Cultivate God

Chapter 367 Evil II

Eighty-nine on the list of saints: nine!

Ninety saints in the list: Qi Yunhai!

Ninety-seven on the list of saints: Sunan Dou!




Taixu was shocked and the world was turbulent. When the news came out, the monks of the Taixu Huanyu were all surprised and speechless, and what really surprised the Taixu Huanyu monks was that these three were not accidentally lost, but were artificially buried in the hands of others.

The list of saints, the strongest *** of Taixu, even the monks ranked at the end, are all of the top 100 monks strictly selected from hundreds of millions of monks in the world of Taixu, which can definitely be called one in a billion, and the existence of Taixu world is almost invincible.

Such a powerful existence, even if it is some extremely dangerous life forbidden areas, they all have the ability to break in, let alone artificially killed and fallen by other monks. Even if they are on the list of saints, even if they are invincible, they can retreat completely.

But now?

However, there is the fall of the great saint on the saint list, even if it is the great saint at the end of the saint list, and the fall of three people at once is undoubtedly a major event that shocked Taixu Huanyu.

"Taixu Post" quickly gave a report on the war. Although there was no image, everyone was shocked again after reading the full report.

There is no other reason, because a person's name is mentioned in Taixuyi Newspaper.

That is 5,000 years ago, the famous Taixu world created countless famous legends, and the unprecedented existence of the saint list in the realm of nirvana alone - the colorful old man!


The whole Taixu world was shocked, and all the Taixu monks were stunned. The old people began to recall the name of the famous Taixu world 5,000 years ago, and the newcomers began to open history and search for all the things that had happened. When everyone knew the name of the colorful old man, everyone realized that the legend that had been silent for 5,000 years had returned.

The return of the king!

can only be described in these four words!

In the face of the invincible existence that could cross the same level 5,000 years ago, how strong will this colorful old man be today, five thousand years later?

The monk world has also become the same as the entertainment world. All the ordinary monks seem to be chasing stars. After knowing that the colorful old man and Chu Yi have not left the ancient wilderness, they all gathered to the periphery of the chaos and waited quietly, ready to witness the appearance of the awesome man 5,000 years ago for the first time.

However, many monks did this without realizing that their high attention had caused unpredictable troubles to the major forces.

It's hard to ride a tiger, and it's absolutely hard to ride a tiger!

Originally, it took so much time to encircle and suppress Chu Yi, which has swept the reputation of the major forces. If Chu Yi can't be caught again, if this is publicized, it will make it more difficult for the major forces to come down.

Such a situation has given the major forces a headache. Now a colorful old man has popped up, and many monks have drilled here. The chaos of the scene makes it more difficult for the major forces to control the situation.

To be honest, if it's just individual monks, even if they are on the list of saints, they will come here to watch the battle, and everyone will not be so troubled. But now there are more than tens of millions of monks coming, and the fish and dragons are mixed and widely involved. Sometimes they offend one person, who knows if more people will jump out later.

Therefore, even if the major forces have the intention to clear the situation and stabilize the situation, I'm afraid it is difficult to control it. They can only watch the scene become more and more chaotic.

But this is not the biggest headache for the major forces. The biggest headache for the major forces is that now there are so many eyes watching the battle directly at close range. Not to mention whether someone will deliberately make trouble. If you can't take Chu Yi down this time, if Chu Yi runs away again, it will really become... The thousand-year-old dam

You should know that the Wanbao Pavilion, Huangquanmen, the Shenbing Xiao family, the undead warriors, the Tiangong Mo family, the Juling clan and other great forces can build a peerless foundation without saying anything. It has definitely been accumulated for generations, little by little, from a small force to today's scale.

So all these great forces cherish their feathers and maintain their dignity. At this time, they are looked at by so many eyes. If they are still in Chu Yi's hands, although they will not hurt their muscles and bones, they will definitely have a small impact. At that time, once someone thinks that these great forces are just like this, then the objects who have been bullied by the major forces in the past and those who cannot resolve the contradictions with the major forces will see hope and raise their heads one after another, which is the most troublesome thing.

However, the major forces are the major forces. The background of hundreds of millions of years is extremely profound. In just seven days, a large number of monks have come one after another. Among them, the existence alone on the list of saints is as many as six, and they are all relatively high-ranked, with a ranking within the top 50, and the six Even if it is the first saint on the list today, I'm afraid that supreme existence will have to be avoided.

It seems that the major forces are completely ready to fall in with Chu Yi. This time, they have to take Chu Yi down no matter what, and must not let this boy slip out of his fingers.

Not only strong aid is coming, but the major forces seem to have some new ways and measures to stabilize the situation at this moment.

That's it, above the golden treasure ship of the Marlboro Pavilion...


The strong impact made the whole boathouse creak, as if even the superior solid metal could not bear this huge power at this moment. But in addition to the creaking sound that seemed to break, a vast low roar was obviously more turbulent.

"Damn, I think all of our major forces have the prestige of the world, but I didn't expect to be forced to be so embarrassed by a small five-world monk!"

"That's right, Brother Yan is right! Now there are at least tens of millions of monks staring outside. If we can't take down Chu Yi, we will be completely ashamed!"

The two people who just spoke, the former's name is the King of Yan, is the younger brother of the main clan of Huangquanmen. They have become the nine realms of the gods and fly to the saints. They hold the real river of Huangquan. There are the souls of tens of thousands of gods and monks buried in the river. They are famous

As for the echoer behind, he is called Hai Wuliang. He used to be a first-level scattered cultivation, but now he is recruited by the Wanbao Pavilion. He is very cunning, but his strength is absolutely extraordinary. He is proficient in the ancient fairy art "The True Method of Guishui", which can turn into the real thunder of Guishui. Each one is equivalent to an ocean on the Xiuzhen star, and the power is infinite. With this law alone, Hai Wuliang successfully ranked 50th in the list of saints, which was stated.

However, the King of Yan and Hai Wuliang made such an uplifting declaration, but the sensation caused was not very warm.

For example, the three families of the undead warrior family, the divine soldier Xiao family and the Tiangong Mo family, the reaction does not seem to be very fierce, and it can even be said that the behavior is somewhat excessive.

For example, when the undead warriors were reinforced by major forces, the undead warriors not only did not react at all, but also seemed to begin to retreat one after another. Today, the major forces were invited by Wanbao Pavilion and Huangquanmen to participate in this discussion. Almost all of them were sent to the 50 previous great saints on the list of saints, but the undead warriors sent two juniors and two attendants.

The two juniors are the old war of the twelve sons of the Zhan family and the old three fight against Tianfeng. As for the two attendants, they are not simple. They are Li Sheng, the elder of the Zhan family, who is the 77th saint list; Li Li, the elder of the guest family, is also 77th in the saint list

Is it also the 77th place on the list of saints?

Although this is too big, such a thing is a little rare. In fact, this is not unusual. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that Li Sheng and Li Li have the same faces and similar breaths. They are definitely twin brothers.

Li Sheng and Li Li have always been inseparable and have the same mind. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can sense each other's existence. Therefore, the two are very good at joint attack. Whether they are facing opponents who are stronger than them or are weaker than them, even if they are against thousands of troops, or only one person, they will take action at the same time and will never be separated.

Therefore, Li Sheng and Li have cultivated to the present level. With this joint attack, it is difficult for even the top 50 masters on the saint list to win the two of them. So, Li Sheng and Li Li only ranked 77th in the list of saints, but their reputation in Taixu Huanyu is not small at all.

It is precisely the scene of Li Sheng and Li Li. Everyone present always dares not say anything too much because Zhan Tian Destruction and Zhan Tianfeng are juniors.

However, in this game, it is not only Zhantian Destruction and Zhan Tianfeng who are juniors. Opposite the undead Zhan family, there is also a young man with a cold expression and a sword in his arms sitting on the seat of the Xiao family.

Compared with the behavior of Zhan Tian Destruction and Zhan Tianfeng with his attendants, the teenager looked much bolder. Unexpectedly, he was alone and did not bring any entourage. He sat cross-k with his sword and was dull.

But everyone present dares not underestimate this teenager, because this boy is more evil than Zhantian and Chu Yi, ranking second in the list of geniuses. He is the most proud descendant of the Xiao family, called: Xiao Jian.

At the moment when Xiao Jian opened his eyes when he was born, his eyes burst out with infinite imperial swordsmanship. In an instant, the sword weapons worn by everyone suddenly came out of their sheath. Qiqi *** on the ground, bending to the direction where Xiao Jian was born, just like the sword minister in the world worshipped the monarch, which can be said to


, Xiao Jian really showed amazing talent. He practiced swords at the age of three, achieved achievements at the age of twelve, and successfully incarnated at the age of forty-five. Now he has practiced for 150 years and has cultivated to the four realms of the gods.

Although Xiao Jian only practiced to the four realms of the gods, this boy is really perverted. He let his cultivation have peeped into the five realms of the gods of the gods. He was extremely conceited. He thought that he had no confidence to win when he met Xiao Jian, which was enough to see what kind of talent Xiao Jian was

However, Xiao Jian's personality is extremely strange. He seems to be obsessed with the sword all his life and never stains the dust of the world. Except for the sword, it is difficult to distract him from anything. So Xiao Jian actually came this time, which surprised and puzzled everyone present, but no one dared to underestimate him.

So although Xiao Jian is a junior, everyone knows that this guy must be in the top ten of the saint list one day. In addition, the Xiao family's importance to him is almost treated as a treasure, so if it can be offended, it is better not to offend him.

Therefore, although Xiao Jian is a junior, he can make any decision instead of the Xiao family.


Although Xiao Jian, Zhan Tian Destruction and Zhan Tianfeng can represent the Shenbing Xiao family and the immortal Zhan family, after all, they are the juniors. In this way, both sides appear, which makes the whole house full of people very unhappy.

Compared with the unreasonable behavior of the Shenbing Xiao family and the undead warrior family, the Tiangong Mo family is much more decent.