New Century Swordsman

Chapter 20 Escape from the City of the Sky

Ling Yu's heavy gasp echoed in the empty conference room. He leaned his body against the wall. The cold wall stimulated his nerves, but made his mind more confused.

The body leaned against the wall, slid down feebly, and finally fell to the ground. As a strong man on the ground level, he will become so unbearable, which shows the deep trauma in Ling Yu's heart. It is said that the affair between children is the most painful, but many people understand the meaning of brotherhood.

Ling Yu coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood to calm down the excitement of the internal force, and his eyes gradually regained his previous look. He took out an ink-black object from his arms, which turned out to be a chip the size of a fingernail.

"Qi Nian secretly stuffed this thing to me at the moment before leaving. What secret is hidden in it?"

Although Ling Yu is puzzled, she also understands that now is not the time to think about it. The sound of the battle outside is coming to an end. If you don't go out, you will definitely hurt Shengke and others.

At one thought, the whole person recovered his spirit, although the demonization was lifted because of the limitations of the body. But Ling Yu's own strength is definitely a strong man, and coupled with his super nerve response speed, it is no problem to escape his life.

After thinking about it, Ling Yu immediately opened the door and flew out, but before he took a few steps, the two figures rushed to him one from the right and one from the other. These two are not others, but Shengke Gong Dong, who were worried about the war before. At this moment, they also saw Ling Yu coming out of the house.

Shengke saw Ling Yu walk out of the house. Although he looked extremely embarrassed, he finally left his life. He understood the key as soon as he turned his mind, and his body suddenly became a little faster with a smile. However, as the saying goes, several families are happy and several families are worried. Gong Dong saw Ling Yu coming out of the house and was immediately stunned. Now the two strong enemies in front of him are staring at him, but the leader of the regiment as a god has been defeated. Even if Gong Dong has always been bold, he can't help sweating in the face of this situation.

Wo! A flash passed, and Gong Dong had already disappeared when Ling Yu wanted to chase him. Ling Yu thought that today's plan was to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, so she couldn't take care of him.

"Ling Yu, have you found Xiuxiu?" Shengke asked before his figure was settled.

Ling Yu shook her head helplessly and said, "I have had an inexplicable feeling for this girl Xiuxiu five years ago. Previously, the whole city of the sky was covered by the momentum of praying for the New Year. I can't feel it at all, but now he is no longer there. I still can't confirm her location. Presumably she has been from here for a long time. Take away..."

He said that Ling Yu couldn't say it later, but the meaning of his words was already obvious - their battle was in vain!

Shengke walked over and patted him gently on the shoulder. After a long silence, he didn't know how to comfort his friend. He sighed deeply and said, "Let's go!"

Ling Yu also knew that it was not the time for her daughter to do this. She took a long breath and restrained her spirit. Lifting the black sword that fell to the side, he immediately flew out with Shengke.

At the same time, in the deep control room of the Sky City, a handsome man trembled and leaned against the wall and stared at the camera in mid-air. This person was Tao Yun, who had a dispute with Qi Nian before.

Before, he came to the main control room after quarreling with Qi Nian. Originally, he wanted to launch defense facilities regardless of his intentions, but when he arrived, he saw Ling Yu and Qi Nian's divine battle, and for a moment he forgot to launch the facilities.

This is also the extremely powerful intelligent brain of the main control of the Sky City, which can completely capture and slow down all the movements of the two, which makes him see clearly. Otherwise, with his strength, it is impossible to see the movements of the two people after practicing for ten or eight years.

Tao Yun swallowed heavily and spit, and his left hand pulled the chair tremblingly and sat down. A moment later, when they saw Ling Yu and the two of them flying out of the city of the sky from the monitor, they reacted and hurriedly fired the external anti-aircraft guns.

"Ky... Although you helped me out, how can I sit firmly as the head of the regiment if I don't leave you all?!"

While talking, the whole person has got rid of his previous fear, and in a blink of an eye, his eyes have shown fierce light, and his hands are bouncing quickly on the control panel. As he pressed his last key with a ferocious smile, the whole city of the sky changed in an instant.

Ling Yu and Shengke just flew out of the Sky City and were about to call others, but they found that the Sky City had become completely different - I don't know when the whole fortress has become a different appearance. In the depths of the mouth of countless black holes, the number alone is shocking. What's more horrible is the three cannons in the center. Ling Yu saw that the spaceship with a diameter of the universe could not withstand that level of attack.

"Damn it! The guy inside is finally going to be serious. Let's go!" Shengke roared crazily on the battle channel. The first to move was Hancock, and his thick fingers were faster than any pianist at this moment. In less than a second, a slender aircraft appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Quickly get on the aircraft!" Hancock shouted, and then opened the hatch and rushed in first. Seeing that time was tight and they thought too much, they flew over.

But how can the soldiers beside them come and go so freely? They were not allowed to use the defense facilities of the Sky City, which had been suppressed by Shengke and others. Now it is finally time to raise their eyebrows, how can they allow him to leave?

It was just for a moment, the momentum of the soldiers soared, and the scene suddenly became more chaotic.

If Ling Yu can't temporarily block the soldiers outside, everyone will definitely not be able to board the spacecraft smoothly. Once the defense facilities of the Sky City are fully activated, it will be in the hands of others.

After thinking about it, he immediately jumped out of the aircraft and waved a soft wind behind him. Chu Tian, who wanted to catch up with him, was immediately fell down by him. But Ling Yu's voice sounded outside: "You go first. I'll block them for the time being, otherwise no one can leave!"

After saying that, regardless of his reply, Ling Yu suddenly rushed to the soldiers, and he pretended not to hear Chu Tian's shouting behind him. After that, the people who came up saw Ling Yu leave and bought time for them. They were stunned for a moment. They looked at me and looked at you, but they didn't know what to do.

Everyone's eyes finally shifted to Shengke, thinking that he was resourceful and must have some plans. Unexpectedly, he said, "You go first. I'll stay to help Ling Yu!"

After Shengke said something, he told them again. Just as he was about to leave, he found that there was suddenly another person in front of him. At first glance, he was Song Xin with a solemn face. A

"You have more than half of your hair white, and there is not much time left... Let me go!" Song Xin said. He doesn't know Shengke for a day or two, and he also has a certain understanding of his life-consuming tricks...

"Once the hair is all white, it really consumes life..." The strength in his hand increased a few points, and he pulled Shengke to go out by himself, but he found that his body could not move. Song Xin thought that it was Shengke's motivation. He just wanted to turn around and say something to him, but he saw that he flew straight out.

"My monomer flight speed is the fastest, so you can rest assured to go first, and we will catch up with you later!"

Shengke flew out of a long distance before his voice came. Song Hanchu looked at each other and sighed helplessly, but they were not new to society. Naturally, they understood that the current situation could not be indecisive. Although I was worried, I had to fly the aircraft away immediately...

"Must survive!"

The same sentence echoes in everyone's hearts. In the face of the world's strongest air fortress, no one dares to claim to retreat completely. If it were lucky to survive.

"Because... It's really too powerful!"

Ling Yu looked at the formidable Sky City through a group of soldiers. Although she has been shocked by its magnificence countless times, now the Sky City has completely entered the fighting posture, which is very different from the previous posture. If the previous city of the sky was a majestic mountain, now it is like a sharp sword across the sky, revealing a murderous atmosphere everywhere.

Listening to the distant sound of the aircraft, Ling Yu's heart gradually lowered her, but suddenly a familiar power fluctuated behind her.

" Shengke, why did you come back!"

There was already a little anger in his tone. After staying here to break for everyone, he hoped to leave a trace of vitality to everyone by desperately. He acted on the opportunity to find an opportunity to escape, and now Shengke suddenly came back and immediately disrupted his plan.

Shengke stared at the enemy in front of him and turned his head slightly and said, "Do you still want to be happy with myself behind my back for such an interesting thing as fighting? When did our brother leave each other for fear of death? After so many years, are you interested in comparison?"

As soon as Ling Yu heard Shengke's words, she understood what he meant and knew that he had come to this mortal place for himself. While she was moved, she couldn't help but be proud to hear his words behind him. He said to himself, "My two brothers are estimated to be more auspicious today, but no matter how happy they are, they will be better than dead coggards, and they may even be able to survive in death!"

After thinking about it, he couldn't help pulling a sword flower in his hand and shouted, "Shengke, I don't believe that our two brothers can't break through this! Come on, let's see which of us has defeated many people!"


The two of them seemed to have used their internal power in this conversation. They have been in the empty sky for a long time, and there was a lingering meaning. If the soldiers are placed on the chaotic battlefield, they must be extremely strong, but they have much less experience with the enemy, such a powerful individual as Ling Yushengke. The effect of this simple shouting scared them one after another, and their momentum suddenly weakened.

However, soldiers are soldiers, and they are settled in a blink of an eye. At this time, only a senior officer shouted loudly, "What are you afraid of?! No matter how strong they are, they are no more than two people, not to mention the Sky City for fire support. The regiment leader ordered everyone to come out to fight before, and naturally he came up with a countermeasure. I don't believe that our soldiers can't beat them two civilians! Go!"

After such encouragement, the momentum of the soldiers has risen again. Several melee soldiers have rushed to Ling Yu with their own weapons, and the long-range firepower has also begun to aim, and more and more soldiers have rushed from the Sky City from the rear...

At the same time, a middle-aged man flew out of a silver-gray aircraft in the suburbs dozens of kilometers away. He was wearing a long sword around his waist and a brown combat uniform, and he flew in the direction he had come before.

This person is none other than Ling Yu's teacher - Song Xin. He was worried about the safety of Ling Yu and Shengke, so he asked Hancock to take care of the injured Chu Tianhou, and immediately flew out to pick up Ling Yu.

In fact, it's not just him. Hancock also wants to help. Unfortunately, Chu Tian's injury must be taken care of, and he must stay. As for Chu Tian, he can't find any other words to describe his feelings except self-blame.

"Brother Hancock, do you think Ling Yu and the others can survive this time?" Due to his serious injury, Chu Tian's voice seemed extremely hoarse. He leaned against the chair, and after a simple treatment, the blood no longer flowed, but the previous blurred appearance was frightening.

Hancock squeezed his dry lips. While driving the aircraft, he couldn't help worrying about the three people who left. He said to himself, "Ling Yu, Shengke and Song Xin are famous figures wherever they are placed. Both their strength and combat experience are absolute veterans, but today we are facing the world's strongest air defense fortress... What auspiciousness is!"

But he knew that Chu Tian was seriously injured, so he naturally couldn't say such words to him. Otherwise, once the true qi is disordered, he, an armed man, will not be able to treat it. At that time, the injury will be the most terrible thing.

Although Hancock has strong muscles, his thinking is not slow at all, otherwise he can't become a weapon on the ground level. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Ling Yu and Shengke have the ability to change beyond ordinary people, and Song Xin, an old man, can use the power of fire to resist fire. Even if the three of them can't defeat the Sky City together, it should be no problem to escape.

Chu Tian listened to his words. Although he had doubts in his heart, he also understood that it was useless to say anything at this moment. Only when people come back alive were everything. He simply shut up and began to recover the internal strength he had lost before

In the main control room inside the Sky City, Tao Yun is angrily tapping on the control panel--

"Why?! Why can't the three main guns launch an attack?! His angry roar echoed in the empty room, but whether he knocked or roared, the annoying machine was not as good as he wanted.

"It must be because I haven't obtained the authority of the regiment leader yet!" Tao Yun understood the reason when he thought about it, and his heart was full of anger and incomparable tension. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ling Yu, who were flying up and down in the sky, and couldn't wait to immediately turn on the main gun and shoot them to death.

In fact, how did he know that the main gun of the Sky City was so powerful that once it was launched with an impact range of nearly 500 kilometers, it not only required the authority of the regimental commander, but also had to pass the approval of the central government to launch it.

But how could Tao Yun, who usually don't care about military affairs, understand these things? Just because of praying for the New Year, his resentment for the prayer in his heart increased a little, but when he thought that he would sit in the position of the regiment leader, he immediately became proud again.

He stared at Ling Yu in the picture like a poisonous snake and whispered gloomily, "Kid, it's not good for you. I can't give you a good time today!"

While talking, his fingers suddenly pressed on the control panel, and all weapons except the three main guns were launched in an instant. In the face of more than a thousand kinds of weapons, Ling Yushengke is in danger!

Everything in heaven and earth is composed of energy. Now the city in the sky is about to sound ten thousand cannons, and the terrible energy fluctuations immediately emanate from its interior.

Ling Yu is a three-level strong man, and the other is a biochemical person who uses mind power, especially sensitive to energy. The two scattered attackers before still felt nothing, but now the Sky City has completely entered a combat state, and the huge energy fluctuations generated immediately came out of it.

" Shengke, how long have they been away?" Ling Yu waved his sword, and countless soldiers fell. However, he saw that the soldiers were all his age. He thought that if Kunlun had not been guarded by them, the monsters would have been rampant, and the strength in his hands would have been a little smaller, and he could only hurt them but not die.

"less than 20 seconds... It will take more than ten seconds, otherwise it will be troublesome once there is a pursuers chasing it.

"Ten seconds... Damn it! Fight!"

Now both of them are in a backwater situation. Once they lose, it not only represents their death, but also implicates the companions entrusted to them behind their backs. Seeing the urgency of the situation, Ling Yu and the two of them did not care about anything else, and entered their strongest state one after another.

"Body, hold on!" Ling Yu prayed silently in his heart. With his four-tier state, he could survive for more than ten seconds in the face of the attack of the Sky City, but...

"Hmm..." Ling Yu knew that the voice at the bottom of her heart was made by the demon body without guessing. Ling Yu naturally understood what he meant - do you want to live? Give me your body!

I think it took me nearly half a year to seal the demon body with the help of BOSS and Xiuxiu. Now neither of them is here. If Ling Yu releases him, the first person to suffer must be Shengke.

"Are you still in a daze at this juncture?" Shengke laughed and scolded at Ling Yu, and then turned two pistols into a long gun and attacked the soldiers. Ling Yu laughed and threw away the burden in her heart, and then joined the war circle.

However, no matter how talented and hard they are, they are just more than ten years of power. What's more, it is inherently impractical to shake such a huge thing as the city of the sky with the power of individuals. Even though the two of them tried their best, they began to gradually fall into the wind.

It's only more than ten seconds, but now it seems to be longer than a century. Ling Yu can even feel her pain from the genetic level. If it goes on like this, without the attack of Sky City, you will die because of genetic collapse!

Suddenly, there was a familiar roar in his ear, with a trace of pain and despair. Ling Yu looked down at Shengke's abdomen and was hit by the attack of the Sky City. The hot laser completely sealed the wound so that there was no blood for the time being. , so that the regular circle can be clearly seen.

"Hen Ke!" With a roar, he was about to fly down, but his body became stiff at this time and could not move except for consciousness. At the same time, seeing a * roar, it rushed to victory!

"Hen Ke!" Ling Yu shouted the name of her best friend crazily and saw that her friend was about to die in front of her, but she couldn't do anything... This feeling reminded him of five years ago, reminded him of Ren Siyu and made him want to die...

Wo! A gray shadow suddenly flashed past Ling Yu, but he couldn't see anything because his body could not move and the angle problem.

"Boom!" The violent explosion appeared in the air with Shengke as the west, and the fiery red light shone on Ling Yu's pale side face, revealing the despair in his heart.


Ling Yu stood so stiffly in the air, roaring hoarsely. Today, he first killed Qi Nian with his own hands, and then found that Xiuxiu was nowhere to be found. Finally, even Shengke died under the enemy's gunfire. Ling Yu felt that she was about to go crazy, and the depression and anger that had been suppressed in her heart seemed to spit out the next moment, and two lines of self-blaming tears suddenly flowed out of her eyes.

Although Ling Yu knew in her heart that this was a sign of uncertainty, if she was allowed to develop, her consciousness would inevitably be blurred, and then the demon body would take the opportunity to come out. But knowing and being able to do it was another matter. Seeing that he was about to go crazy again, he heard a low male voice from the explosion below.

"I haven't seen you for five years. How can you look like a woman in the past? Unexpectedly, he is crying!" The speaker carried an old man and a young and beautiful woman in his right hand, and the other hand carried the seriously injured Shengke on his shoulder and a long gun on his back.

"Lv Batian?!" Ling Yu shouted in surprise. Seeing that Shengke was not dead and saw his old friend come to save him, his previous emotions were swept away, and the old woman and the two naturally were Kendeji's master and apprentice.

Only then did Ling Yu find that the gray shadow he had just wiped from in front of him was actually the aircraft they were on. Lv Batian blocked the previous * with the aircraft to save Shengke.

"Go!" Lv Batian was originally a dull and cold character. He used to laugh at Ling Yu just because he had not seen him for a long time. Now he returned to his normal personality and immediately left with the three people after spitting out a word, but he flew dozens of feet away to find that Ling Yu was floating in the air in the air and had no intention of leaving at all.

Ling Yu understood as soon as he looked at his eyes, but because his body could not move, he had to shout loudly: "I can't move now. I can restore my mobility in a few seconds at most. You take them away first!"

But Lv Batian would not listen to him. He rushed here to save everyone. What's the point of what he did if he left Lingyu behind? He didn't say a word and flew to Ling Yu with three people. But the two had a distance of almost 20 feet before. Lv Batian flew alone for a moment. It took him at least two seconds to rush in the opposite direction with the three people...

Before that, Ling Yushengke tried his best to maximize his speed. The anti-aircraft guns in the Sky City could not hit them at all. Even if there were, it was only a few sporadic times. But now Ling Yu is fixed in the air and can't move at all. This is simply the most perfect target. In an instant, countless laser shells bombarded!

"I don't believe that there is anyone I can't save!" While talking, he suddenly clamped Shengke from his left hand and pulled out a long gun from his back with his right hand. Unexpectedly, he wanted to fight against the City of Sky on his own!

Just looking at his wrist turning, the strong martial artist spirit suddenly wrapped around the long gun. Suddenly, his arm was sent, and the rotating long gun was like an iron-black wall, which was thrown straight out by him. Only then did Ling Yu understand what Lv Batian meant - he wanted to rely on a long gun to temporarily resist the attack, which might be a few seconds a second, but this was enough to save Ling Yu.

The flying long gun encountered hundreds of attacks at the first time, and Lv Batian's right hand was also placed on Ling Yu's shoulder. Suddenly, a force came from Lv Batian's rough hands, and Ling Yu was immediately pulled out of the attack range!

But Lv Batian still underestimated the strength of the world's first air fortress. Hundreds of attacks destroyed the defense of broken long guns. Just as Lv Batian was about to take everyone away, hundreds of attacks had come.

At the time of life and death, he finally burst out his potential, roared, and suddenly pulled up half a meter under the action of strong internal force. No matter who sees this move, he should sincerely sigh "Okay!" This kind of forced movement in the air with internal force can't be done without deep internal force and accurate control.

"You..." Ling Yu looked down at Lv Batian's broken leg, but looked at his indifferent face, as if his legs were not his. He twisted and was about to take everyone away, but he lost his legs and carried two people in each hand. He had no power at all, so he had to rely on the slow flight ability of his combat suit.

But how could this slow movement speed avoid the shelling of the city of the sky? In a blink of an eye, he flew out of more than 100 meters and had been injured in many places.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Lv Batian's head. Ling Yu could only be anxious when she saw his appearance. Seeing that the four people were about to die, the stiff body not only showed any sign of improvement, but it was more painful.

Suddenly, a firelight rushed to the two of them in the distance. Ling Yu could feel it clearly even if the hot temperature was hundreds of meters away. Seeing that the firelight came in front of him, the two were about to turn into ashes, but he couldn't help laughing--

"At the final... Finally, I survived..."