Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 393 The Number of Five

With a purring, I don't know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

At the beginning, Li Peicheng made an appointment to fight against the Laoshan faction, but Haitian and others did not retreat, because they knew that they had the power to fight.

But now, in the face of the peak of the medium-term cultivation that is said to be out of the body, they can't help but feel a chill in their spine.

There is an essential difference between dying and fighting to die! In the middle of the out-of-body cultivation, even the Bai Yun fairy who was already in the late stage of Yuanying was not qualified to fight with him, not to let alone Haitian and others. There is no difference between killing Shangfeng and killing him to death.

In their view, the only people who are barely qualified to keep up with the peak are Cang Hao Zhenren and Li Peicheng, and they still lose more and win less.

If Kunli and Shangxi Zhenren take action again, there is no chance of winning.

Everyone's eyes moved away from Li Peicheng's cold face and turned to Cang Haozhen.

They believe that with the prestige of Cang Haozhen, they should be able to persuade Yunhu.

"Haha, in the world, only Brother Yunhu dares to let go of this bold speech!" Cang Haozhen suddenly looked up to the sky and burst into a burst of laughter.

"Brother Yunhu has a chance of winning against the old thief of Shangfeng?" The laughter suddenly stopped, and Cang Haozhen stared at Li Peicheng with shining eyes and asked in awe.

^^ "The number of five or five!" Li Peicheng stretched out one or five fingers and replied calmly.

The difference of fifty-five means that Li Peicheng also has a mid-term cultivation.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked, even the Canghao Zhenren who asked out.

Cang Haozhen has never looked down on Li Peicheng. If he had underestimated Li Peicheng, he would not have asked this question.

But Li Peicheng's answer was beyond his expectation.

On Lingqi Island, Canghao Zhenren once had a life-and-death battle with Li Peicheng. At that time, he knew that Li Peicheng should have the early cultivation of being out of the body.

The First World War in the South China Sea confirmed the speculation in his heart, but it only stopped and went out in the early stage.

In the middle stage of out-of-body, Canghao Zhenren has never thought about it, because Li Peicheng has the middle-term out-of-of-body.

In the First World War in the South China Sea, I'm afraid that Kun Li will have to peel off the skin even if he doesn't die, because normally, a monk in the middle stage of out of the body can match two to three monks in the early stage of out of the body, while Kun Li is safe and sound.

But now that only two years have passed, Li Peicheng said that there are five or five points in the battle with Shangfeng Zhenren.

^^^^ That's what it means.

Within two years, Yunhu jumped from the early stage of the body to the middle stage of the body.

You should know that even the first step forward is very difficult. The taste of Canghao Zhenren is the most pleasant. If it hadn't been for Li Peicheng's help, I'm afraid he is still wandering in the late stage of Yuanying, and he is basically wandering in this realm in this life.

In his opinion, Li Peicheng's realm is higher than his, but he said that the breakthrough broke through, which made him not be greatly shocked.

"Brother Yunhu is really a god!" It took a long time for Cang Hao to sigh.

At this time, everyone came to their senses one after another.

Li Peicheng's eyes became more and more awe-inspiring.

Bai Yun Fairy looked at Li Peicheng's eyes, and there was a trace of inexplicable things.

The cultivation in the middle of the out-of-date, among the monks known overseas, is already at the peak, and no one is invincible! Perhaps it is said that Bei Ming's ancestor, who is already out of the body early, has this ability, but up to now, there are no rumors that he has been promoted to the middle stage.

So Li Peicheng is their first known overseas mid-term master.

There are two out-of-the-body monks in his own power group, one of whom is also the first overseas master. This kind of news is undoubtedly very exciting.

Bang! The real person of Long Qian rose up.

"In this case, what are we afraid of? Just kill!" Long Qian's real voice was sharp and high.

"Old Longqi, what are you shouting about?

Everything is arranged by two real people!" The gloomy voice of the sea and the sky sounded inappropriately, and the real dragon's ** was cold.

But it's not hard to hear, although the naive voice of the sea is gloomy.

But it's easy and casual.

Long Qianzhen was not annoyed. He smiled and said, "That's it, that's it."

He sat back in his seat with a smile.

"Since the First World War in the South China Sea, we have all swallowed our anger. Everyone thinks that our five green islands are weak and dare not compete with Zhenling Island, but we don't know how long it has been two years.

The strength of my green five islands has soared.

is no longer comparable to what it used to be.

Brother Yunhu disappeared after the First World War in the South China Sea.

Everyone thought that Brother Yunhu was afraid of the old thief of the Laoshan School and hid to avoid the disaster, but unexpectedly, Brother Yunhu was closed to the enlightenment of heaven, and his strength was not as good as that of the old thief.

\\\\\\The idea of coming to Zhenling Island and Laoshan Pai is no different from everyone else.

Humph, only when you know yourself and your enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles. We know their details, but they are still complacent and despise us.

Even if they are strong with us, as long as we plan carefully, we can't kill Shangfeng and avenge our Taoist friends!" Cang Haozhen said slowly.

"What Cang Hao Zhenren said is that we have to calculate this matter well, and we can't act recklessly."

Bai Yun Fairy said, and her beautiful eyes glanced at Li Peicheng with deep meaning.

Li Peicheng smiled bitterly. Of course, he knew that his sister was worried that he was too confident and impulsive.

"Brother Cang Hao has one less thing to calculate, that is, so far, in the eyes of outsiders, my relationship with you is shallow, not a life-and-death relationship."

Li Peicheng smiled and said, his eyes shining cunningly.

Cang Haozhen's real man looked slightly and said, "Do you want to fight alone like the South China Sea last time? Although my strength is not as good as yours now, I can also be regarded as a rare master. It should not hold you back.

Don't forget that we have had a friendship with our spiritual friends for hundreds of years.

When everyone heard the words, they also stared at Li Peicheng.

\\\\\In the last war, they always felt that someone was poking their backbone and scolded them for not being loyal.

Hearing this, Li Peicheng laughed and said, "I'm not sure that one person will kill the old thief Shangfeng!" What did Brother Yunhu mean just now? Cang Hao's face slowed down a little and asked.

"Brother Cang Hao, don't you think the goal of the five islands is too huge and conspicuous? Do you really want to cause a bloody storm overseas? Drag your disciples into this comprehensive duel? Li Peicheng's eyes slowly swept over the crowd and asked in a low voice.

Every word of Li Peicheng is like a heavy hammer in the hearts of everyone. Indeed, if this war starts, it will be a comprehensive confrontation between the Green Five Islands, Zhenling Island and Laoshan School, which will bleed into a river and be doomed! It's just that life is in the world, when things come to the end, you have to take action when it's time to take action, and when it's time to bleed, you must also flow.

"There is no need for Yunhu to worry about this matter. As you have entered my door, you have to listen to my orders.

Fight when you should fight, kill when you should kill, but how can there be so many worries!" Cang Hao said harshly, staring at Li Peicheng with his eyes shining brightly.

Li Peicheng shook his head and said, "I didn't say no war, but there is no need to work in this first battle."

Speaking of this, Li Peicheng slowly stood up, his eyes were shining, and his strong self-confidence overflowed from his body, as if no one in the world could do anything about him.

Everyone stared at him with an awe-inspiring expression, without saying a sound.

"In the eyes of outsiders, Zhenling Island is as good as a cloud, and the copper wall and iron wall are as stable as Mount Tai.

But there is no old thief on the peak, but in my opinion, it's just a chicken, tile dog, and rotten bricks.

I want to come, I want to go, who can stop me! Humph, didn't they say that I was afraid of them? I killed him in a river of blood on Zhenling Island, and I was scared to kill them.

See if the Laoshan School can still stand up overseas? Let's see if the old thief in Shangfeng still has the courage to come overseas? If he dares to come overseas, he will ask Brother Canghao to help me line up the four elephants to kill the magic sword array.

He definitely can't believe that Brother Cang Hao will go with me and set up four elephants to kill the magic sword array to deal with him.

At that time, no matter how capable he is, he can only admit his bad luck.

If it is wise to shrink from Laoshan, I'm afraid this matter will have to be calculated again.

Li Peicheng said.

Listening to Li Peicheng talking about the four elephants killing the magic sword array, everyone knows in their hearts that this sword array should be the famous killing array after the First World War in the South China Sea.

I just listened for a long time. In the end, only one Canghao was dispatched from the five islands. Haitian and others couldn't help staring at each other and were very dissatisfied.

Cang Haozhen naturally stroked his beard with satisfaction at this time. He nodded repeatedly and looked around, but saw that Haitian and others were dissatisfied. Suddenly, the two mung bean eyes were round and shouted, "Do you really want to drag our green islands into the sea of blood before you give up?" Everyone is smart. Naturally, they know that the deeper the green islands are hidden, the better, and the less killing, the better.

Li Peicheng's arrangement has reduced the probability of exposure of the Cangcui Five Islands to the lowest level. It seems that he still wants to continue to let the Cangcui Five Islands develop steadily and not be disturbed by the outside world. In case there is any need to respond, it can also be used unexpectedly.

It's just that everyone has been holding his breath for too long. Now when he hears that Li Peicheng has a mid-term cultivation, he is naturally unwilling to lurk. He quietly watches him fight hard alone, so he is dissatisfied.

Now Canghao shouted loudly, and suddenly shouted like a stick on the head, which shocked everyone's ears, and suddenly woke up in his heart.

Seeing that Cang Haozhen's words shocked everyone, Li Peicheng smiled slightly and changed the topic and said, "I have been friends with you for a long time, but I haven't invited you to sit in the house yet.

Today, I would like to invite you to go to the house. By the way, Brother Canghao also sent three guardians to my house to participate in the four elephants and magic sword arrays in preparation for future battles.