Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 453 Misfortune and Fortune

How could the black wolf, who was only in front of two people in front of him, never thought that there was such a terrible enemy hidden in the dense forest. Suddenly, it was like falling into an ice kiln, with fear in his eyes.

At this time, the black wolf didn't have time to think about it at all. He could only rely on his instinct to kick back with his hind legs, and his whole body shot forward like electricity, hoping to escape the fatal shot.

Unfortunately, the guy behind him's shot was not completely unexpected, but the speed of his shot was equally terrible and surprising.

Well, the sharp tip of the fire cloud gun pierced through the black wolf's buttocks, through his body, and then poked out of the ferocious wolf's mouth.

The black wolf could only watch the blood dripping down on the tip of the gun in front of his mouth, and wanted to look back and see who killed him but failed.

The red fire cloud gun stringed the black wolf like a roast mutton kebab. Li Peicheng had a cold face and flew away to the ancient transmission array.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Li Peicheng, who was flying in disbelief, with deep fear hidden in it.

She once witnessed Li Peicheng calmly assassinate Luo Ben and Luo Yun. Although she was also shocked, she had never been as shocked as she did today.

The master of the combination period, a terrible figure who is slightly better than her strength, and a ferocious figure who shouted to kill them a moment ago, so he didn't even have time to hum, and was strung to the fire cloud gun.

Rumeng believes that even the original owner of this fire cloud gun can never be so neat and clean.

None of this is terrible. What's terrible is that Rumeng doesn't know what this man's heart is forged.

After thousands of dangers, life is still in sight, but there are still three masters who are stronger than them, and there are even terrible masters who may appear at any time.

No one will look back.

No one will choose to escape safely immediately.

But at the critical moment of survival, he resolutely threw himself into the eternal and dangerous crisis again, killing a powerful person whose realm was far higher than him.

Its calmness, courage and courage all make Ru Meng feel intoxicated and deeply tremble in his heart.

Li Peicheng calmly jumped on the ancient transmission array, and the yuan god did not enter.

Li Peicheng did not immediately start the formation. The fire cloud gun still coldly stabbed the black wolf and held it high in front of him.

His eyes were coldly fixed on the dense forest in front of him, as if he were waiting for something.

Ru Meng didn't dare to speak at this time.

She knows what this man is waiting for. He is waiting for the other two people who chase him like a homeless dog. He wants to use the black wolf on the barrel of the gun to warn them and tell them that one day they will also become the black wolf on the barrel of the gun.

In fact, I didn't understand Li Peicheng from beginning to end.

Li Peicheng is not a cold-blooded person who is not afraid of death. He has a small family, friends and relatives, and he misses them.

He dreams of returning to that place one day. In fact, he is afraid of death, and he cherishes his life more than anyone else.

That's why.

He must fight back. He must let his skills grow rapidly in a short period of time. He must temper his perseverance with the oppression of death.

Only in this way can he mediate and survive in the hands of the terrible enemies who killed Li Xuanting and even Biyunzong.

So he chose to assassinate the black wolf, and he stood so calmly on the transmission array at this time, not to warn Luo Long that he would not do such a boring thing. This is the behavior of the weak. He only likes to have the ability to tell the enemy one day directly with the gun in his hand.

The terrible consequences of offending him.

Now he is just trying to buy time to absorb the black wolf, which is too majestic and powerful for him. At this time, his body is experiencing a heartbreaking pain! The white wolf and Luo Long swept into the open grass one after another, and what was imprinted in their eyes was a fiery red gun that fiercely penetrated from the black wolf's buttocks to his mouth, and the sharp tip of the gun dripped bright red blood on them.

A pair of black eyes shot cold-blooded cold light on them like swords. In those eyes, they only saw killing and blood.

The two took a breath of cold air, flew forward and suddenly fixed, and then retreated repeatedly.

Fear can't be concealed in his expression.

After a long time, the fear gradually dissipated, and they dared to face the black wolf on Li Peicheng's gun.

Up to now, they still feel like a dream, and they can't imagine that Li Peicheng, who was chased and killed by them just now, took a living life in a blink of an eye.

Finally, the white wolf's heart trembled, and his eyes exploded with light. He let out a sad howling and rushed to Li Peicheng like electricity.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Luo Long's eyes, and finally killed Li Peicheng as well.

Li Peicheng outlined a calm sneer at the corners of his mouth. Now even if some messengers come, it is difficult to stop them from leaving.

With a bang.

The black wolf was burned into nothing by a fire in front of their eyes.

Only the cold tip of the gun was pointed at them, as if laughing at their incompetence.

The ancient transmission array was activated.

The array of mana is spreading, and the whole space is twisting and changing.

Bai Youlang finally jumped into the ancient transmission position, but in the end he did not have the courage to jump up. He only saw that Li Peicheng's cold eyes and disdainful sneer gradually disappeared in front of his eyes, and finally turned into nothingness, leaving only the empty and dark ancient transmission array.

Oh! The white wolf looked up at the sky and howling, and the long howling sound penetrated the sky, echoed over the Yuanpi Mountains, telling his inner unwillingness and deep hatred.

Luo Long stared at the empty ancient transmission array in front of him. For some reason, from time to time, the bloody fire cloud gun that pierced the black wolf appeared in front of his eyes, and there was a trace of chill in his heart.

In the past, it was hard to believe that his four guardians were lost in the hands of Li Peicheng, but now he has witnessed the black wolf, who is more powerful than himself, being stabbed on the barrel of the gun without resistance. Only then does he really believe that everything is true. This man who seems to be only distracted is a really A long roar came from the distance in response to the long howling of the white wolf, and soon there was a rustling sound from the forest, and then several people flashed into the empty place where the ancient teleportation array was located.

The people who were one step behind looked at each other in consternation. They didn't see the enemy's fall. They didn't see the black wolf. They only saw the dark and terrible faces of the white wolf and Luo Long. Their eyes were like fierce beasts, as if they wanted to tear them apart alive.

A familiar scene appeared again, countless meteors flew in front of my eyes, and countless twisted lights shook in front of my eyes.

It is almost foreseeable that when all this disappears, another bright world will appear in front of us.

But at this time, Li Peicheng did not think that he could have a chance to see the emergence of another world.

I thought that an ambush before leaving, a real absorption of Zhenyuan would give him more capital to face the terrible enemy, and he could win more chances of survival, which is also the real reason why he ventured to ambush the black wolf.

But he found himself wrong, and it was a big mistake.

The true element of the black wolf is unusually powerful, and his strength has reached the limit he can bear at present.

If it is in normal times, as long as you take some time to slowly absorb and refine, you can always smooth out the surging Zhenyuan and turn it into your own use.

But Li Peicheng obviously missed one thing, omitted the amount of violent tearing and squeezing the horrible space in the ancient transmission array.

When the ancient transmission array was started, Li Peicheng knew it was over.

Zhenyuan, who was already surging in his body, tore and squeezed the wild horse out of control in the powerful space of the outside world, running wildly in his body.

Li Peicheng tried his best to use the nine-turn heart method to suppress the out-of-control Zhenyuan in his body, but found that it was in vain in such an environment.

He felt the real turbulence of his body, and then exploded like a volcano.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!! Li Peicheng's eyebrows were tightly locked together. He clearly heard that the meridians in his body were broken by the roots, and Zhenyuan was like a flood of breaking the embankment pouring all over his body.

At this moment, Li Peicheng was desperate. He knew that Zhenyuan, who broke the dike the next moment, would continue to burst his body.

His body kept swelling, his body made a gurgling sound, and cold sweat oozed from his skin with blood.

In a blink of an eye, his whole body became bloody, and his eyes bulged like goldfish's eyes.

Li Peicheng is in great pain. He really can't wait to die like this.

He did not faint, and his brain was surprisingly sober. He even had the illusion that he could see the sharp pain clearly spread to his brain nerves, which made him feel painful.

Ru Meng didn't know what had happened to Li Peicheng, but with her experience, she was at a loss at this time.

Seeing the despair and pain in Li Peicheng's once firm eyes, he couldn't control his inner pain like a dream.

But she didn't know how to help the man. She wanted to hold him to relieve his pain, but a strong force burst out of him and pushed her away.

Ru Meng was so anxious that she almost burst into tears, but this is a strange space, which is called Tiantian should not, and the ground does not work well. In fact, she can't shout at all.