New Century Swordsman

Chapter 11 Return to Home

The days in October do not feel any cool, but only the suffocating sultry heat that has continued from summer to the present!

"This damn weather!"

Stephen cursed in a low voice, no matter how strong his cultivation is, even if he stays in the hot sun for five hours, the clay figurine will produce a trace of anger, not to mention his colonel, who is famous for his violent temper.

Suddenly, a slight footstep made his tight eyebrows begin to stretch.

The air under the high temperature shook like a dream, and the slender shadow that came out at the end of the sea-like air made Stephen smile for the first time today.

"Little girl! Welcome back!"


The thin figure gradually passed through the blurred field, revealing an extremely beautiful and lovely face.

Ren Siyu waved his arms like a child and strode over, but Stephen, standing in the sun like an iron tower, couldn't help but breathe out slowly.

"It's okay... Although I don't know which part of the memory of the monsters of the Academy of Sciences has changed, the ontological personality does not seem to have changed much.

Thinking of this, Stephen pretended to be indifferent and asked, "How about this test? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"It's nothing more than the same as before, physical fitness, health status, and finally enter the hypnosis examination to check whether the mental fluctuation has changed due to too many battles... But captain, do you know a man with a white cloth belt on his left eye? Why did I keep seeing him during the hypnosis just now..."


Stephen was shocked. As early as half a year ago, the people of the Academy of Sciences had once again completely erased Ren Siyu's memory of Ling Yu, and now it has appeared in his mind again!

"Captain, you must know what's right?" Ren Siyu immediately grabbed the subtle change of Stephen's expression and stared at each other with a pair of crystal eyes.

Stefan patted Ren Siyu's forehead calmly and said, "Of course I know this man, and he has played with him in the past..."

"What kind of person is he?! Why did I dream of him, and the feeling in him is very complicated, as if there are countless things entangled behind him, but no matter how hard I try, I can't touch it..."


A big hand suddenly patted the back of Ren Siyu's head, instantly dispelling her thoughts.

"Let's do less testing in the future. I feel that you have become a little stupid today. You must have heard of that man in the past and forgotten. He..."

Stephen thought of the idea that was gradually emerging this year and said, "He is a good man."

"Uh... Captain, your expression just now is disgusting."

Ren Siyu suddenly moved away a few steps with a disgusted face. Stephen turned to understand what the little girl was pointing at, smiled awkwardly, and then chased after him with a smile.

The sudden figure in front of them made the two of them stand involuntarily at the same time, and the next moment they suddenly stood upright and raised their arms to respect a very standard military salute-


The man who came looking about 30 years old, but Stephen and the two did not dare to neglect at all. The clothes on each other and the incomparable breath faintly told the two of them his identity silently!

Noah III*: Cliff. Davidson!

Cliff glanced at Stephen and nodded casually and walked straight over. It was not until he entered the scientific research institute and disappeared into sight that Ren Siyu took a long breath.

"Is this the strength of *? So strong... It feels like just one finger can crush me!"

"Strength is on the one hand, this Cliff* is civilized with his unparalleled wisdom!"

Although Stephen has always been quite conceited about his strength, he is immediately dwarfed by this adult. Whether it is strength or intelligence, this Cliff is strong and horrible!

And it is this ghostly Cliff* in the eyes of ordinary people. At this moment, his eyes are closed, and his eyebrows are twisted together.

"Is James's family crazy?!"

Looking at the analysis of the information in front of him, he couldn't wait to rush to the ancient James family to live in eight pieces, but he also clearly knew that what he had to do as the most powerful wise man in Noah's country was not this, but how to stop the results of the intelligence as soon as possible!

"If the calculation results of these crazy people in scientific research institutes are true, and not to mention whether the so-called heavenly level will be generated, the destruction of human combat effectiveness alone can no longer be imagined!"

The probability of almost a small level, and once it fails... Nine people will die!

"Although I have always hated the arrogant children of the ancient clan, each of these young masters of the ancient clan is a rare genius, especially Wu Di and Jiang Ziya of Kunlun Kingdom have far beyond the ability of ordinary people. As long as they are given another 20 years, the strength of human beings will definitely rise to a new peak!

But if they lose their lives because of this illusory sky, human beings may usher in decades of dark ages, and the situation of monsters in the past two years has also been complicated and confusing..."

"Shallon, have you shown this document to anyone besides me?"

"Not yet, but..."

"Then don't show it to the second person again. This is the military's order!"

Looking at the Schalton who gradually disappeared from sight with fear, Cliff's eyes once again fell on the eye of the document - "Research Report on Using the 'God Stone' to Enter the Heavenly Survival".

"Tianjie... What a piece of shit!"

The heavenly level is different from the ground level. The human level needs to be explored step by step, but at a certain moment you will get the power of the legend for some reason, and in the previous second you may even be a small level...

Of course, with the increase of strength, the stronger the mental polishing will be. Both reincarnation and Jack were on the ninth floor before they realized the reason of the day and finally entered the field of the sky.

Cliff has never thought of becoming a heavenly strong man. In his opinion, no matter how strong he is, he can't compare with the overall strength of human beings. If every practicing human being becomes a level, no matter how many monsters are, they are just false!

"But I really don't understand why the James family shared the results of nearly 300 years of research with other eight races, and there is only one place in the whole world just for the nonsense of 'common prosperity of nine races'? There must be something else in it that hasn't been said..."

Cliff casually took the file back into his watch, still thinking about the message written at the bottom of the file——

"The ancients have won enough divine stones from the battle with the world government in the middle of last month, and the plan will be launched in the middle of next month..."

"Is there any time for the last month? The government also seems to have completely stolen this research data from the ancients, and it is estimated that the project should also be carried out at that time. That is to say, no matter who succeeds, it is possible to take the initiative in the subsequent battle, and if both sides fail, the end of mankind is not far away..."

The character of worrying about the country and the people makes Cliff worry too much, and at the same time, in the land of Kunlun, two practitioners in tattered combat uniforms are slowly walking on the street.

"Although it's because of the war, the price has risen too fast. Isn't it just buying a combat suit! The price is so high!"

Ling Yu listened to Chu Tian's complaints beside her. Although she didn't say anything, she was also quite approving in her heart.

In fact, ordinary people have long been used to this price, because after all, except for the combat supplies that some practitioners use, everything else is in the normal range, and more than a year has passed. Only Ling Yu and Chu Tian are almost isolated from the world. The former has been taken care of by girls for a year, while the latter does not have to think about money at all during this year...

"This is still given to me by Stephen... Sure enough, it's more convenient to find someone to pick it off than to buy it.

Ling Yu seems to have never bought her own combat uniform since she entered the new century as a martial artist. Every time she is either given by others or directly removed from the dead body...


After a year of war, Chu Tian also nodded silently, and then seemed to think of something happy and raised his head and said, "In this case... We have money to eat again!"

To talk about why the two are so embarrassed, we have to start from a few days ago.

At that time, Ling Yu and Chu Tian were seriously injured. Chu Tian alone soaked in the restoration instrument for three days to recover, and Ling Yu barely recovered after ten days.

After that, the high cost of treatment hit the two of them, and Chu Tian almost emptied his savings in the bank to pay it off. Then the empty two embarked on a journey to find Shengke after some discussion, and at this moment, their city is the must-have Hemi City.

"Let's go after dinner. You can fly out of the city for another three hours to get to that forest."

A very familiar smell of Ling Yu came from afar. He knew that it belonged to the smell of forests and monsters, and a heart that had been hanging seemed to be finally able to put down.

"I actually think that the monster's old nest is a place where I can stay at ease. I really..."

Chu Tian suddenly came over and patted Ling Yu's shoulder to interrupt his thoughts, and then pushed him into a nearby restaurant...

_________________________________________________________________________________ __

The air outside has been so bad these two days, and I have to go out every day... It seems to be a sign of rhinitis,,,,