The scum of the real world

Chapter 1224 The reappearance of the magic eye

Although the pain was indescribable, Ye Youyuan did not make any resistance. Maybe it was useless to know that it was useless to resist. In the lingering evil spirit, the face was distorted, the flesh and bones melted quickly, and the whole person became bloody and horrible.

Shortly after the scream disappeared, Ye Youyuan was completely refined and turned into a large red blood cell. The Three Nights Demon King held the red shining blood cells in one palm, and his whole body couldn't help trembling. Tears oozed from the slightly covered tiger's eyes. No one saw the day when this powerful figure in the three worlds would shed tears.

He raised the blood cells in his hand, and the scarlet cloak behind him immediately fluttered violently, as if to flap their wings. The blood cells were suddenly divided into 72 red lights, shot in all directions, and penetrated into the mouths of seventy-two beast heads respectively. Seventy-two tusks suddenly swallowed the blood-red light in It's normal.

In the distance, a large group of dense figures passed quickly through the air, all of whom were ordered to retreat. The three-night demon king guarded by 72 beasts on the magic palace [Guangzhou] attracted everyone's attention, but everyone just glanced and roared by...

The army led by Wu Feng did not take advantage of the victory to pursue. The towering demon palace under the blood cloud in the distance was faintly visible. They did not have the courage to face the Three Night Demon King, otherwise they would have broken through the defense of the magic elite with the joint efforts of a group of god-level masters.

Countless eyes in the army of the three worlds also looked at the demon palace in the distance with a little nervousness. The demon palace seemed to be a magic needle, which made everyone feel the inexplicable pressure. Just now, they were fighting to death. As soon as the elite of the magic road retreated, they immediately became silent, and no one dare

Yue Qianchou floated in the air with his arms and squinted at the majestic magic palace on the top of the mountain in the distance. The black wind flew quickly from the sky above the army and stopped in front of him and saluted, "The executioner! The demon army just retreated strangely, and in front of us is the nest of the Three Night Demon King. We are really not the opponents of the Three Night Demon King, and I'm afraid we have to deal with him in person. He said this bravely. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a magnificent momentum in the back. Suddenly, he looked back and saw the rolling magic gas rising to the sky from the position of the magic palace, stirring up the blood clouds all over the sky, surging like a tide.

Suddenly, another green light rushed to the sky, which suddenly ignited the magic clouds all over the sky. The strange green fire clouds rolled in the sky, rendering the heavens and the earth into green.

Suddenly, there was a sound of alarm in the army below, and many people had seen the magic flame of the Three Night Demon King.

At this moment, the voice of the Three Night Demon King rolled and echoed in heaven and earth: "Yue Qianchou! I've been waiting for a long time!" As soon as the words fell, the magic flames of the sky immediately fell one after another, and the densely crowded army of the three worlds below immediately messed up. In a short time, there were screams everywhere. "Everyone who could escape were fleeing for their lives.

Wu Feng was shocked. While avoiding the falling magic flame, he waved his hand and shouted harshly: "Steady! Hold on!"

However, at this time, any order is false. Everyone puts running for life first, and he can't suppress the chaos. The 22 god-level masters from the Netherworld Mansion, who are few left, saw the chaos and rushed over one after another to ask what to do? Wangqing protected Mrs. Heichi and Wu Xiong also retreated here, and they all felt that it was the safest only way to get close to Yue Qian Nuo.

The falling green fire slipped past Yue Qianchou. Although he floated in the air motionless, the magic flame took the initiative to avoid him. Yue Qianchou looked at the scattered crowd around him with a blank face, waved his finger in the direction of the Magic Palace, and said indifferently, "Go!"

The people who came closer looked at each other in consterious and didn't know what it meant. Wu Feng asked carefully, "What does the executioner mean?"

"Don't you understand?" Yue Qianchou said lightly, "I'll let you join hands to kill the Three Nights Demon King." Everyone's faces changed greatly, and they knew that they were not the opponents of the Three Nights Demon King. What's the difference between this and letting everyone die? Wu Feng looked at both sides and said with a dry smile, "Our ability is not the opponent of the old thief for three nights, but fortunately there is a sentence..." Yue Qianchou couldn't let him finish it and interrupted directly, "With me, you have a chance to deal with three nights... If you don't kill three nights, I'll kill you." None of them can run away."

As soon as he said this, the people around him were struck by lightning, and they were all speechless." If he had known it, he would have continued to fight guerrilla with the magic army. Mrs. Heichi's face was full of horror, and Wu Xiong blushed. "If you hadn't known that you were not Yue Qiancho's opponent, I'm afraid you would fight with him.

After listening to his father's order, he slowly raised the six dragon snow blue sword in his hand and brazenly pointed to Yue Qianchou. The first time he spoke, the voice under the silver mask sounded: "Yueqianchou! What do you mean by doing this? There is uncontrollable anger in the tone.

"It's not interesting." Yue Qianchou glanced at him and said, "However, if you don't put down your sword, don't blame me for being boring."

"You want to cross the river to dismantle*... Forgetting was really angry, but he was held up by Wu Feng. Wu Feng squeezed a smile at Yue Qianchou and said, "The executioner! If you don't do it, we are really not the opponents of the Three Nights Demon King, and with our cultivation, it is almost the same as being sent to death." Who said I wouldn't do it?" Yue Qianchou glanced at him and flew directly in the direction of the magic palace. Everyone, look at me, I'll look at you. After a while of discussion, I didn't have the courage to escape. I had to follow him. No one looked good.

As soon as he flew over the Devil's Palace, his pupils shrank. [Guangzhou] The strange scene of 72 beasts around the scene with black light and red mouths aroused his vigilance, and the Three Night Demon King actually stood fearlessly in the [Guangzhou] field [Zhong] and waited for him, which made him

Keep your eyes on the dish, trying to see what's going on. Don't hit other people's tricks.

And the Three Nights Demon King saw that the magic flame from the sky had no effect on Yue Qianchou. Anyway, the army of the three worlds had been scared to collapse, and he was too lazy to waste that strength. With a big wave of his hand, the green magic flames all over the sky disappeared, and even the blood clouds in the sky disappeared There was a spectacle of clear sky.

At this time, Wu Feng and others also arrived, but they all stood behind Yue Qianchou and were ready to escape at any time. No one was willing to fight with San Ye.

"Three nights! Today is the date of your death. Yue Qianchou suddenly sneered, and a golden light flashed out of thin air, and the arrows opened the sky and the earth swam around. At the same time, he was secretly watching around. This scene always made him feel something wrong.

"Really? I'd like to see who died." The Three Night Demon King snorted, and his arms suddenly raised the sky. A magnificent momentum suddenly burst out from the top of the mountain, and the whole top of the mountain was shaking violently.

Seventy-two animal eagles roared out a black and red intertwined light at him, and the seventy-two beams of light quickly gathered a pentagonal pattern in the center of the [wide] field, drowning the three night demon king standing in the middle.

Such a strange scene, not to mention Wu Feng and others, even Yue Qianchou feels bad. Yue Qianchou no longer hesitated, and whether it was a conspiracy or not, he did it first. With a "boom" of the earth-breaking arrow, he carried the momentum of wind and thunder towards the three nights of the [Wangzhou] center.

A pentagonal pillar of light shot out into the sky, directly shaking the earth-breaking arrow. The powerful impact force was unbelievably strong, causing the surrounding airflow to shake violently, and even the figure of Qiancholy shook in the air, and the others were washed upside down by the strong airflow.

Yue Qianchou recalled a divine arrow and looked up at the sky in horror. He saw that the other end of the beam of light had pierced the sky and he didn't know where it was shooting. After the others stabilized themselves, they had been washed thousands of meters away, and their clothes were messy one by one. Fortunately, they were not hit head-on by the beam of light that rose to the sky just now, otherwise it would not be better not to die.

The beam of light has been standing for a long time and does not dissipate between heaven and earth. No one knows that the Three Night Demon King is in the dry well.

Yue Qianchou was about to attack again when he suddenly saw that the pillar of light disappeared, but the Three Nights Demon King showed an extremely excited look, staring at the sky and knelt on one kneeling on the ground, with a devout look.

An ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes of terror is like the arrival of heaven and earth in an instant, full of heaven and earth.

Yue Qianchou secretly said that it was not good. He suddenly looked up and found that, as expected, a pair of dreamlike huge magic eyes appeared above the nine days, cold and ruthlessly ignoring the sentient beings below. It's not the first time he's seen these magic eyes. It can be said that he is very familiar with them.

Suddenly, a crack in the middle of the eyebrows between the eyes was torn open, during which there was a dense flash of thunder and lightning, but the sound of lightning and thunder could not be heard. A vague figure slowly floated out of the thunder and lightning, as if stepping on thunder and lightning came out of the void. The momentum was quite amazing.

The thunder disappeared, and the torn space cracks also healed in an instant. The figure quietly floated in the middle of the eyebrows of the huge magic eye.

Damn it! It can't be that the demon god night came directly from the divine world to the demon world!

Yue Qianchou looked at the Three Night Demon King kneeling under his eyes, and then looked up at the sky, and the muscles on his face were fiercely **.

In the moment of his mind, the shadow fell over the magic palace like the speed of light. The shadow was like a dream, and he couldn't see the true face of the person, but vaguely felt that the man seemed to wrap his body with a large black shoulder.

At first, Yue Qianchou thought that the distance was too far to see clearly, but now he found that it was indeed a real person, as if he was not a real person. Looking at the sky, the huge magic eyes were still there. Yue Qianchou could clearly feel that those eyes were staring at him, but then quietly disappeared into the void...