, but his body became disobedient at this time, and his consciousness began to gradually fade. Only then did he remember that the minute had come...

"Then why do you still live to this day? And what does this have to do with monsters?" Shengke interrupted Ling Yu's question. Ling Yu took a sip of wine, moistened his dry throat, signaling Shengke to calm down and continue to tell his story.

When Xiuxiu rushed over, the first thing she saw was a deep pit with a diameter of dozens of meters, as if it were a huge bowl full of cracks, and Ling Yu kept twitching in the center. Xiuxiu covered his mouth and looked at Ling Yu worriedly. Sometimes the wings behind him instantly became as upright as a blade, and sometimes suddenly withdrew to his back. Not only was his face horrible and scary, as if he were a demon crawling out of hell.

"Ling Yu" also obviously found the young figure ten meters away, roared, suddenly jumped high from the ground, and rushed straight to her. Xiuxiu had never seen Ling Yu like this, and her scalp suddenly exploded, and she stood still and dared not move.


The huge body pressed Xiuxiu, and its sharp claws bombarded the ground next to Xiuxiu's head. "Ling Yu" stared at the familiar girl in front of her with scarlet eyes.

Who the hell are you? Why is my consciousness always influenced by you?!" Ling Yu's hoarse voice was chilling, but a trace of undue fear was revealed from his words.

Ling Yu, the demon body, was not afraid. It seemed that every time he appeared, he would be disturbed by the little girl. Today, he completely occupied this body for the first time, but the pressure on Xiuxiu has become greater - as if she is a peerless strongman, but she is as fragile as glass.

"Brother Ling Yu..." Xiuxiu's eyes were tearful, and the fear in her heart was suppressed by her. She carefully stretched out her hand to try to touch Ling Yu's face.

"Don't touch me!" The devil's body roared in shock and waved his right fist involuntarily. The huge fist was even bigger than Xiuxiu's head. With Ling Yu's strength, if this punch was solid, not to mention Xiuxiu, even the alloy would be pierced.

Looking at the oncoming fist, Xiuxiu bit her lower lip, but her bright eyes did not shake at all. Finally, the fist stopped at one centimeter on the tip of Xiuxiu's nose...

"Why?! Why can't you even punch, as if it were a resistance in the depths of genes! I can obviously change the genetic structure, but why can't I kill you no matter how much I change!"

Ling Yu roared crazily at Xiuxiu. If his eyes could kill people, he would have killed the girl in front of him countless times. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't swing that arm. The blue veins on his arm have all been stretched, but every cell is stopping him...

Suddenly, a pair of warm little hands fell on his face, and everything calmed down in an instant. Even the roaring wind slowed down as it passed by here and quietly slipped away from the side.

"You..." Ling Yu, the demon body, stared at Xiuxiu tremblingly, but his words seemed to be in his throat and could not say anything. Suddenly, the body was crooked, and the whole body was completely soft to Xiuxiu's thin body...


Shengke suddenly stretched out his hand and shouted to stop. He frowned and said, "Don't tell me that your five-level strength at that time was stunned by a girl without any combat effectiveness... Isn't this too sci-fi?

Ling Yu looked at him and shrugged helplessly and said, "I don't know. At that time, I was unconscious. These were all what Xiuxiu told me. I think since I didn't die at that time and have lived to this day, it means that what she said is true.

"What happened after that? How did you wake up? According to Kendji's description, as long as you use the third potion, it will be a fatal ending... Whether it's consciousness or body.

Ling Yu waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet." Ling Yu poured Shengke another glass of wine. As the last drop of wine flowed out of the bottle, Ling Yu opened her mouth again.

After another month after that, Xiuxiu dragged Ling Yu, who was in a coma, to Su Kai Forest. No one knows how she knows about Sukai Forest, and no one knows how a young girl came all the way. As if she had become a prophetic foresight in an instant, she came to this mysterious deep forest with stains and fatigue. After that, Ling Yu once asked her, and she tilted her head and thought for a long time before spitting out two words - intuition.)

When Ling Yu opened her eyes again, it had been a whole year. He looked at his ** body and was surrounded by the turquoise** that had completely wrapped him. It took a long time before he reacted.

"I... It seems to be still alive?!" Feeling the abundant power in her body, Ling Yu knew that she seemed to be getting stronger again.

"This is the power of the local level... It seems that you can master all the energy in your body! Unlike the previous false level, now I can completely master every inch of cells!" Ling Yu closed her eyes happily and felt the power from every part of her body. But he suddenly thought of something and suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's going on with Xiuxiu? I saw her before she fell into a coma... Is this repair slot still broken? I've been awake for so long, why haven't I opened it yet?"

Ling Yu soon woke up from the feeling of soaring strength and remembered the girl she had chased before. He stretched out his hand and touched the outer wall of the repair groove, wondering if he wanted to break it with one punch. However, the touch from the hand is completely different from the smooth high-strength glass wall...

"This feeling..."

Suddenly, a huge force came from behind and pushed him forward, while the "outer wall" in front of him suddenly opened. Ling Yu was caught off guard and shot out like a shell and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Cough..." After coughing a few times and expelling the ** in his chest, he turned his head and looked behind him to see that it was not a repair groove at all, but a towering giant tree hundreds of meters high!

"What is this..."

Ling Yu frowned and turned his head. The impact just now was a little unbearable even for his body. Suddenly, a pair of black claws attracted his attention-


But before he finished speaking, his whole body flew out in an instant, hit the huge tree behind him fiercely, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out. At this time, the "cat" slowly put down one of its front paws.

"Ky, if you still want to survive, don't put the word cat in front of me! Don't pretend to be dead there. You have been soaking in the ancient trees of the world for a whole year. That blow just now can't kill you!"

Sure enough, Ling Yu slowly stood up after a while. He casually wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? You humans call me 'BOSS'!"