Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 330 That big boy-like shyness

Under the green mountain, there is a deep pool that is as clear and green as a piece of jasper, reflecting the green willow and green peach.

A silver-like waterfall flew down from the mountain, the breeze blew, and the drops of water flew.

Li Peicheng and Bai Yun Fairy stood quietly by the deep pool, looking at the waterfall flying down.

"Don't say a word, why are you still blaming your sister?" Fairy Bai Yun showed a faint smile on her face, and her eyes still stared at the front and said.

"Hey hey, how dare you blame your sister as a younger brother, but I don't understand. If you want to forgive Yuqi in my name, just forgive her. Why did you bring Jindan to me later?" Li Peicheng smiled.

When the fairy Bai Yun heard the words, she sighed faintly, and her eyes still jumped at the waterfall. "What do you think of Yuqi if I take this golden elixir?" Hearing this, Li Peicheng thought about Bai Yun's words and couldn't help admiring his sister.

This is like a child stealing something. The adult beats and scolds, saying that it is wrong, but in the end, the adult uses what the child steals as his own things. The child is naturally confused, and naturally thinks that stealing is not necessarily wrong.

Bai Yun Fairy pushed the golden elixir to Li Peicheng, and Yuqi naturally fully understood that this matter could not be done in the future.

"Does your sister think that Yuqi's practice is really wrong?" Li Peicheng asked, and he was expecting Bai Yun Fairy's answer to be no, because he had done this thing himself. If Bai Yun's thoughts were consistent with what she did, it would be said that if Li Peicheng's matter was put in front of Bai Yun's fairy, Bai Yun's fairy would also scold him bloody.

Fairy Bai Yun slowly turned her head and gave him a meaningful look.

said lightly, "I can't say whether this is right or wrong.

It's just with who did this. If Yan did this, I would think that nothing had happened. In fact, brother, haven't you already made a conclusion in your heart? Otherwise, why do you plead for Yuqi? Even my sister is cruel. Are you really just because you can't bear it? When Li Peicheng heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up and fixedly looked at the Bai Yun fairy.

Today, he really understood why such a shrewd person as Ruoyan was also obedient to Bai Yun Fairy.

Such a delicate woman as Yuqi dares not be disobey to her at all. It is really because of the real great wisdom under the dignified and steady appearance of Bai Yun Fairy.

As Fairy Bai Yun said, there is no right or wrong. What the Maoshan Taoist priest did was indignant, and it was not too much to kill him and take his elixir.

It just needs to see who did it.

If Ruoyan does this.

She is shrewd and cautious. Naturally, she will figure out the cause and effect of this matter, know the proportion, and know what she is doing.

But with Yuqi's character, it's not.

If she agrees with her this time, she thinks it should be handled like this, and I'm afraid she will get worse next time.

If it is like this every time, especially if you dare to do this not far from the door of Maoshanpai's house this time, you will be found out one day. At that time, if they have to put on their hats, it will become shit and become shit.

Originally, because Bai Yun Fairy severely punished Yuqi, Li Peicheng had a trace of doubt in his heart. He didn't know if his way of doing things was wrong.

Now when I heard what Bai Yun Fairy said, I suddenly became enlightened.

Li Peicheng laughed and said, "It's better for my sister to see things thoroughly. In this case, the play has been finished. You'd better take these four golden elixirs back."

Fairy Bai Yun replied, "Sister, when did I say that this was acting? Since I said that you were their savior.

Jin Dan should be handled by you.

Naturally, you deal with it, and there is no reason to take it back.

Li Peicheng was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He looked at his god sister in a squant, which made her say.

Seeing Li Peicheng stunned, Bai Yun Fairy couldn't help smiling, but this smile was indescribably charming.

Li Peicheng couldn't help but be more and more stunned when he saw it. Bai Yun's fairy was a little weak when she was stared at by Li Peicheng. A blush flew over his white and tender face. He glanced at Li Peicheng and said, "What are you looking at? Is it because your sister and I have a long face?"

"It's not just long flowers, my sister is simply more beautiful than flowers."

Li Peicheng sincerely praised.

Bai Yun's heart was confused and stabilized. Then she said, "It's really thanks to you this time, otherwise I will never see my sister again.

It's just that the Maoshan faction is so powerful that you are dragged in. Sister, I'm really ashamed.

Li Peicheng pretended to be angry when he heard the words and said, "It seems that you didn't look at me as your brother!" Fairy Bai Yun looked at Li Peicheng affectionately and said, "Although you and I have known each other for a short time, you and me are no different from Ruoyan."

Li Peicheng knew that his love with Bai Yun Fairy was true, but now when he heard Bai Yun Fairy's face to face, he was warm and moved, "I'm just joking. Sister, don't take it to heart.

This matter is also my lack of consideration. I only think about the elixir in my heart, but I forget about the magic weapon.

In fact, to tell you the truth, I can also do the art of refining, and it should be enough to decorate the facade.

Li Peicheng said.

When Bai Yun's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the words, her eyes were so clear that she could be seen closely at Li Peicheng, as if she wanted to see Li Peicheng thoroughly.

There is nothing great about alchemy and refinery. People who practice realism will do it once or twice, but if it is enough to decorate the facade, it is not an ordinary skill, but can be called a refiner. Otherwise, Bai Yun Fairy does not have to send Ruoyan to Maoshan School to buy magic weapons.

It's just that Li Peicheng's skillful alchemy has surprised Bai Yun Fairy, but now he suddenly says that his refining ability is not bad, so how can Bai Yun Fairy not be shocked?

Bai Yun Fairy did not know that the alchemy Li Peicheng was standing on the shoulders of the giant, and later he realized the materialized knowledge he had learned, so he went farther than ordinary people.

But the way of array, when Li Peicheng was only a martial artist, he developed the gathering array by himself. It can be seen that he had a high talent in the array. Later, he got Li Xuanting Yujian, and the nine Yuanying in his body interpreted the small world. The level of the array was thousands of miles a day, to a very high

And the level of the refinery is closely related to the way of array.

Another important factor that determines the level of the refinery is the quenching fire.

The more skillfully the fire is controlled, the better the quality of the fire, the cleaner the impurities in the refinery materials can be removed, and the more perfect the fusion of various materials can be.

Therefore, the refiner should be well refined. Generally, it is required that the other party's cultivation should be above the Yuanying period. Only the Yuanying monks can release the real fire of samadhi, which can refine good materials.

And Li Peicheng can now not only release the real fire of Samadhi, but also release the real fire of the sun, so that he has a great advantage that ordinary people do not have in the quenching fire.

The seal of the town refined by Li Peicheng himself is like a cloud when it is light, and like the top of Mount Tai when it is heavy.

In the case of Qianshuo's resistance with colorful feather fans, it is still as powerful as a bamboo. Although it has the advantage of sneak attack and power, it cannot be ruled out that the Zhentian seal refined by Li Peicheng himself is really powerful.

Therefore, Li Peicheng said that he could refine the technique, and it was enough to decorate the facade, which was not exaggerated at all.

Fairy Bai Yun stared at Li Peicheng a little distractedly. This time, it was Li Peicheng's turn to be a little embarrassed.

Although it doesn't seem too much for my sister to look at her brother, even touching her head and pulling her hand, after all, Bai Yun Fairy is the most beautiful woman, and she is the kind of elegant, elegant and charming mature beauty.

Li Peicheng is a young man in his twenties. When she stared at him like this, he inevitably blushed and his heart beats.

Suddenly, Bai Yun Fairy was surprised to find that there was a big boy-like shyness on Li Peicheng's face.

The big boy-like shyness surprised Bai Yun Fairy far more than all the unexpected skills that Li Peicheng has shown so far.

This big boy-like shy Baiyun fairy has never seen it since she was born, let alone appeared in a person like Li Peicheng, who has long had the strength of the Weizhen side.

In fact, Bai Yun Fairy never knew that men would have such a cute and shy side.

This big boy-like shyness is like a seductive fruit, emitting a charming green and astringent fragrance, which makes the heart of Bai Yun Fairy float unconsciously.

Her eyes curiously observed the big boyish shyness that her brother inadvertently revealed, as if that was the strangest thing in the world.

"Well, well, so sister, this magic weapon to decorate the facade is on me."

When Li Peicheng saw that Bai Yun Fairy looked at himself like a flower, he was really guilty and panicked, so he had to cough twice and mention the matter of magic weapons.

Bai Yun Fairy woke up like a dream, but she didn't think much about that her heart had been unconsciously aroused by that touch of shyness. She just smiled secretly. She didn't expect that such a great figure as her brother would be shy.

It's a pity that Li Peicheng doesn't know what Bai Yun's heart thinks, otherwise he will inevitably shout out for injustice. He is only in his twenties this year, and he is a big boy. Being stared at by a beautiful sister like you, it is a normal physiological phenomenon to be shy like a big boy!