Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 615 Apprentice

<complaining, in fact, these days) 7 reasons, I always stand and write, it's really not easy! Please forgive me.. *, the two days when the buttocks were injected are better, and it has become serious again in recent days. During this period, I insist on not sitting and writing. If it doesn't get better, I can only cut watermelon. Whoo-hoo!


After sacrificing the purple storage ring that lost its owner with the method of dripping blood, Li Peicheng continued to sweep the storage ring with divine thoughts.

There are a lot of things in the huge space. The most conspicuous are the ten jade boxes neatly arranged in the middle. These ten jade boxes are forbidden, and there is nothing around them within 3,000 to 4,000 square meters. Only they are obviously very precious things.

Li Peicheng's mind swept away, and his heart was as strong as a stone. At this time, he couldn't help beating violently. Of the ten jade boxes, four of them turned out to be ice blue locust fruit, one in each box. The other six boxes are a kind of lotus seed with five-color luster. Li Peicheng did not conduct special research on medicinal materials, but he did not know it. However, since these colorful lotus seeds are placed together with the ice blue locust fruit, they will naturally not be ordinary fruit. Li Peicheng's mind skillfully bypassed the prohibition and penetrated into the jade box. As expected, he felt the strong spirit of immortality, confirming that the colorful lotus seed was an extremely precious heaven and earth spirit.

Li Peicheng glanced around again and found that there were some fairy grass elixirs piled up in many places. Li Peicheng only knew one-third of those fairy grass elixirs at most, but he knew that everything was a treasure. Even the yin and yang fruit, which had attracted many people's red eyes in the Heiqi It is piled up with those fairy grass elixirs, which shows the preciousness of those fairy grass elixirs.

No wonder the lonely star is respected as a holy place by the alchemist. Although Wang Chong has a noble status and high cultivation, if it hadn't been for the lonely star, it would not have been possible to carry so many precious medicinal materials with him. Li Peicheng thought in surprise and joy.

I thought to myself, but the mind didn't stop scanning. Li Peicheng found that in addition to these fairy herbs and elixirs, there are also many jade bottles containing elixir, some ancient elixir prescriptions, a piece of jade that records the alchemy method, five top-quality spiritual weapons, one best spiritual weapons, some precious ores that can barely refine the best spiritual weapons, as well as more than a hundred Yu Jian Li Peicheng, who recorded the alchemy method, hurriedly swept it and found that most of them were Wang Chong's own alchemy experience, as well as a little lotus teaching unique alchemy method.

Take back his mind, even if Li Peicheng is now a lot of money, but when he thinks of so many good things, plus the fairy-level magic weapon white jade lotus beads, a Wanchun elixir and a colorful lotus-shaped best spiritual weapon-level defense magic weapon that has been included in his storage ring, this harvest is surprisingly huge. It was so huge that Li Peicheng was the suzerain of a generation, but at this time, he grinned and smiled as he walked like two hundred and fifty.

When the master got out of the test, these medicinal materials were refined by him. Hey hey, Yan Huangzong is finally going to start not to lack the intermediate strength of the fit period. There are many disciples in Kunlun fairyland who can come to Jiuzhou Mountain Fairyland in advance. Li Peicheng thought happily that for a moment, he did not find that Qingyu

It's strange that I rarely see the suzerain with such a gaffe. I don't know what's the happy event? Qingyu Zhenren was secretly surprised in his heart,

"Wow!" Li Peicheng finally found that Qingyu Zhenren was coming towards him with doubts. He asked, "Brother Qingyu, do you have something to find me?"

Qingyu put down the dust. He gave a salute to Li Peicheng. He said, "Exactly. The Li family is here."

"Oh." Li Peicheng raised his eyebrows. A happy face.

"Is it possible that the suzerain has already expected this?" Qingyu asked in surprise.

Li Peicheng smiled and said, "After the battle with Ye Zhitao. I had a talk with Li Minghong, the father of Li. I once secretly revealed the meaning of appreciating Li Shuyao.

In the Flying Dragon Mountains. Qingyu Zhenren once had a relationship with Li Shuyao. I also know some love between Li Shuyao and Lin Wenxiao. He even made fun of Cang Hao's old way. Therefore, I was slightly stunned when I heard the words. Then he twisted his beard and laughed, "So it is. So that's it! I said. The suzerain just defeated Ye Zhitao. Why did Li Ze, Li Zhuoming's eldest son, come to Jiuzhou Mountain with his daughter? It turned out that the suzerain had already been there.


Li Peicheng smiled faintly, pointed to the four seas palace in the distance, and said, "Don't just talk, there are distinguished guests waiting!"

With that, he drifted leisurely to the Sihai Palace. Qingyu smiled and turned around to follow Li Peicheng.

"Li Shuyao is a gifted person. If the suzerain receives her as an apprentice, one can get a good apprentice, the other can make a good relationship with the Li family, and three can solve the problem of Wenxiao. It's really one stone and three birds. It's wonderful, wonderful!" Qingyu Zhenren twisted his beard and praised as he walked.

Li Peicheng smiled and said, "Brother Qingyu still missed a little."

Qingyu Zhenren was slightly stunned. Seeing Li Peicheng's teasing smile, without the demeanor of the suzerain, the old fox could also immediately come over. He laughed, patted his head with great demeanor, and said, "Yes, yes, there is still a little bit, and

, how can I forget the old turtle woman!"

"Haha!" Li Peicheng patted Qingyu Zhenren on the shoulder and laughed loudly, and Qingyu Zhenren also laughed.

One is the patriarch of Yan Huang, and the other is the most capable elder of Yan Huangzong since the elder. At this time, the two of them laughed as if they had done something dirty and proudly. They laughed while walking, laughing with bad intentions.

At this time, he was sitting quietly in the Xuanwu Hall, trying hard to practice the immortal secret of immortality handed down by Li Peicheng himself. He vowed to exercise his body like steel bones. In order to wash the old way of Cang Hao, who was always laughed at by Xiao Hei, coldly shivered, and vaguely felt that

Cang Hao Lao Dao immediately stood up suddenly, and the two Xuanwu guards of Xuanwu Hall who were waiting at the gate of Xuanwu Hall were immediately stunned.

"Go and see if there is something that doesn't have long eyes to make trouble with us?" Cang Hao shouted.

"It's up!" One of the Xuanwu guards came out with a puzzled face, and soon returned to the report: "The Lord, everything is safe and sound. On the contrary, Li Ze, the eldest son of the head of the Li family, and his daughter Li Shuyao came to our clan to see the suzerain.


"Oh!" Cang Hao answered absent-mindedly, waved his hand to let Xuanwuwei retreat, and then shook his head puzzledly and practiced again.

Li Peicheng saw Li Ze, the son of Li, who is famous in the Sihai Palace. He is tall and big, with eyes like a torch, and his face full of hair, like a hard brush. He looks very powerful, but he also has the same rosace nose as his uncle Li Minghong, which invis The majestic Li Ze gave people a sense of intimacy.

Li Ze stood behind Li Shuyao. She saw Li Peicheng and Qingyu stepping into the palace from afar. Her delicate body trembled slightly. Fangxin couldn't help but be nervous and flustered. Unexpectedly, she felt that her ugly daughter-in-law saw her parents-in-law.

When Li Ze saw Li Peicheng stepping in, his copper bell-like eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes looked at Li Peicheng like lightning, but he only saw that he had the cultivation of the fit period, and he could no other clues.

Uncle is really right. This person only looks like a fit period of cultivation, but in fact he is a peerless master. If a person who doesn't know the details has the intention of contempt, he will suffer a great loss. Li Ze thought to himself, but with a rough smile on his face, he greeted Li Peicheng with his fist.

Fortunately, Li Shuyao didn't look like her father, otherwise it would be much better than the old turtle woman. Li Peicheng secretly slandered himself, and a sunny smile naturally appeared on his face. He held his fist to Li Ze and said, "Brother Li came from afar. This sect has been far away, and there is a distant welcome!"

"The suzerain of Yunhu is now a powerful city star. Li took the liberty to come here. How can he be worthy of the suzerain to greet him in person!" Li Ze hurriedly said politely, and his voice was as loud as a bell.

Li Peicheng smiled loudly and turned his eyes to Li Shuyao. Before he could speak, the smart Li Shuyao had already come forward and bowed respectfully to Li Peicheng and said, "Shuyao, see the suzerain!"

Li Peicheng is now a big man who is close to the head of the four major families and the head of the two sects in Jiduxing, not to mention Lin Wenxiao's master. Naturally, he deserves Li Shuyao's ceremony. He is steady and old-fashioned, and then greeted Li Ze and sat down.

After the guests sat down, after Li Peicheng and Li Zebin had a polite greeting, he picked up the teacup, blew the tea leaves floating on it, and asked knowingly, "I don't know what's wrong with Brother Li's visit to my family?"

When Li Ze heard the words, an uncomfortable expression flew over his face. Obviously, it was rare for a person like him to ask for help.

"This time, I actually have something to ask the suzerain of Yunhu." Li Ze said and looked back at Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao hurried forward, knelt on her knees with a splash, and said, "The younger generation admires the prestige of the suzerain and pleads to worship under the suzerain."

After saying that, Li Shuyao was extremely nervous and was afraid that Li Peicheng would say a word.

Seeing this, Li Peicheng was not pretentious. He looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "Haha, it's for this matter. To be honest, I have been in love with your seedling for a long time, and I'm just embarrassed to say it. Get up, get up! I agreed."

Li Ze was a little worried that Li Peicheng would deliberately put on the airs of a generation of masters, but he didn't expect him to be so bold, and what he said made him very proud. He couldn't help but have a good impression on Li Peicheng. He thought, no wonder there is a legend that Lin Yunyu called him brother and dare A person with a temperament.

Li Shuyao also didn't expect Li Peicheng to be so straightforward. Before she came, she was still uneasy for a long time, but she didn't come to her senses for a while.

"Silly daughter, why don't you kowtow to your master!" Seeing that his usually smart and clever daughter was so happy that she was there at this time, Li Ze hurriedly shouted.

Li Shuyao came to her senses and hurriedly kowtowed three times to the ground and said, "Thank you for taking disciples to get started!"

Li Peicheng has always been soft-hearted to his people, not to mention watching the delicate apprentice bang the delicate forehead on the ground. There was a burst of heartache in his heart. With a wave of his hand, a force held Li Shuyao up and said, "Get up!" ( To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in to ***, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)