The scum of the real world

Chapter 1138 Preparation 3

In fact, to put it bluntly, these old deep-fried dough sticks subconsciously take it for granted that there is a high top when the sky comes down. What are we afraid of? At worst, we will hide back to the divine ruins and leave. What Yue Qian worries about is this effect, and he never thought that he could really rely on a lot of ideological work to make these guys give up their lives and death without distracting thoughts, and put their hearts on themselves and they won't do that.

Now all the effort is to encourage them to go to the battlefield confidently, maintain high morale before the war, and try their best to help prepare for the war. As for them, they can't help after going to the battlefield.

The reason why the eyes of

are so simple. Those messy scattered practitioners in the world of cultivation in the world have long been almost closed by Hong Qi and Gu Qingyun, and it is not difficult to restrain. But nearly a million monks from all sides can't be controlled by him or his utopian army, and the number is too large. But most of those people are subordinates or disciples of the lords of the countries, so they need to rely on the prestige of the lords of the countries to command and manage. Otherwise, before the battle begins, they will be in chaos.

The audience Da Minglun, Wei Chunqiu and Yun Peng looked at each other in consternation. They didn't expect that Yue Qianchou came from the world, and they could gather such a huge power at any time. What they didn't expect most was that Bi Changchun was the master of Yue Qianchou!

Xuejun and Ji Wu were also shocked. Although they knew that Bi Changchun was the master of Yue Qiancho, they did not expect that Yue Qiancho could mobilize such a huge force at any time to help millions of monks in the world become immortals collectively. What is this feeling?

Nong Zhu and Lu Yanqing are the two with the most emotional feelings. Looking at Yue Qianchou's generosity to everyone, he can't help thinking of the guy who fled for his life in the world of cultivation in those years. Now he is really in the climate. And the swallow chasing stars is even more powerful. He has become the heir of the next demon king in the demon world and the current deputy palace owner of the demon palace.

The two guys who fought to death in the world of cultivation were now going to fight head-on again. It's just that now the power that the two can mobilize and the war situation that can control are no longer their personal business, but the fate of the three worlds." I don't know who will die in the end... They can't help

And Zi Yi and Hibiscus, who had been watching, saw the momentum of Yue Qianchou's commanding heroes about to fight, and their eyes were more or less shining with little stars. Zi Yi suddenly found that this man didn't look so annoying, as if he was quite attractive... Her pretty face secretly turned red and looked left and right. "Fortunately, no one pays attention to her now.

At this moment, the sound of "kaka" came from Xi's face, and everyone looked back together. "I saw a very strange-looking man walking calmly from the outside passage, and I couldn't see who it was." The person saluted to Yue Qianchou and said, "Master! It's all ready."

Only then did everyone hear that it was Zhang Peng, who was in charge of this place, and couldn't help but look at his armor with great interest. "Because Zhang Peng never let everyone see it when he organized everyone's training," so everyone had never seen such a strange costume.

First of all, the whole armor is very close-fitting, obviously tailor-made. It is almost full of studs of different sizes and lengths, and there is a matching sword stuck behind the back. Only the two eyes exposed inside can be seen in the whole body, as well as some small pores between the mouth, nose and ear holes, which are extremely strange. And the armor is full of dark treasure light. At a glance, you can see that it is not an ordinary product, but a carefully refined treasure.

At this time, Zhang Peng gave everyone the feeling like a devil coming out of the depths of darkness. He wanted to explore with divine knowledge, but found that it was difficult to penetrate. Only when divine knowledge penetrated through the eyes and pores of the head can he peep into the true face inside. Everyone suddenly saw such a well-dressed man appear. Before they didn't know that this person was Zhang Peng, they couldn't help but feel a little hairy.

Yue Qianchou nodded slightly to Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng turned back and walked out, and Yue Qianchou also looked around at the crowd and said, "Let's go out with me!"

Everyone, look at me, let me look at you. I don't know what Yue Qianshou wants them to see, but they all followed Yue Qianshou and walked out. When I walked to the exit of the underground base, there was suddenly a sharp "squeak, scream. A colorful figure rushed down from the top of the empty mouth, and eight pale golden claws pounced ferociously on Zhang Peng, who was wearing armor in front of him.

"Be careful!" Someone in the crowd couldn't help warning, and others suddenly became alert, thinking that they had been attacked by fierce beasts in Shenxu.

Yue Qianchou turned around and smiled faintly at everyone and said, "Don't worry" is his own.

Everyone was stunned to see that it was a big spider with a colorful body as big as a desktop. The eight claws and ferocious fangs were light gold. If the limbs and feet were opened, the body length was afraid to be four or five meters, and Zhang Peng had been held under his abdomen. Zhang Peng looked back and stared. The colorful spider immediately fell to the ground like a child who had made a mistake. Zhang Peng dodged to his back. He immediately used it and crawled out quickly with Zhang Peng.

Everyone believes that it is indeed their own people, but it is a spider. When everyone walked to the valley outside the base, they immediately saw the big spider climbing up the valley with Zhang Peng. Yue Qianchou flew up, and everyone came up one after another.

The so-called I didn't know. I was shocked when I saw a group of people standing densely outside the valley, all wearing strange armor like Zhang Peng, looming in the fog and standing quietly in the fog. The momentum seemed to be a demon coming out of the nightmare, giving people a very strong visual shock. Shake.

There is even a colorful spider beside many people. The eight claws are restless, but they lie in place and dare not move. The restless and flexible claws seem to break out of the misty nightmare and insert them into the chests of the people who are sleeping.

Zhang Peng has received instructions from the master in advance. He deliberately lined up in the form of a military parade. He took out all his family's background to show off, in order to strengthen everyone's determination not to be afraid of the first battle.

Zhang Peng, standing on the big spider, suddenly waved his finger to the left. Everyone couldn't help looking at it. Next to the giant snake that was like a hill, sitting next to the giant frog as big as a house, and next to the giant eagle that grabbed the ground and rested, there was a ghost-like black armored man.

Zhang Peng waved his finger to the right again, and the already amazing people followed again. "The huge scorpion, the huge centipede, and the horse-like strange wolf with scales showed the fangs in the big mouth of the blood basin. All kinds of fierce beasts were everywhere, and each of them was accompanied by

Hesitant that these huge beasts occupy a lot of positions. I don't know how many people and how many strange beasts there are in the depths of the shadowy fog, and I don't know how much lethal these people and strange beasts can play.

Everyone couldn't help sucking. "Cool air" Unexpectedly, Yue Qianchou had such a team hidden in his hand. Unexpectedly, except for the temple colored spiders, all kinds of other fierce beasts were led by Zhang Peng. "Since seeing the help exerted by the thousands of temple colored spiders, Zhang Peng took his men to collect all kinds of fierce beasts that can exert their strange power to domesticate them in order to exert the more powerful power of the heroic army.

Hard work pays off, and I have finally gained a lot over the years. Now showing it in public, Zhang Peng himself can't help but be a little proud, with strong and unbreakable armor defense, the super fighting power of unity and cooperation, and all kinds of ferocious beasts to cheer. This team can finally pull out and show its edge.

Yue Qianchou glanced down, looked at Zhang Peng with admiration, nodded slightly, and ordered, "Let everyone be ready to go to war at any time!" Zhang Peng respectfully took the order.

Then Yue Qianchou led everyone back to the base, indicating that he would also give everyone a set of super-defense Tianwai gold essence armor, which immediately made everyone excited. So under the guidance of Yue Qianchou, everyone measured each other's size one after another, all of which were recorded in the jade ultimatum and given to him." Even Wei Chunqiu and others couldn't help but get involved.

Only the crocodile fairy, Ji Wu and Lu Yanqing did not join in the fun. The dragonfly fairy also wants one, but now he has become a useless person, and the only cultivation has been sealed with the secret method of Jin Tai. At present, he has not found anyone who can be relieved, and it is useless to ask for it. Ji Wu is a little embarrassed to get in it. "And Lu Yanqing is not a person who hates to fight and kill." She doesn't want this evil armor at all.

As for the envious purple clothes, they were driven aside by Yue Qianchou, so that they could stay where they were cool. Several women have a temper, but they also know that this is not the time to be disobedient, so they can only go to the side to curse someone in circles.

After doing this, Yue Qianchou pulled up the bamboo again and found several of his men who had protected Shi Wenguang in those years. He asked for a human skin mask suitable for bamboo, stuffed a silver ball for the bamboo, and asked the bamboo to the psychedelic fairy city to inquire about the news. Because other people are still useful, he wants to bring it back to the world to stabilize the hearts of their own people, and Nong Zhu is a bare pole commander, and in addition, it is more credible, so I have to bother him.

After sending the bamboo to the psychedelic fairy city, Yue Qianchou quickly returned to the divine ruins, rushed to the Great Flame Mountain to find the ancestors of the Southern Ming Dynasty and Yuan Hong, and told the news that the demon world was about to invade. While the two were still in shock and not so so awake, he took the jade ultimatum with the size of the note and had tidyed out hundreds of sets of Tianwai gold elite war armor, so that the two put down the private work of studying the refinery, and quickly refined these hundreds of sets of war armor with the overall situation.

Yuan Hong saw that his private gold essence was almost tossed around, and his flesh was so painful. But it seemed that the master Nanming Laozu had agreed solemnly, and he lost his temper. He gritted his teeth and devoted himself to assisting the master in the art of refining armor.

It's tiring to do ideological work everywhere! It's all caused by Yan's son of a bitch chasing stars! Yue Qianchou cursed in his heart, and then kept turning back to the base. He returned to the world with hundreds of lords of various countries, let them disperse home, and quickly gathered all his men to the treasure basin to gather. There is no way to do this. In addition to the need for the lords of the countries to lead their own men to fight later, it is indeed difficult to complete the task of summoning millions of people on Hong Qi and Gu Qingyun in a short period of time. "I can't watch the hustle and bustle...