The scum of the real world

Chapter 229 Five Regiments

The two people in the air were shocked at the beginning of the disaster. They no longer fought and dodged and looked at Bai Suzhen, who suddenly appeared. The elder of Daluozong suddenly turned around and quickly swept away. This woman's cultivation was unfathomable. Obviously, she was not his own person. It was important to save her life.

Yue Qianchou raised his hand and shouted harshly, "I can't let him run away. I want his life!"

The people in black below can feel the anger in the leader's heart after the death of the two team members. The leader cares about them very much! Bai Suzhen could naturally feel his mood at this time. Her beautiful face was cold, and her beautiful eyes flashed at the person who fled.

After disappearing out of thin air, when it reappeared, it was already blocked in front of the elder of Daluozong. Looking at it from afar, Bai Suzhen caught the five black evils and covered the elder. The latter had no power to fight back in the hands of the former. One of them was stirred into blood rain by the five black evils, leaving a scream in the air...

Teleportation! At the end of the disaster! The elder sent by Baimei Yaoji took a breath and was secretly shocked. A group of people from Utopia knew that Sister Bai of Miao Palace was powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful. The monks at the beginning of the disaster could not stop his attack, and they all looked at each other in consterence. How did they know that after Bai Suzhen felt the anger of Yue Qianchou, she also had a murderous intention and used the 'mountain claw'. The cultivation at the end of the disaster plus the best magic weapon, it was naturally not a problem to deal with the early stage of the disaster.

"You can go back!" Yue Qianchou pointed to the elder sent by Baimei Yaoji and said rudely, causing him to lose two Yuanying masters. He couldn't be polite even if he was polite.

The man arched his hand in the air and did not dare to have any objection. In case someone gets angry and his life is in danger, he quickly flew away in the air and glanced at the three golden words "underworld" on the black flag before leaving.

When Bai Suzhen stood beside Yue Qianchou, Yue Qianchou still had a calm face and looked angry. Guan Yu, who was beside him, hugged his fist and shouted "Sister Bai". Bai Suzhen nod to him and quietly stood beside Yue Qianchou. Guan Yu said nothing more and began to order his team members to clean up the battlefield quickly.

After returning to Utopia with their booty, they took a short rest and set off again. With the lessons of the previous car, Yue Qianchou no longer made any hope for the people sent by the charming demon girl. Bai Suzhen changed into a black suit that made her figure concave and convex, covered with a black veil, and followed Yue Qianchou to fight. Everyone had just seen Bai Suzhen's means. At this time, when they saw Sister Bai dressed up and fight in person, they were immediately more confident.

In the subsequent battle, every time the elder of Daluozong's spiritual stone mine crossed the disaster, Bai Suzhen personally took action, and often solved the opponent in one or two face to face. The elder sent by Baimei Yaoji was sent by Yue Qianchou to the scene to put out the fire. When there was a slightly harder stubble in which threatened the safety of his team members, or made his team members more difficult, the elder immediately pushed over and drove them away immediately after using it up, and those elders often did not dare to have any opinion. One of the masked women in black was so powerful that she was actually at the end of the disaster.

In less than a day, the fifteen spiritual stone mines of Daluozong and the six spiritual stone mines of Qingguangzong were all looted. More than a dozen piles of trophies piled up in Utopia can't be sorted out in a day.

This actual battle has lost five Yuanying period and thirteen Jiedan period, a total of 18 team members, Yue Qian is very sad. Fortunately, more than 4,000 people came in at one time, most of whom were miners of the 21 spiritual stone mine, which was more than ten times the original number. Seeing so many people, I finally feel better.

For a period of time, Yue Qianchou didn't leave Utopia, and he didn't even have time to linger with Qu Ping'er. He was very busy with Guan Yu, and there were naturally many things to be straightened out. As the chief instructor, Guan Yu was busy and happy. It turned out that his subordinates were more than 300 people, but now there are nearly 5,000 people in the original package, which naturally feels different.

On the same day, Yue Qianchou recruited Guan Yu, Chen Feng, and three company commanders to discuss the establishment of nearly 5,000 people. After some discussion, Yue Qianchou made a decision. All of them were divided into 48 companies, and then every three companies were divided into one battalion, a total of 16 battalions. One of the battalions was thrown to Chen Feng to help him do a good job in logistics. After all, there were more people, Chen Feng also needed to increase manpower, otherwise the logistics support could

Chen Feng naturally has no problem with this, but he asked Yue Qianchou to give him a backbone that is good at management. Now most of his mind is on making charms, refiners and alchemy. How can he have the heart to manage so many people? This matter was handed over to Guan Yu. Guan Yu generously called a platoon leader and announced on the spot that he was promoted to battalion commander and helped Chen Feng manage his group of people.

When the platoon leader heard that he was going to break away from the combat troops to engage in logistics, he was obviously a little reluctant. The fool knew that there were so many people this time, and his platoon leader must be promoted. The atmosphere of the "underworld" special forces is proud of the war. Who is willing to go to logistics! But there's nothing we can do. Several utopia's giants are optimistic about him! Thinking about it, it was also an honorable thing, so I had to reluctantly agree. However, he also asked him to take three of the old players to help him manage. Otherwise, it would be a little troublesome to rely on one person. Naturally, there was no problem with the giants. Of course, this is just one of the episodes.

The remaining 15 battalions are divided into five regiments, each with three battalions. Three company commanders were promoted to regimental commanders, and then two regimental commanders were specially promoted by the platoon commanders at the end of Yuanying, who performed outstandingly in this battle, so there were five regimental commanders. The two people who were confirmed to be promoted from platoon leader to regimental commander were immediately called to attend the meeting. The head of state announced the appointment of five people on the spot.

The two people who were suddenly promoted from the platoon leader to the head of the regiment were really a little overjoyed. According to the current staffing, they have been promoted several levels in a row! The two of them thanked the Fuhrer excitedly, which is much more energetic than those bullshit sects in the world of cultivation, which means that two people can also attend such high-level meetings in the future. The three, who turned out to be the company commanders, congratulated the two of them. The two of them thanked them reservedly. Thinking that the three of them were their leaders at the beginning, they never dreamed that they were equal now.

After confirming the selection of the regimental commander, Yue Qianchou continued to preside over the meeting and ordered Guan Yu and the five regimental commanders to start selecting subordinate battalion commanders from the original "underworld" special forces. The premise of the selection is: first of all, the person who has performed outstanding achievements in the spiritual stone mine this time, followed by The command ability.

After intense and intense discussions, Guan Yu and five regimental commanders finally confirmed their three battalion commanders, and a total of 15 battalion commanders were promoted. After the selection of the battalion commander was made, the meeting continued to expand, and the selection of the company commander was screened again. After discussion, the 45th company commander surfaced.

After the meeting, Guan Yu gathered all the team members on the playground, and the thousands of people who were arrested were listening in the back. On the periphery were the guards under the women under Bai Suzhen. They all looked inside curiously and didn't know what to do.

Yue Qianchou stood on the side of the stage and looked at the group of people below. He was in a surging mood. The people and horses finally grew again. The more people there were, the better! Didn't a great man in his previous life say that "more people are more powerful", and if there are more people, it's better to toss around in the world of cultivation!

Chief instructor Guan Yu stood in the middle of the stage and began to announce the order. Behind him stood a row of five regimental commanders. When the fifteen people appointed as battalion commanders were named one by one, there was warm applause from the stage, and the same was true when 45 company commanders were appointed. After the order was announced, Guan Yu announced the appointment to everyone. Those who had not been selected, and whose cultivation was almost the same, were immediately annoyed. If they had known this, they should have risked their lives to rob, hey! It's really enviable! What a high honor it is to be appointed by the head of state in person!

The women under Bai Suzhen looked at the promoted team members with admiration on their faces. And those players also received congratulations from their teammates with excited faces, and the warm atmosphere made the prisoners envious. For a moment, there was continuous applause on the whole playground, congratulating each other.

Finally, Guan Yu ordered the five regimental commanders again, giving them half a day to confirm and report their subordinate platoon leaders and squad leaders as soon as possible, and divide thousands of prisoners under their respective orders. The five regimental commanders were ordered, so the intense distribution work began. And the person who belonged to Chen Feng, who was promoted from the platoon leader to the battalion commander, chose three old players who had not been promoted as the company commander. The three old team members immediately turned their eyes to see him off, and they were not willing to go to the logistics. If they went to the logistics department, there was no chance to make contributions next time!

That man doesn't care so much. He laughed directly. As soon as we pay, we will be a difficult brother from today. Don't talk too much and come with me! So he took more than 300 prisoners and followed Chen Feng.

After the staff is complete, Yue Qianchou first ordered the construction of a "Utopia Hero Monument" to remember those team members who died for Utopia today every year. In the future, as long as there are team members who died in the line of duty, they will be buried in the cemetery behind the monument and accept everyone's admiration!

In the following good period of time, Yue Qianchou was still busy, promising that the marriage policy for everyone would be implemented as soon as possible, the expansion and renovation of the army barracks, the treatment of officers at all levels, and future training plans. Utopia began an unprecedented construction of construction. In addition to building barracks, it also had to build independent villas of different grades for officers above the battalion level. Yue Qianchou's idea is that since so many levels have been set, subordinates at a certain level should be allowed to enjoy a certain level of treatment.