Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 554 Maple Rock

Li Peicheng smiled indifferently, and Lin Yunyu nodded and said, "It was Brother Li's magical means that made me refine the Jin Yaosha in only five years."

Although Lin Chaojian guessed from all kinds of signs that this matter must have something to do with the sudden emergence of Li Peicheng, he was still shocked when he heard the words and couldn't help asking, "I'm so curious about such a magical means!"

Lin Yunyu took a look at Li Peicheng and didn't know whether this method was good or not to leak the secret, but Li Peicheng had already smiled and said modestly, "Actually, there is nothing magical, it's just some tips."

Then Li Peicheng briefly mentioned the method of enriching heavy metals from plants, and Lin Chaojian and other bigwigs couldn't help clapping their hands.

"Peicheng is indeed a strange person, and he can think of such a way. As soon as Jin Yaosha was refined, it also made me worry. Otherwise, Yun Yu would have devoted himself to it, but how could I entrust the family affairs to him, and how could I get through the disaster at ease? Lin Chaojian said to Li Peicheng with gratitude.

Li Peicheng was overjoyed to hear the words. If the Lin family is under the control of Lin Yunyu, Yan Huangzong will usher in the most powerful and stable ally. I also vaguely understood why Mr. Lin talked about family affairs with Lin Yunyu in front of himself.

Lin Yunyu was shocked and hurriedly said, "The Lin family has always been managed by the eldest brother, and he also managed it very well. Please ask his father to think twice. \//\”

When Lin Chaojian heard the words, he waved his hand dissatisfiedly and said, "Can your eldest brother suppress your second uncle? Can he deter other forces?? Humph, victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. He obviously lost to Peicheng, but he didn't even have the courage to admit defeat!"

Speaking of this, Lin Chaojian glanced at Li Peicheng with deep meaning.

Li Peicheng was shocked and finally fully understood why Lin Chaojian did not avoid him and talk about the Lin family. Because Li Peicheng is also an important chess piece, a chess piece that can help Lin Yunyu deter the children of the Lin family.

Lin Chaojian is so powerful. No wonder he is reluctant to stop the duel. I'm afraid he will have this mind at that time!

Lin Yunyu was silent when he heard the words. He knew that what Lin Chaojian said was reasonable. He sits in the Lin family. Even if Lin Chaoqing is ambitious, it is difficult to influence his decision, but if it is his eldest brother. But he must not be able to suppress him, and he may become a puppet.

What's more, Lin Wenxiao's master, his life-and-death friendship Li Peicheng is so fierce that the two of them would join hands. Who can compete with the whole Lin family?

One mountain can't tolerate two tigers, and one family can't tolerate two masters. If the owner of the family can't control the people below, how can such a huge monster of the Lin family command like an arm? I'm afraid it's not divided. \\\ It's just a pot of porridge.

"A family meeting will be held in a while. I have summoned Yun Wei to rush home in the near future, and I will announce the matter at that time." Lin Chaojian didn't wait for Lin Yunyu to open his mouth again. Then he said decisively.

Yun Wei in Lin Chao's sword mouth is his fourth son, and he has worshipped under the Shaoyang School since he was a child.

Seeing this, Lin Yunyu knew that this matter had become a fore conclusion, and bowed and said, "It's all up to my father."

Lin Chaojian glanced at Lin Yunyu with relief and said, "For my father's urgent call this time, I will urgently recruit you back. In addition to this matter, there is another thing that needs your help."

Lin Yunyu seems to be looking for auxiliary medicinal materials for refining mysterious soul elixir on other planets, but he doesn't know how Lin Chaojian can contact him? If you can learn this method, even if you leave Jiduxing in the future, you can rush back immediately if you have something to do. Li Peicheng was secretly curious about another thing that Lin Chaojian said. That's about the Lin family. On the contrary, his curiosity is not that great.

In curiosity, Li Peicheng suddenly felt the vast and magnificent mana fluctuation of the earth system. The eyes suddenly lit up and exclaimed secretly. What a powerful earth mana!

Lin Chaojian's hand had an ore the size of a basketball, alternating yellow and red, and the vast and magnificent earth mana was emitted from the ore. \\\\

Li Peicheng doesn't know this ore. He only knows that this stone has such a thick soil mana. If it can be refined properly, I'm afraid it can reach the level of fairy weapons.

"Maple rock!" Lin Yunyu first exclaimed, and then there was an expression of ecstasy on his face.

Everyone is a smart person. Naturally, they know why Lin Yunyu is so surprised, but there is no joy on Lin Chaojian's face. He said, "Maple soil stone is a precious ore for refining fairy-level defense magic weapons. Unfortunately, the purity and quality of this stone is too low. Even if he thinks it is a father's cultivation The purity of the magic weapon. I had no choice but to call you back two years ago to see if you and my father and son could use this stone to refine a fairy-level defense magic weapon. If you can succeed, there will be more hope for your father to survive the disaster.

After saying that, Lin Chaojian shook his head with some regret. Obviously, there was little hope for this matter.

Lin Yunyu did not take the maple soil stone to watch carefully, nor did he respond to Lin Chaojian's words, but turned his eyes to Li Peicheng, and his burning eyes were full of strong pleading.

What kind of person Lin Chaojian's face changed slightly when he saw this, and he also turned his eyes to Li Peicheng. He secretly said, is it possible that this son can't do it? I can't help but think of the set of flags sacrificed by Li Peicheng at the last moment, but the power is vivid in my mind. \\\\

not to mention that Li Peicheng is full of good feelings for Lin Chaojian, just because he is Lin Wenxiao's grandfather and Lin Yunyu's father, he also has to help with this job. So seeing that both father and son looked at him, and before Lin Yunyu opened his mouth to plead, Li Peicheng smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, can you lend me a look at this stone?"

Lin Chaojian was surprised and happy when he heard the words. He hurriedly handed the maple soil stone to Li Peicheng and couldn't help asking, "When I saw Peicheng fighting with Yun Yi and others, you sacrificed a set of flags. The power was very great. Could it be that you refined it yourself?"

Li Peicheng explored his mind into the maple stone and said modestly, "It's the boy."

Although he had faintly guessed in his heart, when he heard Li Peicheng's positive confirmation, Lin Chaojian couldn't help but be moved. He thought that if so, he was afraid that the cultivation of the refinery was comparable to that of Yun Yu. No wonder Yun Yu wanted him to help. If he is willing to take action, the hope of the three of us will be greatly increased. Even if you can't refine the fairy-level magic weapon, it must be more powerful.

This flag is related to Lin Chaojian's disaster, but he didn't care about his face. He got up and hugged Li Peicheng and begged, "I almost missed it. I don't know if Peicheng can help me?"

With such a courtesy, Li Peicheng hurriedly got up and said, "If Mr. Lin can use me, I will naturally do my best!"

Seeing that Li Peicheng agreed to help, Lin Yunyu got up in surprise and bowed deeply to Li Peicheng and said, "This matter has to bother Brother Li again. \\/\”

Seeing this, Li Peicheng had no choice but to return another salute. Then he said with dissatisfaction, "Brother Lin is a little out of sight."

Lin Yunyu was not annoyed at all when he heard it. Instead, he blamed himself with a smile on his face.

Lin Yunyu's performance made Lin Chaojian a little confused, as if Li Peicheng had already got the fairy weapon.

After Lin Yunyu blamed himself, he turned around and smiled at Lin Chaojian. He said, "Father, with the help of Brother Li, this fairy weapon will be done!"

Seeing that Lin Chaojian was puzzled, Lin Yunyu realized that he was a little too happy. He hurriedly explained, "Brother Li not only has the same feat as me, but he can also control the real fire of the sun." This matter is serious!" Rao Lin Chaojian had the demeanor of a master who did not change the color of the collapse of Mount Tai, but he couldn't help exclaiming at this time. Then he stared at Li Peicheng excitedly, as if he had just met Li Peicheng.

At this time, Li Peicheng had already looked at the maple soil stone. Seeing Lin Chaojian staring at him with burning eyes, he stood a little coldly and hurriedly returned the maple soil stone to Lin Chao Kendo: "I will really control the real fire of the sun, and I hope it can help Lin Laodi."

When Lin Chaojian heard the words, he looked up to the sky and laughed happily. After a long time, he bowed deeply to Li Peicheng like Lin Yunyu just now and said, "No matter whether I can get through the disaster this trip. You, Peicheng, are all the benefactors of my Lin family!"

Li Peicheng hurriedly got up and held Lin Chaojian's arm with his hand. He said, "Mr. Lin is so bad that he really killed me."

Lin Chaojian took the opportunity to get up. His face was full of joy, obviously because the fairy weapon was in sight. I have a lot of confidence in the disaster.

"This stone is indeed complex. I still have a powerful subordinate. He is born with a fire body, and can use Wumai real fire. If he is called again, he will be safe." Li Peicheng smiled and said.

Lin Chaojian was overjoyed when he heard the words and hurriedly said gratefully, "So there will be Lao Peicheng."

Li Peicheng laughed and said, "Mr. Lin, you're welcome. Don't hesitate. I'll go back to the mountain gate and call him. Lin Xiao has an injury on his body. If he doesn't go back to the mountain gate with me, his master has the skill of returning to spring, which can make him recover as soon as possible.

There is no reason for Lin Chaojian and his son to disagree. In order to express his gratitude, Lin Chaojian probably wanted to make a gesture to show the Lin family, and personally sent Li Peicheng to the gate of Long Xiaogong City. The Lin family was stunned by the size of the Lin family. After hearing the news, Lin Yunyi and his son looked even more rustic and knew that Li Peicheng's master and apprentice would never move in the future. In fact, with their ability, they can't move at all.

"Master, my disciple has now changed his name to Lin Wenxiao."

On the way back to the fairyland of Kyushu Mountain, Lin Wenxiao respectfully reported to Li Peicheng.

"Haha! Congratulations!"!

The Lin family is still the gazebo.

Lin Chaojian stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the undulating Flying Dragon Mountains, but his back was not as lonely and desolate as before. Instead, he rose to the sky and vomited the pride of thousands of clouds.

Lin Yunyu stood respectfully beside Lin Chaojian, and his eyes also looked into the undulating Flying Dragon Mountains.

"I don't know when my father is going to get through the disaster?" Although there are defensive fairy weapons in sight, Lin Yunyu inevitably asked with a heavy heart.

People are content. At this critical moment, God sent Li Peicheng, which not only so that Mr. Lin does not have to worry about Lin Yunyu's affairs in charge of the Lin family, but also unexpectedly hopes to refine fairy weapons, greatly increasing the hope of crossing the disaster. This is already a great blessing. Lin Chaojian is already satisfied at this time. He no longer expects anything. When the magic weapon is completed, he can get through the disaster at ease. So at this time, his mood was not as heavy as Lin Yunyu's. Hearing the words, he said leisurely, "It's extremely difficult for the father to suppress the true breath in his body. I'm afraid that as soon as the magic weapon is refined, he will prepare to cross the disaster."