The scum of the real world

Chapter 691 Dao Ke Dao

Chapter 691 The pity on Bai Suzhen's face also disappeared at the moment he stood up. A gentle smile gushed out of his face and asked softly, "Why did you come here alone?"

"Give me a hug first, and I'll tell you later." Yue Qianchou showed a treacherous smile.

Bai Suzhen pointed to his wet body and shook her head with a faint smile, but gently opened her arms and took the initiative to hug. Yue Qianchou hugged her into his arms with a grin and buried his head in the deep breath she enjoyed on her tender neck. The faint body fragrance inhaled his lungs and muttered, "It's so comfortable. My chest is also very elastic. Find a chance to peel it off..."

Bai Suzhen also hugged him gently and let him speak lightly, but she didn't say anything.

In the open space of the bamboo forest under the moonlight, the two hugged tightly and seemed that they never wanted to separate. The only discordant scene is that there is a lonely grave next to it.

After a long time, Yue Qian was so sad that he almost fell asleep standing up. Suddenly, he heard Bai Suzhen ask softly in his ear, "Come to worship your master?"

"Hmm!" Yue Qianchou was too lazy to reply at this time, and gently echoed in his nose.

"Have you avenged your master?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"Hmm!" Yue Qianchou's head was buried in her neck and still didn't move.

"Kill a lot of people?" Bai Suzhen was a little hesitant to ask this question.

Yue Qianchou raised his head and pushed her away. He looked at her face and said curiously, "How do you know?"

Bai Suzhen smiled and her eyes flashed. She wanted to say that she had guessed it from his behavior in front of Hao Sansi's grave, but she changed her words and said, "I remember that there are many people in Daluozong. If you really take revenge, you will definitely kill a lot of people."

Yue Qianchou said "a confidant" in his heart. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently on the surface, took her hand and said, "Let's go for a walk."

Bai Suzhen gently grabbed him, shook her head and said, "It's rare for you to come back. You'd better accompany Qu Ping'er!"

Yue Qianchou looked at her, let go of her hand, took out a jar of wine, and popped out a small hole near the bottom, and the crystal wine flowed thinly. He went to the grave, put the wine jar on the tombstone, and said with a smile, "Old man, I won't accompany you. Drink slowly." The wine flowed down the tombstone.

Then he didn't say anything. He walked to Bai Suzhen and forcibly dragged her away. The two of them quietly walked through the bamboo forest hand in hand and walked slowly. They didn't know how long they had walked. In short, neither of them said a word. After the two walked to the lake, they sat down on the grass by the lake. They lay down lazily, with their heads resting on Bai Suzhen's thighs to look at the stars in the sky. I don't know when they chewed a grass in their mouth.

Seeing that he chewed the grass so deliciously, Bai Suzhen thought of the cow eating grass, so she kept pulling the grass and piling it up on his stomach until it was like a big belly, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing secretly. For a moment, he became playful and kept burying him with grass...

Yue Qianchou was distracted, and he didn't find that his body was full of grass at all. He looked at the countless stars in the sky, but he thought about his women in his mind. Finally, he thought of Yan Yu's head and was slightly stunned. I don't know how she and Baimei Yaoji are in Lingfang Valley?

Bai Suzhen also found his abnormality and finally asked, "What's wrong?"

Yue Qianchou came to his senses and immediately found the grass crumbs piled on his body. He rolled his eyes and said, "Beauty, are you afraid that someone will find out your adultery with me and want to destroy me?" He reached out to Bai Suzhen's creaking nest and tickled.

Bai Suzhen twisted her body itchingly and giggled like a silver bell, "No, no."

Yue Qianchou let her go, but his hand pointed to his face and said with a treacherous smile, "The murder of the adulterer is a great crime. The adulterer punished you for kissing me."

"There is no reasonable punishment, let me think about whether it should be executed or not." Bai Suzhen really thought about it with her head, and then saw that she gently lowered her head gently, and her soft red lips were slowly imprinted on Yue Qianchou's forehead, and it took a little time before she left.

Yue Qian smiled proudly, got up and sat up and said, "I'm leaving. Don't tell anyone else that I've been back."

Bai Suzhen looked at him quietly for a while and nodded slightly. Yue Qianchou laughed at himself, hugged Bai Suzhen's face and took a bite, and then disappeared. Bai Suzhen sat alone by the lake for a long time, looking at the moon in the sky with a gentle smile from time to time, and kept fiddling with piles of grass crumbs. Finally, he got up and picked up a pile of grass crumbs and sprinkled them all over the sky. He slowly took off through the snow-filled grass crumbs, like Chang'e running to the moon, flying towards the high ethereal palace...

Shuntian Island under the moonlight has a unique amorous feelings. The moonlight and starlight in the sky is also reflected in the boundless Qianli Lake, which makes people mistakenly think that Shuntian Island is floating in the vast sea of stars. The brakes are beautiful. Hibiscus and Ziyi never get tired of watching the beautiful scenery. The two little girl's silly heads were against their heads, lying on the grass by the lake and counting the stars, but the number was messy again, so they began to start again... The behavior was similar to someone's behavior in a distant place.

On the big roof, Bi Changchun stood with his hands in hand and looked at the stars in the distance, with deep eyes. Nong Zhu sat on the side pleasantly and said loudly, "I said Lao Bi, you're finally back. I thought you were really going to guard the Jiuyou Cave all the time!" I said you too. It's not good to like anything, but you just like to fight.

Bi Changchun slowly replied, "I have told the ghost king outside the Jiuyou Underworld Cave. If there are people from the underworld in the Jiuyou Underworld Cave, I will guide them here, and I will accompany them at any time."

"Uh... you're crazy!" He stood up and couldn't feel comfortable anymore. He looked around with some lingering fear and said, "You are not afraid of a madman, but we can't compare with you! If the master of the underworld suddenly comes, aren't we going to suffer?

"Don't worry, as long as someone comes out of the underworld, I can know in advance, and you can also leave early." Bi Changchun's eyes were taken back from the distant starry sky and fell on the hibiscus counting the stars by the lake. He said silently, "Remember to take the hibiscus with you and take it to your purple bamboo forest when you leave."

After listening to his previous words, Zhu's heart was relieved, but after hearing the next paragraph, his heart pulled up again and said suspiciously, "Lao Bi, you always tell me that if there is any top master in the underworld, are you not sure to win?"

Bi Changchun nodded calmly and said, "Yes, I'm really not sure. After all, we have never seen how strong the real masters in the underworld are, but I still long for a war. The stronger the opponent, the better. It's better to force me into a desperate situation... I've been groping alone on another road without any reference. I want to improve my strength, but I don't know where to start. Only when I meet someone stronger than me, the lighter the better. Only after experiencing such a battle with all my strength, I believe I can find a way to improve my strength again, and break through to the realm where I vaguely want to touch.

Nong Zhu was stunned and swallowed the waterway with difficulty: "Your cultivation has reached this point, and you still have a chance to leap up? So...what kind of realm should that be?"

"Avenue! Tao..." Bi Changchun muttered slightly, "Dao... Ke Dao... very Tao..."

The bamboo sounded confused and confused: "What's so good, what's so messy, Lao Bi, what's wrong with you?"

If Yue Qianchou hears it on the side at this time, he will definitely doubt whether Bi Changchun is also a time-travel. Taoism is very Taoist. Isn't that what is in Laozi's Tao Te Ching? Although he can't memorize the Tao Te Ching, he can still throw out the first few words casually.

Bi Changchun shook his head slowly and said, "I don't know myself. I only feel that I have faintly touched something, but it can't be clear. So you need to do your best to fight. Maybe the understanding is only at the moment of the war. My way of self-enlightenment is different from yours. Once you have an epiphany, there is another realm between the change of thoughts. Compared with the previous one, it may not be too much to describe it as 'like a cloud and mud'.

"Ah!" With his mouth wide open, he doubted whether he had heard it wrong. Bi Changchun's current cultivation is terrible enough. Once he breaks through to a new realm, the original horrible cultivation is actually like mud, and the new realm is as noble as clouds. One in the sky, one in the ground, is there such a great difference in practice?

"Lao Bi, you're not kidding, are you?" Although Nong Zhu knew that Bi Changchun would not lie, he couldn't help asking.

Bi Changchun didn't pay attention to him anymore. He stared at the night sky and muttered to himself and said, "Maybe the new realm can make me reborn and recast my body..." The bamboo is completely dumb! He looked at Bi Changchun like a monster.

In a hidden mountain not far from Lingfang Valley, leaping Qianchou suddenly appeared, floated to the top of a big tree at the top of the mountain, looked around, and his eyes locked in a valley with shining lights. That kind of light is not really a light, but a fluorescent stone commonly used by monks.

Obviously, that valley is the Lingfang Valley. It is impossible for ordinary people to use fluorescent stones that only monks can use in such a deep mountain.

The basis for this judgment is a silver ball laid by a 'probe' team member in Lingfang Valley.

He came here to see how Baimei Yaoji and Yan Yu were doing in Lingfang Valley. There is another most important reason. He doesn't know why he wants to tell Baimei Yaoji that he has avenged his master Hao Sansi. But he didn't know that Baimei Yaoji already knew about it.

In fact, when the two women were separated from each other, he gave them silver balls. The two women did not know the function of this silver ball, but in fact, they were sent by Yue Qianchou in order to find them. He didn't want to tell the two of them that it was given to them for this reason, which made the two women mistaken for a memorable thing.

He caught the position of two people in Utopia. He could have easily appeared beside them, but thinking that there are still two masters in the Huashen period here. If he appears too abruptly, I'm afraid it will cause any misunderstanding. After all, it's not a good thing to break into the place In particular, there is a bullshit, the most beautiful woman in the world. To be honest, since he was ruined by Lu Yanqing in the treasure basin, he has not been very interested in this self-righteous beauty in the world. Take beauty as the capital, bad other people's good deeds, problems! If you have the ability, show your real ability, so that I will be convinced...