New Century Swordsman

Chapter 79 Our Glory End

What would it be like if a giant metal block with a diameter of ten meters came to you at supersonic speed?

What if the metal block is equipped with the initial motivation of the seventh floor?


"What a difficult boy."

Uncle Ming muttered in a low voice with a cold face, and only a few tentative attacks have made the other party seize the gap and smash a split.

"Not only that, that little girl is by no means a simple person. The spiritual aim is as if the sharp blade has forced the throat. It's the first time I've met such a strong god lock! In recent years, more and more geniuses have emerged, just like going back to the days of fighting against monsters..."

"Uncle Ming..." David sat quietly on the shoulder of his mother, and his long black hair, which belonged to the wind, danced with the wind, and the air around him twisted irregularly under the strong power of thought.

“... Although I like Xiao Xiuxiu very much, it seems that there is nothing I can do for the time being. How about we take a step back? Can you take them and let us go?

The ten-second silence and cold eyes showed Uncle Ming's final decision - the patriarch's order was a mission that must be fulfilled!

Uncle Ming didn't have any superfluous movements. He waved his hand casually and there were dozens of splits in front of him, and standing at the end was the original master of Qi Nian Xiuxiu.

Qinian stared at the dazzling battle in front of him. It was not until now that he saw Uncle Ming's real strength, which was completely terrible and overwhelmingly destructive in terms of speed and power. Qinian silently estimated in his heart how long he could persist in this level of attack, and the answer he got was incomparable. Shock and frustration...

"Five seconds... No, at most three seconds is my limit now. The nerve reaction speed and flight speed can't keep up with this rapid attack rhythm!

Similarly, David's robot is absolutely top-level in terms of both defense and single attack power, and even in the face of Uncle Ming's stormy attack!

So it seems that no one knows whether to win or lose this battle in the end, not to mention..."

His eyes suddenly chilled, and he said in his heart, "... I still have that last hand, as long as there is even a trace of gap - I can reverse everything!"

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and a small combat aircraft was rushing here as far as he could see. He guessed that Hancock was the only one who could appear here at this moment!

Ming Shukehe obviously noticed this aircraft of unknown origin, but for him now, everyone except the ancients has been labeled as an enemy. As soon as the idea moved, hundreds of attacks appeared around the aircraft in an instant, and the nearest was not even a distance of ten meters. Not to mention the huge aircraft, even Qi Nian did not have the confidence to retreat.

Suddenly, a big black hand fell from the sky like magic, and the aircraft was protected in its hand like a toy, and no attack could enter the big hand within three meters.

"Is it Hancock?"

"Mom" raised the aircraft in front of David, and the water-like eyes penetrated layers of metal plates and hit Hancock, and then David raised Ling Yu's broken body and threw it over.

"I originally wanted to treat him, but it seems that I don't have that time for the time being, so although I'm a little reluctant... I'll leave it to you first."

Watching Hank put Ling Yu into the aircraft in a hurry, David smiled and looked at Uncle Ming with the two of them.

"Uncle Ming, can't break the protective barrier of 'Mom' alone with these fancy attacks, or are you looking forward to something, such as... Am I running out of energy? If you are really so naive, it seems that the battle may be coming to an end.

Indeed, the energy consumed by every action of 'Mom' is an astronomical figure, but I naturally have my own way to provide it. Besides, do you think I will let you continue to live until the energy runs out?


Uncle Ming's black face seemed to be able to grind ink. He glanced at the two people around him and separated himself in a flash. This time, the split did not rush to fight, but took over the hand of prayer.


Just stepping on the air is just a small step, but everyone feels that the atmosphere of the whole sky has become different!

Uncle Ming waved his hand, and all the splits in front of him turned into light and flew into the body, and the momentum contained in the old body also grew one by one.

As the momentum grows, the body has finally changed - the elderly body gradually restores the power of youth, and every inch of the body's skin emits golden light!

"The Great Golden Light Fight defeated the Buddha!"

Uncle Ming pulled off his coat and roared. He almost forgot how many years he hadn't used the famous trick of that year, and even forgot the feeling of explosive power in his body!

David's face also showed a solemn look for the first time, and then before Uncle Ming's momentum reached its peak, his huge fist roared with condensed and substantial thinking power!


Hancock looked at the battle in the sky with a dull face. The battle belonging to these two people was so much higher than that everything in the sky was as incredible as a miracle in his eyes.

"Brother Han..."

Ling Yu's voice awakened Hancock from his astonishment, and he struggled to get up from the ground, but then fell down with a "plop" because of the injury on his leg.

"Don't move! I'll put you in the restorer right away!"

Hancock skillfully opened the restoration instrument, and at this moment, he unconsciously thought of when Ling Yu first came to him five years ago.

"At that time, I almost forgot how to use the repair instrument, but it seems that since I met Ling Yu, I have used the repair instrument more and more times..."


A bloody palm hit the console of the restorer heavily.

"I'm going out, I'm going to fight, I don't want any more partners in front of me, er..."

Hancock suddenly hit Ling Yu's neck with a knife, sighed, and gently put Ling Yu, who was covered with scars, into the repair instrument.


Hearing the sound of the restorer starting to work, Hancock finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then he thought of the battle in the sky that no longer belonged to his level, and a relieved heart came up again.

The battle in the sky has completely entered the white-hot stage, and both sides have played a real fire, and each move is full of murderous intent. As long as there is even a trace of negligence, the result will turn into pieces of dust in the sky.

Yes, even the hardest SSS-level metal will be destroyed under this level of attack!

Suddenly, Hancock's eyes condensed, because even with his power, he could fully feel the change of energy in the sky - "They want to end the battle!"

The energy of both sides has condensed to the peak. If you look through the energy detector, you can only see two light masses comparable to the hot sun occupying half of the sky!

It seems to be as long as a whole century. Almost half of the people on earth feel the super energy fluctuations from Jiufeng City, and the next moment - in the attention of the world - two forces that have been separated for a whole century collided unimped!

Countless ripples expand outward around the two people, and the darker the color of the ripples in the central area. Everyone looked at the strange patterns in the sky as if their brain had been stunned, and the time of the whole world seemed to be fixed, but the ripples of the ring were still expanding out at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to follow.


Suddenly, a dark shadow suddenly pops out from nowhere, breaking the frightening silence.


Hancock turned around in horror at the sound of mechanical fragmentation behind him, and a bloody figure passed by him.


The sound of gunfire in the distance resounded loudly in the whole sky of Jiufeng City, and a 50cm long coil-powered sniper bullet was only 100 meters away from its target.

The three sounds sounded almost at the same time, but they were so real that they seemed to appear in their ears. And after the sound was over, the whole world came back to life again!

"Ling Yu! Hurry up!"

The dark shadow that smashed Uncle Ming's split in the sky shouted. Ling Yu knew that the monster with a dangerous atmosphere was naturally the boss, and at this time a huge bullet roared and tore up Uncle Ming's remaining arm.

"Now there is only one wrist left! As long as the wrist is torn off, the body of Qi Nian can move normally..."

Suddenly, a big hand pressed Ling Yu's forehead tightly and completely blocked his departure.

"Let's stop here."

Li Fanyue's low voice seemed to be reading the final judgment, and her tall and majestic body completely blocked Ling Yu's last hope.

"For good, the military guys have no intention of starting a war for the time being, otherwise if you really saved this boy, it would be a little difficult today."

Suddenly, Li Fanyue lowered her head gently and came to Ling Yu's ear and said, "Seeing that you have done so much for my granddaughter, I won't kill you today. In the future... So take care of yourself!"

As soon as he shook Ling Yu's wrist, he flew to the boss like a broken kite. The latter was casually in his hand and still stared at Li Fanyue with vigilance.

Li Fanyue glanced at Uncle Ming, who was covered with small wounds and said, "I remember that everyone's * is not very innocent. If we continue to fight, it's just to let the military fishermen below benefit. How about ending it today? As for today's resentment, there will naturally be a chance to solve it another day.

David looked at the boss curiously, exhaled and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Anyway, I won't fight anymore. If I continue, 'Mom' will be injured."

Li Fanyue looked at the silent boss again, then smiled and took out a metal disk from his clothes.

The disk grows when it sees the wind in the air, and instantly forms a ring of more than one person's height, and the next moment David and BOSS involuntarily let out a "hew."

"Portable space crossing device..." The eyes of praying for the New Year lost all their glory in an instant.

"You come back..."

There was an unyielding will in his weak voice, and he turned his head and looked at the broken body in astonishment.

"I can still play..."

"Enough." BOSS muttered in a low voice.

"hehe..." Li Fanyue smiled a few times and patted Uncle Ming on the shoulder and took the lead in entering the aura made by the space traveler.

"I fucking said I could continue to fight!"

Ling Yu roared and stood up, but his left leg calf suddenly turned into powder, and his whole body fell on the back of the boss again. But even so, Ling Yu still tried to stretch out her hand, as if she could hold her soon-lost partner.

"Enough, Ling Yu!"

"Hmm!" Uncle Ming snorted coldly and pulled the two into the light ball, and the next moment all the figures completely disappeared into the air.

Ling Yu stared at the previous position, with endless despair and pain in her eyes. Suddenly, her body softened, and her ears were full of all kinds of shouts, and her consciousness had gradually drifted away...


Until today, this volume is the end. I hesitated for a long time. I don't know whether it is everyone's favorite or a sad ending. Finally, I decided to choose the latter. I don't know what everyone thinks?

Tomorrow will be the fourth volume, and I have to start a new idea again. I hope you can continue to support me. FK thanks here~