The scum of the real world

Chapter 871 The Man Wan Ling Likes 2

This discovery immediately scared Wan Ling to stand in the pool and dare not move, nor dare to look up. She put her arms around her chest and kept telling herself that it must be an illusion. After the rippling pool finally calmed like a mirror, she clearly saw the peak of the shadow of the water. A man in white stood elegantly on a tree, as if he was staring naked in the pool.

Wan Ling was so scared that she let out a sad scream, which scared the birds in the mountains to fly around. After reacting that she was still ** under the eyes of others, Wan Ling raised her hand and asked the clothes on the shore to wrap herself up. She hid in the water and dared not come out. She looked at the man in white standing on the treetops with trembling and fear.

It was a man full of elegance. His face was handsome and detached, his figure was long, and he was dressed as a scholar. Wan Ling had never shown so ** in front of any man. At this time, she was simply ashamed and extremely afraid.

However, it was annoying that although the man was gentle, his skin was not so thick. He had been standing still on the top of the tree, looking at her with a slight smile on his face, not ashamed at all, as if Wan Ling should have been showing him.

Wan Ling, who was ashamed and indignant, finally summoned up her courage and shouted, "Where did the shameless man come from? Why don't you avoid it? Be careful that I have carved your eyes."

Maybe her intimidation had an effect, and the scholar on the treetop suddenly disappeared silently. With Wan Ling's cultivation, she didn't notice how the other party left at all. Wan Ling, holding the wrapped clothes and about to escape, was wary of looking around. Suddenly, she was shocked to see that the scholar came behind her again and was quietly stepping on the water and looking at herself with a smile.

"Ah......" Wan Ling, who was in the pool, immediately let out a frightening scream. The scholar looked at her with a smile, regardless of her, and let her scream all the time. And Wan Ling couldn't scream all the time. As soon as the scream broke, she wrapped her clothes in one hand and wrapped her chest, and desperately waved her palms at the other party.

This palm can be said to have concentrated her treasure cultivation, but the scholar still stood there with a smile, ignoring her attack at all. There were invisible ripples in front of him, and Wan Ling's strong palm acted on the other party. "It's like a mud ox into the sea, and all the power disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

Wan Ling instantly understood that she was not the opponent of the other party at all. She immediately raised her voice and shouted, "Help!" I didn't care about it, and I almost fled with my clothes in my back.

However, a more terrible thing happened. Wan Ling clearly saw the surrounding scenery flying away. She didn't know how far she had fled. However, as soon as she stopped, she found that she was no different from standing still. I'm still in the pool. I just ran out of the pool and stepped on the surface of the pool. In this way, it means that the other party can see his body more clearly.

"Ah...,..." Wan Ling screamed crazily in horror as if she were a ghost. But he was horrified to find that he could not hear his shouting voice at all. "The scholar opposite came with a smile, raised his hand and gently wrapped his body and suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

After the thing that made Wan Ling almost collapse, he wanted to squat down and hold his arms to cover his shame, but he found that he could not control his body at all. His mind was very clear, and he did not find that his body was held hostage by external forces, but he shamelessly stretched his arms and exposed his breasts in front of the other party.

Wan Ling watched the other party's slender fingers stroke her body. She couldn't close her eyes even if she wanted to close her eyes. She could feel the other party's cold palms swam on her body and her full breasts and buttocks were stroked one by her. Wan Ling immediately shed tears in a breath." She choked and said, "Sit..."

"What are you crying about?" The scholar appeared opposite her and gently hooked her chin with her finger. He smiled faintly and said, "How many women want to take it off for me, but I disdain it. It happened today. You should feel lucky."

His voice was very good, and his faint tone was full of unquestionable strong self-confidence, as if everyone should submit to his feet. While he was talking, Wan Ling's heart was refreshed, her breathing was a little short, and her heart kept beating. The other party's deep and wise eyes were coming, his chin was hooked up, and the lips of the two people were pressed together. A breath belonging to a man made Wan Ling a little confused, and the other party's lips were a little cold... Unconsciously, Wan Ling found that she had opened her lips. The tongues of the two were stirred together, and she was a little obsessed with his flexible tongue. At this time, Wan Ling found that her body had recovered and was able to move. She could have pushed the other party away, but she impulsively made a bold decision, took the initiative to hug the other party, kissed the other party forgetfully, and longed for the other party to make further actions.

But the other party seemed to be so rational. At this time of emotion, he slowly pushed himself away and told her with a smile, "Meet each other, until you click, it's enough to taste it!" The woman I kissed can hate me, but I can't be sad because of me. If I continue, I'm afraid it will make you sad.

Wan Ling is also a woman who is used to seeing the world. Previously, she just panicked. At this time, she calmed down and realized that the other party had no bad intentions towards her at all, so she boldly said, "There are not many people in the fairyland who dared to do this to me. You have done this to me, so

"Responsible for you?" The scholar shook his head and smiled. Looking at her grassy lower body, Xi Tao said, "I don't seem to have done anything too much to you. It's just a hug and a kiss. How can I be responsible for you? You're too tough!" Wan Ling bit her lip and said, "I don't care. My body has never been shown to other men. You have seen it and touched it, so you must be responsible for me, otherwise I won't let you go."

"What a big tone, it actually threatened me!" The scholar shook his head and turned around with a smile and said, "If you have a chance to know who I am, you will naturally know that your request is too much."

"Stop!" Wan Ling hugged her chest and shouted, "The big man dares to do it. If you have the ability, just tell me your name."

The scholar turned around and smiled, "I'm afraid you can't afford to say my name. You'd better not know..." At this moment, a golden glow suddenly flashed away in the air. The scholar suddenly looked up, and then said nothing, and disappeared in front of Wan Ling.

"Stop! You come back. You haven't told me your name yet, shameless..." Wan Ling shouted anxiously, but no one paid attention to her anymore. Barely, she quickly summoned a set of clothes from the storage bracelet to put on and searched everywhere within a radius of hundreds of miles.

However, after that day, after thousands of years, Wan Ling almost searched the whole fairyland, but never saw the shadow of the scholar. The scholar seemed to be a mystery. It seems that what happened that day was like a dream, with no trace, only the coldness left by the other party's lips is still fresh in my memory...

That is, from that day on, the shadow of the scholar became her haunting concern, and many dreams woke up with joy when she saw his appearance. The only thing that is empty after waking up is disappointment. Wan Ling herself didn't know what kind of demon she had. Since then, she can't fall in love with other men. No matter how excellent the man she meets is, she can't help comparing him with the scholar. It turned out that there was no comparison at all. The sense of detemptiness given by the scholar was not comparable to those vulgar men at all. The difference was too far.

Wan Ling finally found sad that she couldn't like any other man except the scholar. If you haven't come into contact with such a man, it's enough, but you just let yourself meet him, so the standard is in your heart, and you always use it to measure other men. If she is not Wan Bosheng's granddaughter, but just the daughter of an ordinary family, she will give up, but she is Wanbosheng's granddaughter, with enough chips to choose.

Since then, with the passage of time, Wan Ling has gradually developed a quirk, and she can't see the love between other men and women. If the other party's kindness stimulates her too much, she will do something to steal love. She has seduced other people's men more than once. After the other party breaks up, she will kick the man who hooked her hand, creating a lot of tragedies to others.

That's why Wan Bosheng said that he was worried about the reason why she had something wrong. Imagine how a normal woman could always do such a thing.

Over the years, Wan Ling has been playing with other men in the palm of her hands, and with the support of Wan Bosheng, it can be said that she has never suffered the loss of other men. But unfortunately, he met Yue Qianchou. This guy is not a good master. He is originally a hooligan and scoundrel, so he doesn't dare to play. He never follows common sense. He has always done everything to achieve his goal. Finally, he cheated Wan Ling fiercely, which made Wan Ling hate it, but he has no choice.

"Ling'er! You should go on talking!" Wan Bosheng saw that she had been in a daze for a long time and finally couldn't help urging her not to get rid of this precious granddaughter's life, which really made him irritated, because some old guys were already asking him, what's wrong with your granddaughter? After several disturbances, he almost couldn't get off the stage.

"I don't believe that he will never appear.

" Wan Ling bit her lip and woke up from her soul loss. Thinking about it, she still didn't want to tell the eupe of her encounter with the scholar. She looked at Wan Bosheng and said, "Grandpa! Let me find it myself. I'm sure I'll always find him. If you find him, please ask Grandpa to make the decision for me. With that, he raised his wrists bound by Xuanguang, showing a pitiful look...