The scum of the real world

Chapter 811 Grand Plan

The story of the Bingming and Qing Dynasties explained the advantages and disadvantages of the broken elixir clearly, even clearer than the cognition obtained by Yue Qianchou from the elixir square jade card, and even the pharmacy of the broken elixir was thoroughly analyzed one by one. This made Yue Qianchou greatly amazed. Chaotian Palace is worthy of being the leader in the fairyland industry. It has formed a quite complete practice system. The disciples have laid a solid foundation before they came into contact with alchemy. Once they get started officially in the future, it will not be twice the result with half the effort. The doorway precipitated by the years is really not the ability of the cultivation sect in the world...

"Then I'll test you again. Is there any way to get rid of the toxins that penetrate into the body after taking the broken elixir?" Yue Qianchou asked with a smile on his back, which really tasted like an old-fashioned student.

Shui Mingqing's face was full of doubts. I don't know why this senior asked such a simple question. Even if these questions are not well known in the fairyland, they are not a secret, are they? Yue Qian smiled and urged, "It doesn't matter. Don't worry and say it boldly."

Shui Mingqing paused a little, and then continued to reply respectfully: "The real poison of the broken elixir is relatively light, and practitioners can generally eliminate it by their own cultivation in a month. The anti-drug elixir is different. It does a lot of harm to the body of practitioners. The more toxins you take, the more toxins penetrate into the limbs and meridians. If it is heavy, it will kill you. If it is light, you will not advance. In fact, there are also many people who use the forbidden elixir to forcibly improve their cultivation in the fairyland, but for all famous families, this way of pulling seedlings and promoting is generally not used.

"At first, it can quickly form a number of forces in a short period of time, but in the long run, even if you take the marrow washing golden elixir in the future, in addition to the toxins in the body, it will also cause congenital damage to the meridians of the limbs and bones, causing acquired deficiencies and bringing great confusion to future practice Since ancient times, almost no monks who have taken the forbidden elixir can upgrade their cultivation to the immortal period or above, unless there is another elixir remedy. Therefore, for the famous sects, the methods of pulling seedlings, such as taking the broken elixir, are generally not used, because for them, they care more about the long-term interests. Only when there are more strong people in the door, the more lasting the interests of the sect can be.

"Hmm! It makes sense!" Yue Qianchou nodded slightly and asked, "The marrow washing golden elixir you mentioned is something that can remove the elixir toxin, right?"


" Shui Mingqing couldn't help asking, "With the cultivation of the predecessors, you don't need to wash the marrow golden elixir, right? Is it true that someone around the senior has taken the broken elixir?

"It's so smart. You guessed it all." Yue Qianchou said with a cold smile. Shui Mingqing was speechless for a while. He said that if this is also called smart, then I am no different from a fool...

By the way, Yue Qianchou also suddenly felt that the joke was not funny at all. He coughed and said, "By the way, what is the market price of the marrow-washing golden elixir in the fairyland? Is it expensive?"

Shui Mingqing really wants to take a closer look at what kind of person the other party is. He always asks the well-known questions of this person, but he dares not be presumptuous. After all, his cultivation is there, and it is a matter of killing himself all the time. So he lowered his eyebrows without complaint and replied, "In fact, the demand is still very large, because there are many people who have used elixirs such as breaking the ban. However, in terms of unit price, it is neither high nor high, depending on who it is. The average price of each marrow washing golden elixir is about 2,000 divine spirit stones, which is a large amount for ordinary people, but it is nothing for all sects and rich families. In fact, the cost of marrow washing golden elixir is not high. The main reason why it can sell 2,000 divine spiritual stones is that there is a large demand. After all, fairy grass has a certain growth cycle. No matter how common fairy grass is, it can't be everywhere like weeds. If you use other treasures to give birth, row again, won't come.

Such an explanation can't be said to be detailed. He looked at the other party with appreciatively, but he thought about it in his heart... There are nearly 10,000 people in the utopian army, plus some chores, enough for tens of thousands of people. These are his own subordinates, and it is impossible to let What's more, it's more reassuring for our own people to come to the fairyland to fight the world. After all, it was trained day by painstakingly. Ten thousand mast-washing elixirs are only 20 million divine stones. I can still take out the money myself. Even if I can't take it out, I will do everything I can to take it out.

From the time of flying on the four links to the vastness of the fairyland to the gathering of heroes outside the divine ruins, his blood has been boiling, and a very grand idea has sprouted in his mind... It's too boring for those monks in the world of cultivation to grab such a small territory in the world. He is the first master in the world There is a responsibility and obligation to toss everyone out to see the world. Everyone has the ability to follow my destiny and come to the fairyland with me.

From that moment on, he had the intention to take Utopia as the core, establish the world of human cultivation into a base camp, and then lead everyone to the development of the fairyland. He believes that those masters who are powerful in the world are not pette people. Once they see the world in the fairyland, they will not look at the interests of the world. Let's not talk about casting immortal immortality. Even if the spirit stone here is done casually, it is calculated by the divine product. Who will harass the secular world? In this way, my desire to leave the world of cultivation and the world is naturally achieved overnight...

Yue Qian was sad for a moment, and suddenly asked, "You just said that there is an elixir similar to breaking the forbidden elixir that pulls seedlings to promote the improvement of cultivation." Is there any elixir that has raised the cultivation from the period of disaster to the end of the god?"

"Yes." Shui Mingqing said responsiblely, "It is said that as long as the main drug of refining the forbidden elixir remains unchanged, and then adjusting and adding a few other flavors of fairy grass, it can be refined into a "great forbidden elixir". However, the side effect of this elixir is that it is too toxic. Once it breaks through to Even so, you must break through the immortal cultivation to cast the immortal body within three months, otherwise the body will gradually decline, and you will age quickly within three months..."

"The toxicity is so severe..." Yue Qianchou asked in surprise, "Are you sure you're not mistaken..."

When Shui Mingqing heard the words, he looked at him seriously and said, "Senior, you... You can ask others. There should be a lot of people in the fairyland. However, generally no one will take the "Great Breaking the Forbidden Elixir". It is usually impossible to break through from the end of Huashen to the beginning of Xiaoxian in three months. Unless you have an elixir in your hand, you dare to do so, but an elixir is worth one billion divine stones, and it is not a small amount in the general sect. Using this method to improve cultivation is simply piled up with huge spiritual stones, and not many people can afford it. In addition, with the use of "Big Break the Forbidden Elixir, the forced improvement of cultivation will have a great impact on the future, so few people use it..."

Yue Qian couldn't help sucking sadly. Cool air, not to mention anything else, a "limation elixir, is worth one billion divine spiritual stones. If all the tens of thousands of people in the utopia are promoted to the cultivation of small immortals, it is simply today's number. I'm afraid that even the fairy palace with strong financial resources can't stand it...

After a little surprise, it calmed down again. As long as all kinds of fairy grasses that refine the elixir can be found in the territory of the divine ruins, with the help of utopia purple chaos, it is not a problem to cultivate a large number of fairy grass. The key to the real problem is refining. With the secret recipe of alchemy in your own hands, you can fool around in the world, but it is obviously not good enough in the fairyland...

But then again, as long as you can master a large number of rare fairy grasses, you are not afraid of not making money in the fairyland, and you can't spend so much money at the same time.

The most important thing now is to find rare fairy grass to be cultivated, and then the problem of refining.

As for looking for rare spiritual grass, I had this plan before entering the divine ruins, but I found someone to refine the immortals... Yue Qianchou pinched his chin and looked at the water Mingqing greasyly, and the idea had hit the head of the Chaotian Palace, the largest school of alchemy in the fairyland!

Looking around the clothes scattered in the valley, Yue Qianchou sighed meaningfully, "It seems that among the thirty people you came into the heavenly palace, that is, you are lucky to be alive. What are your plans for later..."

When Shui Mingqing heard the words, his face darken and slowly shook his head and said, "If you can find a high-value treasure back, it's a great achievement. If you go back empty-handed, I'm afraid my practice in my life will come to an end." Yue Qianchou suddenly smiled and said, "Even if you have Is it the ruins of the gods? I'm afraid that someone is ambushed at the exit of the divine ruins now, just waiting for people like you to throw themselves into the net..."

Shui Mingqing immediately stayed where he was. After a while of distracted, Huo Ran looked up and bowed and saluted, "The senior's cultivation is profound, and he also asked the senior to show me a way to live..." He was not stupid. After reacting, he immediately guessed that Yue Qianchou must have a purpose to say so,

"It's a pleasure to talk to smart people" a little bit..." Yue Qianchou glanced at the whole valley and said slowly, "I won't hide it from you. I'm going to deal with your teacher when I go out. You can introduce me then. Secondly, you can follow me within a month! Let's go out together in a month, and I'll give you a rare treasure that you can get, so that you can work with the teacher. Of course, you should also give full play to your strengths in this month to help me lead the team to find all kinds of rare fairy grass. What do you think..."

Shui Mingqing was overjoyed. It should not be a big problem to protect himself with the other party's ability, and there is no need for the other party to lie to himself and bring himself such a burden in this dangerous place. Immediately, he saluted repeatedly and said, "The younger generation is all arranged by the elders. Er..." He looked up around and said in astonishment, "The senior wants me to lead the team? I don't know where the senior's hands are?