The scum of the real world

Chapter 749 Abduction of Children

Gu An, who was busy with Boli, and caught a glimpse of two relatively eye-catching faces also joined their excitement. I can't help but be stunned, but there is no doubt that the decoration is a cannibal. I can't help saying, "Boli. They..."

Boli squeezed his wrist. He whispered, "This is the consent of the elders of the clan. Take us to sign up for the city first. I'll tell you how to pass later." Gu An solemnly looked at the other three people.

Seeing them is also nodding. Suddenly, he calmed down and took the six people who led the horse to sign up.

The team that signed up was behind them. Gucci showed the token to the person who registered in front of the gate.

Successfully helped several people sign up. Except for Crocodile Fairy, the name of the crocodile fairy has been changed, and the names of others have not changed. After all, others include the name of Yue Qianchou. It won't attract any attention, only the name of the crocodile fairy king, who is a famous person in the fairyland. You can't change your name. As for why it is called a big cow. Naturally, it's because someone is called Niu Youde.

Through the gate. A prosperity that is different from the loess plain outside is presented in front of everyone. Wide streets. There are many exquisite or quaint or generous shops, which makes Boli and others a little overwhelmed. The crocodile fairy's face was full of sighing, and he probably couldn't think of this place that was blocked by the heavens and the earth. Unexpectedly, cities have begun to appear.

Pedestrians coming and going on the street. It's easy to tell those who are city people. Who are the people of the tribe outside? The first is the difference in clothing. People in the city wear all cloth clothes, and few people can wear animal skins or something like that. The second is the words and deeds, those who walk on the street and keep looking around. People who think everything is very novel. It's like looking around with a little braid, and it's a stranger at a glance.

Those city people in cloth. Most of them looked at these tribal natives who entered the city with contempt. If it weren't for the need for these people to participate in the three-year siege. They can't wait to drive out all these indigenous people who are incompatible with the city.

Gu'an knew that it was difficult for people to have a chance to enter Zhu, so he introduced the whole Loess City in detail while walking...

The area of Loess City is not small, and it can be seen from the more than 300,000 permanent residents of the city. However, tribal warriors like Gu'an who obtained the right of residence. It is less than one-twentieth of the population in the city, but it is the dirtiest and most tiring nonsense in the city. It is equivalent to more than 10,000 warriors left here by various tribes. Serving 300,000 locals in the city. The so-called city people are actually the dignitaries and their families and relatives who manage various cities in the Eastern Holy Land. They don't do anything every month. You can also get a gold coin according to the head, which is equal to a hundred silver coins.

And tribal warriors like Gu'an, who have obtained the right of residence, are similar to urban workers. More work, more. However, even if you are exhausted, you can only earn 50 silver coins in a month, and most of them are about 20 silver coins a month. But relatively speaking, it still earns much more than hunting in the tribe, but because the consumption in the city is very high. After the tribal warriors simply filled their stomachs. In fact, there are only a few silver coins left.

In fact, they are far from being comfortable in the tribe. As long as you can hit enough prey in the tribe. Life is still relatively enlightening. In short, it's much worse than when you were in the tribe, but the clan needs them in the city. Because salt can only be bought in the city, and the people in the tribe are not allowed to enter the city casually. Even if there is extra prey for sale. Only these people who struggle in the city can do it for them.

The rule and management of immortals inside and outside the city make Yue Qianchou feel a little ridiculous. Because the whole continent is blocked by the world, ordinary people can't get salt at all. After all, people can't live without salt. And the immortals rely on salt to rule and manage the whole continent.

These so-called city people actually live in a big cage. From birth to death. Few people can leave the city. Only those who are uniformly bound to farm outside the city wall and provide fresh fruits and vegetables for daily use in the city can often enter this siege. But it's just the distance from the city to working in the farmland.

Although there is only a burst of walls inside and outside the city, it is like two worlds. City people think that they live a decent life, but in fact they give them lifelong freedom. I never know how colorful the outside world is and how vast the outside world is. And the tribes living outside.

But it maintains the most primitive life without interference.

Yue Qian can't figure out what these trapped immortals mean and why they turn this continent into two extremes. The most incomprehensibilant thing is. What is the purpose of the siege? Why were the 100 Luo warriors who won each final to be taken to the fairy city for?

A group of people are walking while chatting. Suddenly, two little boys crossed the street. After one of them saw Yue Qianchou, he pulled the other person and motioned to see Yue Qianchou. The two little boys are about seven or eight years old. Looking at Yue Qianchou like a monster. And I couldn't help laughing.

Several people stopped and felt a little puzzled. They didn't know what the two children were laughing at.

Yue Qianchou is even more full of fog. Is Lao Tzu's temperament so extraordinary that even children can see that I am a fake indigenous?


Hey! It's still a child's simple vision and a wise eye to know people! Look at the left and right with sadness and pride. Show your extraordinary temperament. Unexpectedly, the two children looked at each other and laughed together. They spit out several mouthfuls of water and spit out the saliva in their mouths before the makeup workers.

The crocodile fairy picked up half of his worried head. The expressions on the face are very colorful. It seems to be very happy to see that Yue Qianchou has been treated like this. Boli and others looked at each other in constere and didn't know why. But Gu An's face doesn't look very good...

I didn't wear any clothes in the first place. Yue Ganchou looked at the saliva on his body and was a little confused. He didn't know what it meant. I also comforted myself. Maybe this is similar to the water splashing festival in Yunnan, which is a kind of etiquette, which shows that I am more welcomed by children. I will bear with it! I can't help it. At worst, I will give them two mouthfuls of thick phlegm.

However, fantasy is always easily shattered. The sneer-by on the street made Yue Qianchou feel that something was wrong. Yue Gan sadly pulled his face and asked, "Little boy. Why did you spit on my saliva?

One of the little boys crossed his waist. With a nose and eyes, he pointed to Yue Qianchou and despised him, "You are such a small man. He also came to participate in the fence conference, and he was not afraid of humiliation. Dead indigenous people. Where did you come from? Go back.

Am I small? Yue Qian was worried and asked himself, and his own sting was not bad! But after looking back at Boli and others. I immediately understood. It's okay to have your own head outside, but compared with the tribal warriors who are almost more than two meters away from participating in the fence conference. I really look thin and short...

The bitch's rabbit green onion turned out to be small. I think it's easy to bully! Dare to spit on me..." Yue Qianchou's face completely sank.

Unexpectedly, these two little boys bullied more than him. The other ran to Gu'an. He pointed to Gu Ying's hair with braids and said, "It's obviously a poor and dirty indigenous, and he still learns to wear our clothes. Get out of the Loess City. Pooh, Pooh..." The saliva in his mouth began to spit on Gu An again.

Obviously. The sad Gu Gong wore cloth clothes because of his braids, which was despised by the little boy. However, even so. Gu An only had a black face, but he didn't dare to attack, because the locals in the city were not something he could provoke.

In the face of the sad little boy who saw his companions vomiting, he immediately began to compare. He brewed his saliva and sprayed wildly at Yue Qianchou.

Shit! Yue Qianchou looked around and paused at a small trick on the side of the road. Not only is he not angry. Instead, there was a warm smile on his face and a mouthful of saliva. Reach out and show the things in your hand. He smiled kindly and said, "Children, do you want it?"

The child was stunned and showed amazing eyes. He wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and summoned his companions on the side. Yue Gan Han showed what he had in his hand to another child, and he didn't know when he caught a handful of gold coins in his hand...

"Children. Do you want it? Yue Qianchou once again followed the good way.

One of the children was very fierce and crossed his waist and said, "Dead native, where did you steal so much money?" Give it to me quickly. Otherwise, be careful of our report...

"Shh!" Yue Ganchou raised a grain finger, made a restrained gesture, and pointed to the side of the road. He whispered, "Let's go there and say that there are some small questions to ask you. As long as you tell me, I will give you these gold coins,

How about


The two children looked at each other deceiously and immediately nodded and said, "Let's go!" The two of them took the lead in running into the trick. He also pointed out to Yue Qianchou. Show me to come soon. Yue Qian nodded with a giggle and walked in.

Boli and others looked at each other in consterance. I don't know what Yue Qian wants to do. Because they didn't see clearly what was in Yue Qianchou's hand. But I heard what the child said. It seems to be money?

The crocodile fairy's eyelids jumped straight, but he saw the update of Yue Qianchou grabbed a handful of gold coins in his hand. With his understanding of Yue Qianchou. He is not worried that he will really be so friendly. Send gold coins for nothing... Can this guy even kill a child?

One big and two small after the trick. The little one immediately said, "If you have anything to ask!" Yue Qianchou looked back at the pedestrians passing by on the street behind him, pointed inside and said, "Go in a little more!"

In case other adults see that your two children have so many gold coins, they may rob you.

The two children were deeply convinced by the acquiescence. I think Yue Qianchou's words make sense. They are obviously familiar with the terrain here. Inward, Yue Qianchou was brought into a corner. The child who opened his mouth before said, "Just ask here!" ( Unfinished continuation)