The scum of the real world

Chapter 722 Night Banquet

The return of the hunting team. It immediately made the men and women of the whole tribe busy. Slaughtering, opening the intestines and breaking the belly, peeling... for a while. Originally, the new air was filled with a fishy smell and bloody smell.

Women set up a big pot to make a fire. The men threw the cut large pieces of meat directly into the pot to cook, and some were roasted directly on the fire. Those children carried small knives and worked together to open the mouth of the beast. Pick the wild beast's sharpest teeth.

Fu people brought a large bag of salt from the cave, salted most of the remaining fresh meat, and slept on the spot. Then it is transported to the cave for storage. All kinds of animal skins peeled off. Some people also sprinkle powdered things on it to dry. It is estimated that the clothes they wear can be made after processing.

In a short time. There is a smell of meat and a fishy smell in the air. People in the ethnic group seem to smell the most wonderful taste in the world. The children jumped and jumped happily. Yue Qianchou sat alone on the small grass slope on the side, smiling at these easily satisfied people.

The night is coming. The moon rises in the sky. Stars and stars. A pile of bonfires burned at the foot of the mountain, and the smell in the air had already dissipated. All that's left is the strong smell of meat, which makes people feel hungry.

This tribe, which has only a few hundred people, seems to have poured out at this time. All of them gathered at the foot of the mountain, jumping around the fire. At this time, Yue Qianchou found that all the people who were qualified to live in the cave were women and children. No, all the girls have a big belly. Six older women, wearing the most colorful beast fur. The brightest feathers are perched on the head. Surrounded to the flattest grass. It is covered with soft animal skins, highlighting their noble identity.

Just after these six old women sat down, the animal skin drums that had already been placed aside clapped, cheerful, enthusiastic and full of **.

Garland, the most beautiful and sexy woman in the tribe, took the lead in jumping into the middle of the fire. The seductive hip waist twisted like a water snake. In an instant, it ignited the night of carnival. Men, women, children and children began to sing and dance indulgently. Wild songs resounded through the night sky, and the unrestrained dance was unrestrained.

A banquet belonging to this tribe has begun. The fresh and rusty meat was removed from the pot and the fire rack, and the most delicious part was cut off. It was sent to six old women. Then everyone ate happily, and the fragrant ** in the urn was also drunk by everyone...

Simple and happy life! Excluding the worries outside the crowd, he sat alone on the grass slope outside the fence and looked at all this with a smile. Someone noticed that he was lonely. Garland brought a piece of meat with a wooden wrench. There is also a solid wood hollowed out cup with fragrant **.

"I'm hungry! It's for you." Garland put something in front of him and looked at this wild, sexy and kind woman. He said "thank you" and picked up the cup. Smell it. It smelled really good. I tried to take a sip, but found that it was sour and sour, and it was a little difficult to swallow. I grabbed the piece of meat again and bit it. It was a little old. Except for the smell of meat, it was salty. I really don't dare to congratulate anyone. I really don't know how these people can eat so well.

This is a little funny for him who is used to eating delicious food. But in order to show his respect for the kind hostess, he forced himself to eat the rest of the meal. Garland, who had been staring at him, smiled and said, "I'll get you some more."

Yue Qianchou hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no. I'm full. I really can't eat anymore." Garland frowned and said, "I just ate so much. No wonder you are so thin.

"Uh..." Yue Qian smiled with embarrassment. Garland sat next to him and asked curiously, "You really don't remember your origin at all?" Yue Qianchou shook his head with a smile, indicating that he really didn't remember, and then pointed to the six old women in the ethnic group. He changed the topic and said, "Are they the elders of your clan?

"Yes." Garland nodded. Yue Qianchou said curiously, "Why are all the elders of the clan women?

What about your patriarch? Don't you have a patriarch?" In his consciousness. There must be a patriarch in the ethnic group.

Garland patted his chest and said, "I'm the patriarch!" Women are the most noble, and the elders are naturally women. The women who can become the elders of the race are all people who have made great contributions to the ethnic group, and they are all the women who have the most children in our ethnic group.

"Uh..." Yue Qian was stunned. After another conversation between the two, he finally figured out the situation of this ethnic group. The emotional group is a small matrilineal social group, and the status of women in the ethnic group is very high. Especially those women who have the most children are respected by the whole ethnic group. Just like the six old women, they are respected as the elders of the clan.

And Garland can be a patriarch because she is the most beautiful and sexy woman in the community. It can attract the most men. This seemingly ridiculous thing has their own explanation. Women who can attract the most men are most likely to reproduce more generations. This kind of woman has the status of second only to the elders in the ethnic group, and at the same time, she has the right to choose the strongest man with him. The next generation will become the strongest man. Or the most beautiful woman.

Then the most beautiful woman can attract more men to make peace with them, and the strongest man can protect the ethnic group and hunt more prey to raise the ethnic group. According to this logic, beautiful women have indeed made great contributions. Take on the burden of strengthening the ethnic group. I'm really qualified to be a patriarch. In short, in order to reproduce the next generation, this ethnic group is very much about the matter between men and women. It can be carried out anytime and anywhere. No one will look down on or feel ashamed. On the contrary, those men and women who don't do this will be despised by everyone.

When the ethnic group reappears, it is recognized by everyone. After a more beautiful or sexier woman than Garland, Garland's patriarchal status will be handed over. Although ridiculous. But there is no doubt, because that more beautiful woman is more attractive to strong men.

Yue Qianchou is really speechless. The relationship between this ethnic group is a little messy. It's unpleasant to say. It has even messed up the ethics. The children born are raised by the whole ethnic group. In fact, I can't tell who the father of the child is. As long as the woman wants. Any man in the ethnic group can have sex with her at any time. But if a woman refuses to turn. Men are not qualified to force women, because women have a high status in the ethnic group.

After knowing this, Yue Qianchou just shook his head and smiled bitterly. It's not easy to make any comments. There is a reason for its existence. Just as the two of them were sitting here talking, there were already a lot of emotional men and women rolling into ups and downs in the grass... It's really a little difficult to accept. I have to meditate. Just get used to it.

"Galand, what do you mean by the fence conference during the day?" Yue Qianchou asked.

Garland looked at him with curious eyes, as if to say, you don't even know this, it's really amnesia. I have figured out the idea. He said, "The most noble place in the whole continent is the fairy city, where many powerful immortals live. There are many great lords under the fairy city. Below the great lord is the lord. Within the territory of each lord. There are many tribes, and our tribe belongs to the territory of the lord of the Loess City, who is also the lord. The whole continent will hold a siege conference every three years. First, the division was held in the lord's city. The top 100 strongest warriors who won shares. He is eligible to go to the city of the great lord to participate in the finals again. The 100 warriors who won the final will have a chance to go to Fairy City. We don't know what will happen after we go to Xiancheng. It should be to serve the immortals!"

Yue Qianchou frowned and muttered, "Isn't it good for you to participate in such a competition?

"Of course it's good!" Garland explained: "If the warriors of the tribe can win the top 100 in the preliminary round, the tribe will get a bonus. If the decisive cold wins. You can get more bonuses. With a bonus. We can buy enough salt.

"Buy salt?" Yue Qian said in astonishment.

"The sea is forbidden to copper. We can't get close to it. Naturally, we can't get salt. Only people in Xiancheng have a way to get salt. Salt is very expensive, and we save a year's harvest after hunting. The salt bought by the money sold and earned in the city is not enough for the ethnic group for a month. So only the warriors of the ethnic group can participate in the fence conference to win, and after they have enough bonuses. You can buy enough salt. Let the people continue to live. Garland said.

"So that's it." Yue Gan nodded slightly and suddenly asked, "Will the winning warriors come back?"

"Warriors who win the preliminary competition will be qualified to live in the city and can continue to earn money to buy salt for the people. The warriors who won the final will go to the fairy city to enjoy the happiness. I won't come back again." Garland's expression of saying this was a little complicated.

"Oh!" The sorrow seems to be a little sudden. This is the dangerous eastern holy land circulating in the cultivation world, and Yiran has formed his own unique social system.

I'm afraid that the so-called immortal in the fairy city is the immortal who was sealed here by the book website in the fairy world! Aren't there any people in the guest world? Where have they all gone? Are they all dead? Such a powerful person should not die easily!

Yue Qianchou patted his head. He said, "How can I vaguely feel except for the immortals in Xiancheng? There are also some more powerful people. But I just can't remember it."

"Are you talking about those who live in the underground world?" Garland reminded.

"Underground world? Well... It seems so. I can't remember." Yue Qian said with a sad smile. Garland immediately explained, "It is said that there is an underground world under the mainland. There is a group of people who are as powerful as immortals, but they don't like to see the sun, so they rarely appear on the mainland. You should be talking about them, right?"

Yue Qianchou nodded slightly. It seems that the so-called underground people. It's the person whose object is blocked here...