xuan shou

Chapter 2 has its own strengths, how to choose next

In the dead of night, there is an occasional wolf roar in the mountains. There are still lights on in the sparse houses of the huge manor at this moment. Tang Feng's room is one of them.

He withdrew from his father's room and took a look at the hidden weapon his father had just sent out. Although he was only five years old, he was born in Tangmen and knew that it was a plum dart. The plum dart sent by my father just cut off five branches and nailed them to a big tree trunk, leaving five known bodies on it.

After returning to the room, it was really difficult for him to fall asleep. On the one hand, he marveled at his father's strong perception and accuracy. On the one hand, I admire the power of firearms. However, he completely ignored the craftsman's Shinto.

The most powerful firearm can destroy a city, which is really strong. However, the master of breaking the sky can escape. So what if it is the predecessor of Xuanshou Road who breaks the realm of heaven? What strength can he reach? His father seems to be the most powerful in Tangmen. Um... I heard from my uncle that my father seems to be in the realm of heaven. Ah... Which path should I choose!"

Tang Feng's mind has been flashing with firearms and Xuanshou. On the one hand, I want to learn Xuansudo, but on the other hand, I want to learn firearms. It was really difficult to choose, and finally shouted.


He picked up the cup in his hand and poured a cup of cold tea on his face. Completely calm down. It is really rare for a five-year-old child to do this. He is also doomed to be extraordinary.

"Well, such a strong firearm is definitely not so easy to make! Otherwise, who in the world dares to resist one by one in Tangmen? On the contrary, Tangmen has gradually declined over the years. It shows that Tangmen does not have this kind of firearm. Moreover, it must take a lot of time to find materials to practice firearms. How many springs and autumns are there in a person's life? By the way, the purple phosphorus poison tinder in Sanbo's hand should be a firearm. He is complaous all day long, but he can't go to the realm of killing five known things far away. Well... In this way, Xuanshou is the most powerful. Otherwise, how could my father become the first master of Tangmen? Yes, it must be like this!"

After careful thinking, Tang Feng firmed the choice in his heart. Go to sleep peacefully......

-----fen ge------


The sky had just dawned, and a chicken crow awakened the sleeping earth. The sound of groaning clothes came from every room in Tangjiabao. However, a team of night patrol guards smiled and walked to their room.

When it was completely dawn, Tang Feng walked to the family hall. I met Tang Xiao and Tang Meng on the road.

As soon as Tang Xiao saw Tang Feng, he pasted it and mysteriously took out a tube-shaped thing from his arms.

"Brother Feng, look! This is the latest study of the 'super invincible bird tube', which can cause the effect of thousands of mountains and birds flying with just one shot.

Tang Feng was speechless for a while. This cousin was three years older. At the age of five, he chose the firearm road, and then ran around all day to study some strange things. He also gave a lot to Tang Feng... like something invincible as scattered flowers, the universe poisonous dragon drill. Compared with today's 'super invincible bird tube', it can prove that he is too mature.

Tang Meng next to

didn't think so and snorted, "Oh, the name is loud, just like a fart, not smelly."

Although Tang Meng is young, only 6 years old, she can faintly see that she is a beauty embryo. But it's just a little arrogant.

Tang Xiao stared angrily like a cat with its tail: "Yes, like you, just fart!"


Before Tang Meng finished speaking, he only heard a shocking sound.

' jingle, jingling' birds flew away in panic. Nearby, several timid sparrows fainted on the ground. Those disciples of Tangmen looked sideways and stopped looking back. Obviously, it's not strange!

"Uh~~~ Good brother, I'm sorry, I'm out of my temper!"

Tang Xiao scratched his head awkwardly.

Tang Feng gently rubbed his ears and said helplessly, "The invincible bird tube really lives up to its reputation. It will definitely be able to walk alone in the world in the future!"

"So, good brother, you must choose firearms, and we will make powerful firearms together in the future. Dominate the martial arts! Uncles come out, I'll go first!"

As soon as Tang Xiao heard the sound of footsteps, he ran away.

"Ah, Tang Xiao, stop and scare my Xiaoqing. I... I'll never end with you!"

Tang Meng chased Tang Xiao and drilled a green snake's head from her arms. The snake's head swayed and seemed to be dizzy.

"What happened to that loud noise just now!"

came out of Tang Feng's fourth uncle, Tang Yu. I saw him wearing the Qingsiluo hidden shirt that he only wore during the Tangmen ceremony. With elegant demeanor, a black belt is the finishing touch. There is a tube-like thing that is not a cone-like thing hanging on the belt. There is a tapered copper tube in the tube, and the top of the copper tube is a small hole about 3 cm in diameter. The edges are as smooth as jade, emitting bursts of cold.

"Fourth uncle, it was my cousin who showed me the firearms he made just now!"

"Oh~~So that's it. Other uncles and your father are already in there. Come in with me!"

-----fen ge------

When I entered the ancestral hall, the first thing I saw was Grandpa Tang Hao. And my father and uncle's second uncle and third uncle sit in a row according to size. All of them are wearing serious shirts.

Tang Feng saluted his grandfather, uncle, second uncle, father and third uncle in turn.

"Little Fenger, kneel down first, cough!"

Although Tang Hao has passed 70 in recent years. However, it is also full of air. It's just that there is a cough between words.

"You are now five years old, cough... at the time of the enlightenment of Tangmen. Cough! You should know three ways of Tangmen! Cough!"

"Yes, Grandpa!"

"Well...not bad!" Tang Hao is very satisfied with this grandson." So, which one do you choose?"

Grandpa, although I already have a preliminary choice. However, I still want to see the three differences with my own eyes!"

Looking at the tools in the hands of uncle, second uncle and others, you will know that they have chosen different ways. He wants to see the strengths and weaknesses of the three paths with his own eyes.

"Then, Fei'er, Can'er, Keke... Long'er, Yu'er, the four of you show it to my grandson!"

Then, Tang Hao gently pressed the mechanism next to the seat. After a few clicks, a small target appeared on the empty wall on the right. Yes, yes, it's a small target, only the bowl is big. And my uncle's father is at least 20 meters away from him.

Tang Xiao was the first to come out. He casually threw something the size of a mouse. As soon as the wooden round object touched the ground, three half-meter-long silver needles were sprayed on the target. One of them is nailed to the bullseye. He took back the circular object with satisfaction. Then he said, "This is the iron sunflower disease I developed myself. There are three or seventy-one silver needles hidden in it, three per shot.

The old man also nodded and coughed.

The second uncle didn't perform, but just said, "I'm also a firearm, but my fourth brother's firearm is stronger than what I developed, so I won't perform."

The old man allowed it. Then signaled Tang Long to take action...

Tang Long wiped his right hand around his waist and took out five plum darts. With a wave of his hand, the four accurate nails were nailed to the bullseye. However, the other one flew to the door. Tang Feng thought he had thrown away from the target, but it was not so simple to see Tang Long's calm expression.

Sure enough, the plum dart that had been off the target drew an arc in the air and nailed it into the center of the target. Tang Feng almost clapped his hands. After all, he is a child. Of course, he hopes that his father is the best.

Tang Long whispered, "Xuanshoudao, orchids brush jade hands!"

The other three, including the old man, nodded fiercely.

Tang Yu stood up, and the purple phosphorus poison torch in his hand turned more than a dozen times at his fingertips.' It hit the target with a bang, shaking down other hidden weapons nailed to the target. Then he blew the hole of the purple phosphorus torch.

"Firearm channel, purple phosphorus poison cone, fill 50 pieces of medicine, each of which can cause this effect! The furthest distance, 100 steps!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man couldn't wait to ask Tang Feng, "How about it, Xiao Fenger, have you seen it clearly?" Cough...what do you choose?"

Tang Feng is hesitating. The magic of the craftsman Shinto and the destructive power of the firearms are not comparable to that of Xuanshou. However, if the two fights, Xuanshoudao has the greatest chance of winning. After all, when you throw the machine and open the cannon, the five plum darts can kill it. So he finally shouted firmly, "I choose Xuanshou!"

Tang Long on the seat breathed a sigh of relief!