The scum of the real world

Chapter 129 Killing with Order

More than a dozen generals dressed up to the hillside, and the first one was the flying-looking general. More than a dozen riders lined up with murderous words, and the three saints of Lingwu were so scared that they all took a step back. On the contrary, Kou Xuehua and others were not afraid at all.

Yue Qianchou walked slowly towards more than a dozen riders. When the general Zhang Fei saw that he was worried, he was stunned and said, "Mr. Yue!"

Other generals also looked at each other in consterance. Sai Zhang Fei took the lead in getting off the horse and holding the boxing boxing, "I have seen Mr. Yue." The generals got off the horse and hugged the boxing boxing together. "I've seen Mr. Yue." That day, Yue Qianchou completely convinced them. In addition, his relationship with the ghost general was good, so the meeting gift was naturally inevitable.

The three saints of Lingwu breathed a sigh of relief. The face of Bi Changchun's disciples is really great. These ghost generals have the cultivation of the end of the ghost king like the ghost king. They can kill them casually by picking up any one. I don't know what's going on. How did they surround Lingwu Mountain today?

"Don't be polite." Yue Qianchou raised his hand and said, "What are you doing here today?"

Zhang Fei did not hide it and said bluntly, "Today, I received a report from an agent, saying that the aura here fluctuated greatly, and the general ordered me to find out the situation."

"So that's it." Yue Qianchou glanced at the bottom of the mountain, damn it! Sure enough, I have nothing to do when I'm full. Does it take such a big battle to find out the situation? However, it is estimated that it was also caused by penetrating the cave and removing the spirit stone.

Yue Qianchou turned around and smiled gently at Kou Xuehua and others, "You go down the mountain first, and I'll come later."

Several people were very cooperative and did what they said. They passed between more than a dozen riders, and no one stopped them. When the Red Lady saw Yue Qianchou's gentle smile at this time, and then saw Kou Xuehua and others walking away from the side, there were only three of them left, which seemed a little lonely. When she saw the rows of ghost generals, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Didn't she still have to dig a 20-day spiritual stone? After a few thoughts, his face turned pale, and his voice trembled, "Please let the three of me go. Sanniang was wrong just now. I shouldn't have played tricks on you."

Hou Daquan and Huang Erwei were still confused. Seeing that Yue Qianchou was still smiling, they couldn't figure out what was going on? I don't see anything angry about Yue Qianchou!

Yue Qianchou turned around and walked to the generals. The smile on his face instantly became gloomy. As he walked, he said, "Hong Sanniang, don't you think it's too late? If everyone does something wrong and accompanies them afterwards, it will be all right. Isn't it peaceful in the world? Why do you still need to fight and kill?

"No!" Hong Sanniang panicked and said, "Please let Sanniang go this time." With that, he was about to run to pull a thousand sorrows.

"Bold evil! How dare you be rude to Mr. Yue. Sai Zhang Fei shouted violently and stood behind Yue Qianchou,

With a "sneer", the sword at the waist was pulled out halfway. In an flash, more than a dozen murderous pairs of murderous eyes stared at the Red Lady.

"San Niang knows what's wrong. San Niang really knows what's wrong. Please let me go." The third red lady staggered back.'s back. At this time, Hou Daquan and Huang Erwei also knew that something was wrong. They were so scared that they didn't know what to do. In front of a group of generals who practiced at the end of the ghost king, they couldn't run away even if they wanted to!

"Please, generals, destroy these three demons on the spot, and don't leave any of them." Yue Qianchou turned around and said coldly and ruthlessly.

As soon as he said this, the three saints of Lingwu were really a little stunned. The ghosts were stunned. We protect you and respect you. What right do you have to order us? As soon as they turned around, they saw that Yue Qianchou slowly raised a dark token in his hand. Immediately, they were shocked and immediately said in unison, "I will obey!"

The shadows of more than a dozen ghost kings at the end of their cultivation rushed to the three saints of the spiritual fog. The screams stopped abruptly, and a blood mist dispersed. The three demons did not even have a chance to fight back, and even the body could not be found.

Yue Qianchou flashed the look of Hong San Niang ** with fat buttocks and a charming smile in his mind. He shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity for those breasts. Originally, I wanted to take it for my own use. Why do you have to show off a little cleverness? You can't live!"

More than a dozen ghosts will flash back, holding their fists together, indicating that the task has been completed. Yue Qianchou nodded with admiration. It's better to manage militarization! It's like a mountain. It's not negotiable. It seems that I have to get a group of troops in the world of cultivation!

"At the foot of this mountain is a spiritual stone mine. Since the three demons are dead, you can let your general take over." Yue Qian was worried and took advantage of Meng Yan's guy for nothing.

" it a spiritual stone mine? The general thought there were some treasures to be born. Sai Zhangfei regretted that the spiritual stone was of no use to ghost cultivation at all. What they needed was yin qi, not aura.

However, he made a gesture to several people around him, and several generals immediately scattered the search. Obviously, he also wanted to verify whether what Yue Qianchou said was true. Sai Zhangfei turned around and smiled apologetically, "Sir, no wonder. If you don't believe your words, you really have to be cautious."

Why do I say such a big battle? It turned out that Mengyan was thinking of grabbing treasure. Sure enough, there was nothing good, but you came a step late, and I took all the valuable things. Yue Qianchou waved his hand and smiled, expressing his understanding. As a soldier, if he can't even be careful, he doesn't have to fight if he pulls out the team. It's better to wipe his neck with a knife to avoid the shame of defeat. He appreciates this very much.

"Wow!" Sai Zhangfei suddenly said strangely, "Sir, according to our news, didn't you go back? Why are there still a few of you left?

Yue Qianchou laughed and said, "That must be your news is wrong. I'm not standing in front of you!"

"No!" Sai Zhangfei waved his hand with certainty and said, "Even if our news is wrong, the demon king Ao Li will not talk nonsense. He is still with the general now. I heard what he said. He fought with several masters of Fuxian Island the day before yesterday, and both sides suffered a little loss. At the same time, I received recent news from the spies that there were only six people left on 'Yun Tianfeng', and everyone else had left.

"Ao Li, the demon king, is one of the top ten demon kings in the demon ghost realm?"

"Exactly, he and the general are the masters of this place, and the two are friends of eight worshipers."

Yue Qian's sad face twitched and said, "No way! Did you really leave?"

"Sir, there is no doubt that such a big goal can't be hidden from us. However, you don't have to worry. The six people on 'Yun Tianfeng' may just wait for you. Sai Zhangfei comforted.

Yue Qianchou is still a little confused about what's going on.

At this time, several ghost generals who were looking for had withdrawn and signaled that there was nothing but only a spiritual stone mine. Sai Zhangfei nodded, and it was really the same as Yue Qianchou.

"Sir, do you want to go back?" Sai Zhang Fei asked.

Yue Qianchou nod and said, "Everyone has gone back, and I will naturally go back."

"If you don't dislike it, you can escort him for a ride before you go back to recover."

Seeing that he was sincere, Yue Qianchou thought that it would be best to escort him with you, so as not to worry about any accidents. He nodded and said, "Then please, general. I'll call my door first."

With them, Yue Qianchou had nothing to worry about. He went directly to the bottom of the mountain and found Kou Xuehua and others. The latter asked what was the scream that had just happened on the mountain? Yue Qianchou only said that the three saints of Lingwu were killed by a group of ghosts, but did not say that he was instructed by himself. The people who had already had some friendship with Hong Sanniang sighed. When they knew that the disciples of all factions had gone back, everyone was even more stunned. Then, under the escort of four ghost generals led by Sai Zhang Fei, everyone flew to 'Yun Tianfeng' without scruples. [ Those who have recommended tickets will hold a ticket, and those who don't have tickets will hold a personal ticket. Thank you for your support!]