Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 21 Another Toad

"Is it Dr. Liu Zhiyun?" Li Peicheng asked without persistence.

Professor He looked at Li Peicheng curiously, nodded and said, "It's her, hey, how do you know her name?" Li Peicheng smiled embarrassmently, and there were several boys in the Environmental Resources College who didn't know the witch Liu Zhiyun.

Professor He seemed to suddenly think of something and said with a smile, "Dr. Liu's personality is a little different, but her academic level is absolutely first-class.

In fact, a large part of this project from project establishment to project design and application was completed by her alone. Professor Xiao and I mainly put forward our views and suggestions in the general direction, so you should learn from her for advice.

Li Peicheng knows that Professor He never speaks falsely. Since he thinks that Liu Zhiyun's academic level is first-class, he is absolutely first-class.

Just ask her for advice, as long as she doesn't look at herself coldly every day.

Naturally, Li Peicheng would not say this in front of Professor He. He answered and said that he would assist Dr. Liu well.

After finalizing the matter, Professor He took a pile of information and handed it to Li Peicheng. He said, "Here is the main plan for this topic, and there are some relevant information. You can have a look when you have time. If you don't understand, you can come to me at any time."

"Okay" Li Peicheng took the information and then asked, "I don't know when this project will start?" Professor He said, "The sooner the better. We hope that this topic can be completed next year.

But considering that you are taking over the provincial project for the first time, and you didn't participate in this project in the early stage, you need to take some time to digest the information in your hand. I think it will start next Monday.

"Okay, I will study the relevant information and project design plan as soon as possible, and I will provide you with my own experience and insights on Friday."

Li Peicheng said.

Professor He nodded with approval. Li Peicheng's style of doing things is what he appreciates most.

When Li Peicheng was an undergraduate, although he had no say in the experiment he participated in and did not have the qualification to participate in the core, he only needed to do his own auxiliary work.

But he is far from satisfied with this purposeless scientific research assistance. No matter what kind of scientific research experiment, as long as Li Peicheng participates in it, he will always have a comprehensive understanding of this scientific research project and read the materials. When a project is over, he has usually been full of notes and notes on his own experience. , my own views on the project, and even put forward my own cutting-edge outlook.

By chance, Professor He saw Li Peicheng's notes.

The dense experimental records and even some ideas were not expected by their research group, which shocked Professor He.

It is also this matter, coupled with the praise of Li Peicheng's teachers and graduate students to Li Peicheng, which makes Professor He look at Li Peicheng differently.


Professor He nodded.

After Li Peicheng left Professor He's office, he began intensive scientific research preparations.

This is a topic about plant remediation of soil heavy metal pollution environment. It is a research topic to solve the problem of soil heavy gold pollution by screening and studying plants that have the function of absorbing and enriching soil heavy metals, and then planting such plants in contaminated areas.

In today's era of rapid economic development, pollution has increasingly become a serious problem that people need to face.

Soil heavy metal pollution is a very serious problem. At present, the research on solving this problem is also very popular, and plant restoration is a cutting-edge topic in this field.

Professor He is an authoritative scientist in botany, and Professor Xiao is an authoritative figure in environmental science, so the cooperation between the two on this topic is also a kind of interdisciplinary cooperative exploration.

After Li Peicheng came out of Professor He's office, he stayed in the library until he left the library and had dinner quickly.

After dinner, as usual, I went to Tiesha River Riverside Park to practice "The Secret of Longevity" for an hour and a half, and then went straight to the teaching building.

It's still the ladder classroom. There are three self-trapists in the classroom today, but Li Peicheng didn't see Liu Zhiyun.

Li Peicheng carefully read the information given to him by Professor He, although Li Peicheng has just graduated with a bachelor's degree this year.

But how does the professor say that with his scientific research and experimental experience and his knowledge, he is really qualified for this topic.

Those materials Li Peicheng doesn't seem to be difficult at all. Even after half an afternoon of study, he has formed some of his own ideas in his mind.

Of course, scientific research is one thing to understand and understand, but whether it is feasible or not in reality is another thing.

Scientific research experiments, anything can happen.

Li Peicheng smelled a wisp of familiar fragrance, and he didn't have to look back to know that the witch Liu Zhiyun had arrived.

However, Li Peicheng still turned around. Now Liu Zhiyun is his future scientific research partner. To be realistically, she is in charge and he is a participant. In the research process, she has the greatest power. From a certain point of view, he has to be under her control.

Li Peicheng has to deal with Liu Zhiyun at this time, otherwise it will be painful to face a cold face every day.

Moreover, this kind of cross-disciplinary scientific research project requires good communication between scientific researchers with different expertise to learn from each other's strengths, so that the project can be successfully completed.

In case Liu Zhiyun's attitude towards scientific research cooperation and his treatment is as cold as her face, resulting in different activities, this scientific research project can be ended immediately.

Professor He trusts Li Peicheng so much. Of course, Li Peicheng doesn't want to mess up the scientific research project. No, it should be completed perfectly.

To complete it perfectly, it is obviously impossible to rely on Li Peicheng alone. The key is the ice and snow witch.

Li Peicheng's face showed a kind and friendly smile than ever before.

You have to make a good impression on the witch, and you have to make her feel the warmth of spring to her.

The witch Liu Zhiyun obviously saw Li Peicheng.

To be honest, she doesn't disgusted with this hard-working boy, but the boy's too attentive smile today made her feel bad intentions and bad intentions, as if she wanted to flatt her.

In fact, Li Peicheng's smile really has no intention. It's just that Liu Zhiyun imagines that she covets her beautiful dirty ideas, but wants to have a good relationship with Liu Zhiyun in advance.

Liu Zhiyun has seen this kind of smile a lot.

She has also seen a lot of this kind of toad.

There are several ways for Liu Zhiyun to deal with such a man.

-----------------------Today's third update, this is the first update, and the second update is around 11 noon. Thank you for your support.
