Cultivate God

Chapter 537 Understanding God's Palm

Chapter 537 Understanding the Palm (Part I)

The ancient gods have four abilities, namely: the eyes of the god, the divine skill, the divine power, and the palm of the ancient god.

Like the eyes of the gods, what is cultivated is pupil power. After cultivation, you can have a very strong super vision. You can not only easily see tens of thousands of miles or even farther away, but also observe and see through all illusions, illusions and illusions.

For example, magic skills are the skills studied by ancient gods all their lives. Many ancient gods have spent their whole lives in order to practice magic skills. The skills they finally created are famous and brought great fame to the ancient gods.

Like divine power, it is the strange bloodline naturally owned by the ancient gods. It is divided into six kinds: Shura, King Kong, Vientiane, Emptancy, Immortery and Zeus. Each divine power contains infinite mysteries.

In the end, it is more or less intriguing to say that this ancient god is a palm!

The palm of the ancient god is the only divine power of the ancient god. It is claimed that it can evolve to the ultimate power and cultivate to the deepest realm. It has a palm that breaks the sky, destroys the heaven and earth, and destroys the sun and the moon.

But in Chu Yi's view, this ancient god's palm is a little exaggerated!

The palm of the ancient god is indeed very powerful. At the beginning of school, Chu Yi was able to rely on the palm of the ancient god to defeat the Yuanying-level strongman with the cultivation of Jindanjing.

However, this is gradually accompanied by the improvement of cultivation, and the disadvantages of the ancient god's palm are gradually reflected. Although the palm falls with the improvement of cultivation, the degree of strength is not obvious. For example, fighting with the strong at the level of demon emperor, the first demon emperor, immortal emperor and war saint, the effect is very unsatisfactory

This is still in the case of Taixu Huanyu. If you practice to the Hongmeng world and use the terrible strength of the Hongmeng saint, wouldn't the threat of this ancient god be smaller? In this case, how can this ancient god take on one of the four abilities of the ancient god? Precious become the only magic of the ancient god clan?

Now Chu Yi seems to be so naive about his previous ideas!

There are still many things that Chu Yi hasn't understood the power of the ancient god's palm!

Especially after the test of this ancient god, Chu Yi knew that the power of the ancient god's palm was more terrible than he thought, and ten thousand times more powerful than Chu Yi imagined. Among other things, now this ancient god just keeps using the palm of the ancient god, and he directly beats Chu Yi to the east, west, north and south, so he can only escape, and he doesn't even dare to pause.

And where is the power of this ancient god?

In the process of constantly escaping, Chu Yi has always observed how the ancient god used the palm of the ancient god. In the continuous observation, the speed, power and frequency of the ancient god's palm of the ancient god, it has reached a certain peak.

With a casual wave and a pat, the ancient god who crosses 100,000 miles bursts out with a palm. It looks as simple as patting flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and ants. It seems that there is no skill at all.

It's just the kind of control at will, and the destructive power of the collapse of the sky and the earth. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be able to burst out with a casual slap. It's more powerful than the ancient god's palm that Chu Yi has been preparing for a long time.

What exactly is the reason?

Where are the tricks?

Chu Yi tried to evolve the ancient god's palm, and even used the innate origin of the attack and the innate origin of the power to assist him, but Chu Yi's ancient god's palm has not yet evolved. This ancient god was so easy that he directly slapped Chu Yi to death on the spot.

Dead again!

Before and after, Chu Yi found that he had died four times, which made Chu Yi feel very aggrieved and cowardly. But after the resurrection, Chu Yi did not dare to neglect at all. He immediately used his magic skill: he had no time to escape, and then continued to escape while watching how the ancient god used the ancient god's palm.

But after half a day, Chu Yi never found any tricks, and during this period, he was seized by the ancient god and slapped him to death on the spot.

Chu Yi is super depressed. Although he can be resurrected after death, the pain before death is not a little, and it is not good to repeat this death this time.

However, after several deaths in a row, Chu Yi gradually found some problems!

At the moment when he was slapped by the ancient god, Chu Yi clearly felt that when the ancient god slapped the ancient god, the other party really seemed to be so casually, just like the feeling of human hitting flies. Just like when human beings slap flies, they firmly believe that as long as they slap flies, flies will die under their own palms. It seems that there is no need to study any skills at all.

Is this really the case?

After two more deaths, Chu Yi was speechless to find that the thing was really like this. The other party did not evolve the law of power or the law of attack like Chu Yi at all. He just patted it with such a simple palm, completely relying on the strength of the body and slapped the enemy to death as a fly.


I was fooled!

After Chu Yi observed this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He was ready to rely on the reason why he would not die anyway. He tried his best to use his magic skill: fighting the sky to break the prison, or the magic skill: opening up the world, so that this ancient god knew that he was not so easy to bully.

But just when Chu Yi raised this idea, and at the moment when he was ready to take action, the ancient god fell with a fierce palm, and the golden hand covering 100,000 miles fell overwhelmingly, with the power to crush and destroy everything.



In an instant, looking at the palm of the ancient god, Chu Yi suddenly found that the palm of the god looked like the real palm of the ancient god, which was definitely not as simple as he thought. If it is really only the palm of the ancient god hit by brute force, how can the palm of the other party's ancient god be so powerful?

It seems to be wrong there!

Chu Yi gritted his teeth again and stopped the attack, and continued to observe the changes contained in the palm of the other party's ancient god. This time, Chu Yi completely calmed down. He was not as rough as before, and the ancient god's movements were observed very carefully every time.


At this glance, Chu Yi saw a little taste. Although the ancient god's palm was simple and unusual, every time before the ancient god waved, his body would have a very discordant tilt and a large arm swing.


Chu Yi finally found the problem, that is, when this ancient god exerts power, he is not using the power of his arms at all, but the power of his legs and waist!

If this scene falls in the eyes of others, it may not be a big deal, but in the eyes of Chu Yi, the meaning is very different, because when Chu Yi is on the earth, he occasionally learns some skills such as fighting, which are often mentioned in the use of legs and waist. To exert force is the most reasonable and perfect way to exert force.

You should know that human beings are not monks. By practicing and manipulating the spirit of heaven and earth, monks can get very powerful power, and can easily move mountains and reclaim the sea. And because human beings are weak, they have to study skills to strengthen themselves, so human beings are happy about how to exert their strength and how to use the strength of the whole body.

Maybe Chu Yi has been practicing for too long, and he almost forgot that when he was still an ordinary person, his dedication to power and research.

Now, by being slapped to death by the ancient gods again and again, Chu Yi found a lot of things that he had lost and ignored.

So that's it!

Chu Yi had a trace of enlightenment in an instant. Under this understanding, Chu Yi gave up resistance, gave up running away, stood quietly in place, carefully observed the palm of the ancient god, and realized the power of the ancient god's palm through death again and again.




Chu Yi was slapped to death again and again, repeating the process of death and resurrection again and again. Every time made Chu Yi painful. I really want to die completely after being slapped to death the next moment, and then don't resurrect and don't wake up again.

But in the end, Chu Yi gritted his teeth and persisted completely. By experiencing the palm of the ancient god used by the ancient god, he explored the mystery of the palm of the ancient god and studied how to improve the palm of the ancient god.

Again and again, again and again, when Chu Yi couldn't remember how many times he had died and resurrected, and finally came back to life again and again, Chu Yi's eyes flashed with a brilliant spirit. Finally, he felt the mystery of the palm of the ancient god in the continuous personal experience. RO