Record of Life of Xiuzhen Graduate School

Chapter 635 The strong are like a forest

Li Peicheng clearly felt this suffocating ancient breath and felt that there were dozens of powerful breaths rising in the distance, and there were hundreds of weak breaths in the middle of these breaths. Those breaths did not seem to be entangled together, but they were full of demonstrations and hostility, rendering the whole world to death, and people with slightly lower cultivation did not dare to approach at all. Li Peicheng saw dozens of monks wandering nearby with their cultivations below the distracting period. He hesitated and did not dare to approach the killing world.

People die for wealth and birds die for food. They know that they are all strong in front of them, so why bother to come here? Li Peicheng shook his head secretly, and the speed of rushing forward immediately slowed down, becoming an ordinary master of the fit period, deliberately dissipating some powerful breath.

Those people on the periphery saw that Li Peicheng was not in a hurry, and their eyes showed a trace of fear. At the same time, they also had a sense of envy. They were thinking that if they could have such a powerful ability, maybe they could get a ladle, but now they can only wait for the rabbit to see if there could The danger.

Li Peicheng passed through the dense forest, and a barren and empty flat ground suddenly appeared in front of him. Except for some small weeds growing on the flat ground, there was no tree.

However, in this desolate and open place, there are dozens of piles of cultivation standing in twos and threes.

Li Peicheng's practice is strange, and his eyes are very vicious. His eyes swept slightly, even though Li Peicheng's cultivation was unfathomable, and his eyelids couldn't help beating.

Good boy! At this point, there are no less than 20 masters of the disaster period, more than 100 combined monks and more than 200 monks of the distraction period.

It is estimated that not only all the local masters of the Moon Tour have gathered here, but I'm afraid that some masters on the planets near the Moon Tour have gathered here! Li Peicheng was secretly shocked.

The flat ground used to be a swamp with a radius of no less than a thousand miles. The swamp was overgrown with water and grass, but it was rare for any creatures to move in it.

The ancient breath that made Li Peicheng feel suffocating was scattered from the swamp. And dozens of hundreds of strong or weak breaths are, of course, these cultivations are scattered.

Li Peicheng suddenly broke in alone. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Hundreds of pairs of eyes floated over intentionally or unintentionally. As powerful as a master in the disaster period. He is often slightly relieved. Continue to pay attention to the marshes. The weak monks are as distracted, and their hearts are sinking again. //\\ There are also many people who see Li Peicheng coming alone. Show a little bit of joy. There was a accosted look on his face.

Li Peicheng's eyes swept slightly. The place where Mr. and Mrs. Fu Zixi were located immediately appeared. They surrounded the old man who was suspected by Li Peicheng. The three of them are still standing behind the ten-place combination period. There are also about 20 detancy monks.

They really have peripheral forces in the Moon Star. Li Peicheng remembered that he only saw Fu Zixi and the other three in outer space. Now so many people have suddenly emerged. I immediately confirmed the previous conjecture.

Fu Zixi and his wife obviously saw Li Peicheng. His face changed slightly. His eyes shot hateful eyes. Then his lips trembled slightly. Then Li Peicheng saw the old man's cold and sharp eyes at him.

Some minor changes in the old and Fu Zixi and his wife immediately attracted the attention of a group of people on their left. Those were the Taiyi religion that Li Peicheng met halfway. The old man who looked like Ye Tiannan was also surrounded by two monks in the early days of the disaster, and there were dozens of monks with more than the distraction period behind him.

Obviously, the people of Taiyi Sect regarded the people of the Dragon Sect as the biggest enemy of the treasure-grabbing land, and they were always paying attention to their changes. However, when the three masters of Taiyi Sect saw the details of Li Peicheng, they immediately smiled secretly and did not waste energy on Li Peicheng.

Li Peicheng did not seem to notice the malicious eyes of Fu Zixi and others. He just walked to an uninhabited place, but his eyes seemed to sweep over the group of people standing on the right side of the Longmen School, with a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth.

The people are a pair of men and women in purple. The man's face is long and thin, his cheekbones are high, and his eyes are narrow and deep. There is a faint sharp light between the opening. He is tall, thin and slender, but the skeleton is extremely large, just like a steel frame. The woman is a slender and graceful beauty with a goose egg face.

This man and woman are the two disciples of Zhu Xiaotian, the leader of the Lotus Sect, Zhu Xinyan and Chai Meng. There were also dozens of people standing behind them, but one of them, Li Peicheng, knew him. It was the past that chased him, a white wolf.

In the past, in order to hunt down the fish Li Xuanting, the Lotus Sect secretly supported some forces in the radiation of the Dragon Sect and Taiyi Sect to monitor Biyun Sect. Finally, after a long silence, he sent several purple envoys to secretly destroy the Biyun Sect, and then engached the green lotus peak to wait for the rabbit. It's just a thousand calculations, but I didn't expect that the embroidery basket was empty in the end.

This time, it was impossible to get the news that the Lotus Sect was far away from the Lone Chenxing. It was because of the dark forces that used to be here that they knew about this and sent Zhu Xinyan and Chai Meng.

These two people are extremely cultivated, and they are also Zhu Xiaotian's own disciples

I'm very relieved.

Although the two of them had heard the name of Li Peicheng, they did not recognize him, let alone think that Li Peicheng would appear here, so they glanced slightly and immediately ignored him. They continued to focus on the swamp and the Longmen Sect and Taiyi Sect. These two forces were their biggest rivals for the treasure this time. Although the white wolf directly faced the enemy who killed his brother, he did not know each other.

Li Peicheng stood alone in an empty place, alone, which seemed quite abrupt here.

Fu Zixi and the other three are obviously smart people. They know that it is not appropriate to erect such a terrible enemy as Li Peicheng at this time. If he sees that there are many people in the Longmen School and devote himself to Taiyi Sect or Lotus Sect, it will be bad. Therefore, although Fu Zixi and his wife couldn't wait to kill Li Peicheng, they could only bear it at this time. It's better for the people of Taiyi Education and Lotus Education not to know Li Peicheng's details and suffer a big loss.

Li Peicheng stood still with a blank face, thinking about how to kill Zhu Xinyan and Chai Meng by taking the opportunity of treasure hunting. You know, there are very few opportunities like today, while continuing to observe the subtle situation here.

In addition to the Longmen School, Taiyi Sect and the Lotus Sect, Li Peicheng has become the strongest three forces here. At least three forces are not weak, but there are no real masters among them. The most powerful ones are the monks who have just been promoted to the middle of the disaster, compared with Zhu Xinyan and Chai Meng. In the middle of the disaster, they were much inferior, but they were expensive with many people and had a hidden advantage in terms of quantity, which can be regarded as the power of the second ladder.

In addition to these three forces, there are seven or eight forces that are even weaker. Occasionally, there is a monk who was in town at the beginning of the disaster, or even in the period of the disaster, and was reluctantly classified into the third ladder force by Li Peicheng.

Li Peicheng was analyzing and calculating that an old man in gray came to him not far away from him. In the early stage of the disaster, he had fat ears and a smiling face, which was a little similar to Lin Chaoqing of the Lin family, but his sharp eyes flashed from time to time in the depths of his eyes. Obviously, he was a guy who hid a knife in his smile.

This old comes from a force that Li Peicheng considers to be the power of the second ladder. This force is the weakest in the second ladder. There are no monks in the middle stage of the disaster, only two monks in the early stage of the robbery, who are always one of them.

Li Peicheng was in doubt. The old man had come to him and saluted him with a smile. Taking the initiative to salute Li Peicheng with his cultivation in the early stage of the disaster, it is relatively rare to say. I guess he also thinks so in his heart, so his smile gives Li Peicheng a sense of condescending.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling face, Li Peicheng politely replied politely, and then smiled and asked, "I don't know what's wrong with Taoist friends?"

"I see my Taoist friend alone. He must come from an alien planet, right?" Always ask.

There is nothing to hide. Moreover, in general, people on this planet will always invite three or five friends to participate in the treasure-grabbing operation, so as not to defeat others alone. If there are sects, it is even more impossible to act alone. Those who come alone like Li Peicheng must be the cultivation of interstellar travel. I happened to hear that there was an ancient fairy mansion, so I came here in a hurry.

Li Peicheng nodded and said, "The Taoist friend is right. I heard that there is a fairy mansion here, so come and have a look."

Sure enough, the old man was secretly happy when he heard the words, but there was a wisp of concern and worry on his face, and his eyes swept around warily.

Seeing this, Li Peicheng suddenly understood what he always wanted to do. He sneered secretly in his heart and actually wanted to pull me into the group as cannon fodder!

Sure enough, Lao sighed and whispered, "Tao friends are now as strong as clouds here. Among them, there are at least 20 masters like me during the disaster period. With the mid-term cultivation of Taoist friends, not to mention the treasure grabbing, I'm afraid there is a problem with self-insurance."

Li Peicheng nodded secretly. The old man is a good lobby. In a simple sentence, on the one hand, he points out that he is a master of the disaster period, giving people a strong and reliable feeling, and on the other hand, he specifically depicts the masters here, which are full of crisis. If he is really an ordinary monk in the middle of the body, I'm afraid he will be frightened by him and immediately wants to find an organization to rely on.

Li Peicheng thought to himself and glanced around slightly. Seeing the slightly uneasy and vigilant eyes in Fu Zixi's eyes, it was obvious that they were really afraid that Li Peicheng would form an alliance with the old man. At that time, with Li Peicheng's strength and the old man's power, although the temporary combination may not be as solid as them, its strength will immediately leap to their level and become a four-legged trend.

However, Taiyi Sect and Lotus Sect did not care at all, and the other two forces of the second ladder did not pay much attention to it. Obviously, they were really careful of the threat from the three major forces such as the Longmen Sect. They were happy to see that their ladder could compete with the strength of the three major forces.