The scum of the real world

Chapter 1118 Wooden Tips

Lv'er was stunned to eat on the spot and recalled the situation in her mind. She didn't know whether the bad guys who bullied her were masters or not, but at that time, she didn't see that Yue Qianchou was risking her life to save herself. It seemed that she scared those people away as soon as she appeared on the stage

She looked at Yue Qianchou with some grievance and pouted her mouth. Listening to Yue Qianchou's words, it seemed that she wanted to clear the line with herself.

Mu Yuanzi was really choked for a while. Unexpectedly, this guy was like a scoundrel. He did some good deeds and had to ask for a reward. It was too tasteless. However, for so many years, only others have owed him Mu Yuanzi's favor, and he really didn't owe others' favor. What's more, he did save his granddaughter. Since he opened it, he didn't deny it with such a thick face as Yue Qianchou.

This is the weakness of people who regard themselves as high, and Yue Qianchou is exactly what he is sure about and plays a scoundrel.

"How do you want to calculate this account? How much money do you want?" Mu Yuanzi jumped out of his mouth word by word, and he almost hit someone. Not to mention that although his cultivation is profound, he doesn't have a spiritual stone in his hand. When it comes to money, he really has a headache!

"Money? I am the head of the World Chamber of Commerce. Will there still be a lack of spiritual stones?" Yue Qianchou said disdainfully, "I have always been open and aboveboard. Let's not talk about it in a roundabout way. I'm about to practice a set of wooden attributes. Your wooden sea is beneficial to my practice. I want to borrow your precious land to close the practice. After that, the enmity between you and me is clear.

Mu Yuanzi narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that he dared to say in front of himself that he wanted to practice the wooden attribute formula, and he also had to practice under his own eyes. It's not an excessive to say that he was bold! After staring at Yue Qianchou for a while, he stopped looking at him. He turned around and turned to face the vast sea of wooden brakes and said slowly, "One year! I'll give you a year. I don't care how long you want to retreat. Get out of the wood brake sea immediately after a year, and don't meet with Lv'er afterwards, otherwise you will die!" The meaning of this is to agree to Yue Qianchou, but there are other conditions attached.

"Grandpa!" Lv Er shouted aggrievedly, and then looked at Yue Qianchou and shook his head repeatedly, signaling him not to agree.

Yue Qianchou turned his head humbly and pretended not to see it. Judging from previous experience, it was estimated that it would take less than a year to practice the wooden formula, so he shouted decisively, "Okay! It's a deal!"

After hearing the reply, Mu Yuanzi left a cold snort and ignored Lv'er. He flashed and disappeared to the top of the mountain. He is not afraid that Yue Qianchou can make trouble in the Mushahai, because once something happens, Yue Qianchou has no place to run. This is his territory. As long as he doesn't open the Xuanmen, it's a matter of his hands to clean up Yue Qianchou.

Under the ancient language tree on the top of the mountain, Lver buried her head beside her with a depressed face, without saying a word. Yue Qianchou touched his nose helplessly and coughed, "Green! Where are your parents? How did I come here for the first time? I should go to see you!, "Lv'er is Mu Ling, where did the parents come from?" The green man buried his head and whispered.

Yue Qianchou said thoughtfully, "Oh," and turned to a relaxed smile and said, "Green! Are you angry with me?" Lv'er said without saying a word to acquiescence. Yue Qianchou smiled helplessly, with a flattering tone, half coaxed and half begged, "Lv'er! I want to choose a place to practice. Can you take me to see Mushahai?

The little girl was soft-hearted and couldn't help coaxing. After hesitating for a while, she pouted reluctantly and said, "What's so good about Muchahai? It's the same everywhere." Yue Qianchou smiled, waved his hand to the two swords with grilled fish on the ground, and floated straight in the air. When Lv'er also flew over, he looked around and asked, "Where do you and your grandfather usually live? When Lv'er heard the words, he returned and flew to the distance. Yue Qianchou was stunned and followed Flying to a small valley plain, I saw a towering tree falling to the ground and blooming. The lush umbrella crown covered an area of several miles. There were many white thres nesting on the canopy. On the white foggy plain, there were many bisons coming and going in groups, which was a harmonious natural beauty.

Yue Qianchou didn't know what the little girl brought her here for, but she saw Lver pointing to the big tree on the plain and said, "There is a hole in the trunk. It's a natural residence, and it's very spacious. Grandpa and I live in it."

"Oh!" Yue Qianchou nodded slightly and thought that there would be no problem for people to live empty in such a large tree trunk, so he asked, "You said that people in the Musha Sea always let you play mahjong. Are there anyone else living in the tree house?"

"Only grandpa and I live in the tree house, and others dare not come here to disturb grandpa." Lver waved her hand to the vast wood brake sea and said, "They practice in the forest in all directions. When I want to play mahjong, I will sneak to the forest to find them."

Yue Qianchou said, "Oh," he wanted to visit the tree house to see what it was like, but the old man didn't want to see himself. When he went to Qiu, he was to find a lazy six thieves to give up the idea. He looked around and sighed, "I'd better find a place to practice honestly!"

Lv'er did not object, and the two went straight west one after the other...

Looking down from the air, the landform of the whole Musha Sea is very simple. There are hilly mountains and plains, lakes and rivers. Most of the ground is covered by green vegetation. There is no desert, no Gobi, no sea or snowfield. It is a planet belonging to green vegetation. It is called Musha Sea, which is not Of.

The area of this green planet is not large. At most, it is one-tenth of the size of the world where Yue Qianchou is located. It took less than a day for the two to fly and stop, and they have already circled the Musha Sea and flew to the sky of the ancient language tree.

If you want to practice in isolation, there is nothing to be picky about here. Finally, Yue Qianchou pointed to a white and dense forest in the air and asked, "It won't be a problem for me to practice in that forest!"

"I'll say hello to them. They won't bother you." The cheerful Lv'er took the lead in flying down, followed by a thousand sorrows.

Lv'er's so-called "They are actually some wood spirits in the forest, and their costumes are strange. When they see Lv'er, they can be said to be respectful. Lv'er explained Yue Qianchou's intention to them. A group of wood spirits immediately obeyed, and Lv'er seemed to be their master.

After writing down Yue Qianchou's appearance, the grass and trees disappeared in the forest sea one after another, and Yue Qianchou, who did not say a word, couldn't wait to sit cross-legged on the spot in the fog of the forest. When Lv'er saw that he entered the state so quickly, she pouted unhappi .

As soon as the sorrow came to this misty forest, the brain nerves immediately twitched repeatedly, and the vast star map in his mind was stimulated on the spot. However, when he saw many strangers present, he had to hold back. When all the strangers left, he immediately sat in cross-legged. When I enter the state, I'm afraid I will miss the opportunity to understand the wooden secret.

Although Lver was a little unhappy, she didn't dare to disturb him. She quietly drifted a few miles away, but she didn't leave too far, and she would often sneak back to watch the movement of Yue Qiancho.

Silence in the forest, drifting, the sorrow sitting in it looms in the fog, like an old monk...

A few days later, his eyebrows gradually tightened, as if he had encountered something he couldn't figure out. Luer, who had been secretly observing him, was very curious. He didn't know what demons he had met in the process of cultivation that could not be solved, so he flew to sit on the tree car of an ancient tree not far from Yue Qianchou, and continued to quietly observe Yue Qianchou.

After another half a month, Yue Qian's locked eyebrows began to gradually unfold, and it seemed that he had found a solution to the problem...

He closed here to understand the wooden secret, but the Ming wheel in the ancient forest outside was getting more and more anxious under the ancient language tree. The fish had no intention to roast it for a long time, but he could not find a better solution, so he could only wait anxiously under the ancient language tree. The others, led by Jin Tai and Bai Qi, still did not give up and continued to search in the ancient forest, almost searching the ancient forest.

A month passed quickly in a blink of an eye, and the Lver, who felt a little boring, gradually lost his patience. He was lying on the trunk of the tree with his hands supporting his chin and kicking his feet to see the two mantis fighting. Just as the two small insects were entangled and bitten together, a strange throbbing The insect that only bitten stiffened, and it seemed to notice something abnormal.

Lver looked under the tree in surprise and saw that the mist around Yue Qianchou pushed in all directions like ripples. It didn't take long to disperse all the mist in the forest in this area without a trace.

The Lver, who was feeling strange, suddenly stood up and looked back in all directions. There was a strange green light in his eyes. He immediately found that there were vines on the trees around him, and the source of invisible blue light spots was constantly penetrating, and they scattered one after another. At first, it was still a The little blue light was testing, and then developed into pieces. The cyan lights scrambled into the pores all over Yue Qianchou's body.

"This... he is absorbing wood elements!" Lv Er was surprised and lost her voice, and then quickly covered her mouth for fear of disturbing the cultivation of Yue Qiancho.

However, it didn't take long for Lv'er to feel scared. The blue light and the wooden elements were pouring out of the trees in all directions at a terrible speed, concentrating on Yue Qianchou, who was sitting cross-legged. Those ancient trees that have grown for thousands or even tens of thousands or tens of thousands of years, as well as the vines on the ground, are withering at a visible rate...