New Century Swordsman

Chapter 14 Heavenly Level 1


Three simple words filled the air in an instant, making Ling Yu seem to have lost the ability to breathe. He took two deep breaths before saying, "BOSS, I don't want to calculate the time all the time when fighting with others in the future, and then I will die as soon as time passes..."

"Then I have a problem, Ling Yu... With your current combat effectiveness, what level of people do you need to pester for more than 15 minutes?

Five floors? Or even more?"

"What about after the transformation?"

"Instant kill below the seventh floor..."

"Then what else do you want to do?" BOSS's expression suddenly became harsh. He stared at Ling Yu and said word by word, "You have to pay a price for every point of strength, or a long time of cultivation, or superhuman efforts, and you... In my opinion, you pay far less than what you get!

The peak of seven layers of three seconds has even reached the early stage of eight floors... This is an indescribable power. Do you know how much price and time I have paid to have my current strength? One hundred and seventy-six! And you have been unconsciously naughty for no more than 30 years when you were a child!

And you have this power at such a young age, how can you improve it? In my opinion, the only way is to slowly smooth these scars on your body by time, and then you can naturally hit them as you want..."

Ling Yu naturally knew that what the boss said was true, but when he thought that the so-called war might break out later, he was full of uneasiness, and the recent battle also confirmed this - he could not participate in a large-scale battle at all!

"What's more, there are several problems that I have to solve, and in my current physical state..."

Ren Siyu, Xiuxiu and Ilin who don't know what the situation is now...

"But..." BOSS seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"But what?" Chu Tian, who had listened for a long time, asked.

"However, if you can mobilize the ice internal force in your body and suppress the internal force of the flame attribute in your body at a critical moment, although it may suppress your power to a certain extent, it should be able to extend your combat time relatively."

After a while, Ling Yu and Chu Tian lay quietly on the grass, and the stars in the sky were faintly visible through the thin branches.

"Ling Yu, don't make yourself too tired."

Chu Tian's voice suddenly came from beside him. Ling Yu did not turn her head to look at him, but kept silent.

"It seems that since I met you, you have been carrying many burdens that I can't understand - the lives of relatives and friends, the secrets of your life, and the attacks that don't come from... You don't seem to have a moment to rest your heart, but no matter how hard you are, you... It's just a human!"

Ling Yu listened quietly to Chu Tian's words and opened and closed his mouth. He really didn't know how to answer Chu Tian's question.

It seems that since he and Ren Siyu entered this society, they have been in a state of being hunted down, followed by battles caused by various reasons. Sometimes even Ling Yu feels that it is a miracle that she can live until now.

"No, this is not a miracle... Every time I survived, it was because this group of companions shared countless pressures for me, and even..." Ling Yu thought of Ren Siyu, who ran out of Shu City with him overnight, the snake spirit of the man who would be fascinated at the sight of high-end aircraft, and the joint construction that claimed to protect his dream...

"I don't want to live so tired, but I owe too many favors to others!"

After a long silence, Ling Yu suddenly spit out a sentence without warning. Chu Tian, who was almost asleep, was awakened in an instant, but after glancing at Ling Yu, he immediately turned around and fell asleep, and Ling Yu seemed to hear a sentence at the moment he turned around--

"This kind of thing... It's endless..."

Ling Yu tasted this sentence carefully until a bright moon in the sky gradually disappeared on the horizon, and only a little starry between heaven and earth could exhale a long breath...

"But you have to pay it back if it's not over..."

Gently buried this sentence in the night, and Ling Yu finally fell asleep. He knew that there would be countless problems to solve by himself from tomorrow.

In this way, a month flashed by unconsciously, and no matter how much progress Ling Yu's body made, the eyes of the world had focused on an unknown island as early as a few days ago.

It is said that the world may not be accurate enough, and the intelligence is class-based at all times. Only a very small number of high-level government officials and ancient people, and even most of the civil powerhouses, are kept in the dark.

Bermontl Island was just an uninhabited desert island a year ago, and it is estimated that there are only a few geographical researchers who have heard of it in the world.

It is such an island, but it has become the center of global attention, and all this is due to that crazy plan - the Tianjie manufacturing project!

"Gare. Mr. James!"

A distant male voice suddenly stopped Garley from behind him. He turned his head and saw a man in a dark green robe slowly coming towards him.

"It's this guy. Although I've tried my best to avoid talking to him head-on, can't I avoid it?"

Although Garley thought so, an extremely kind smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Oh! Mr. Jiang Ziya, I'm so glad to meet you here!"

He stretched out his arms and seemed to want to hug Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya didn't seem to mean anything about it. He stood firmly with his feet three steps away from Garley.

"Mr. Garley, you are not saying that it's a pleasure, but you are scolding me for wasting your time, are you?"

"Hehe! How is that possible?! Mr. Jiang Ziya's name resounded in Noah more than ten years ago. How can I have such a disrespectful idea when I really see you now?

This Gare's words made people feel numb, but they didn't know that there should have been a cold sweat in his heart long ago.

"This guy's ability is almost invincible. If you use wisdom to infer his strength, Jiang Ziya deserves to be the strongest in the world. And at this moment, what I think in my heart now... Can he see through it? No, if he sees through, tomorrow's plan will definitely be cancelled, which is related to the heavenly level, so he should not be able to see through, or only see part of it..."

Jiang Ziya's face still had an indifferent expression. Even the Tianjie manufacturing project that will start tomorrow could not shake his nerves. He said with a large number of Garley.

"Tomorrow's plan will begin to be implemented, and all these plans are provided by your James family. I would like to ask Mr. Garley... Do you think we can still see the sun the day after tomorrow?

"This is natural!" Garley had a confident smile on his face. He looked at Jiang Ziya and continued: "The military seems to have obtained a research data, and it will also implement the plan in the near future... I don't know if they can succeed, but I believe that with the power of our nine people, there will be a heavenly power hidden in the genes!"

Listening to Jialei's words full of confidence, Jiang Ziya did not reply a word, and his cold eyes seemed to force Garley's pupils like a sharp blade...

After a long time, Jiang Ziya suddenly turned around and strode in the direction of coming, and his voice returned to its previous plainness again.

"In that case, I thank you for your good words. To be honest, although I claim to see through everything in the world, I haven't lived enough..."

It was not until Jiang Ziya disappeared into sight that Jialei slowly exhaled, and the spitting that he wanted to spit in his mouth was swallowed again - he knew that the more critical moment, the more he could not show his feet...

"Ziya, how about it? Can you get any information from that boy?"

Wu Di is still dressed as a high school student, and even the slightly dilapidated white shirt on his body has not been changed. However, no one dares to look down on this man on this island--

The peak of seven levels!

The strongest of the ancient new generation!

Except for Jiang Ziya, who has special ability, is already at the top of everyone. What's more horrible is that he is just 21 years old!

Along the way, he had countless discussions with Jiang Ziya, and the only result was that there was an inevitable problem with the James family. As for what the problem was, Jiang Ziya could not be explored at all because it was related to the heavenly level.

"I didn't get much information, the only thing worth affirming is... The celestial level will be born tomorrow, and it will definitely be! Otherwise, my ability could not be blocked so seriously! Since I came to this island, I can't see the future at all..."

Is that right? Even if you say so, no matter what kind of conspiracy the James family has, tomorrow's plan will definitely continue.

In fact, Wu Di didn't know that Jiang Ziya still hasn't said a word, that is...

"I feel unprecedented pressure for my future!"

However, Jiang Ziya only regarded this pressure as a physical panic after losing strength, and Wu Di did not seem to notice the situation of his friends around him at all.

"In this case, we can only look forward to tomorrow... Ha ha, I'd like to see what the so-called heavenly level looks like!"

Wu Di always has a faint domineering spirit, while Jiang Ziya looked at the starry sky outside the window and muttered in his heart, "Heavenly level... Tianjie... Can everyone really survive tomorrow?