Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 576 Harvest

"Suzerain, didn't you go out to rob a certain sect this time?" Cang Hao said that the brilliance of a pair of mung bean eyes will never be inferior to the pile of magic weapons in front of him, grin and asked.

Li Peicheng smiled and shook his sleeve pocket again. It was another pile of shining things. Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it was nearly a hundred storage magic weapons.

The materials for refining storage magic weapons are all extremely precious and rare materials between heaven and earth, and the actual value of a good storage magic weapon will never be lower than the best spiritual weapon. For example, the real value of the silver storage ring obtained by Li Peicheng from Li Xuanting is not lower than the original fire cloud gun. Of course, today's fire cloud gun is very close to the fairy-level magic weapon, and it is no longer comparable to the storage ring

Although Qingyu Zhenren and others are all very cultivated now, they are also the elders of Yan Huangzong. But after all, Yan Huangzong has a weak foundation. In addition to a few powerful figures in the upper class, in the final analysis, he is just a small school. The "money" earned is also used to cultivate the children of the family without hesitation. There is no extra "money" for these noble elders to buy such luxury goods as superior storage magic weapons. So up to now, Qingyu and others are still using the previously shabby mustard bag.

Although Qingyu and others are actually poor except for the combat magic weapons, they are all poor, and there are not many things to store and carry with them. \\\But just like a car is just a walking thing, but no one doesn't like the advanced car. To a certain extent, practitioners always like to collect some magic weapons.

You can imagine how decent, elegant and elegant it is, to make the disciples of the disciples, if they gently wipe gently wipe the storage rings or storage bracelets on the storage ring or storage bracelet, and then take out some magic weapons and elixirs to reward their disciples. What a decent, elegant and elegant action it must make the disciples admire them. . Ruo Qingyu held a shabby bag of mustard in his hand. Then I took it out inside, and after a long time, I finally took out something. Even if the real person of Qingyu is immortal, it is in vain. Maybe even the things he took out are obviously fun, but they will fall in value.

It can be seen that the practitioners also have the s decentness that the practitioners pay attention to, and they like luxury

Li Peicheng poured a pile of superior, brilliant and gorgeous storage magic weapons to the ground. Qingyu and others immediately smelled the fishy smell of fish like cats, and their eyes lit up. In their eyes, this storage magic weapon was much more attractive than the superior magic weapon that Li Peicheng had just poured out. Even the dignified and noble Baiyun fairy's eyes lit up, and then she couldn't help taking a colorful glazed bracelet.

"Wow!" Bai Yun's mouth sounded with surprise. From time to time, she took out a lot of things from the bracelet, including precious medicinal herbs, hundreds of Bixia stones, and dozens of purple stones. \\/\There are many other things. Then there was a pile of things on the ground.

Qingyu and others were really shocked this time. After staying for a long time, each of them grabbed a storage magic weapon, so that the whole hall was shining and the fragrance of spiritual herbs was elegant.

Li Peicheng looked at a pile of genius treasures and magic weapons and elixirs in front of him. He didn't expect that the things in these people's magic weapons were so rich. He was stunned for a while. I just remembered that all of these people died among the elites of all factions. They usually received a lot of land rewards, and they must have done a lot of killings and arson in their lives. What's more, many of them are very close to the period of disaster. Think about it. There are so many precious things in these people's storage magic weapons, but it's not worth making a fuss.

This time, Lian Qingyu Zhenren also has no demeanor. He glanced at the mountain-like genius treasures in the hall, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and asked indecrely, "Suzerain, you don't really have to rob a sect, do you?"

Li Peicheng glanced at Qingyu Zhenren and said, "Does this sect look like the kind of robber who kills and steals goods?"

"Hey hey!" There were bursts of meaningful and strange laughter in the hall. \\\

Obviously, if Li Peicheng doesn't say why, the crime of killing and robbering the land will be settled.

Seeing that Li Peicheng looked at himself with different eyes, he smiled fiercely and said, "More than robbing a sect, I have robbed at least seven sects!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, until they saw Li Peicheng's fierce smile on his face. They laughed one by one.

"Okay. Peicheng, don't tell me where these things come from?" Liu Zhiyun gave Li Peicheng a vicious look. Urge the way.

Obviously, she is very dissatisfied with Li Peicheng's big thing this month without telling her and Sun Xiaoxuan.

Li Peicheng's face finally became serious, and he said in a low voice, "Although I said that it was exaggerated to rob the seven sects, it was true." Then Li Peicheng roughly told the story of killing Lin Chaojian to cross the heavy land.

Although Li Peicheng only mentioned it briefly, he still made everyone frightened and stunned. Liu Zhiyun and Sun Xiaoxuan were listening, especially when they heard Li Peicheng crossing the disaster for Lin Chaojian, and their hearts were caught, and their tears slipped down. \\\\\

Although Jin Lin still stood calmly beside Li Peicheng in her usual style, her slender and crystal fingers had been buckled into her delicate palms, and there were faint drops of blood flowing out. But a sentence echoed in my heart, what should I do if the master dies this time?

Bai Yun Fairy quietly brushed her dignified and beautiful face with her sleeve, and her eyes were unconsciously staring at Li Peicheng's sunny face for a period of time

Li Peicheng finally finished speaking. He thought that the hall would definitely become like a busy market, but on the contrary, the whole hall was quiet, and a strange atmosphere enveloped the hall.

As soon as Li Peicheng looked up, he found that his two wives were looking at him with tears on their faces. And above the hall, Qing Yu has knelt down.

"What are you doing now?" Li Peicheng asked with a wry smile.

"You are not allowed to do such an adventurous thing again!" Liu Zhiyun and Sun Xiaoxuan opened their mouths almost at the same time and said resolutely.

"Disciples and others plead with the suzerain not to take risks alone in the future!" Qingyu and others knelt on the ground with a serious face. \\/\

Li Peicheng looked at the pear blossoms and rain of the two wives, and also looked at the dark ground in the hall. He was not only moved, but also had no choice but to smile bitterly. He thought that he would not mention it if he had known this.

"What are you doing? Aren't I doing well now? Besides, we monks, if not..." When Li Peicheng said this, he found that dozens of sharp eyes came from the hall. He smiled bitterly and said, "What's more, I can even carry thunder now. Even if the Mahayana master comes, I can fight for it, so you don't have to worry anymore."

As soon as Li Peicheng's last sentence came out, everyone thought that now the suzerain can even carry the thunder of the third disaster. It really needs the master of the Mahayana period to defeat the suzerain. Even if the master in the later stage of the disaster, I'm afraid that the deer will Although the world is big, the masters of the Mahayana period are rare, and all of them are big shots. With the current scale of Yanhuangzong, there will never be any Mahayana master to look for things regardless of their identity.

Thinking of this, everyone turned worry into joy and stood up one after another. Only Liu Zhiyun, Sun Xiaoxuan and Bai Yun Fairy glanced at Li Pei with resentful eyes from time to time, but they didn't have the courage to think that if the master died, they would die with him.

Seeing that Li Peicheng finally appeased everyone, he was secretly relieved and said to Bai Yun Fairy, "You can put all these things into the warehouse. Everything can be used. Only these magic weapons are stored for the time being. When the second brother of Fang and I re-refine it another day, we will take them out and use them, so as not

After explaining the Bai Yun fairy, Li Peicheng was worried about the huge and miscellaneous Zhenyuan in his body, so he wanted to go to Ningcui Valley to practice for a period of time. When he was thinking of leaving, Elder Qingyu said, "I told the suzerain, some time ago, I asked people to inquire about the news, but On the contrary, the contradiction between Heiya Sect and Tianshan Gate has become more and more serious recently. In just one month, the suzerain has had two large-scale fights in the barren mountains of thousands of miles, each with casualties, but Tianshanmen still firmly controlled the barren mountains of thousands of miles.

"Oh! It is only the conjecture of this sect that Tianshen is related to the Ye family. It is not surprising that he can't find out. On the contrary, the Hei Yazong clearly knows that his strength is not as good as Tianshenmen, but he is still so strongly that he wants to regain the purple stone veins. Li Peicheng said with a slight surprise.

Qingyu Zhenren stroked his white beard and said loudly, "I'm also a little puzzled, so I asked people to explore carefully. I heard that Situ Nan Laoer once asked people to make a condition to Tianshamen that he was willing to share the purple aragonite veins in four or six points. He was four and Tianshamen six. However, Tianshen still disagreed." So that's it. No wonder. This purple aurdite vein was originally discovered by the Heiya Sect, but now it has been robbed by Tianshamen. He only asked for a score of 40%, which is not high. Tianshen refused. He really bullied people too much. With Situ Nan's old temper, he really couldn't swallow this breath. Li Peicheng said.

"What the suzerain said is reasonable. However, there are rumors that this purple turret vein is not as simple as medium-sized. Now even the wolf demon clan and Qingluomen are ready to move, and they have stood up to speak for the Heiya Sect. Obviously, they want to divide it. Lord, do we also want to get involved? Qingyu asked.

"Hey hey, now the master even dares to carry a few thunders in the later stage of the disaster, and the whole plan can't help but how many people are there in the master's land. At least we are from Heiqi Mountain. Can we still watch others grab food in front of our house, but we don't even hum? Heiyazong can afford this face, but we Yanhuangzong can't afford this face. Xiaohei stared with big eyes and shouted.

Cang Hao slapped Xiaohei's thick arm with his shoulder with approval. He wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but unfortunately he couldn't reach it.

"The little black protection method is reasonable. We Yan Huangzong can't afford to lose this face. Besides, purple stone is a good thing. Could it be cheaper than others!" Cang Hao's old way should be peaceful. Although he is as careless as Xiao Hei, the old turtle looks much more vicious. This face is worthless. What is really valuable is purple stone.