New Century Swordsman

Chapter 2 Escape

Dah, Dah, Dah...


Two completely different footsteps echoed in the empty path, and the cool breeze inadvertently slipped by, which not only made people not feel the autumn highness of this season, but also added a little gloomy horror.

Da! The thin footsteps in front of him suddenly stood still, and the thin and weak body that suddenly twisted over made people worry about whether it would flash his waist. The stalker behind him also stopped extremely tacitly, and the two stared at each other ten steps apart.

"You have been following me since morning. What are you going to do?! And these strange things on you...' Where did you pick up the thing?

Xiao Le turned around and pinched the man behind him and shouted.

Ling Yu is the only one in this city who can talk to Xiao Le. He is wearing an old-fashioned cleaning suit picked up from nowhere, with his hands casually inserted into his trouser pockets, while stepping on a pair of worn sandals at his feet.

"Of course I went to work with you. I picked up this dress, although it doesn't have any protection..." Ling Yu paused and continued to say, "... But it's very comfortable to wear.

"You said you were going to work with me?" Xiao Le showed an incredible expression on his face, and then raised his head proudly and said, "Do you think anyone can do this job as a cleaner? It requires a strong tolerance for garbage, er... I think you have... Anyway, it doesn't work. Uncle Chang will never agree!"

Half an hour later...

Xiao Le looked at Uncle Chang and patted Ling Yu on the shoulder enthusiastically, and he couldn't help saying some words of encouragement. In fact, Xiao Le could not understand Uncle Chang's thoughts.

"This boy is finally willing to get out to work and arrange a staff dormitory for him in a couple of days. I'll see why he still stays at the house of Xiaole, a big girl."

Although this idea is rolling in my heart, the expression on my face is like a relative I haven't seen for many years. I don't know if Ling Yu can see his inner thoughts, and there is always a faint smile on his face.

One is pregnant with a ghost, and the other is indifferent or drifting with the tide. Such two people immediately hit together, so Ling Yu's working life began from then on.

In busy work, time naturally passes faster than staying on the sofa all day, and what has made Xiao Le more broken in recent days is that the useless brother in her eyes is better than she did at work...

Ling Yu has been working for half a month, and he is gradually getting used to this simple life. This daily uncle gathers everyone in the conference room.

"Bang! Pa!"

Uncle Chang clapped his palm and saw that all his eyes were focused on him and then said, "You may have heard that the upcoming 'Youth Fighting Competition' in our city - this is a national event - and we are fully responsible for cleaning the internal venue of this event!"


Everyone here couldn't help sighing, and then whispered. Suddenly, a short man stood up with an excited look on his face and asked, "That... Brother Chang, can we peek after work?

"Haha!" Uncle Chang laughed loudly and said, "As long as you do a good job, you can see it as you want. If you are happy, you can play two games!"

The man smiled and said, "Just my two subordinates, I have to let people beat back the mother's womb when I go down."

After such a dialogue, everyone's interest was suddenly ignited, and even Ling Yu found that Xiao Le's eyes showed expectation and novelty.

"Do civilians have a longing for practitioners..." Ling Yu chewed the idea silently in his heart, and the next moment he threw it into his heart again...

"The practitioners... I don't want to do that kind of thing for a long time!"

At the same time, due to the massive publicity investment in the early stage, almost the world's attention is focused on this small city.

The huge open-air fighting arena is extremely retro in design, and just looking at it from a distance gives people a feeling of blood spurting.

And although this conference is a fighting competition, the regulations do not restrict the use of blades, but the weapons used by the players must be provided by the organizers, coupled with the high rewards provided by the government and the title of the first young hero in the world...


This is the latest statistics, and this data is still growing at an extremely terrible rate!

Director! The number has exceeded 100,000. Do you need to limit it?

"Don't worry, continue! The number of people will be limited by 130,000, and the deadline will be 150,000! And... Why hasn't the cleaning class come yet? Xiao Guo, go and urge him again! Hey, that Xiao Li..."

The busy man with long hair in front of him is the general leader of the youth fighting competition, and Xiao Guo, who was named by him, hurriedly picked up his watch and ran to the corridor.

Before he popped up the dialog box, he heard shouting from afar--

"Boss Guo! Boss Guo!"

Xiao Guo fixed his eyes and saw Uncle Chang wading to him with dozens of employees behind him.

"Hey!" Xiao Le gently poked Ling Yu beside him and asked in a low voice, "That person is our boss this time. Can you smile at least?"

Ling Yu woke up from her memory and gently rubbed Xiaole's head without replying.

"Although it's very light... But absolutely right, it's Stephen's power fluctuation. Does he also participate in this competition? No, it's impossible. Not to mention the problem of strength, just looking at his face is completely out of the category of teenagers... But it does smell like him. In other words... That iron fist is around here now!"

Almost instantly, the body instinctively enters the combat state, and the muscles under the clothes shake slightly with a wonderful law, so that the body can respond as soon as possible at any time.

The hearts of all the people present stopped beating at that moment, and it was not until the next moment that Ling Yu patted her forehead and smiled bitterly before starting again.

"What am I doing?"

Even in countless times of telling myself in this year - I, Ling Yu, have given up being a practicer - but when things really come, the physical combat instinct is the first to react...

"Hey, are you all right? Do you want to go to the toilet?

Xiao Le came over and stared at Ling Yu, who was full of entanglement and asked in a low voice.

Ling Yu smiled dumbly when she asked, and the worry in her heart was hidden close to her heart again with this smile...

"Let's go to work."

This small episode did not affect the progress of the whole conference. With the three-dimensional space technology, it accommodated nearly 300,000 people in the martial arts arena. With the beginning of the conference, there was a wave of cheers.

After finishing the work, the cleaning class stood in the high corridor overlooking the whole venue, and nearly 150,000 participants under the stage stood neatly into four parts. Ling Yu glanced at all the teenagers over 20 years old, the oldest was just similar to him, and the youngest even looked just twelve or three years old.

"The first young man in the world?" Ling Yu didn't know how to look at this word, because there were too many people competing in his mind - the power of praying for the year and the wisdom of Shengke are absolutely strong, and even he himself is an extremely horrible existence in a state of demonization.

And Ling Yu has not found much breath above the stage.

"Maybe it's hidden strength or something before the game..."

Suddenly, Ling Yu's eyes condensed, and her eyes instantly stuck to the majestic black man on the high platform in the distance.

"Stefan! Sure enough, it's him, but why is Noah's military colonel here... Shit!"

Ling Yu suddenly realized something and suddenly lowered her head. At the same time, her body retreated in an unintentional way. But he knew it was too late - the other party's two sharp-like eyes locked him as soon as he was found.

"Why has the feeling of not seeing Stephen for a year become so sensitive!"

In fact, it's not just Ling Yu. Stephen's heart is tens of millions of times greater shock than him.

"Although there have been some changes in appearance and body shape in a year, this kind of thing can be changed through internal force. The important thing is that the feeling he gave me is definitely not wrong with Ling Yu! But... Why can't I see any power in his eyes?!"

Stephen stared at the figure that gradually disappeared from sight, briefly said a few words to Wei Hao around him, and ignored what he said and rose up to chase the disappeared back.

Ling Yu felt the breath getting closer behind her and knew that she couldn't avoid what she said today. She sighed and turned to look at the visitor.

"Long time no see."

Ling Yu greeted casually and looked at Stephen with a frown with an indifferent face.

"Ling Yu! Don't tell me that you have disappeared in front of everyone for a whole year just to do this kind of thing! Do you know how many people are looking for you after you leave?!"

"This kind of thing?" Ling Yu's eyes suddenly became cold. What's wrong with this? I like my life very much, so please don't disturb me. And..."

“... The relationship between us seems to be hostile, doesn't it?"


Stefan turned around with a cold hum and said, "I thought you were a man, but now it seems that... Just a timid coward! Do you think everything in the world will be done according to your ideas? Or whoever you want to protect, Wang Laozi can't touch him that day!

Ling Yu, do you know why Ren Siyu didn't come with me this time? Because she went to undergo the transformation of the Federal Institute of Science and Technology! Order from the top of the Federation, even if I want to protect her this time, I can't do it! And what about you? Are you just watching your companion turn into a killing machine?!"

"Don't say it, I can't protect anyone now..."

Listening to Ling Yu's deep words, Stephen suddenly pulled out a figure from the corner of the wall, just worried about Ling Yu's secretly following Xiao Le!

"I'm going to kill her now. It's up to you!"