The scum of the real world

Chapter 844 Fight against the Two Immortals

As soon as he said this, the bad intentions on their faces froze." They looked around involuntarily. Although this place has shown a desolate stubborn momentum, it will continue to be desolate until the next hundred years of divine ruins are opened again. However, even so, since Wu Xiong has made a statement, fighting is not allowed in this square outside the Shenxu, otherwise it is a challenge to Wu Xiong's authority.

Although Wu Xiong has left, I don't know if he will still remember it, but once someone with a heart spread it to Wu Xiong's ears, God knows what Wu Xiong will think!

Cang Lianqing and Chai Toshiro naturally knew the power of the fairy palace. With their courage, they didn't dare to challenge Wu Xiong's release, so they looked at each other and were stunned. Fewer and fewer people left in the air one after another. Yue Qianchou looked up and then waved his hand to the two people with a sarcastic look and said, "I'll go first. I don't need to send it!"

"Stop!" Cang Lianqing shouted, and the distorted look on his face showed that he had been angered by the other party's words. He sneered and said, "I advise you to honestly explain the handle of forcing Wanling to submit, otherwise... unless you don't leave here for the rest of your life, what will happen once you leave this square? You know in your heart..."

"What do you understand?" Yue Qianchou turned around and looked at the two of them with a blank face and said, "Do you dare to ask how your cultivation is?"

The brainless sentence made the two of them a little unreact. After being stunned, Chai Junlang was stunned and shook the folding fan and said, "Our cultivation is indeed not high. It's just the end of the little fairy. However, you don't think it will be difficult for one of us to clean up your miscellaneous pieces at the end of the Haha..." The two couldn't help laughing at the same time.

Yue Qianchou replied indifferently, "I just want to warn you two that sometimes you don't need much cultivation to kill people. Don't force me to do it, otherwise you won't even have a chance to regret it." He had long wanted to try the power of purple fire to kill the immortals, but he didn't want to easily I've been itching all the time.

"Dear I right!" Chai Junlang asked Cang Lianqing with a joking face, "Is he threatening us?" "It seems so." Cang Lianqing nodded seriously, and the two couldn't help laughing again when they looked at each other.

Yue Qianchou raised his eyebrows slightly, dodged up, circled two big circles in the air, looked around, and found that there was no one person in the messy square, and then quickly flew to the distance.

"It's really hopeless. Do you think you can escape?" Chai Shunlang, who was floating in the air, closed the fan in his hand and turned into two streamer lights with Cang Lianqing and chased him quickly.

On a mountain not far away, a ripple-like light curtain flashed out of thin air, and instantly converged into a transparent crystal-like bead, and five people suddenly appeared. The "psychedelic fairy bead" floating in the sky grabbed it into the palm of his hand and turned his head to ask Wan Ling beside him, "Are you sure that neither of them has seen the clue?"

Wan Ling thought for a moment and said slowly, "It shouldn't be..." Then she turned to the hunchbacked old man behind her and said, "In a while, please ask the elder. When the two of them kill Yue Qianchou, the 50 billion divine stone still needs to be taken back by the elder."

The hunchback old man nodded and saw the four of them turn into streamers to chase at the same time, and then turned into streamers and circled in the other direction.

After flying out of a messy and huge square, Yue Qianchou quickly maintained the highest vigilance, raised his cultivation to the limit of rapid flight, and headed towards the desolate depths of the vast granite mountains. After breaking into a stone valley, he dodged and fell into the valley and waited.

"It's really bold." The cold hum of Cang Lianqing came from the air. Yue Qianchou looked up with a slight shock. He let himself go for a while, but the other party still caught up with him in the blink of an eye. The fairy master was indeed an immortal master, which was not comparable to his own cultivation in the divine period.

"Then I'd like to see how bold he is. Give him some color first, so that the dead duck will not be hard." The folding fan in Chai Junlang's hand in the air turned directly into a glow.

Almost at the same time as he took action, a white fog exploded on Yue Qianchou's body. The glow penetrated the white fog, and there was a loud noise, and the rubble rumbled in the valley. Xia Guang returned to the air and turned into a folding fan and received it from Chai Toshiro again.

The white fog dispersed, and a deep pit of more than ten meters appeared in the valley below, but there was no figure of Yue Qianchou. The two were slightly stunned, almost coincidentally releasing their perception and quickly exploring the whole valley, but they didn't even find a personal figure.

Did he run away like this? Impossible! With the cultivation of the other party at the end of the god, how can he escape from his own eyes silently? The two looked at each other and quickly separated to check the corners in the whole valley again.

In the air, Wanlihong and several people were invisible under the miraculous effect of "psychedelic fairy beads". They also looked at the whole valley suspiciously, and they did not find how Yue Qianchou disappeared. In short, after Chai Junlang attacked once, Yue Qianchou disappeared for no reason, which was very strange.

Suddenly, the pupils of several people suddenly shrank, and they saw that in the ten-meter-deep pit in the valley, Yue Qianchou quietly rose slowly from the stone pit and slowly floated into the air.

It was not until the whole person was exposed from the pit that Cang Lianqing and Chai Junlang, who were searching in the valley, found him. They both stood still and looked at him in surprise, with an expression on their faces.

Yue Qianchou floated in the valley with an expressionless face, the hem of the robe hunted without wind, and the violent murderous spirit gushed out of his body crazily. His eyes were half-opened, and he glanced at the two of them with bright eyes. He said indifferently, "How dare you do anything to me. You are looking for death by yourself, so don't blame me for being rude." When the two were stunned when they heard the words, Cang Lianqing then laughed and said, "I've never seen Chai Junlang, keep an eye on him. This boy is a little evil, and he can actually escape into the stone. If you don't teach him a lesson first, his stinky mouth will not be soft..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a wave of his big sleeves, and a glow burst out of the storage bracelet, cutting his feet very fast. It seems that he doesn't want to kill Yue Qianchou, but wants to cripple Yue Qianchou first.

Yue Qianshou's air machine had enveloped a radius of dozens of meters. As soon as the glow invaded, he saw his eyebrows jump slightly, "..." With a sound, the sudden glow suddenly opened into a large mass of silver powder, which was extremely strange.

Cang Lianqing and Chai Junlang's mouths opened in an instant, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions. Several invisible people in the air also looked at each other. Wan Lihong looked at Wan Ling, frowned and said, "Linger, are you sure that this leap is only the cultivation of the end of the transformation of the gods?"

"I..." Wan Ling paused and looked at Yue Qianchou incredulously and replied, "It shouldn't be wrong! I have explored it with my own hands..."

"That's strange. The flying sword used by Cang Lianqing is at least a fairy weapon above level 3, which can be silently shaken into powder, which is a little terrible." Cang Lianqing muttered suspiciously.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the two people to be stunned, Yue Qianchou's aura spread quickly and took the opportunity to lock the two. When the two realized that they were locked, they suddenly woke up, quickly exchanged a look, and Qi Qi disappeared in an instant.

"Star-sucking method!" There was a loud shout in the valley.

Yue Qianchou opened his eyes angrily, with one arm, and his protruding claws took out the white fog of the two wells out of thin air. The figure retreated at the same time and dodged, and his claws converged into his sleeves as if they were holding two white horses.

In an instant, two mummified corpses that had been drained suddenly appeared, and collided with each other in the position where Yue Qianchou dodged, and fell to the ground. I saw two mummified corpses struggling to get up on the ground, which looked extremely horrible, but the movement seemed to be a little slow motion. As soon as the two mummified corpses who got up together looked up and met, they seemed to be shocked by the other party's appearance and waved to the other party.

" Bang", the two of them were shaken back a few steps by the other party. Suddenly, he looked at the hand he stretched out and found that it was not only as thin as wood, but also full of folds. Then he stretched out his hands together, and then touched his face and body. A panic sound came from his dry throat. It seemed that he wanted to speak but could not make a sound normally. The two seemed to scare themselves and retreated unacceptably...

Yue Qianchou looked at the two people in surprise. He said in his heart that it was really good to cast the fairy body, but his own star-absorbing method could not kill them.

Several people in the air twitched. Liang Qi was indeed scared by the strange scene below, and Wan Ling couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands. She was afraid that she couldn't help making a sound.

I want to see if your two mummified corpses have the skin thickness of old monsters! Yue Qianchou's face was ferocious. With a wave of his big sleeves, he held a two-meter-long cyan knife in his hand. He floated and said indifferently, "You two, if you have the ability, run away quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the knife." The two mummified corpses raised their horrible In the air, they fled together. Although he tried his best to stimulate Xianyuan, the meridian in his body atrophied a little at this time. It was difficult to run Zhenyuan as usual, and the flight speed was not much faster than that of the birds in the sky.

Maybe because he was too thin. As soon as the person flew up, he immediately got out of the collar of the loose clothes, and clothes and shoes fell to the ground one after another. I saw two disgusting mummified corpses flying in the sky, which is really a big strange thing in the fairyland...