Cultivate God

Chapter 576 Silver Flame Demons on

Chapter 560 Silver Flame Demon (Part 1)

Most of the time, the silver pig gives people the feeling that he is very weak, because he always hides in the Hongmeng space to command Chu Yi to fight, and uses his rich experience to help Chu Yi gradually grow up. He has not directly shown his strength, which makes people mistakenly think that the silver pig's strength is actually not very good, even I don't think so.

But is this really the case?

Not to mention how majestic the silver pig was in ancient times, let's take the silver pig, which has only recovered 40% of its strength now. Its own combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the Hong Yu saint at the level of the great saint. If its strength is completely restored, it is almost unimaginable how powerful the silver pig will be.

Now is the first time that the silver pig has shown its strength!

And the opponents he has to face are three great saints, nine saints, seventeen saints, and thirty-three saints.


The body unicorn recovered by the silver pig roared out a dragon-like sound that was enough to deter millions of miles. Wherever the sound passed, the thunder rolled between heaven and the earth, and the earth's fire spewed into the sky, as if it had made the doomsday storm more tragic. In this rolling thunder, the endless sea of To those Hongyu saints who are greedy for magic weapons and blood.

"No, be careful, everyone. This is the unicorn roar that can make the world flame!"

"Gentlemen, quickly use the ancient secret of the water department to deal with it. Don't fight with this unicorn with the ancient secret of the fire department, otherwise it will only help this unicorn!"

"The unicorn is a sacred beast of fire virtue. Except for the phoenix fire, the flames in the world should listen to the order. Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Although these Hongyu saints are a temporary team, the three great saints in the team are obviously experienced and understand the form in an instant. They forced the temporary team, commanded in an orderly manner, and began to organize defense. One by one, relying on experience, they played the ancient secrets of the water system to resist the silver pig order. The thunder and fire.

Unfortunately, although the policy of these teams is very correct, the silver pig is not the ordinary unicorn.

Ordinary unicorns can only command the flames of the world, and the silver pig, the only alien water and fire unicorn since the flood, can not only command the flames of the world, but also command the world's thousands of water.


There is almost no need to move. Looking at the ancient secrets of the water system used by these Hongyu saints one after another, the unicorn body recovered by the silver pigs immediately became a shocking roar again. With the roar of the supreme unicorn, the layers of water curtain manifested by the ancient secrets of the water system used by these Hongyu saints.

Oh! Oh!!!

I just commanded the water curtain freely, and now I have completely lost control in the hands of these Hongyu saints, just like a naughty and disobedient child. Under the command of the silver pig, they were reunited into a rolling river. Under the order of the silver pig in the sky, they turned into a water unicorn shaking their heads and tails Those Hongyu saints.

"How could this happen? How can you even control the water secret?

"Bad, this unicorn seems to be an alien!"

"If you can order flames and water flow, everyone, put away the ancient secrets of the water system!"

Seeing such a situation, when the three great saints of these Hongyu saints were surprised, their reaction was not very slow. They didn't want to give the silver pig too many orders, and they wanted to put away the water curtain to curb the horrible attack of Kirin.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

How can the river, which has been ordered by the silver pig, be taken back by these saints? In the surprised response of these Hongyu saints, a water unicorn rushed down and turned into a terrible flood, and rushed these Hongyu saints dozens of kilometers away.

"Quickly use the ancient secret of earth!"

"The earth can restrain water, the saint who can use the ancient secrets of the earth system, cast the spell quickly!"

"Don't panic, everyone. It's not difficult for us!"

He was washed dozens of kilometers away in one breath. Although these Hongyu saints were in a mess, the experience of the three great saints was also solid enough. One of them took the lead in sacrificing a mountain magic weapon, suppressed the huge flood, and won a respite for all the people. So he saw the rest of Hong Yu saints and began to The counterattack manifested the peaks one after another, which blocked the flood of the Silver Pig Order.


Seeing that the flood was blocked, the silver pig still did not panic at all. The roar resounded through the sky and spread for millions of miles. It once again ordered infinite thunder and earth fire, turning into roaring thunder unicorns and fire unicorns. Under the control of the silver pig, they all fell on the evolved peaks.

Thunder, the mountain is broken!

Fire refining, mountain melting!

Thunder and fire went hand in hand. The peaks were completely crushed and turned into existence under the attack of thunder and fire. In the end, they all became victims under the attack of thunder and were all smashed and smelted. The huge flood continued to permeate, roaring and rushed to the poor Hongyu saints.

I can't stop it!

The sky is always thunderous, the earth is always full of fire, and with the rolling flood, the three aspects are pressing the situation at the same time. Even if the three great saints have rich experience, they can no longer save the chaotic situation.

In the end, looking at the painstaking support of these saints, sages and saints under the attack of the sea of thunder, the sea of fire and flood, the three saints completely gave up their command, each of them launched their supreme combat effectiveness, and killed at the position of the silver pig.


One of the great saints seemed to have obtained the extremely rare bloodline of the ancient sword clan. Holding a blood-striped magic knife, he split the rolling thunder sea with a knife and killed directly at the location of the silver pig.


The second sage was a flying black snake sanctified. After entering Hong Yu, he seemed to get the blood of the ancient barbarian demon seven-winged Tianwu. After successfully combined, he turned into a centipede snake body, a monster with ten wings, unfolded an extremely horrible speed, avoided the rolling sea of fire, and rushed to


In the end, the great sage's strength is not weak. Although he didn't get any good blood, he obviously learned a very strong fairy art, evolved into ninety-one stars, surrounded by the rolling flood, and moved forward slowly at the same speed, killing the silver pig.

In the face of the outbreak of the three great saints, the silver pig did not show any panic.

In other words, from beginning to end, in the eyes of the silver pig, the so-called saints, sages and saints did not pay attention to it at all. Only these three great saints can really threaten his existence, so seeing the killing of these three great saints, the silver pig seems to have a policy to deal with it for a long time.


The body of the unicorn recovered by the silver pig exuded unprecedented demon power. It rushed into the air majestically, overlooking down like a god. He stared at the three saints coldly and said, "Wait, be presumptuous!"


The four simple words are like four thunderbolts suddenly exploding, and the endless thunder and ground fire immediately fell with these four words, all of which converged into the body of the silver pig and integrated into the silver flame burning in the whole body of the silver pig.

Integrating into thunder and ground fire, the temperature emitted from the silver pig's body gradually broke through to a new height one by one. It was hot as if it could burn through the void, and the gradually thick sea of silver fire spread all around.

The silver sea of fire looked enchanting, and thousands of miles shone into a silver world, spreading and burning to the three great saints. With unparalleled temperature, in just a short moment, it successfully stopped the progress of the three great saints.

However, stopping the progress of these three great saints does not mean that they can successfully kill these three great saints.

After all, the life expectancy of Hong Yu, who has been cultivated to the level of the Great Sage, is not millions of years, or even as high as tens of millions of years. May I ask, after living for so long, these great saints don't have any extraordinary skills? Don't you have any skills?

Yes, the demonic silver flame spread by the silver pig is indeed infinitely powerful, but the three great saints showed their magical powers and showed many powerful ancient secrets to each other. They began to resist these silver flames and steadily pushed the position of the silver pig.

"Well, do you still know how to advance or retreat? In this case, I don't need to keep my hands. Let me show you how fragile you are in front of the real ancient barbarian demons!"


In the meantime, the silver pig roared and shook the sky, as if it could break the whole natural world. In the roar of the silver pig, the heaven and the earth gradually became more chaotic.

Thunder is even more fierce, as if all thunder will be completely released at this moment. Heaven and earth are connected by these rolling thunders, completely turning into a world of thunder.

The fire burned more, and the fire in the center of the earth was like a volcanic eruption, spewing out pillars of fire that rushed to the sky one by one, and then unfolded like a mushroom umbrella, desperately dropping showers of fire, falling from the sky, forming the most horrible cooperation with the thunder.

Lei Hai! Sea of fire!

Although it is extremely scary, it is still much worse than the silver pig.

The silver pig wandered in all directions at this moment, walking in the thunder and earth fire, as if it had turned into a lightning absorber and a fire collector. Wherever it went, the thunder and earth fire crazily integrated into the body of the silver pig, and finally turned into the power held by the silver pig, merging into a silver flame flowing

No, it's not enough to describe it as a silver flame!

These silver flames are all condensed together and turned into a liquid material flow like mercury, just like fire pulp, thunder slurry and so on. The high temperature is a little penetrating and a little frightening.

But this is not the most horrible!

These **-like silver fire liquid, when it grows to a huge fire lake of 40 to 50 kilometers, the body of the unicorn recovered by the silver pig is like drinking water, sucking it with all its strength. The silver fire lake is immediately like being swallowed by a giant whale, forming an indescribable flow of water, which is incompar All the horrible ways are sucked in. RO