The scum of the real world

Chapter 125 Holes

At this time, Yue Qianchou naturally did not know that the disciples of the six sects praised themselves as bright as a big red flower, and they did not know that the six sects had decided to end the trial in advance, thinking about whether they could get more things in the demon realm and slowly spend a month before going back.

The three saints of Lingwu respectfully led the six people to the top of the mountain. There were questions and answers to Yue Qianchou's questions, and the latter finally knew the details of the three monsters. The three monsters have been cultivated for more than 2,000 years and have been cultivated as goblins in the early stage of the disaster. The gorgeous woman in revealing clothes is a colorful snake spirit named Hong Sanniang. Looking at the hairstyle, the yellow-haired old monster knew that it was a lion spirit named Huang Erwei. The original shape of such a dignified old monster is a mountain Xiao, named Hou Daquan.

When I walked to the top of the mountain, several people were surprised. What a strong aura! The aura at the top of the mountain is so thick that it is foggy and rainy. Yue Qianchou felt the silk floating on the skin, mixed with the unique fragrance in the air, as if he were in the rain of perfume.

"The three of you will enjoy it. It actually occupies such a good place, which must be of great help to the cultivation of the three of you, right?" Yue Qianchou smiled at the three monsters.

It suddenly made me feel strange. Don't you think the three of us are not qualified to enjoy here? It seems that this feng shui treasure is going to be dedicated. Hong Sanniang walked and said, "If you are satisfied with this place, the three of us are willing to give this place to you."

"Oh!" Yue Qianshou's eyes swept over her chest and the white flesh that could not be wrapped in her clothes, and said indifferently, "Am I the person I love?"

Hong Sanniang twisted her waist and waved her hand repeatedly and said, "I didn't mean that. We are willing to give this to you."

"Real is it?" Yue Qianchou's eyes fell on Hou Daquan and Huang Erwei and asked, "Do you two mean the same?" The two monsters looked at each other, and Hou Daquan said respectfully, "We are stupid and can't speak. What San Niang means is what we mean."

It's a pity that I can't move here, and I can't stay here for a long time. Otherwise, I will practice here every day, and I believe I can quickly break through to the end of the foundation. Thinking about it, he waved his hand sadly and said, "I appreciate your kindness. There is no need."

The three monsters exchanged eyes and said in their hearts that Bi Changchun's disciples were really used to seeing good things, and they didn't even like such a good place.

"Wow! That's right." Yue Qianchou said strangely, "How can there be such a strong aura here? Do you know why?"

Hong San Niang smiled a little reservedly and said, "The three of us chose to settle here at the beginning, and I also saw the dense trees around here. I have been here for thousands of years and have never seen anything unusual. It's strange to say that half a year ago, there was a fragrance that I don't know where it came from, and then the aura became more and more prosperous, and it turned out to be what it is now. Otherwise, the cultivation of the three of us in those years can't occupy such a place.

Yue Qianchou nodded and thought about it. Which monster doesn't like it in such a place with such aura? With the cultivation of three people thousands of years ago, it must not be preserved. Even now, I'm afraid it's because of the short time of this vision, otherwise they still can't keep it with their cultivation at the beginning of

Looking at the surrounding environment, the mountain is quite strange. The mountainside is lush, but there is no tree on the top of the mountain. It is full of strange stone forests. The unusually fragrant fragrance seems to be scattered from the stone forest.

Yue Qianchou stared at Shi Lin with shining eyes and asked, "Is there any treasure under this Shilin?"

"Sir, please follow me." Hong Sanniang led the way in front of her. Everyone followed her to the stone forest and walked to a stone cave. Suddenly, they felt that the fragrance was getting stronger and stronger, as if the fragrance was scattered from the cave.

Hong Sanniang pointed to the cave and said, "Sir's idea is the same as that of the three of us. We also suspect that there is any treasure under the mountain, so we want to make a hole to see what it is. However, the hardness of the stones here is really beyond my expectation. The surface is a little better, and the more difficult it is to dig down. It took the three of us nearly half a year to dig a depth of nearly 100 meters. Up to now, it is almost impossible to enter. I'm afraid that we can't move forward without the magic weapon to open the mountain

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Yue Qianchou said strangely, "Let's go in and have a look."

He said and walked in first. The hole is not big, and it can only accommodate two people to move forward side by side, which is probably the reason why it is difficult to dig. After walking more than ten meters deep, I just felt that it was dark in front of me. Suddenly, I saw a little fluorescence. I was stunned. Is it a fluorescent stone? Is there a spiritual stone mine down there? He didn't know until he was a miner in Qingguangzong that this fluorescent stone was the companion mine of the spirit stone.

Immediately walk down quickly, because the cave is dug down by the top of the mountain, so the slope is relatively steep. Every time you walk more than ten meters, the direction of the hole will be folded in the opposite direction. After walking nearly 100 meters, I found that there was no way, and I had reached the end of the cave. The Red Lady explained behind her, "The three of us have only dug here so far."

Yue Qianchou nodded, pinched the finger in his hand, and the three cold rays on his body quickly shot at the stone wall. A series of "jingling" sounds sounded. After the flying sword was taken back, he found that this series of attacks only left a pile of white spots on the stone wall, and he could not even give it a few small

"Shh!" Yue Qianchou took a cool breath, reached out and touched the stone wall and said, "What a hard stone."

A smile flashed in Hong San Niang's eyes, which seemed to be a little gone. She said in her heart that there must be something precious under the mountain, otherwise there would be no such a vision. It's just that you can't be relieved to bring you here because you can't dig it. In the future, there will always be a

Yue Qianchou pinched his chin and looked at the stone wall with a little meditation. Suddenly, he said, "You go out first. No one can come in without my order. Hong San Niang, you three take good care of my friends. If they lose a cold hair, you want to go.

The following sentence, against the faint blue fluorescence in the cave, looks extremely cold. The three saints of the fog are excited and bow to receive the order. On the contrary, Kou Xuehua and others behind muttered secretly that we are disciples of the same school. When did we become your friends? But in danger, several people are not fools. Yue Qianchou must have a deep meaning to say so, so he has to make up his mind to cooperate well.

After waiting for him, there was no movement. After confirming that everyone went out, a pair of gloves appeared in Yue Qianchou's hand. It was the 'mountain claws' that had made great contributions for him to steal the spiritual stone. After it was put on his hand, he teased the dark and shiny ten claws and muttered I happen to have a payment here. I want to see what's going on down here. It's protected by such a hard stone. Don't let me down!"

"Brush..." The claw shadow flew, the iron-hard stone wall began to fly, and the stone cave was accompanied by an unstoppable smile on his face.

After half a day, Yue Qianchou didn't know how deep he had dug, but it was deep enough to go deep to the bottom of the mountain, because the mountain was not high, and it was estimated to be only two or three hundred meters high. Except for the nearly 100 meters dug by the three monsters, it was estimated that he had dug "Damn it! Three fools, I don't know if they dig from the bottom of the mountain. They have to start from the top of the mountain, which makes me busy for so long.

After scolding, he swayed his claws again in a row. Suddenly, when he went down, he suddenly felt relaxed. A purple light squirmed at the broken mouth of the stone wall. He was overjoyed. A few claws went down and opened a mouth that could get in. First, he put his head in and watched. ...