The scum of the real world

Chapter 1100 Fierce Battle of Pluto Mountain

"Who the hell are you?" As soon as he returned to the fairyland, the Ming wheel flashed aside and asked questions. He still didn't believe that the person in front of him was Yue Qiancho, but he felt that this person had something to do with Yue Qianchou.

Yue Qianshou originally wanted to take the Ming wheel away directly with divine consciousness, but the Ming wheel guarded him like a thief, and the divine consciousness forced away his divine consciousness and quickly dodged it. Yue Qianchou looked around speechlessly. After confirming that no one was there, he quickly removed the disguise on his face.

"You..." Daminglun looked at him in disbelief, but he didn't expect that he was really sad.

"What are you, come with me!" Yue Qianchou's consciousness enveloped him, teleported directly to the utopian imitation underground palace, and then transferred to the underground base of the divine ruins.

Daming looked at the ever-changing scenes around him, shook his head, like a dream, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. It happened that Yu Nantian, who watched the structure of the base, swayed from then on. Yue Qianchou quickly waved and said, "Where have Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng gone?"

Yu Nantian was stunned. He looked at the Daming wheel in surprise, and then pointed to the depths of the underground passage and replied, "They seem to live in the innermost, and I don't know exactly which one."

"Let's go!" Yue Qianchou said hello, and Daming Wheel followed him suspiciously. The two almost lost their way around in the base, and had no choice but to recruit Zhang Peng. Under the leadership of Zhang Peng, the two finally came to an underground stone house.

The so-called stone house is an underground cave. An underground river flows through the middle. There are many naturally formed caves on the other side of the river, which makes this stone house a universe inside. It is indeed a good place for retreating.

"Old monster! I have brought it back to you. Yue Qianchou stood on the other side of the river and roared, and his voice echoed endlessly in the cave. Two people flashed in the caves on the left and right sides of the opposite side. It was Yun Peng and Wei Chunqiu. They looked up and down at the Ming wheel and found that he had nothing to do. They were immediately relieved. They all

When Daminglun saw the two people, he was a little stunned and said, "Are you all here? What the hell is this place?"

Wei Chunqiu and Chaoyue Qianchouned and said, "This boy is said to be in the divine ruins."

"The Realm of the Divine Ruins?" Daming Wheel looked at several people with confusion: "What the hell is going on? How can you enter the divine ruins? Also, what did you bring me here? Nie Xiaoqian and others are still waiting for me..." He looked around, thinking that he didn't know how to leave at all. He immediately said angrily, "Send me back quickly."

"It's the way I brought you in." Yue Qianchou waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much about the rest. It's too dangerous for you to go back now. I can't let you go back and take risks with them. You don't know anything. Not long after you left, Wu Xiong exposed his hidden identity. It turned out that he and Wangqing were in the same group. They still had a group of people attacking the underworld Palace in the underworld. Since they dared to rebel in the underworld, they must have something to rely on. Why don't they follow Nie Xiaoqian

"Attack the Underworld Palace? Wu Xiong and Wangqing are in the same group? Daming Wheel was shocked.

"I don't know exactly what's going on. I heard Wu Xiong call Wangqing the eldest brother..." Yue Qianchou immediately told a general idea of what happened at that time. After hearing this, Wei Chunqiu nodded with deep hesitation and said, "Da Minglun, this boy is right. You can't follow Nie Xiaoqian and others anymore. We will temporarily avoid the limelight in the territory of Shen Ruins. If it is appropriate afterwards, it's not too late for us to go out again."

"Wu Xiong is called the forgetful brother? Who is their father and aunt who dares to attack the Underworld Palace? Daminglun meditated and said to himself. After meditating for a long time, he suddenly stared at Yue Qianchou and said, "Jue Qianchou! Tell me honestly, are you sure that we can stay safe and sound in the divine ruins? As far as I know, this divine ruin is also a place where there is a master.

"Uh..." Yue Qianchou was stunned and shook his head and said, "I really can't guarantee this. I'm not familiar with the situation in the divine ruins, but the place where we live temporarily should not be in danger in the short term."

"In that case, I'd better go out to meet Nie Xiaoqian and others." Daming Lun frowned and said, "If you have no foresight, you must have immediate worries. You can't treat everything with a hopeful attitude, but strive for it. At present, Jin Tai and Bai Qi have not completely failed, and no one can tell what the final outcome will be. If Jin Tai turns over, my position in the fairy palace will become more and more stable. At that time, you will think about who wants to move in the fairyland. If Mrs. Jin and Bai Qi fail completely, it's not too late for me to come back. In short, it's not the time to give up easily.

"We will still live a good life if you are not in the fairy palace. We don't need to take care of you." Wei Chunqiu has no good breath.

Daminglun smiled faintly and said, "I didn't say how to take care of you. Just think of it as a way to leave a way to play a role at the critical moment." With that, he looked back at Yue Qianchou and said, "Jue Qianchou! Send me out quickly. If it takes too long, it will cause their suspicion.

Wei Chunqiu wanted to say something else. Yun Peng grabbed him and shook his head slightly, signaling not to fight anymore. Yue Qianchou looked at both sides and saw that it was useless to persuade him. He immediately sighed, "Then I'll go with you!" With me by your side, if there is any danger, I can bring you back at any time. While talking, he regained the appearance of Niu Youde.

He is equivalent to taking the same risk as the Daming wheel, but relatively speaking, if he can bring the Daming wheel back at any time, the safety factor of the Daming wheel will definitely be greatly improved. Yun Peng and Wei Chunqiu looked at Yue Qianchou together when they heard the words, and they were all grateful in their hearts, but they did not show it.

Da Minglun still wanted to refuse, and Yue Qianchou had pulled him up and disappeared into the cave together...

When the two returned to the underworld through the passage of the two worlds, they skimmed out of the rotating black light and found that there was no one outside. I don't know where Nie Xiaoqian and others had gone. Facing each other, Nie Xiaoqian and others flashed out of the hidden places on both sides, showing how careful these people were.

"Da Ming Wheel! Why did you stay there for so long? Nie Xiaoqian's eyes flashed, focusing on Yue Qianchou beside the Ming wheel. The Qingniang beside her looked at Yue Qianchou with slightly suspicious eyes.

"Don't be suspicious of the general manager. My subordinates got some bad news, and they were about to make a final order..." Daming Wheel quickly told the Wuxiong's rebellion and the attack on the underworld palace.

After hearing this, everyone's faces showed surprise. Nie Xiaoqian snorted coldly, "I said why didn't Wu Xiong escape with us? It turned out that he was with them. No wonder the Immortal Emperor felt that something was wrong with him and asked me to secretly send someone to investigate him. Unfortunately, he took the lead,

"What should we do now? Do you still want to rush to the Underworld Palace?" Daming Wheel asked.

"So what do you think we should do?" Nie Xiaoqian sighed slightly and said, "Even if the Underworld Palace is really occupied, we still need to find a way to meet the Immortal Emperor. There may be another way out after the Immortal Emperor, otherwise I'm afraid there is no way to live with us."

Everyone was silent for a while. Who would have thought that the weather would change? Nie Xiaoqian waved his hand and said, "Go to the Pluto Palace and act on the way!"

Under the dark blue hazy sky, there is a lot of fighting. Just around the Minghuang Mountain of the five peaks and the main peaks, the crowds like ants are fighting together. The violent explosion is continuous, and the flesh and blood are flowing everywhere, and the screams are endless.

In the dark clouds rolling in the air, there are continuous green snakes like dragons who open their blood basins and fly as fast as lightning, biting people to death and swallowing them into their abdomen. On the ground, there are all kinds of fierce monsters colliding fiercely, either with huge bodies, or with sharp teeth, or covered with thick scales, fighting and biting each other, which is simply endless.

Pluto Mountain was full of melees, and blood was flowing everywhere. The strong smell of blood stimulated those fierce monsters to roar and became more and more restless.

Countless black armored sergeants from all directions cooperated with all kinds of ferocious monsters from all directions to hit the Minghuang Mountain like a tide. The Minghuang Mountain was also full of people resisting the impact of the enemy. The sergeants in silver, purple, blue and yellow armor mixed up in array, which seemed to be messy but

The main peak of Pluto Mountain is protected by a layer of white dazzling light mask, on which stands four people in silver, purple, blue and yellow armor with their backs to pay attention to the war situation around them. These four people are the four Ming generals under the Ming Emperor Bai Qi, namely, the Silver Armor Thousand Army, the Purple Armor Proud Army, the Blue Armor Sky Army, and the Yellow Armor Victory Army.

Seeing that the rebels launched a more violent impact again, the dense people from the sky and the ground attacked fiercely. The Blue Armor Sky Army waved its big hand and shouted angrily, "The soul bow is launched!"

Qizi, a blue-armed sergeant who lined up with other three-color armies, pulled open the bow string. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of arrows shining with blue light were facing in all directions, and the sound of countless bow strings collapsed, "Wow..." Countless blue lines shot in all directions, illuminating the world.

For a while, the screams all over the sky were sad and scary, and the flying rain of arrows made people have nowhere to hide. They avoided countless arrows, and they didn't know what the arrow was made of. It was as easy as breaking the broken paper. No matter whether the depth of the arrow in the injured person is fatal or not, as long as the arrow is hit, there will be black smoke all over the body, and his eyes will turn white and fall straight down or fall.

The arrow rain shot out one after another, and the people in the air kept falling. The people on the ground fell down one after another like cutting wheat, and the attackers could not get close at all. If the fish or the strong man breaks in and launches a fierce attack, the yellow armored sergeant will immediately piece together the shield in his hand and burst out a yellow beam of light to offset the fierce attack. The purple armored sergeant will immediately wave the huge sickle hook to kill, often several big sickles hooking a person at the same time to tear it up or cut it directly into pieces...