Cultivate God

Chapter 474 Breaking Purgatory

Chapter 474 Breaking Purgatory (Part I)

The Yuanshi magic book is the ancestor of the Tianmo clan. It is an unrivaled magic book made when it is completely refined with blood as the scripture, bone as the frame, skin as paper, and meat, internal organs and organs as the source of strength. There are a total of 99 pages. For each extra page opened, the power will be doubled. When all 99 pages are opened, the power is large enough to destroy the world.

Now the fifth page of the Yuanshi magic book is slowly opened in the hands of the first demon emperor, and with the fifth page of the Yuanshi magic book is gradually lifted, the boundless magic spirit contained in the Yuanshi magic book is still like a flood.

The virtual shadow of the ancestor of the heavenly demon appeared again. Although it was still extremely confused, it was much clearer than before. At the same time, the right hand of the virtual shadow of the ancestor of the heavenly demon has condensed more clearly, as if it has been materialized, and the lines on the palm can be faintly seen.

What a terrible hand!

Just from this right hand, you can tell how powerful the ancestor of the heavenly demon was, because such a hand seems to have the power to subvert the world, and the moment it opens slightly, it gives people a power that can cover the sky.


The boundless magic spirit spread out, and the infinite magic power spread all over the world. As soon as he heard the first demon emperor shouting, the virtual shadow of the first demon ancestor waved his hand and gave his thumb down the position of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi dared to shake it. Without saying a word, he turned his head and ran away!

Magic skill: beyond the reach of the dust!

Chu Yi's movements are as fast as a slip of smoke. When the whole body shakes, it is already tens of thousands of feet away, as if it is faster than time, and it can easily reach the end of the sky. Chu Yi is regarded as the magic skill of the ancient god of war Emperor Yi: beyond the reach of the dust, and it is God Emperor Yi, the whole film is too empty. No one wants to catch up with him.

However, what Chu Yi never thought was that the thumb of the virtual shadow of the ancestor of the devil seemed to be able to extend to the end of the sky. Chu Yi had fled to tens of thousands of feet and could still follow.


Chu Yi was shocked. Without saying a word, he used his magic skills again: he couldn't reach the dust, as if he really wanted to escape to the end of the sky. In a few steps, he had already run beyond 100,000 feet.

But the horrible thumb still followed. No matter how fast Chu Yi could escape, this black thumb with great magic power could catch up with Chu Yi, and slowly pressed it above Chu Yi's head.

Damn, I really don't believe in this evil!

In the face of the magic finger that could not be shaken off several times in a row, Chu Yi was fierce on the spot, roared, and then used his magic skills again: he couldn't wait for the dust, and he ran out like crazy.

100,000 feet!

A million feet!

Thousands of feet!

Chu Yi was getting faster and faster, and the scenery around him swept back quickly. Chu Yi ran half a column of incense in one breath, directly came to the body of the ancient God of War Emperor Yi, and returned to the world full of innate water.

However, the magic finger still did not disappear. It appeared coldly on the top of Chu Yi's head and pressed it slowly as usual.


Chu Yi was shocked, his whole body was full of cold hair, and his face was full of unbelievable expressions.

But in the face of the magic finger that could not be shaken off, Chu Yi still did not give up. He roared and showed his magic skill again: beyond the reach of the dust, people are still like light, extremely crazy and rushed out.

Chu Yi ran for half an hour, ran out of the innate water, ran to the ancient temple, and then fled to the ancient god space, and even ran out of the ancient god space and entered the Purgatory Fire Lake. Until there was a crash, he ran out of the lake of purgatory fire and returned to the killing purgatory again.

But...I can't get rid of it...

After running for such a long time, Chu Yi has almost run at least 10 million kilometers. However, this horrible magic finger is still suspended above Chu Yi, slowly pressing Chu Yi with extremely horrible magic power.

Damn, how could this happen!

Chu Yi was unwilling to prepare to use his magic skills again: there was no time to escape, but at this time, a strong sense of weakness suddenly broke out on Chu Yi's body.


Chu Yi suddenly changed his color and felt that the divine power could not be used. The 108 stars of the heavens were sealed. Even the armor of the god of war condensed with divine power on his body began to be like a little star smashed. Chu Yi remembered that he had run over his head.

If it is still in the ancient god space, the characteristics of killing purgatory will be isolated; and if it is in killing purgatory, the inability to use the characteristics of divine power will cause an extremely fatal blow to Chu Yi.

I can't escape anymore, or I can't escape at all!

Damn it!

Chu Yi reluctantly let out a fierce roar, quickly put away the sun-shooting bow, switched the killing magic sword, roared, pushed the origin of heaven after the killing, operated the "Great Killing", mentioned the few remaining magic power in his body, all poured into the killing magic sword, facing the horrible thumb pressed. He roared and raised the killing magic sword in his hand.

Magic skill: Kill the world!


The killing law that permeated the whole killing purgatory seemed to be attracted, and rushed to Chu Yi's position crazily and poured into the killing magic sword.

With the attraction of a large number of killing laws, the killing magic sword suddenly burst out with a huge killing intention, driving the infinite killing law, turning into a sea of killing and appearing behind Chu Yi.

Then, the killing magic swords condensed by countless killing laws emerged from the sea of killing one after another, one after another, as if endless, stood around Chu Yi, slowly adjusted the tip of the sword, and pointed to the magic finger that was slowly pressing down on the void.

Until all the tips of the sword were aimed at the magic finger, he heard Chu Yi's extremely loud roar. The man walked with the sword, and the whole person turned into a whirlwind that could drill into the sky, driving hundreds of millions of killing magic swords and rising to the sky.

Boom! Boom!!

Chu Yi's speed was so fast that the fast air could not stop him, and he was pierced one after another!

The magic sword of killing is so sharp that it can cut through everything, including this world!

And Chu Yi's earth-shaking move immediately attracted the attention of countless murderers in purgatory, and even the demons. When they looked up confusedly, they were extremely surprised to see the blade storm composed of hundreds of hundreds of millions of killing magic swords against the sky, like a long river of swords, and like a river against the sky. The stegosaurus, facing the huge thumb pressed from the sky.

All the monks were shocked and looked at the sword river composed of huge thumbs and hundreds of millions of magic swords, colliding with each other.


There were bursts of thunderstorms between heaven and earth, and the dazzling strong light spread and permeated in all directions, making it impossible to tell whether the magic finger crushed the magic sword or the magic sword destroyed the magic finger.

In a word...

This dazzling strong light made all the villains open their eyes, and the endless thunderbolt made all the villains deaf. Even, all the scenery between heaven and earth is covered by dazzling magic light, and all the sounds between heaven and earth are covered by the sound of endless thunderbolts.

It was not until this horrible collision lasted a whole column of incense that all the villains gradually recovered from this deaf and dumb state.


All the villains looked at the sky in surprise. The magic finger and the sword river have completely disappeared. The void is clean, and the black and red clouds that originally covered the whole killing purgatory have completely disappeared. Instead, there is a cloudless clean sky and a dot of morning stars in the void.



The bigger the villains' eyes were, the bigger their mouths were. They looked at those who had been lost to the depths of their memory for thousands of years in surprise, and almost forgot what kind of stars they were.

Ah! It's so beautiful!

All the villains were intoxicated in the beautiful scenery of the starry sky, and even some villains were excited to shed tears of joy or pain after seeing the bright starry sky.

Just as all the villains were intoxicated in the beautiful scenery of the starlight, they suddenly sensed the spiritual fluctuations of the arrays, and the Zhenyuan in his body recovered a lot in his breathing.


What's the situation?

In an instant, all the villains woke up, and then saw a villain reacting very quickly, making an extremely cold cry of joy, rushing madly towards the starry sky hanging high in the sky.

The villain's speed is extremely fast, like a skyrocket. In an instant, he has rushed to the limit of the sky and rushed into the wind layer. In the friction and burning of the fierce fire, he rushed out of the killing purgatory and rushed into the world of Taixu.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, forty thousand years, forty thousand years, I finally came out, I finally came out!!!"

The villain roared excitedly, the sky trembled, and the sun and moon seemed to fall. With the extremely excited shout, he disappeared far above the starry sky and left excitedly.

And his departure is like a signal, a signal that completely makes the killing of purgatory crazy!



Boom! Boom!!

One magic light after another rose to the sky, and the sound of breaking the air was loud like a magic sound of a sharp whistle. In an instant, countless escape lights appeared in the whole killing purgatory, and I'm afraid there were nearly 10,000 people.

The most terrible thing is that these magic lights are extremely powerful, and the villains in the magic light are all the cultivation of the ascension.

At this moment, so many powerful demons are about to leave the killing purgatory and return to the world of Taixu. With their return, I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for Taixu Huanyu. But the only thing that is certain is that when these murderers enter the world of Taixu, they will inevitably lead to chaos in the world of Taixu.

It's messy!

It's completely messed up!

Killing Purgatory is in chaos, and the Taixu world will also be chaotic. In the face of such chaos, many powerful beings in the Taixu world have sensed the catastrophe in the killing purgatory.

