Cultivate God

Chapter 689 The Realm of Evidence

Chapter 659 The Realm of Evidence (Part I)

A conspiracy!

The three sage are wise and unparalleled. They easily destroyed the resistance army, slaughtered the lives of 200 million resistance army, successfully repelled the resistance army, and stabilized the situation.

But this is not the end, but the beginning!

Repulsed the rebel army has a military force of 1 billion. Although it has lost 200 million, the 800 million rebel army is still a large number. If you try your best, the three saints can't achieve any brilliant results for the time being.

What's more, the three saints are ready to use the Hongyu saint and the ancient people as cannon fodder to help him cope with the catastrophe after 90 years. Therefore, if too many rebel troops die, it is not the result they expect for the three saints.

Therefore, the three sage did not pursue and allowed the rebel army to withdraw.

Three days later, the three saints issued a decree, ordering the whole Hongyu world, if they are willing to surrender, they can be dealt with leniently and protected from the threat of death. And those who are obsessed, the three saints will give the strongest iron fist and punishment, killing without mercy.

Soldiers don't have blood blades, this is the real soldiers don't have blood blades!

Although the catastrophe after 90 years may be used as cannon fodder by the three saints, at least they can survive for a period of time and find a way to survive. And now if you resist, you may die immediately, and you don't even have a chance to survive.

It's just such an order. The rebel army, which had just been defeated, immediately floated and there was a greater out-of-control situation. Some people already wanted to break away from the rebel army and join the three holy teams.

At the same time, at this time, the three saints ordered the Hongyu worlds to tell the world with a poisonous oath. They unified the Hongyu worlds, but in order to better develop the Hongyu worlds, not selfish at all.

In addition, the three saints also promised that they would never use the whole Hongyu world as cannon fodder to help them cope with the catastrophe as rumored, but were ready to work together with the whole Hongyu world to cope with the catastrophe 90 years later.

The situation is out of control!

Under the nakedness of the three saints, they were finally a little firm enough. They were successfully confused by the three saints and abandoned the resistance army one after another and joined the team of the three saints.

For the rebel army that took the lead, the three sages gave them a very high treatment. They not only helped to improve their cultivation, but also gave the sages magic weapons, so that their strength could be greatly increased in a short time.

With the lessons learned from the past, the rebellion of the rebels was aggravated to the maximum.

It's like opening the floodgate, and the turbulent flood is venting out. The rebel army is like this flood. However, in five years, the rebel army has at least 500 million saints and ancients have been separated, resulting in the original 1 billion rebel army, which has been sharply reduced to only about 300 million left.

The rebels do not attack and break themselves!

Most of the rebels of the 300 million yuan are still the forces of Guiguzi and the free king of France, and have almost lost the capital to compete with the three sage.

In desperation, Guiguzi and the free Dharma king could only lead the remaining troops, take advantage of the undetectable effect of the Lingtian fairyland, and began to hide in the east and live a messy escape life.



Another decade has passed. Twenty-three thoughts have passed from the vast struggle against the army. In the past twenty-three years, Chu Yi was suppressed at the foot of the Three Holy Mountain. What is the situation?

In the past 23 years, Chu Yi still did not give up resistance and get out of trouble.

But after 23 years, Chu Yi has more or less judged that unless he breaks through to the realm of Taoism again, he can't get out of the Sansheng Mountain at all.

So when the facts were in front of him, Chu Yi resolutely and decisively decided to continue his practice.

But even so, how can it be easy to get out of trouble?

Fortunately, Chu Yi also has a sharp tool for practice, which is Hongmengzhu!

Now it has been upgraded to the eighth change of Hongmengzhu, the effect is absolutely amazing, but with the help of practice, it is definitely not under the innate treasure: the cultivation pagoda.

In the normal time of one day, the Hongmengzhu time is 300 years, and it can also open up an independent space to simulate any effect that wants to be simulated, so that people in the space can practice in the way they want.

Not only that, if Hongmengzhu intensifies the combustion and consumption, it can increase the effect tenfold again.

That is to say, Chu Yi can accelerate the time of Hongmengzhu to one day outside, and three thousand years, which can greatly effectively increase Chu Yi's cultivation time.

However, after using it like this, Hongmengzhu must use the divine source as an energy supplement. A 999,999,999 specifications of the divine source can maintain the normal effect for six years.

Chu Yi took out the four crystals he held, refined the four perfect divine sources, all of which were invested in the energy support of Hongmengzhu, and accelerated the time of Hongmengzhu to the outside day. In the middle of 3,000 years, he began the most crazy practice.

In such a practice, Chu Yi has spent 23 years of outside time, about 2,5185,000 years, which can only be described by madness.

The ladder of Zhengdao!

The so-called Zhengdao ladder is a cultivation environment specially designed by Chu Yi for himself. This is an endless ladder that can never be walked. Unless the Zhengdao is achieved, it will always be trapped in the Zhengdao ladder and eventually die in vain in the Zhengdao ladder.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

Chu Yi sealed his cultivation and climbed up on the ladder of the road with his body. Chu Yi walked for 2,5185,000 years without stopping a step.

And in the process of climbing, Chu Yi has to experience all kinds of dangers, such as wind, rainstorm, heavy snow, hail, and all kinds of illusions that can attract Chu Yi's mind and attract the weakest part of Chu Yi's heart.

How many times...

Chu Yi himself can't remember how many times. In these dangers and illusions, he almost died in it. If his will was not firm enough, I'm afraid he would die in it.

But these are not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is how many times have you given up in Chu Yi's heart!

Not bad, just give up!

Why do you have to suffer so much? Why do you abuse yourself so stupidly?

Also, I don't have to work so hard at all. I am an ancient god and a strong man in Taoism. As long as the seal is unsealed, I can ascend to the sky in one step.

As the saying goes, it's easy to get, but it's harder to give up!

This kind of mood of persuading Chu Yi to give up many times has deceived Chu Yi like a nightmare, so that Chu Yi almost couldn't stand it, gave up and continued to persist, and then chose a safer and easier way to prove it.

But Chu Yi finally gritted his teeth and persisted, because that was not his way. This way could not make Chu Yi successfully prove the way in a short time, let alone set foot on an absolute height, which was a great obstacle to detachment in the future.

So Chu Yi did not give up. He walked unswervingly, step by step, and every step was very firm. He walked for about 2,5185,000 years until one day...

In the constant rebellion and constant resistance, Chu Yi finally knew how to prove his rebellion!

Life is not satisfactory in the world, just like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you will retreat!

Reverse is what this means. In this world that is not as good as you want, go straight up until you step on the peak, you will be the top, and finally succeed in living the life you want.

Reverse is such a spirit, not resistance, not rebellion, not resistance, but the process of pursuing success, the spirit of not giving up, and the joy of pursuing final success.

This is 'reverse', a spirit, a joy, an unspeakable will!

Life is not satisfactory in the world. If you go straight up against the current and don't give up, you will see the small mountains, and I know the joys and sorrows!

Chu Yi completely understood the 'reverse'. At the same time, he also saw the end and end of the Zhengdao ladder. Until in many adversities, Chu Yi successfully stood at the end and end of the Zhengdao ladder. Looking at the beautiful scenery around him, Chu Yi finally smiled.

All the suffering, all the fatigue, all the bitterness, unwillingness and giving up. At this moment, it has completely turned into the past in Chu Yi's heart. The only thing Chu Yi enjoys now is that he has successfully proved the Tao and the joy after the testimony.

Chu Yi, after about 2,5185,000 years, finally proved the success of the Tao and stepped into the realm of the Tao.


But this is only the beginning, not the end! RO