The scum of the real world

Chapter 956 Seduction

Later, Yue Qianchou was finally expelled from Fuxian Island because of too many troubles. What's incredible is that he has become the disciple of Bi Changchun, the world's first master in charge of the demon ghost realm. This traitor's luck is too good. However, my luck is not bad, and I have cultivated the treasure book left by the demon god.

Later, everyone in the world knew that he and Yue Qianchou had become immortal enemies, but several confrontations ended in their own failures. But this is not the most heartbreaking thing for me. What hurts is that those two people faked to be real, and Wu Lixue has really become a real woman.

Nevertheless, when I fought with Yue Qianchou, I didn't want to hurt her. But... Yue Qianchou, the traitor, actually took action on his sister. It's really unbearable. Since you can't get it, you can't think of it...

"Miss Wu..."...Miss Wu"...Mrs. Yue..."

A flattering noise on the street brought Shouchen to his senses. Shouchen's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes fell on the separated crowd on the street. Four or five young girls in martial arts costumes are guarding a woman with a pet crow standing on her shoulder. It's not someone else but Wu Lixue.

A group of girls were in high spirit, stained with the light of Wu Lixue, and enjoyed the respectful eyes of the crowd on both sides and walked into the rips. The crowd on the street then returned to a bustling flow of people. Many women from all walks of life envied from time to time looked back at the gurgling house. Some people stopped and watched the gurgling house and did not want to leave. The expression on their faces were unpredictable, as if they were fantasizing about something. Maybe they were fantasizing about

"Miss is coming!" In the compliments of the shopkeeper, there was a sound of footsteps pedaling upstairs, and five or six women appeared in the sight of the dust. Wu Lixue is still the same. The years did not leave a trace on her face, but there seemed to be a faint trace of sadness between her eyebrows. Without the previous innocent smile, this made Shouchen's heart slightly scratch... It seems that she didn't live a good life with Yue Qianchou.

Wu Lixue's clear eyes looked at Shouchen and didn't pay much attention to it." Then, under the guidance of the shopkeeper, a group of girls entered the private room facing the river. After the shopkeeper came out, the girls sitting around the table immediately chatted again. Then the door closed, and Wu Lixue, who was sitting in the middle, disappeared behind the door. However, with Shouchen's hearing, it can still be heard that the topic of the girls is centered on Wu Lixue, and the name of Yue Qianchou constantly appears in it.

Shouchen held the glass and forgot to drink it on his lips. He looked at the closed door in a little distraction. Later, when the second child of the shop served the food, the door was closed several times, and he saw Wu Lixue several times. Wu Lixue seemed to notice that someone was looking at her, and she also looked curiously at him sitting alone at the window outside the door several times. She felt as if she had known him before, but she didn't.

The crow on Wu Lixue's shoulder closes his eyes most of the time." Occasionally, he opens it, but it seems that most of the time he closes his eyes and dozes off, not leaving Wu Lixue's shoulder.

After the wine and dishes were served, the door of the private room was gently covered by the shopkeeper. It had not been opened for a long time, and only the chattle from inside could be heard. Shouchen took a gentle breath and drank all the wine on his lips. When he added wine, he found that he didn't know when the wine in the wine in the wine pot had been finished. So he greeted Xiao Er in the store and served several pots of wine. Xiao Er, who brought the wine, shook his head when he went downstairs, thinking that he was another person who borrowed wine to drown his sorrows. This kind of person often has.

"Sister Li Xue, Yue Qianchou hasn't come to see you for so many years. What did he do!"

............I don't know either."

"Sister Li Xue, if Yue Qianchou comes next time, you must take us to see him. Hee hee! "The first master in the world" I heard that he is very powerful, and so many people are afraid of him." ...

Shouchen, who was drinking alone, was suddenly stunned. Huo Ran looked back at the closed door and narrowed slightly. This conversation immediately attracted his attention.

In the private room, a group of girls with reserved ladylike demeanor in front of outsiders are already in their original shape. They push the cup and drink happily, and the momentum is not weaker than that of men at all. As soon as the wine came up, Wu Lixue's true nature also burst out that day, and a trace of sadness between her eyebrows turned into a brilliance. She rolled up the sleeves of her hands, revealing two white and tender arms like pink lotus root, and happily joined the ranks of drinking with each other.

It can be seen that these girls should do such crazy things behind their elders' backs. It just suffered from the crow. It seemed to have no good impression on the smell of wine. It jumped on Wu Lixue's shoulder and protested to everyone with his buttocks.

"Miss Wu Lixue, do you want to know why Yue Qianchou hasn't come to see you for so many years? Do you want to know where Yue Qianchou is now? Do you want to know what he is doing now? I'm a friend of Yue Qianchou. I just came back from Yue Qianchou. If you want to know something about Yue Qianchou, I will stay in the western mountain forest for a while before I leave. Remember, Yue Qianchou is doing something important. It's inconvenient for too many people to know. You'd better come quietly alone. Don't disturb others. It's out of date!"

A sudden sound appeared, and Wu Lixue, who had a lot of fun, was stunned. Someone immediately asked, "Sister Li Xue, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing?" Wu Lixue shook her head, but quickly got off the banquet and opened the door. She saw that there were no finished wine and vegetables on the table facing the window, but the person sitting in the window disappeared.

Is he the one who just transmitted the voice? Wu Lixue muttered secretly, silently closed the door and sat back at the banquet, frowning and thinking. Several wine friends found her abnormality and asked one after another, "What's the matter?"

Wu Lixue glanced at several people and muttered slightly, "I want to go out for a walk in the forest alone, but I don't want others to recognize me. Is there anything we can do?"

Several women looked at each other and showed the expression of the leader. Because Yue Qianchou hadn't seen Wu Lixue for a long time, Wu Lixue was often depressed. Because of this, the family assigned them to try their best to play with Wu Lixue. Several women mistakenly thought that Wu Lixue just wanted to go out alone for a walk, without thinking.

"You go out alone! I'm afraid it's not safe! Let's go with you!" Someone raised their concerns. Then someone answered, "Yes! What are you going to do? In case it makes you feel sad, with your famous temper, our martial arts can't afford it!"

Wu Lixue is naive but not a fool. He knows what everyone is worried about. Because of the reason of the worries, the brilliant future of the Wu family is all pinned on him. Now the whole Wu family regards itself as the apple of the eye and will not easily take any risks.

But when I think about it, I think nothing should happen. It's also because of worries. Who dares to move themselves today? He paused and said, "I can't think of anyone who will be against me, and I don't dare to be against me. I just walked around the Wu family and will come back soon. Nothing will happen."

Several women looked at each other and felt that it was the same. With the current power and cultivation, does anyone in the world dare to use Wu Lixue? I'm afraid I don't dare to borrow anyone!

"But if the family knows that we will let you out alone, we will all be punished." Someone whispered, but it can be heard from the tone that it has been relaxed.

"It doesn't matter. I'll go out quietly for a while and come back right away. I won't let anyone find out. Even if someone finds out and punishes you at home, I will come forward to plead with you and make sure that you will be fine. Wu Lixue patted her big breasts as boldly as a man, so innocent that she showed her temperament.

Several women were in a dilemma. They did not dare to have the explanation in the family, nor did they want to make Wu Lixue unhappy, because all the families had secretly told them to please Wu Lixue, so that they could get Wu Lixue's support in the power struggle within the family in the future, which is a crucial thing. Now with Wu Lixue's guarantee, everyone is immediately relieved. No one will doubt Wu Lixue's strong influence in the Wu family. As long as Wu Lixue pleads, even the heads of the family and the elders of the clan will give face.

The most important thing is that several women believe with great confidence that no one in today's world dares to use Wu Lixue's hair, and they can make Wu Lixue happy when she has nothing to do. Why not do it?

"But how can we not let people recognize you?" A woman looked at the crowd and asked, "Who will change face?"

Several women shook their heads, and then someone seemed to remember something. "Ah" patted the palm of her chin, took out a white gauze hat from the storage bag, and laughed and said, "Just wear this to block the appearance."

"Thank you!" Wu Lixue's eyes lit up, and her innocent and funny personality came out again. When she received it, she couldn't wait to put it on her head and asked left and right, "How's it going?" How about it? Can you recognize it?"

Several women's eyes focused on her proud figure and found that although the appearance could not be seen, I'm afraid that the figure could be recognized by anyone who had seen her. Wu Lixue looked at herself along everyone's eyes, and immediately pouted and understood.

"I have a way!" Someone patted his chin happily, took out a black women's shawl robe from his storage bag, and handed it over: "Just put on this wrap. In addition, no one can recognize you by wearing a shade on your head."

Wu Lixue got the neutral horse and tried it on. After seeing it, several women cheered and confirmed that it was okay. Others must not recognize who she was. However, some older people were worried and said, "Sister Li Xue, don't waste too much time. Go back quickly!"