Cultivate God

Chapter 225 Crossing the Disaster

Chapter 225 Crossing the Disaster

Spirit ore veins are really extraordinary, more dangerous and abnormal

Tiangangzi and the turtle in front of him, whether on the body or on the back armor, there were hard soil layers and hard thorns. After three hundred rounds of battle, after several hours, it was difficult to distinguish and unable to cope with the other party. There is no other reason. This earth turtle is not only naturally proficient in all kinds of earth magic powers, but also has an amazingly hard defense. With the divine power of Tiangangzi, it can't help it.

But fortunately, this earth turtle can't help Tiangangzi. Although its defense power is comparable to that of the five realms of the gods, its attack power is not as good as that of the realms of the gods. Otherwise, Tiangangzi can't entangle this earth turtle at all. He must find Chu Yi and be killed by this earth turtle.

However, this still makes Tiangangzi very entangled and depressed, because the turtle can not only beat but can't be killed, but also subverts the turtle's attempt to escape on the ground, which is frighteningly fast. Tiangangzi tried to get rid of this guy several times, but it ended in failure. If it goes on like this, the turtle will not be killed, and he may be killed by the other party.

Therefore, there is nothing more depressing than this

However, just as Tiangangzi struggled with the earth turtle and struggled to avoid the sand and dust blown out by the earth turtle, he suddenly saw a little cold star, suddenly blooming from the void, like a poisonous snake waiting for a long time, jumped in through the cracks in the mouth of the earth turtle, with a majestic and tragic murderous spirit Like a broken bamboo, in the body of the turtle, it began to rage crazily.

"Chu Yi?"

Tian Gangzi's eyes lit up in an instant, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he saw that Chu Yi suddenly appeared beside him. A pair of golden eyelashes filled the luster that penetrated people's hearts, flashing to make Tiangangzi's heart a little hairy.

"Chu Yi?"

It seemed that he could feel that Chu Yi had an extraordinary change again, so much that he was not familiar with it. Tian Gangzi continued to ask questions, and his voice revealed puzzlement and surprise.

And at this moment, a long cry suddenly came out of the mouth of the turtle.


Tian Gangzi was shocked and immediately turned his head to look. Suddenly, he saw that the turtle was covered with blood, and it flowed out of the cracks in his body, so that the sad cry was not an angry roar, but the despair at the last moment of his life.


Tian Gangzi was shocked, and his eyes were full of shock. He never thought that the earth turtle, who had been fighting for a long time, was completely killed in Chu Yi's sneak attack. This was a little too exaggerated and too shocking Tian Gangzi. For a moment, Tian Gangzi felt that his head had lived for more than 3,000 years, which seemed to be a little insufficient.

As for Chu Yi, at this time, he was full of gold in his eyes and regained his black star pupils, but his expression was extremely tired. Obviously, the magic power he had just exerted greatly consumed him.

However, under such fatigue, Chu Yi still cheered up his spirits and wanted Tian Gangzi to explain: "Elder, this turtle is a kind of ancient demon, called hegemony, and his tortoise shell is so hard that he is not afraid of fairy treasures. In addition, he is also proficient in earth magic power, which can be said to be However, Tianyan will always leave a line, and although this hegemony is almost perfect, it still has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the interior is particularly fragile. As long as it can attack its body, it can be easily killed.

Tiangangzi realized something, but he still couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

The whole body of the earth shell is so hard that it is almost impossible to break the earth shell and kill it. Chu Yi was able to accurately grasp the attack, hit the weak gap in the mouth of Ba Tu, and killed it into Ba Tu's body, which was still very extraordinary.

Of course, in addition to the shock, Tiangangzi also wondered how Chu Yi could recognize this hegemony and know its weaknesses so well. But doubtful, Tiangangzi respected Chu Yi and did not mean to inquire at all.

And he seemed to know that Tian Gangzi would not ask. Chu Yi smiled and said, "Elder, this domineering shell is a good thing to make magic weapons. If you don't want it, I will be disrespectful."

Naturally, Tiangangzi will not compete with Chu Yi, not to mention that this hegemony is still killed by Chu Yi, so for what Chu Yi said, he just nodded slightly, which was regarded as admitting and acquiescence.

In this way, Tian Gangzi watched Chu Yi put away the hegemony at will. After the shock in his heart was slightly weakened, he suddenly thought of something and quickly asked, "Chu Yi, why are you here? Where is the old demon of destroying the air?

Chu Yi replied casually, "Chu Yi was lucky enough not to humiliate his life and successfully killed the empty old ghost. On the way back, he met the elder, and then he was the elder. Why are you here?"

Chu Yi knew the consultant, but did not know the wonderful Tiangangzi, so he was surprised and said, "What, you have killed the old demon of destroying the sky? Chu Yi, you are indeed a great man of creation. As for why I'm here, it's not because you chased the old demon into the depths of the mine. Everyone can't trust you, so let me find you to save you. But now it seems that we have filtered more, "

Chu Yi was slightly moved and replied seriously, "Thank you for your concern"

Tiangangzi waved his hand and didn't care, "These are nothing. It's us. Let's get out of here quickly. After all, it's too dangerous here."

Chu Yi nodded slightly and naturally echoed. With Tian Gangzi, he returned according to the original path.

Just walking behind Tiangangzi, Chu Yi's mood was somewhat complicated and moved. After meditating for a moment, Chu Yi finally seemed to have made a decision and said seriously, "Elder, I don't know if you are still willing to accept Chu Yi as an apprentice?"

"What did you say?"

Tian Gangzi, who was thinking about the problem, suddenly heard Chu Yi's words, which was a little bad for a while. After listening to the content of Chu Yi's words clearly, his eyes were suddenly bright and he said happily, "Chu Yi, would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

The words have been said, and Chu Yi simply let go and bowed directly: "Master, please accept Chu Yi's worship"

Chu Yi suddenly changed like this. Tian Gangzi was a little confused. He was overjoyed. After calmly taking Chu Yi's salute, he did not ask Chu Yi why he was willing to worship him as his teacher, but said happily, "Okay, okay, well, my Tiangangzi has never accepted an apprentice, but from today on, you ."

Chu Yi answered seriously: "Master"

Tian Gangzi nodded happily, waved his hand happily, and shouted, "Good apprentice, let's go back. After that, I will officially accept you as an apprentice"

Chu Yi didn't say much. He honestly followed Tian Gangzi, galloped all the way, and finally left the spiritual mine vein.

After leaving the spiritual mine vein, Chu Yizhi had a feeling of being alive. Looking at the scorching sun above the sky, he smelled the fresh air, and his bones were emitting a feeling of comfort.

Just when Chu Yi enjoyed and was happy, the split had come quickly. Tian Xuanzi and others were there. After seeing Chu Yi, they were slightly relieved and their expressions were much more relaxed.

But after Tianxuanzi and others arrived, they still had time to say something in the future. Tiangangzi had already laughed happily and said, "All brothers and sisters, I Tiangangzi also have apprentices today"

Tian Xuanzi and others were stunned for a moment, and then realized something. When they saw the elder of Tianfanzi, they took the lead in saying, "Brother Tiangangzi, congratulations, and you have won this apprentice, which is really a major event for us in Xuanyang."

"Notice" Tian Xuanzi also said: "When this fairy and demon war is over, I will ask you to teach me when I go back and hold an apprentice ceremony for you"

"Okay, okay, okay" Tiangangzi may be too happy, but I don't know how to answer.

After worshipping Tiangangzi as his teacher, Chu Yi's status in the supreme Xuanyang rose again. However, for Chu Yi, the next successor, who is basically determined by Xuanyang, this small status promotion, there is nothing worth showing off. It's all drizzle.

Therefore, after meeting a few uncles, Chu Yi secretly moved aside with the split and began to communicate.

"Good harvest"

"Tiangangzi is a good person and can be entrusted"

Chu Yi and the split open their mouths at the same time, and then they will smile. Because they are connected with each other, everything is silent. Therefore, the split did not talk to Chu Yi. He directly took out the spirit of killing and gave it to Chu Yi too much.

A full of 30,000 killings

If it was in the past, Chu Yi would be more or less happy, but after killing empty scattered people, horse punishment and hegemony, Chu Yi's killing spirit soared to nearly 2 million again. After the previous losses are restored, and with these killing spirits, I'm afraid it can reach about 2.55 million. With such a huge amount of killing spirit, Chu Yi was calm and calm.

After receiving the spirit of killing, Chu Yi asked casually with a smile, "Are you ready?"

Knowing what Chu Yi asked, he nodded with a smile and said, "Let's start"

Chu Yi was not wordy. He directly took a leaf of the road, let the split swallow it, and ordered: "With careful understanding, I will now help you upgrade your cultivation to the realm of transformation."

After saying that, Chu Yi took out the energy that had been condensed for a long time, and casually put it into the body. Then he began to constantly play the Taoist magic power, and began to refine the split body according to the secret method.

After a while, the breath of the split body became stronger and stronger, and because of the leaves of the road, there was a wonderful Taoist rhyme. With this kind of Taoist rhyme and scattered method, the split suddenly roared, shook gently, shattered the clouds all over the sky, and stood proudly in front of Chu Yi with the breath of the sky.


Chu Yi and the split said happily at the same time, and then the two looked at each other and smiled again, and coincidentally showed an understanding expression. And the soparate cultivation is promoted to the realm of becoming a god, which not only greatly increases the combat power, but also Chu Yi's rare help. I believe that with the cultivation of today's split body and Chu Yi's latest harvest, it is absolutely not a big problem to forcibly kill the two realms of the gods.

But when Chu Yihe was so surprised, his face suddenly changed at the same time.

"What? Hongmeng disaster?"

Chu Yihe looked up at the sky in surprise and immediately saw the clear sky. I don't know when dark clouds appeared and began to condense.

"Damn it, how could this happen?"

Chu Yihe's split was even more shocked and couldn't stop cursing, because they never thought that after the split's cultivation to the realm of becoming a god, they would actually cross this Hongmeng disaster like ordinary monks.

It's a lot of fun

The problem is also a little serious

Just when Chu Yihe couldn't laugh or cry, and was extremely happy and sad, Tian Xuanzi and others, who had already felt the cohesion of the robbery, changed their faces. They realized that they were not crossing the disaster by themselves. They looked at Chu Yi in surprise and saw Tian Gangzi shouting anxiously, "Chu Yi, are you crossing the Have you reached the realm of becoming a god?

It's not easy to have a good apprentice. If you suddenly get through the disaster and are not prepared enough, and you will be killed like this, you will have a lot of fun.

Afraid of such a question, Tian Gangzi very much hoped that Chu Yi would answer no, but at this time, Chu Yi had no time to care about Tian Gangzi's feelings at all, and said with a bitter face, "Well, it's not me to cross the disaster, but to cross the disaster separately. At the same time, because of me and the split community, I am also within the scope of robbery.

The Supreme of the Zhonghua God was dumbfounded. Tian Xuanzi reacted a little quickly and quickly shouted, "It's dangerous. Don't hide your secrets. Take out all the good things that everyone is usually going to cross the disaster, and help Chu Yi respond to the disaster first."

Without saying a word, Tian Gangzi took out a stone shield and immediately threw it to Chu Yi. He said, "Chu Yi, this is the broken sky shield I'm going to cross the disaster. You can collect it quickly. It's easy to use when crossing the disaster."

After saying that, Tiangangzi urged the seed, "Come on, everyone take out everything and deal with it first. After that, Tiangangzi will thank you very much."

Tiangangzi is already like this, and it's hard for everyone to say anything. There are more than ten kinds of magic weapons specially designed for the Hongmeng disaster, all of which were thrown to Chu Yi. Chu Yi didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately collected it quickly. At the same time, he didn't forget to reply, "Thank you very much, thank you very much. Chu Yi remembers it in his heart."

You supremes have no time to pay attention to Chu Yi. On the same day, Xuanzi ordered everyone to avoid it quickly. After being implicated by the Hongmeng disaster, these gods' supremes ran faster than rabbits one by one. In the blink of an eye, there was no one left and ran 50 kilometers away. Even Tian Gangzi, who was hesitant, was finally pulled by the Flash.

Chu Yi knew that the Hongmeng disaster was too terrible for the supreme gods. It was not only a threat, but also scared them in the depths of memory. Therefore, Chu Yi did not expect these people to help him at all. He borrowed a lot of magic weapons against the Hongmeng disaster, which can be regarded as these supreme gods and did their best for Chu Yiren.

The Hongmeng disaster is coming

The sky, which was originally clear, is now extremely dark in an instant, like a blue picture scroll, splashed with unwashable ink. The dull black has made the mood extremely dull, and even the atmosphere much more solemn.


The Hongmeng disaster finally came, just like a very sudden appearance. When the number of disasters fell, there was no warning. There was no room left at all. In the sound of thunder, the purple Hongmeng thunder was like a purple mark suddenly drawn by a big pen between heaven and earth. When it was deafening, it had rolled out of the dark clouds and cut straight to the split and Chu Yi.

According to reason, if you suddenly cross the disaster, whether it is Chu Yi or a split, you should be afraid. However, at this time, Chu Yi and the split's expression were still extremely calm, as if it was not the terrible Hongmeng thunder, but the ordinary thunder. Seeing that the split took the lead in resisting. As soon as they supported their hands, they completely opened a borrowed black iron umbrella and turned into a canopy to block the sky.


Hongmeng Tianlei fell heavily on the black iron umbrella. Under the violent thunder, the iron umbrella was directly blown to the verge of falling, as if it was about to be blown up or completely destroyed. Seeing that he could not stop the thunder of Hongmeng, the split suddenly burst into a fairy sound, and he opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of pure vitality. He hit the iron umbrella and stabilized the iron umbrella.

At this time, Chu Yi waited for the opportunity to move, raised his hand and wiped it to the sky, and shouted: "Introduce"

Even if the raging Hongmeng Tianlei suddenly paused out of thin air and trembled, it was actually led away by Chu Yi out of thin air. It looked like a curved purple dragon. Chu Yi's eyes were bright, and his big hand grabbed it out of thin air, and grabbed the infinite purple thunder sky directly in his palm.


The thunder shines, full of the power of light, and Chu Yi's face is covered with a layer of purple. But the strange thing is that the violent Hongmeng Tianlei was completely caught by Chu Yi, as if it could be crushed at any time. Chu Yi made an incredible move under the attention of the public. That is, he rubbed the purple thunder in his hand, then threw it into his mouth, opened his mouth and swallowed it casually.


The gods in the distance are supreme, and their expressions are dull. Looking at Chu Yi's eyes, how weird they are. Chu Yi seemed to have done a very easy thing. After swallowing Hongmeng Tianlei, he burped comfortably. With a crack in his mouth, he saw a purple thunder spewing out of his mouth and directly smashed a mountain in the distance. It seems that he is telling others that the thunder swallowed by Chu Yi is really not simple.

"How does it taste?" The split expression naturally asked with a smile.

"It's tasteless. If you insist on it, it's a little hot," Chu Yi rubbed his stomach and replied.

He has Hongmengzhu, Hongmeng Tianlei, and Chu Yi, the body of the ancient god. Whether it is the affinity for the power of Hongmeng or his own ability, he is really not afraid of this first Hongmeng disaster. And swallowing Hongmeng Tianlei in this life may be a terrible thing for the ordinary god supreme, but for Chu Yi, it is really drizzle.


But Chu Yi's behavior undoubtedly completely stimulated the Hongmeng disaster. After Chu Yi and the split question and answer, the Hongmeng disaster was angry and thundered, and the infinite purple thunder pulp, as if it was free of money, gushed down to Chu Yi.

The dense purple thunder, like a purple ocean, completely evolved the heaven and earth into a purple that could not be described in words. From the dark sky, it fell one after another, trying to kill Chu Yi and the split on the spot.

However, Chu Yihe's split, as if he did not take the Hongmeng disaster as a matter at all. The split body easily sacrificed several powerful magic weapons that can resist heaven and earth. There are treasure, umbrellas, shields, and precious armor, one after another, resisting the terrible sea of thunder and not let it be suppressed.

The split was very busy, and Chu Yi did not mean to be idle. The so-called Hongmeng disaster, in Chu Yi's view, is simply a big tonic sent from heaven, and there is really nothing to threaten him.

While Chu Yi resisted the purple sea of thunder, Chu Yi was like a glutton to swallow the world. The golden big hand kept grabbing it from the void. He grabbed more than a hundred Hongmeng Tianlei, rubbed it into a ball casually, threw it into his mouth, and then sucked his mouth and swallowed it easily Chu Yisheng swallowed seven or eight.

Chu Yi's behavior made countless gods and supreme, all of whom were dumbfounded

Is this a disaster?

The supreme heads of the gods are confused, and they have rich experience. They feel that everything they once knew has been ruthlessly subverted at this moment... A