New Century Swordsman

Chapter 36 20,000 elite soldiers vs Blue Water Hunters

As the idea changed, a beautiful Yi man gradually came to my mind. The spiritual cultivation of the earth seems to be just false at this moment. No matter how restrained Ling Yu's mind is, she can't help but be moved by her smile.

"Now is not the time for me to think about women!"

Ling Yu patted his cheek to wake up, but no matter how alone he shook his head, the beautiful and refined figure always lingered in his heart...

"Everyone, can you hear me?"

A strong male voice freed Ling Yu from his predicament. He looked down and saw that Hancock was talking on the battle channel. Although he didn't understand the reason, his fighting instinct for many years made him open the battle channel for the first time.

"Is it Ling Yu? You are in the ward now, right? Take everyone to the central conference room, and I'll explain the specifics to you when it arrives!"

"But..." Ling Yu wanted to say that Shengke and Chu Tian had not yet woken up, but Hancock's anxious voice made him understand the urgency of the matter and whispered, "... Well, I know. I hope it's not too bad news.

When Ling Yu and Lv Batian carried people into the conference room, there were already two people in the room.

"What on earth happened to Brother Han?"

"You can see for yourself."

Hancock sighed, casually opened the holographic projection of the watch, and suddenly a three-dimensional picture appeared in mid-air.

"Although I have taken a little tactical lesson, I don't understand this complex strategic deployment map at all. What is it?"

Ling Yu escaped because she didn't learn all the courses about Qiao Kun. Later, she had no chance to learn this kind of thing because she had been fighting all day long. In addition, she didn't need him to solve such things as the return of Shengke.

"Excessive dependence on others is really not a good thing..." Ling Yu smiled bitterly in her heart, but at this time, she heard Song Xin say, "Have you seen the hundreds of red waves? That's the indication of the military attack, each of which represents a combat sky-class aircraft..."

"This... Are there hundreds of these, and the troops are too..."

Ling Yu was suddenly shocked by the numbers calculated in her heart--

"Nearly 20,000 troops... It's already the number of people who can start a war!"

"That's right... Huh? Shengke! Are you awake?!"

Only then did Ling Yu find that the one who spoke before was Shengke, who was carried over by him. He stared at the holographic projection in the sky, but his mouth said something completely different from this serious expression.

"How can I fall asleep when Lv Batian, a poker-faced man and Shuiyi? If it goes on like this, I have to be a bachelor all my life..."

"Brother Han, when is this information?"

"Five minutes ago."

Shengke locked his eyebrows and analyzed all the information obtained. Everyone knew that his scheme had always been like a divine pen, and there were countless wonderful schemes when he waved his hand, but today's expression was indescribably severe. It can be seen that the urgency of the situation was beyond imagination...

"With my understanding of the military, the other party can determine our position in ten minutes at most, and the formation can be ready in about 15 minutes, and then--


Shengke's clenched fist suddenly opened and made an explosive gesture and continued to say, "Hundreds of main guns are fired together. Even if we are 500 meters underground, it is impossible to survive under this attack... No, only you can survive, Ling Yu.


"Yes, the other party has obviously accurately calculated the strength of the attack - obviously, except for you, who is superhuman after demonization, everyone will inevitably die!"

"You have said so much, there must be a way, right?"

Chu Tian rubbed the newly healed wound and slowly stood up from the chair. Since then, all the wounded in the city of the sky have woken up. This blue water hunter team, which is almost composed of earthly strong men, has regained its full strength!

"Of course there are ways, the worst ending is just the destruction of the whole team..." Shengke stretched out his finger and held the hair on his forehead, his sharp eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one, and said, "... My plan has only a chance of success, and I can't guarantee that everyone can survive.

After listening to his words, everyone was silent for a moment - death was just a common thing for Ling Yu and other practitioners, but even so, I couldn't help feeling worried when I thought that these familiar faces around me might never be seen tomorrow.

"Shengke, you can say it. If there is nothing you can do, there is nothing we can do..." Ling Yu took a long breath and said, and Hancock, Chu Tian and others also echoed. Shengke, as the only wise man in the team, must believe his decision at this time.

"In that case, I said..."


"Bah!" Shengke casually spit on the ground, and his small eyes are now squinting like a slit. He stared at the aircraft that seemed to be unable to see the head in the sky and couldn't help cursing: "Those old guys in the army are really impressive. Even if such a large-scale army rampage into the forest, they don't have to worry about being attacked by monsters. ..."

"Impossible," Ling Yu replied after thinking for a moment, "The defense of monsters above seven layers can't be broken even by the main gun of a spaceship. This talent is unmatched by us humans."

Shengke nodded thoughtfully. Ling Yu couldn't help but feel cold when he looked at his thoughtful expression, and then remembered the previous bold and horrible plan...

"In that case, I will say it. The strength comparison between the enemy and us is now completely at two extremes. If we are given enough time and appropriate environment, 20,000 soldiers are just a simple number, and even I can solve the battle in two hours.

But now there is no cover facility around, or even if there is, it can't resist the attack of 400 main guns, so the first thing we need to do now is -

Go out openly!"

"What?! Are you crazy? After a few shells, we will all be gone!" Ling Yu shouted incredulously.

"But they dare not!"

"Why are you so sure?! If there is a mistake..." Chu Tian twisted his eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, I'm not 100% sure now. But why do you think the superiors of the army shoot so many people? To kill us? Impossible! If you want to destroy us, I estimate that we need no more than 5,000 to 6,000 elites in the army... You should know that the military is the most powerful in the world! Even the legendary nine ancient tribes in the world are not comparable to the army!

So I have an 80% chance to confirm - the military superiors have given an absolute order to capture Ling Yu alive! Ling Yu, can your body resist the attack of the main gun of the sky-level aircraft after entering the demonization?

Ling Yu pondered for a moment and then said, "Yes, although it can't be unharmed, it won't have any impact on combat effectiveness."

"That's it." Shengke nodded and continued, "It is impossible for the military to have a space-class aircraft, but the aircraft this time are all sky-class, which shows that the researchers in the army have studied the physical fitness of all of us. So Ling Yu, I want you not to enter demonization from beginning to end of this battle, otherwise... No one can continue to live except you..."

"After that, let's fight to our heart's content! I will solve the rest!"


Thoughts were withdrawn. Ling Yu looked at Shengke around him, but couldn't help thinking, "I don't know what he said to Brother Han later. He looked sneaky, um... I always feel cold behind my back..."

"Let's go! The people who greeted us have come out!"

Lv Batian casually pulled out the long gun hand behind him and immediately broke out of his body. Only then did Ling Yu find that his strength had increased by leaps and bounds.

"Finally broke through the shackles of the body with the help of Kendage? I didn't see it before, but now he... It's really strong!"

The three took out their own weapons, and in an instant, countless momentum overflowed from their bodies like a tide, entangled in everything and went straight to the sky!

This is the strength of the strong. Even in the face of thousands of enemies that exceed their own bodies, the pride and arrogance in their hearts will never be worn out!

"Come on!" Ling Yuyun Dantian roared, and thousands of soldiers had rushed out of the pilot's individual aircraft, and many of them were mixed with all the officers who flew on their own strength.

"Live! Everyone, survive!"

Ling Yu's feet suddenly jumped on the ground, and dozens of swords roared out. The blood flowers blooming in the sky silently but cruelly told the world--

The war belonging to three people has begun!


"It's really horrible... War, is this war? Qin Shuiyi looked at the holographic projection in mid-air and muttered involumnly. The whole picture was almost composed of blood, and the broken limbs and arms were just the most naive toy in the picture. The young and energetic faces became dim in an instant, and it was no longer possible to see their relatives and friends in those bright eyes...

"The horror of war is unimaginable, and no one hopes that the result will be like this. There was such a saying before the new century--

People can't help it! We don't want to kill, we don't want to face endless battles... We just want to live..."

"Uncle Song..."

"Hancock has completed nearly 80%. Now it's up to Ling Yu and the others. The sooner they can complete the 'mission', the fewer people will die."

Song Xin looked at the soldiers fighting in the holographic projection and couldn't help sighing. There was nothing wrong with them, but they died meaninglessly in their hands because of their superiors' desire for power and power...

"How cruel... Ling Yu, come to an end to this meaningless farce..."