The scum of the real world

Chapter 753 Earthline

"It's you!" Huang Tian slowly raised a black scarf in his hand. He sneered and said, "I have long felt that you, a native, are a little wrong. It turns out that you are still a monk."

Damn it! Can you recognize it even if you are blindfolded? Yue Qianchou felt a little familiar in the black in his hand. He subconsciously reached out and touched his face and found that the black scarf on his face had disappeared. Suddenly, he took a cool breath. The black scarf in his right hand is obviously in his mask. I didn't even know when the other party took it away. If I was going to kill myself just now...

Yue Qianchou immediately broke out of a cold sweat and didn't dare to think about it. Only to know that today's behavior was too reckless. The monks in the fairyland are not in vain, and they can't cope with it at all.

Under this scare, he completely calmed down and played a role after two generations of fearless. Now he is not in a hurry to dodge. Since the other party didn't kill him just now...

If you were the other party. I definitely want to know the details of the killer, so I won't worry about my life for the time being.

One more thing. Now that I have shown my face, if I run away. You will not be able to gain a foothold in Loess City, and the previous efforts will be in vain...

"Huang Tian, don't you sell clothes? Why did you come here?" Yue Qianchou asked with a stunned face.

As soon as I finished asking, there were a lot of footsteps running here around, which was obviously attracted by the movement here. Huang Tian's eyes flashed at Yue Qianchou. Suddenly, he shouted loudly, "Get out of here." The sound shook in all directions, and someone in all directions immediately replied, "Yes, Lord of the city!" The dense footsteps retreated again.

Lord of the city? Yue Qianchou's pupils suddenly contracted. His eyes were cold and he said, "Are you the lord of the Loess City?" Although it is unintentional. But it's no different from asking knowingly.

Huang Tian glanced at the body of Shang Huan on the ground. The darkness in his hand fell to the ground and said with a blank face, "You are not a tribal indigenous at all. It's not a fairy cultivation, but a monk in the world. Who are you?

Yue Qianchou immediately raised a thumbs-up and said, "The Lord of Huangcheng has good eyesight. Not bad. I am a monk in the world.

Huang Tian's eyes narrowed. He said in a low voice, "Monk in the world? There is no place for monks on the mainland. In this way, did you come in from the outside world when the heaven and earth were opened?

"It's also. It's not either." Yue Qianchou gave a double answer.

Huang Tian's eyes suddenly narrowed and said in a low voice, "The monks in the world are so bold that they dare to break into the city master's mansion to kill people. Aren't you afraid of death?

Is this the city lord's mansion? Yue Qianchou looked around and was a little depressed. He deliberately grinded to the depths and wanted to wait until Shanghuan went home to do it. Unexpectedly, this guy had not gone back until now. He made a mistake in judgment!

"If I knew that this was the city lord's mansion, I wouldn't come." Yue Qianchou shook his head and smiled bitterly and said that Huang Tian snorted coldly without asking him why he killed Shang Huan, and waved his sleeves. The ground under your feet surges like waves. Several huge earth palms suddenly stretched out to the ground and hugged the body of Shanghuan. It swallowed into the ground, and then the ground recovered as before, and even a trace of blood could not be seen.

What kind of spell is this? Yue Qian was stunned and a little stunned. Huang Tian turned around and left. As he walked, he said, "Come with me, don't think about running away, or the body of Shanghuan will be your end."

Yue Qianchou's self-conscious "um" sound. Follow Huang Tian. It's still a little unrealistic to pass by the place where the burial circle is buried. I couldn't help stepping on it everywhere and making sure that the bottom was solid.

The yellow sky walking ahead. I couldn't help twitching on my face, thinking. This boy doesn't seem to be afraid.

Walking to the remote place of the big garden, Yue Qianchou, who followed behind, suddenly found that the ground of the line was empty, and a large dark hole suddenly appeared. Huang Tian walked down slowly. Yue Qianchou stood at the entrance of the cave and was stunned again. He saw that the soil in the cave kept retracing around with the progress of the yellow sky. The hole is three meters wide, and the depth of the hole continues to extend to the ground automatically. This scene is simply amazing. Huang Tian seems to be the master of the earth. Wherever you go, the earth must take the initiative to make way.

When Yue Qianchou was in a sane mind. Suddenly, I found that my center of gravity was a little unstable, and the ground under my feet seemed to be moving, and I was shocked when I looked around. It seems that he is standing on the transmission belt of the elevator. Taking himself deep into the ground, the soil layer behind him was suddenly closed, and the starry sky suddenly disappeared, and he had been buried alive in the earth.

"Huang Tian, what do you want to do?" Yue Qianchou is vigilant. In the dark, you can barely see the figure of the former yellow sky. "Don't be afraid. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago. You don't have to spend a lot of time. Don't worry, come with me. I have something to ask you. Huang Tian, who continued to go down, said indifferently.

Such comfort does not make Yue Qianchou relax his vigilance. In just a moment, it was estimated that it had penetrated hundreds of meters. Yue Qianchou tried to contact Utopia and found that it was unobstructed. Suddenly, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you have something to ask me, I can't ask where I am. Why do I have to go deep?" Naturally, there are secrets to ask deep underground." Huang Tian, who was going forward, stopped and suddenly waved his hand and scattered a large piece of fluorescent stone. The surrounding terrain changes instantly. Take the fluorite back and expand the underground space. All kinds of shapes are changing.

Yue Qianchou has been attracted by this magical spell, after finding that the ground with him has stopped. The eyes suddenly opened up. An underground official hall was formed in just a short time. An earthen underground palace.

Under the illumination of the fluorite inlaid around, the whole underground palace can be seen everywhere, with earthy yellow steps. Various sculptures in khaki. Earthy tables and chairs... Huang Tian is sitting behind a table in front of him. Pointing to the chair across the table, he said lightly, "Don't look, come and sit down. I have something to ask you." Yue Qianchou was not in a hurry to reply to his words. He wandered around the palace, knocked and touched. Finding that everything is like nature, he couldn't help exclaiming. After updating his curiosity, Fang strode to the opposite side of Huang Tian and applauded and praised, "It's worthy of being a fairy in the fairy world. The means are really amazing."

Huang Tian smiled and said, "It's just that you haven't seen it. It's nothing more than that I'm proficient in the art of earth, which is nothing magical.

With that, he took out two sets of wine from the storage bracelet and put them on the table. He immediately stretched out two khaki hands on the table, if there was no difference in color. The vivid appearance can be fake, with two hands without a trace, one to take a cup and one to a pot. Move to Yue Qianchou to drink wine. After drinking. swine. The wine glass is placed in front of the sorrow. Two khaki hands are hidden on the table. The same is true of the wine set in front of Huang Tian..." To be continued. If you want to know what will happen