The scum of the real world

Chapter 235 Real and False Underworld

learned that he had been under the deep valley for more than a month, and he went to the army to inspect it. Seeing that the houses that should be built had been built and the training had been on the right track, he finally settled down. He doesn't need to worry about other details, otherwise why do you raise so many people?

When he returned to the back garden of General Zhuguo's mansion, he found that Shi Xiaotian, Ling Feng and others were not there. There were a few more mortals with spiritual roots in the garden, and he beckoned them into Utopia. When I wandered past the gate of the garden, I found that there were many servants outside cleaning the general's mansion, with lights everywhere, which looked extremely festive.

"Mr. Yue!" Someone called him, and Yue Qianchou looked at it. Shi Youtian, who was smiling, ran over and nodded and bowed. Yue Qianchou pouted to the outside and said, "Is it going to be a holiday? Or are you going to marry a concubine?

Shi Youtian was embarrassed and said with a smile, "My father will be back tomorrow."

"Oh! General Zhu Guo is coming back. Yue Qianchou said, "Find me ten sets of servants' clothes, just the one I wore last time." The set given to him by Shi Xiaotian last time has turned into ashes in the deep valley. This time, I need to get a few more sets for later use.

Shi Youtian responded one after another and trotted all the way. It didn't take long for him to come with ten sets of servants' clothes in person. Yue Qianchou immediately changed his clothes in the garden, and then he generously went out of the back garden. Shi Youtian followed him and laughed, "Sir, are you going out? Youtian is familiar with the ground of the capital. Why don't I show you the way?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the two beautiful daughters-in-law of the Shi family were blocked. The two daughters wanted to salute Yue Qianchou, but they were stopped by Yue Qianchou and said, "Don't be polite. I'm a subordinate of the general's mansion when there are many people." Instead, he saluted the two women.

Situ Hui turned sideways slightly. Although she didn't know what his identity was, she didn't dare to accept his courtesy. On the contrary, Bao Wanshi didn't like him very much. She received a gift from him and complained to her husband, "Where are you going?"

"Madam, I'll go out with my husband." He is looking forward to having a good relationship with Yue Qianchou. Unexpectedly, Yue Qianchou smiled and said, "I'm going to Wanhua Building. Do you really want to go?" After saying that, he went straight out, and as soon as you wanted to come, I didn't stop him.

How could Bao Wanshi agree? Shi Youtian was immediately dragged by his wife and refused to let him go. Situ Hui smiled and shook her head gently, looking at Yue Qianchou, who had gone far away. She didn't believe that such a person would go to a dirty place like a brothel. I guess she was deliberately angry with her sister-in-law.

This is just her wishful thinking. In fact, Yue Qianchou really went to the brothel, but she didn't go to **, but to find Baimei Yaoji. There are too many people in the capital. It is really inconvenient to fly around the city in broad daylight. If he goes out of the city directly, he will fly out. He took out the scattered silver and kept snacking all the way to Wanhualou. As soon as he came, someone naturally led him in.

The winding path is secluded, and there is a large courtyard behind the Wanhua Building, and ordinary guests can't get in. There is such a quiet place in the lively capital, which is really livable. This is the second time he has come. The sound of the piano in the small attic in the depths of the courtyard was quiet. Yue Qianchou heard that it was the song he taught, shook his head and climbed up alone.

As soon as he walked to the attic, the sound of the piano inside stopped, and Baimei Yaoji shouted inside, "Come in by yourself!"

After pushing the door in, he honestly practiced a salute: "Master!"

This time, Baimei Yaoji did not tease him as before. She leaned on the piano platform, held her cheeks in her hand, looked at him and sighed, "It's bad luck for Qingguangzong and Daluozong to mess with you. Qingguang Sect, in particular, has now been removed from the Xiuzhen world.

"This is all the news of the teacher's wife, which helps a lot!" Yue Qian was sad and complimented.

Baimei Yaoji smiled, leaned lazily on the chair, shook her head and said, "Yue Qianchou, you are really calculating! First, the spiritual stone mine of the two sects was looted, and the disciples in the mine were killed, and then the Qingguang Sect was tempted to send people to guard the mine again. When the strength of the Qingguang Sect was the weakest, you led people to attack the Qingguang Sect again, and as a result, the Qingguang Sect

Yue Qianchou was stunned and scratched his head and said, "What does the teacher mean? Why can't I understand? When did I attack Qingguangzong?

"Prepare! Just pretend with me!" Bai Mei Yaoji sneered and said, "Don't tell me that the 'underworld' people are not your people."

"I admit that the 'underworld' is my person, but I only looted the 21 spiritual stone mines, er... Master, do you mean that someone attacked the Qingguang Sect?" Yue Qian said in astonishment.

"You didn't do it?" Baimei Yaoji said doubtfully.

Yue Qianchou smiled bitterly and said, "Master, what I did is what I did. Is it necessary to hide it from you? I did the spiritual stone mine, but I really didn't attack the Qingguang Sect. Madam, what's going on? Tell me about it quickly.

Baimei Yaoji couldn't laugh. She stood up and looked at Qianchou. Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, she muttered, "If you hadn't done it, it would be a little strange."

graceful walked around the piano platform and thought for a moment and said, "Half a month ago, not long after Qingguang Sect was stationed in six spiritual stone mines, a group of powerful black masked people suddenly attacked Qingguang Mountain. Qingnu and Qingfu ancestors at the end of the Qingguang Sect's disaster died in battle. Except for the Almost all of them are dead. After the incident, someone left a black flag in Qingguangzong with the three golden words 'underworld' on it. Originally, I thought you did it, but now, I'm afraid it's not easy behind this matter.

"What?" Yue Qianchou narrowed his eyes, pinched his chin in his hand and said in a low voice, "That is to say, someone did his own business, but poured dirty water on the banner of 'underworld'. Madam, who do you think is likely to do such a thing?

"I don't think it will come out." Baimei Yaoji frowned and said, "I thought you did it, so I didn't urge the people below to investigate this matter."

"Then please ask the master to check it." Yue Qianchou sneered and said, "How can I be so planted on my head? Some people live impatiently." He still didn't say a word, that is, I'm worried that I can't find anyone to try the power.

Baimei Yaoji heard the chill in his words and nodded to him with deep meaning, "Don't worry! The news channels of Wanhualou are all over the world. As long as you don't do it, even if you can't thoroughly find out, there will always be some clues, unless he fell from the sky and can disappear on the ground.

Yue Qianchou can't hear the meaning of her words. This "dropping from the sky and disappearing peacefully" is just saying what her group of people did last time. I guess she has also checked it. Unfortunately, her group of people are really similar to falling from the sky and disappearing flat. He smiled and said, "How long will it take for the master to find out a clue?"

"Speaking of spying on the news, Wanhualou will be the second, but I'm afraid that no one can be the first. Three days! Three days is enough for you to come back in three days. Baimei Yaoji is obviously very confident in her ability to inquire about the news, otherwise she would not have said such a thing. With that, he smiled and said, "After I give you the news, I'll leave it to you to deal with it at that time. I'd like to see which is more powerful, the real 'underworld' or the fake 'underworld'!"