New Century Swordsman

Chapter 25 Strange Canyon

In the dark night, I couldn't see my fingers, but only a few plins floated in the air with a sad and feroding voice, causing people to get cold. The moonlight went early this night, and there was no moonlight soon after midnight. Coupled with clusters of black clouds, it completely covered all the light, showing a little gloomy horror.

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from the air in the distant sky. The sound seemed to be a whistling produced when a sharp weapon cut through the air, but listening carefully can remind people of the crying of some crazy people, which really makes people's hair rise.

The sound suddenly increased in a moment, and unexpectedly broke through dozens of kilometers to the top of the forest. A huge black shadow was faintly visible in the dark, and the faint blue light on the shadow finally brought a little light to the dark earth.

The huangying stared at the huge thing with a pair of copper bell-sized eyes in horror. There has never been any object in its simple mind that was as horrible as it was in front of it. The huge pupils shrank in an instant under the light, until the shadow quickly disappeared in the other side of the sky, and it was still the dull look.

Suddenly, a nine-legged poisonous insect full of brown patterns and the size of an adult's palm suddenly rushed to the peregler, and there was a mixed sound in the dark forest. After a few seconds, it gradually fell silent...

At the same time, three people are sitting around the table in the huge shadow, two men and one woman - Ling Yu, Hancock and Qin Shuiyi.

"Tomorrow will arrive. I don't know if the 'strange man' in your teacher's mouth will promise to come back with us." Hancock, who spoke, saw him wearing a silver-white cloak, showing strong muscles without a coat, and drinking a bottle of wine in his right hand.

Ling Yuqian drank the hot tea in the cup and turned her head to Qin Shuiyi. You should know that he and Hancock only played a protective role in this action. The most important thing is to see if her three-inch tongue can move the "strange man".

The strange man's name is Cen Yu, and he is a very famous doctor. However, unlike Kendeji, his medical skills are reflected in his extraordinary supernatural powers - yes, he is a biochemical person.

But these alone can't be called strange people. This strange thing is that he once made a vow to save only one person a year, and there is no reservation or persecution. This year, the one-person regulation is already worrying. It is expected that which one is looking for a famous doctor is not seriously distressed and anxious. Who will be alive after this year?

And he is not seriously injured and not treated, and he is not a terminal disease. In addition, his whereabouts have been uncertain. Even if ordinary people really want to find him for treatment, they have no chance to meet him. If Kendeji has not been familiar with him, Ling Yu and others may not have found his trace even if they have searched all over Kunlun.

While Ling Yu was thinking about it, Qin Shuiyi said, "The teacher and the predecessor Cen Yu are said to have a friendship when they were young. Now it has been more than 30 years. Maybe he has changed his residence for a long time..." After saying that, Qin Shuiyi's expression faded down. Ling Yu turned to her mind and realized that she was worried about the situation of her master and Lv Batian. Seeing that she was about to shed tears, Ling Yu hurriedly opened her mouth to ease.

"I heard the teacher mention that Cen language when I was still in the martial arts school. I don't know how much you know about him?"

Qin Shuiyi shook her head and said, "I have never heard the teacher talk about this person before yesterday. If he is a friend of the teacher in the past, how can the teacher not mention a word? It is estimated that the relationship between the two... Alas..."

Although Qin Shuiyi has always respected her teacher, she also understand Ken Deji's character and usual way of doing things. If the two were really friendly friends, he would have preached how he could not speak until his terminal illness broke out.

Ling Yu felt her heavier and heavier tone and said, "In those years, the teacher once said that now the world is empty, and everyone is easy to fight and fight. There is blood everywhere, but the more at this time, there will be peerless doctors, and this old Mr. Cen Yu is one of the peerless doctors respected by the teacher.

It is said that he did not have the vow of 'one doctor a year' when he was young. With his powerful power layer, nearly 10,000 people were rescued from the plague in an instant. After that, all the symptoms were eliminated by hand, and there was no mistake. It was not until 30 years ago that the rule of one doctor per year was set. I think if you find him, your teacher and everyone's injuries will be cured!"

Listening to Ling Yu's words, Qin Shuiyi's face suddenly had a lot more brilliance. Ling Yu and Hancock looked at each other and raised their glasses one after another, drinking all the spicy or mellow **.

The next afternoon, the aircraft landed steadily on a high ground called Zichangpo. Ling Yu jumped out of the aircraft, looked at the surrounding scenery, and was immediately shocked by everything in front of them - how desolate it was!

Not to mention Qin Shuiyi, Ling Han and both went out on missions in those years. They also understand that some areas will become extremely strange because of the volatile climate in the new century, but the strange situation here is still unheard of.

There is no plant within a radius of hundreds of meters. What's more amazing is that the earth is extremely flat, without a trace of cracks. Ling Yu even found that there was not even a grain of sand, as if it were... Just like...

"It's like someone cleaning every day, and it's surrounded by empty walls without windshields, and it will be full of dust again in a few hours..." The idea turned around, but he thought, "How can anyone clean up this remote place every day? What's the use of cleaning up such a place? Is it that Cen language? But if it's him, why did he do that?

Almost at the moment of landing, countless problems haunted Ling Yu. Hancock was also an old man. After frowning for a moment, he was also trapped by these problems and turned his head to Ling Yu. Ling Yu shook his head gently and motioned him not to talk about it for the time being. He had no choice but to take one step at this time.

Among the three, only Qin Shuiyi can't distinguish the strangeness because of her lack of cultivation, and it is still the same as usual. However, she saw that Ling Yu's faces suddenly became solemn, and although she was puzzled, she couldn't help but feel slightly nervous. Ling Yu and the three of them are on the high ground, and you can faintly see a huge canyon a few kilometers away.

"Before leaving, Kendage deliberately told him not to fly within five kilometers of this canyon. I asked him if he would cough as soon as he said half a word, and then we had to give up. Now I think there must be something weird about it... I hope to invite that 'strange man' not to make more changes this time..."

Among the three people, Ling Yu is the highest and a martial artist who is good at physical strength, so he took Qin Shuiyi to run, and soon the canyon was already in front of them.

The stone walls on both sides seem to be connected to the sky as high as 100 meters, and it seems to be flat and smooth as a knife. In the middle is a path about three feet or so that only one person can walk. More than ten meters away, the black hole is impossible to see.

The three looked at each other, and Ling Yu suddenly took a step forward and said, "I am the most responsive warrior. You will be responsible for the task after the break of Brother Han. What do you think?"

Hancock looked at Qin Shuiyi, nodded deeply, and his fingers tapped on the right robot arm for a moment. Suddenly, two combat robots were generated by him.

"With these two small things, we don't have to try it out." He smiled and said that one of the robots had flown in front of Ling Yu. Under the action of the strong searchlight, the canyon seemed to be day, and the vision of the three suddenly became clear.

Ling Yugang wanted to turn around and say a few jokes, but suddenly the robot in front of him actually vibrated. At first, it was just a slight shaking, but after one or two breaths, the sound of the circuit explosion could be faintly heard, and the searchlight was also very strange.

Ling Yu understands that two aircraft will explode in a long time. Naturally, he would not be afraid of this level of impact, but Qin Shuiyi behind him did not wear any protective clothing. If she was accidentally injured, it would be troublesome.

After thinking about it, he immediately turned his wrist and flashed. He only heard two dull cracking sounds. Ling Yu had destroyed all the internal energy system of the robot in a moment. Suddenly, two brand-new robots fell down like scrap iron a few seconds ago.

"This... What the hell is going on? Hancock muttered unbelievable. He stared at his hands and didn't understand why the aircraft he made was out of his control.

Bang! Suddenly, a hand fell on his shoulder, and the thoughtful Hancock didn't notice, which made him tremble all over. He didn't calm down until he saw that it was Ling Yu.

"What happened? Is there something wrong with the robotic arm?

Hancock stood there without replying. After a long time, he slowly exhaled and relaxed. He looked at Ling Yu apologetically and said, "No, all the equipment is working normally, and I don't know why this happened... Thinking about it, her teacher asked us to get off the aircraft five kilometers ago because of this..."

Ling Yu looked up at the blue sky above her head as if it had disappeared in the dark and said, "This canyon is really evil. This journey is just so strange at the beginning, and the road after that is definitely more difficult to walk... Who is this Mr. Cen Yu? Why is his behavior and residence so unpredictable?

He paused and said, "Brother Han, can you see if you can generate something else? I'm guarding you. Once the machine runs away again, I will destroy it with one punch.

Hancock frowned and nodded to agree. After that, the two tried countless machinery for nearly half an hour, but no matter what was generated within a few seconds, it would begin to vibrate violently. Finally, Hancock waved his hand and stopped his meaningless behavior.

"I'm afraid there is an extremely strong mechanical interference device inside this canyon. I have heard that the military has studied this kind of thing, but because I was banned from the enemy, I didn't expect that there would be..."

Ling Yu saw that there was a sense of frustration in his words, and she realized it as soon as she thought about it.

"Brother Han has been practicing as a strong man for more than ten years, but later he couldn't exert his strength because of a machine. How can this situation not make people discouraged? If one day there is a machine in the world that makes people unable to use internal forces, what should I do then?

Thinking of this, Ling Yu hurriedly said, "Brother Han, I always feel that there will be twists and turns in this action, but I didn't expect to encounter trouble as soon as I came in. I think you might as well be outside and ready to meet us at any time..."

Hancock has been so old that he doesn't understand the meaning of Ling Yu's words. Knowing that he was afraid of hurting his heart, he waved his hand and said, "That's all, that's all. The owner here must be a hater, so he installed this jamming device... I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he stepped out. Ling Yu saw the indescribable bleakness of his back, and his originally tall figure seemed to wither in an instant. Ling Yu and the two saw him gradually disappear into the light when he came in, and no one spoke for a long time.

After a while, Ling Yu came to her senses first and said to Qin Shuiyi, "Let's go. Even if I'm the only one, I won't hurt you!"

Qin Shuiyi smiled lightly and didn't say anything, and there was still a little sadness in her expression. Ling Yu saw that it was useless to persuade her, and she understood what she was worried about. She said to herself, "I can only pray that everything can be solved as soon as possible!"


There is something wrong with the computer charger. I bought a new one at noon today, but it still can't be charged... All kinds of troublesome things, but finally came up...