The scum of the real world

Chapter 1222 Magic Elite

The demon king of the third night was silent for a long time before he said loudly: ... Let them give up resistance!"

"What?" Ye Wanzong was shocked when he heard the words. He couldn't believe that this was what his father said. He was stunned and said, "Father, you..."

The pair of tiger eyes with strange red light on the opposite side made him swallow back the words in his mouth. The third night demon king decided to kill and say, "Immediately pass on the order, all the armies will give up unnecessary resistance, quickly gather together, and form a big army... Even if my magic road is completely eradicated, it should not Extreme resistance, but a heroic fight.

The three nights of red light and shining eyes stared out of the palace, and the momentum of the world seemed to return to him in an instant. He shouted to the distant sky outside the palace and shouted, "There is no resistance in the words of my magic way. In the eyes of my magic way, the so-called army of the three worlds is just a It's just sheep, but my demon army is the division of tigers and wolves. The seven demon kings were ordered to immediately concentrate all the forces to disperse resistance. I want them to condense into a sharp knife and penetrate the enemy fiercely, just like a tiger into the sheep.

"Let them remember that they should not be entangled with the army of the three worlds, and they should not be affected by the attack rhythm by the large number of people who are responsible. We will concentrate our superior forces to hit us, and leave after the fight. Don't fall into a stalemate. We can't beat them if there are

After all, the demon world is our territory. The people of the three worlds are not as familiar with us. At worst, let them chase us and run away. If we can win, we will fight fiercely. If we can't win, we will hide or move quickly to find the next opportunity to attack.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up and complimented, "Father is wise. As long as we give full play to our advantages and gradually ergize each other, the power of the enemy and us will diminish one after another. At that time, it may not be the winner who loses."

"He... Yue Qianchou has never done anything" I don't know what he wants to do?" The Three Nights Demon King narrowed his eyes, said without a head, and then shook his head slightly and said, "This is not to let the power of both sides disappear, but to fight in an appropriate way, so as to play the prestige of my magic way, so as to preserve the strength of my magic world. The real decisive battle is still between me and Yue Qiancho Love, everything else is just a prelude. With that, he turned his head and looked at his son and said, "Just tell them that I'm contacting the demon god in the divine world to cheer everyone up."

After receiving his father's clear answer, Ye Tian immediately left the Devil's Palace to send a message.

And the Three Nights Demon King, who had just calmed down, was messed up by the following things. After asking about the 800 blood sacrifices, the reply was that less than half of the number of people found so far, coupled with the war, it became more and more difficult to find...

With the order of the Three Nights Demon King, the remaining seven demons in the demon world quickly gathered 900 million troops. It is indeed difficult to gather more people and horses, because the bloody land of the demon world is really not a good place for population reproduction, and the number of the population is incomparable to the three worlds outside. However, for the same reason, the 900 million troops that have survived countless killings are the elites of the demon world.

Other little minionies who can't get on the stage with a single blow, the seven demon kings simply let them fight separately, and they don't bother to spend energy on them, which is equivalent to giving up them decisively. After all, it is troublesome for the army to concentrate too many people to command. They only need the elite as their arms to complete the strategic intention of the Three Night Demon King.

The appeal of the seven demon kings united has a huge impact on the demon world. In addition, at the time of life and death, everyone has played the spirit of sincere unity and abandoned all the gaps in the past. Seven god-level masters led the 900 million elite army of the demon world to come and go like the wind, and immediately made the situation of the demon war become more trollry and more bloody and fierce.

The 100 billion troops gathered in the three worlds had lost a lot before. The team of more than 100 million people was re-integrated from thousands to more than 900. The seven demon kings led the elites of the demon world to make a comeback, avoiding the heavy troops assembled by the three worlds, and specialized in a single team. With 900 million elites to 100 million, almost every massacre was slaughtered. The price he paid was negligible.

It didn't take long for the seven demon kings to annihilate more than 30 armies of the three worlds and killed more than 2 billion people. The god-level master of the Underworld Mansion was killed by seven people one by seven people, which fully proved that the tactical strategy of the Three Night Demon King is effective. It also boosted the stubbornness

After that, there was a classic battle of winning more with less. People from all walks of life under the command of Wu Feng chased and intercepted the elite army led by the seven demon kings. Because of the local reasons of the right time and place, they could not have a happy battle and followed their buttocks in circles.

It was almost tossed. When the seven demon kings saw that Wu Feng was eager to win, they immediately divided 10 million troops as bait. Sure enough, Wu Feng, who was impatient, led more than 20 god-level masters from the Underworld to chase and kill together. The seven demon kings led more than 800 million elite troops to forcibly attack the 50 billion heavy army group gathered in the three worlds. In that battle, a white bone flew like a mountain bird, the sky was dark and the blood flowed into a river, and even the sky was rendered red.

It is not too much to describe the tiger into the sheep. More than 800 million elites have forcibly annihilated more than 30 billion people and horses, and the elites led by the seven demon kings, including the 10 million people who were bait, have only lost nearly 50 million people. The proportion of war losses is as high as one to 600

Of course, the most important reason is that Wu Feng and all the god-level masters have been lured away, giving the seven demon kings the opportunity to kill unscrupulously. The killing caused by these seven people alone is an incalculable number.

After Wu Feng learned that he had won the plan, he hurriedly led all the god-level masters back to the rescue. When the seven demon kings learned that they had returned, they immediately led the remaining 800 million elite army to retreat, so that no one was left.

After Wu Feng came back and saw the sea of corpses and blood in front of him, he was also frightened. The shock was for three reasons, and the most important thing was to worry that he could not cross Yue Qianchou. Yue Qianchou trusted him so much, but he was defeated in a mess. It can be said that he dared not see him in front of Lian Yue Qianchou, and even had the idea of running away. However, the demon world was completely sealed, and there was no place to escape.

The key is that Yue Qianchou has been following him to protect him. He can't avoid it if he wants to avoid it. He can only plead guilty to Yue Qianchou...

The strong smell of blood made people floating in the air afraid to let go of their breath. Looking at the miserable scene below, Yue Qianchou frowned deeply. Even if he had been mentally prepared, he didn't expect it to be so miserable. The ground is full of potholes, and you can't even see a slightly higher mountain. There are corpses everywhere. The broken limbs are like mountain of garbage. There is blood everywhere, and there is no place to settle on the ground. With his cultivation, he can't see the edge at a glance.

May I ask who has seen such a tragic situation besides the people who caused this scene and the people present?

"The Wufeng's command is not good, please be in charge of the criminal envoy!" Wu Feng stood behind Yue Qianchou and pleaded guilty.

I sucked it. The bloody air forcibly diluted the almost uncontrollable murderous intention in his heart. The haze in Yue Qianchou's eyes quickly restrained away. He turned around and looked at Wu Feng and sighed gently, "Winning or losing is a common thing for soldiers. This time, it's just a treacherous trick that you have been negligently I have always doubted people. I believe that you will be able to completely eliminate them in the end. I have confidence in you!"

"Thank you for the kindness of not killing, Wu Feng will do his best to get rid of the shame!" Wu Feng was really moved this time. He didn't expect that the army of the three worlds had suffered so much damage. Yue Qianchou still placed hopes on him, which made him really believe that Yue Qianchou did not want to hurt him, but sincerely wanted to support him, otherwise he could be killed this time.

However, the bird wind was only moved for a while. In his mind, he thought of the matter of recasting prestige quietly. He wanted to rely on the great power of exorcism to become the supreme of the three worlds, not because the battle of exorcism completely lost hope, so he wanted to rejoice.

However, the 50 billion heavy army group was defeated by 900 million people, and more than 30 billion people died tragically, which has made people panic. They are a little afraid to fight with the devil again, and their morale has fallen to a trough. How can it be so easy to regain confidence. If everyone hadn't cut off the way out, I'm afraid that they would have dispersed long ago, and no one would have wanted to listen to Wu Feng's order to work.

In order to avoid repeating the same mistake, Wu Feng gathered the remaining more than 60 billion people together to support each other. But in this way, the 800 million elites led by the seven demon kings immediately have more guerrilla space, almost constantly harassing around.

Wu Feng, who was waiting for the opportunity, had been waiting patiently and no longer dared to be reckless. Until he saw the main force of the seven demon kings, he immediately led the whole army to chase and kill them. The focus was on the seven demon kings. It immediately made the seven demon kings miserable, and it was not easy for them to give up 800 million elites to escape alone. As a result, they lost nearly 100 million people.

However, at the critical moment, the seven demon kings seized the fighter plane and turned it into a disadvantage with the fearless courage. They found that the morale of the army in the three worlds was sluggish, and some people even ordered most of them to hide behind immediately after perfunctory pursuit. However, the seven of them actually took risks and led some people to continue to escape as bait, successfully attracting Wufeng and the divine masters of the Netherworld once again.

After Wu Feng and a group of masters gradually distanced themselves from the army behind them, the 300 million magic elites ambushed on the left and right immediately plugged into the chasing army from both sides like two sharp blades, and immediately messed up the army of the three worlds. In addition, their morale was low and they had no intention to fight, and Sneak attack, so they almost scattered and fled for their lives.

As a result, a heavy army group of 60 billion people, instead made 300 million ambush soldiers in the left and right districts into the core. After the 600 million magic elites met, they did not love to fight, just like a combination of sharp arrows in the opposite direction. Wu Feng and others were shocked when they heard that the army was attacked again. They thought they had been hit by the wrong target again, so they turned around to rescue.

When they arrive, the 600 million magic elites will definitely not wait for them in place. They have fled every day, and at the same time, it is equivalent to relieving the dangerous situation of being chased by the seven demon kings...