The scum of the real world

Chapter 803 The Woman Who Comes

It's good to hold a pass to trade with the underworld in your hand, but now the four links are so depressed that they can't take out the money to enter the ruins. This money is not a small amount, with a full amount of 50 million divine stones.

However, the pass in Sitong's hand to trade with the underworld is still very valuable. Sitong also understands that if you don't seize this opportunity to turn over, it is useless to have that pass. So he gritted his teeth and borrowed 50 million divine stones. If it is overdue, he will take the pass as compensation.

Although I have collected enough money, there are still some strict restrictions on entering the divine ruins. That is, each family can only enter at most 30 people, and the cultivation of these 30 people can only be below the fairy level, not only people who have reached the fairy level are allowed to participate.

Imagine that so many chambers of commerce and sects participate at the same time, and in the alien world, it is inevitable to fight for treasures. Those who can work hard for all sects and chambers of commerce are naturally disciples of their own family, and outsiders can't take this risk for you.

In this way, the problem comes. The four links have long been depressed, and the disciples below have long been dead, scattered and gone. Although it is still in the name of a chamber of commerce, there are less than five people in the list. So there was a scene of recruiting people in four ways...

The four links have been recruited for more than half a month, but no one has come, because even if you can come back from the Shenxu Realm alive, you have helped the four links, but Bada will not let you go! Who will do this hard and life-threatening thing? If it hadn't hindered the rules of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, I'm afraid that the four links would have been destroyed by Bada.

Just three days after the opening of the Shenxu Realm, some chambers of commerce and sects have begun to gather outside the Shenxu, but the four links have not yet recruited a person...

When Tao Zhong said this, Yue Qianchou nodded "..." to show that he understood. Speaking of this divine ruins, Yue Qianchou still knows a little about it. When he was nagging with Huang Tian in the Holy Land of the East Pole, Huang Tian, he once heard Huang Tian talk about it.

This divine ruin is said to be a place of cultivation opened up by the ancient gods. Later, I don't know why it was abandoned by the ancient gods. The aura inside is very abundant, rich in all kinds of natural materials and treasures. But it is also extremely dangerous, and there are all kinds of fierce beasts. According to Huang Tian, the divine ruins will be opened once a hundred years. After three months, it will be closed until the next hundred years. However, Huang Tian did not say that all factions participated in the opening of the divine ruins.

Yue Qianchou was thinking about it, but suddenly frowned and looked at the people and asked, "What's the matter with you all rushing to Bada to sign up..."

"It seems that you really don't know anything..." Tao Zhong smiled bitterly and said, "We rushed to Bada to sign up not to enter the divine ruins, but to help Bada go to the underworld to do business. Every time a transaction is successfully completed, you can get the reward of ten best spiritual stones. Although the opportunity for everyone to accept the employment of the Bada Chamber of Commerce is very small, we will have bad luck if you coaxed us like this..."

"What's wrong with this? Since everyone doesn't want to go, it's over if you don't go. It's impossible for them to tie you into the divine ruins or kill you..." Yue Qianchou said disapprovingly.

A group of people suddenly showed a speechless and exaggerated expression. Tao Zhong cried and laughed, "No matter how the four links are, they are also a member of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance! The Chamber of Commerce Alliance pays attention to credibility first. When dealing with the Chamber of Commerce, you must value credibility. If you agree, you can't go back on it. Otherwise, even if the four links don't do anything to us, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance will not let us go. Who does the Chamber of Commerce Alliance want to chase and kill? How many people in the whole fairyland can escape? Oh, my God! Don't tell me that you don't even know this..."

Yue Qianchou touched his nose awkwardly and said, "It seems to be like this. I almost forgot..." Only now did he understand that he did bring a lot of trouble to these guys. Although he was not afraid, it does not mean that others also have the capital to be afraid of.

At this time, three people came out of the backyard, two men and one woman standing in front of the crowd. Among them, Nan Tianlong introduced to everyone: "This is the president of the association, and this is the young lady..."

Yue Qianchou quickly glanced at the cultivation of several people. Except for the young lady's cultivation at the end of Huashen, he could not see through the cultivation of the president and Nan Tianlong. Obviously, his cultivation had reached the immortal level. The president looked like a leader among the people. No wonder his daughter was not bad. Yue Qianchou couldn't help but look at the president's daughter who bit her lips and said nothing. Except for her little petite figure, everything else was good.

Everyone present saw the president of Sitong appear, but there was no one to talk to. Obviously, they didn't like Sitong very much.

The president's face showed a trace of bitterness. He waved his hand to Nan Tianlong and said, "The four links are already like this. If the president can't grow, don't mention it..." Then he arched his hand to the crowd and smiled gently, "My Mu Bing, this is the little girl Mu Tianjiao. Thank you for supporting me at this critical time. As long as I can get through this difficulty, I will remember your great kindness..."

Someone in the crowd immediately whispered, "You think we want to support it!" If it hadn't been forced to have no tea......"

Although the voice is small, how can it be inaudible with everyone's cultivation? Mu Bing suddenly turned around and shouted, "Tianlong, what's going on? Could it be that it was forced. Have you forgotten the rules of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance that you can't buy and sell by force?

Nan Tianlong quickly waved his hand and said, "Master, it's not like this. They took the initiative to respond..."

Mu Bing frowned slightly, and his disciples would definitely not lie to him, so he slowly turned around and glanced at the crowd and asked, "What's going on? I don't know if anyone is willing to tell me the details? Mu would rather watch the collapse than do the forced buying and selling thing..."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you. Finally, Tao Zhong stood up and arched his hand to Mu Bing and said, "President Mu, this is not a forced buying and selling. In fact, it is a misunderstanding..." He pointed to Yue Qianchou and told the misunderstanding, which made Yue Qianchou very embarrassed.

After Mu Bing understood what had happened, he was silent for a long time. This is difficult for the four links at a critical moment to make a decision. After all, the fault is not in the four links. The truth goes everywhere. Do you want to make it self-defeating?

"Four links are not forced to you..." Mu Bing finally said this sentence, and Nan Tianlong's face changed slightly and stopped. Everyone was relieved, and Yue Qianchou was also shaking his head secretly. No wonder the business of these four links would be done like this. Do you still need to teach the truth of treachery and business?

Everyone was about to leave, but Mu Tianjiao, who was beside him, took a step forward categorically and said, "But the rules are the rules. I didn't force you. You took the initiative to respond. How can you regret it afterwards? Are you really the rules of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance..."

A group of people's eyes were all focused on Mu Bing's body. Mu Bing frowned and said, "Heatian..., demon..."

Mu Tianjiao's beautiful face flashed with a stubborn look, and she immediately arched her hand and interrupted, "Father, we also have to abide by the rules of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. If we let them go, what if someone goes to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance to report us afterwards, saying that we have recruited people but we don't believe I'm afraid that we can't even find anyone who testifies to us. This is an extraordinary period, and we have to be prepared to take the opportunity to make trouble..."

Mu Bing was speechless by her, and Nan Tianlong also immediately arched his hand and said, "Master, my sister is right! Beware of Xiaoxiao taking the opportunity to make trouble..."

Mu Tianjiao took the opportunity to announce loudly to everyone: "As long as you accept my employment, I am willing to share one-tenth of the rare valuation of this divine ruins to you..."

As soon as this word came out, it immediately caused a burst of ** among the crowd. This ** is too big. It should be noted that all chambers of commerce are willing to pay the price of 50 million divine spirit stones in order to enter the divine ruins. Usually, they can get double the return, which means that the valuation of the rare value is at least 100 million divine spirit stones. One-tenth of the 100 million divine spiritual stones is 10 million. If this money is distributed to everyone present, almost everyone can get 300,000 divine spiritual stones.

This is an astronomical figure for them to go to the underworld to successfully complete only ten of the best spiritual stones at a time. What's more, going to the underworld is not completely smooth sailing, and there are still some dangers.

Seeing that his sister had taken out such a big benefit without the master's consent, Nan Tianlong couldn't help secretly looking at Shijing, only to find that the master was mediting and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that many people were moved, Mu Tianjiao said again, "Of course, I will never force everyone to choose.

If you don't want to accept my employment, you can leave a statement before you leave. If you leave, I will also give you a guarantee statement, so that you don't have something unclear. Everyone should leave or stay. It's up to you..."

Now it's embarrassing for everyone. Stay! It's really too dangerous. Don't stay! 300,000 divine spiritual stones! Where can you find such fat oil and water for everyone? For everyone, it is not possible to make money for a lifetime! It's really a combination of interests and risks! It makes it difficult for everyone to make a choice.

Yue Qianchou didn't consider this. He was not short of money, but kept specting at Mu Tianjiao and found that this girl was indeed much more courageous than her father. She was a person who was a troublemaker.

After everyone's choice, nine of the thirty-seven people who finally came left. These were all small people who were worried that they would be retaliated by the Bada Chamber of Commerce and chose to leave. Others risked their lives for 300,000 divine spiritual stones. As long as they get the money, they will immediately run as far as they can, and they are ready to never meet the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Yue Qianchou didn't leave. She got a piece of jade ultimatum given by Mu Tianjiao, which contained the guarantee of the four links she wrote in person, to the idea that after the divine ruins, she was willing to share one-tenth of the value of the rare value of the income to those who accepted the four-way employment.

It's not that he wants to make this money, but that even if he leaves, he may not be able to find an opportunity to go to the underworld immediately. If you accept this employment, you can also take the opportunity to inquire more about more favorable news. What's more, you also want to see what's going on in the Shenxu Realm. If you find something wrong after entering, you can leave at any time. There's nothing to worry about...