New Century Swordsman

Chapter 77 Our Glory 2

Captain... I'm so tired now..."

Ren Siyu's little mouth gasped. Although Stephen knew that she just pretended to be lazy, she still said subconsciously, "If you are tired, take a break. You can get out of this damn place in a few minutes at most."

"Why don't you let me shoot through that annoying thing in the sky with a flying knife... Then you don't have to be so troublesome to find energy weaknesses.

Ren Siyu has absolute confidence in her attack at any time, and even Stephen has to admit that this girl, who is less than 25 years old, is the most talented and aggressive sword warrior he has ever seen.

Seeing that Stephen did not reply, Ren Siyu glanced at another man beside him. The man felt Ren Siyu's gaze habitual smile. However, Ren Siyu didn't eat that. He turned his eyes white and came to Stephen and asked in a low voice, "And... Why have we been listening to this girl since just now?

Ren Siyu blocked his fingers and pointed to the "Fengling" beside him, and the latter seemed to hear something and glanced casually.

"Girl?" Stephen seemed to hear the most boring joke in the world. He patted Ren Siyu on the shoulder and whispered, "If you should be able to see through it, don't be confused by the body outside, and carefully feel the momentum emanating from the inside..."

Ren Siyu's bright eyes solidified like an eagle, and countless messages rushed into her brain like a tide, and almost at the same time, the brain analyzed useful information from it--

"The power emitted by this girl is so familiar... But who is it and why can't I remember it?!"

Only then did Stephen remember that Ren Siyu had never been with David since the organizational transformation, and now the so-called familiarity is definitely the shadow of David's spiritual seal before.

Thinking of this, Stephen quickly interrupted Ren Siyu's thoughts and said, "He is David. Pofil, Ace's younger brother, the super strongman of the spiritual system, the master of the powerful robot!"


When Ren Siyu thought of the horror of the huge robot before, he couldn't help but suddenly turned his head and looked at David's position.

Suddenly, a strange face stood in front of her without warning. Ren Siyu's scalp exploded in an instant, and his body was about to counterattack subconsciously, but the face stepped back at the same time, leaving Ren Siyu, who clenched his fist, nowhere to go.

"It's not a good thing to speak ill of others behind their backs."

David's voice was still ethereal even if it was mediated by this thin body. The wind beside him came to David for fear that one of his neglected sister's bodies would be damaged.

"Don't worry so much, at least we won't take action against him until everything is over. Isn't that right, David?"

At this moment, Fengwu Jie finally learned the name of the person who forcibly occupied his sister's body, but he heard David smile and said, "Of course. Our agreement will always take effect until Ling Yu is truly safe, but..."

"Isn't Ace really with you?"

Before the voice was decided, a murderous spirit came first, and even Ren Siyu, who was facing him, was a little in a trance by this momentum.

Suddenly, a big hand gently fell on the back of her neck, and at the same time, a warm internal force flowed all over her body from her neck, and the previous trance also disappeared.

"I said that he is not here. How can you cooperate if you can't even have basic trust? Also, if you use spiritual attacks on us at will, I will immediately let it go to hell with the so-called agreement!"

"How come? Naturally, I believe in you..."

David waved his hand casually and walked out first.

"Trust?" David thought carefully about the word and said to himself, "I left that kind of thing in my burning house as early as I was ten years old. I prefer to live than to die with that kind of thing. What's more, I have another person I have to kill!"

Stephen looked at David indifferently a few steps apart, and his heart flashed for countless years, but when he looked at Ren Siyu beside him, he finally sighed helplessly...

"One step at a time!"

Just a few minutes ago, Stephen met the two. He immediately judged from their actions that their meeting was not accidental - the two people had been waiting here for at least half a minute!

"Come with me to save Ling Yu."

This is the first thing David said to Stephen and the two.

"Isn't Ace with you?"

This is David's second sentence, and Stephen instantly infers the true identity of the indifferent girl in front of him - David. Pofil.

"Why should I save Ling Yu?"

"Because the order you received is to take Ling Yu back alive."

After that, there was a half-minute silence, and then an anonymous agreement was centered on Ling Yu...

"The reality of shit!"

Stephen spit out a mouth and then followed David's pace.

At this moment, the battle in the sky seems to have come to an end, and Ling Yu and Qi Nian stand back to back.

No matter which battle Ling Yu fought, Ling Yu never felt desperate, but today's emotion called despair gradually enveloped his heart.

"Half of the time of demonization has been spent. No, even if there is no time limit, the two of us are by no means the opponent of this old man... Is there really nothing we can do? Is it true that everything I have done is just in vain?

"I just want everyone around me to live a happy life..."


A hair-thin light suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yu. Such a close distance could only be avoided even with Ling Yu's abnormal neurological response speed. As a price, a new injury was immediately added to the cheek.

"Young master, do you want to continue? In my opinion, your friend seems to be reaching the limit.

Uncle Ming still stood in front of Ling Yu as if walking leisurely, with no expression on his face. It seemed that they were not fighting at this moment, but simply chatting about their family.


A pair of eyes stared at Uncle Ming, and the blue veins on his forehead seemed to burst into blood at any time.

Qi Nian felt that he was on the verge of madness. With his master grasp of energy, Uncle Ming was extremely tricky every time he took action, and the most obvious thing about his performance was that only Ling Yu would be injured!

Big eyes can see that there is no complete place on Ling Yu's body. If it hadn't been for his control of his body muscles, the blood gushing out alone would have been enough for him to die dozens of times.

And the pain caused by all this to Qi Nian is completely better than his physical injury. Although he understands that this is just a means for Uncle Ming to make him surrender, although he understands that even if Uncle Ming goes back to the Zhang family, he will never let Ling Yu go, the heart of Qi Nian can't help shaking...

"Pray for the New Year! Don't let me know what's on your mind now, or I won't let the old man beat you first!"

Ling Yu's roar woke up from his thoughts and saw him flapping a pair of broken black wings. The fear in his eyes had completely disappeared, leaving only endless firmness and unyieldingness!

"Whether you or Xiuxiu are the most important friends to me." Ling Yu's body suddenly shook and stimulated his last remaining strength by accelerating blood circulation. He could even hear the galloping sound from his strong body, and at the same time, countless blood gushed from the wounds all over his body.

"In order to better control this body, the internal force attribute was forcibly changed to ice with the help of BOSS five years ago. In this way, although the control of the body is strengthened, it inhibits the exertion of power from the root..."

“... So although I don't know what will happen, I have to fight!"

The internal force wandering around suddenly solidified in the meridians under the control of Ling Yu. Both Qi Nian and Uncle Ming found the change of Ling Yu at the first time, and the movements of their hands subconsciously slowed down.

And the next moment, the internal force suddenly reversed like a volcanic eruption, and the whole body seemed to burn under the driving force!


In a trance, Ling Yu seemed to hear a trace of familiar laughter. He didn't have to think that it must come from the demon body, but Ling Yu can't care so much at this moment. Now he has only one idea in his mind - fight! Fight! Fight!


As if returning to the moment when he first entered the state of demonization five years ago, countless battle information poured into his mind, and the body can always find the best offensive route in an instant, and the miraculous sixth sense covers the whole body. No matter what kind of attack, it can no longer hurt Ling Yu at this moment!


For the first time since the battle, Ling Yu's fist hit an incredible Uncle Ming, and the ripples of power passed out far away in the air!

"There are 83 different forces in one punch... What medicine did this boy take?!"

Uncle Ming's horror did not stop Ling Yu's stormy attack, and the other fist has been waved sideways without returning!


Uncle Ming roared for the first time, as if he was angry by Ling Yu's punch. His left shoulder was the axis, and his left hand met him without hesitation. He actually wanted to confront Ling Yu without fancy!


Today's chapter, this volume is estimated to be over in the next few days. Let's collect it as a motivation~~