xuan shou

Chapter 5 The conspiracy is presented, and Tang Long dies!

In the dead of night, the moon hangs on its head. When killing, set fire to the sky!

It has been five days since the ring incident. Tang Feng has become depressed since his martial arts was abolished and has not left the door for five days. People are even more in a circle. However, heartbreaking screams kept coming from Tang Meng's room. This made Tang Feng very guilty. If the son doesn't kill Bole, Bole will die. Poison, he didn't release it. However, the dart came from his hand. Every day, he heard the screams and suicides in Tang Meng's room, which made him not eat one meter in five days.

-In the church-

Tangmen is full of plain clothes, and Tang Long wears black plain clothes. Kneel in front of my father's coffin. However, since he held his father into the coffin that day, he vaguely felt a little unwell. But I can't say why...

Suddenly, my heart ached. He frowned tightly. Pulling open his chest, he saw a black line from Dantian to his chest. He found that he was poisoned. Tangmen ranked tenth - seven days of ecstasy.

"Hahahaha! Third brother, third brother! You just found out now, isn't it too late!"

Tang Yu's voice came from the door, followed by Tang Fei and Tang Can!

"When did you poison it?"

He stood up slowly and stared straight at Tang Yu.

"Five days ago, you touched it when you held your father into the coffin!"

"B of a bastard! You poisoned your father's body!"

Tang Long touched and waved his hand, and five plum darts roared away. However, he also pressed his chest with his hand.

Tang Yu and the other three were not slaughtered fish. After avoiding the hidden weapon, they launched a counterattack. However, Tang Long has escaped from the window!

"Go to Tang Feng's room, he must want to save his son!" Tang Fei shouted


Tang Feng sat on the edge of the bed without saying anything. Suddenly, the window was broken and a humanoid shadow fell in. Subconsciously touched the plum dart on his waist. After a closer look, I found that it was my father.

At this moment, Tang Long has blood beads on the corners of his mouth. His face was dark, and he pressed his chest with his left hand. The breath is messy.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Tang Feng hurriedly ran over, after all, blood is thicker than water. Although, he hated his father for abolishing his martial arts. However, when I saw my father's current appearance, all hatred was thrown away.

"Feng'er, don't talk. Take your mother and run! How far, how far! Hurry up! Don't ask why, run!" Tang Long stuffed the paintings in the study and two thin brochures into Tang Feng's inner pocket.

Looking at his father, Tang Feng pressed his chest and ran out with tears. Although he hasn't eaten for a few days, the foundation for many years of martial arts practice is still there. A quarter of an hour later, he climbed over the wall and ran to the forest. I heard the sound of fighting from afar.

"Tang Long, today is your death!" Tang Fei took out the iron sunflower disease and shouted.

"Humph, if you want the position of the door master, I'll let you. Why are you so negative and not afraid to choose a good life!"


It was said that Tang Fei's face was lightless for a moment and pinched the iron sunflower disease fiercely. Three silver lights roared.

Tang Long's martial arts are one level higher than theirs. However, at this time, the attack is very poisonous. I was a little overwhelmed and avoided two silver rays. One of them was nailed to his thigh.

"The wind swept through the clouds!"

Tang Long shouted, and then threw seven plum darts from his right hand. The first four arrays are separated by a strange range when approaching the target. Two strange nails nailed to the shoulder well on Tang Fei's back, but two cut his cheek. The disciples of Tangmen whose hands have lost their functions are naturally equivalent to temporary abolition.


Just as Tang Long was about to kill, the ammunition in the purple phosphorus cartridge exploded on his chest. He didn't get up after being shot a few meters.

"What a Tang Long, he actually practiced the jade hand of orchids to the point of wind and clouds." Tang Can also came. Among the four, his light skills were the worst, and naturally he came late. However, Tangmen's eyes are extraordinary. Far away, he saw the amazing seven plum darts.

"Don't say so much, there is also a small one! Cut the grass without rooting, and the spring breeze will blow again!"

From Tang Yu's words, it can be seen that he is as poisonous as the purple phosphorus poison torch in his hand.

"Ah...it's raining all over the sky!"

Tang Long, who had been 'dead', suddenly broke out. The plum dart hit the three people who are unprepared like rain. After burning his potential and making this powerful move, he died.

Tang Fei, Tang Can and Tang Yu were hit by this move, although they were not dead. But he didn't have the strength to kill Tang Feng. I was extremely disappointed and worried.

"Xiaoqing! Lead the way and find the dog!" With a delicate cry, Tang Xiao and Tang Meng used light skills to chase in the direction where Tang Feng fled.

The three people lying on the ground breathed softly. Tang Xiao and Tang Meng are enough to deal with a small man with useless martial arts.

Tang Meng has had nightmares in the past few days, and her jealous face has been completely destroyed. Since she looked in the mirror, she has never dared to look at it again. However, Tang Can also ordered people to put all the mirrors of Tangjiabao into the grocery room. After a few days of gloomy, she began to think about revenge. She wanted Tang Feng to die! Only when Tang Feng dies can she relieve her hatred. However, there has never been a chance. Grandpa is dead. If he kills and set fire at this time, he will definitely be difficult to escape the family rules. It's just that she didn't expect it. His father, uncle and third uncle killed his second uncle.

Listening to the fight outside the house, he vaguely knew something. However, she dared not go out. She has only now stepped into the realm of Dacheng. If she goes out to participate, she will definitely die. Sure enough, he soon heard the screams of the three people. After that, there was no sound, so he carefully drilled out to see. I happened to meet Tang Xiao. After discussing with him, I decided to hunt down Tang Feng.

And in another room. Tang Liuru knelt on the window and prayed with her hands together: "God, Grandpa! You must bless Brother Feng to escape. It is already unacceptable for his father to do so. If Brother Feng is killed, his father will definitely go to hell. Therefore, I beg you to bless Brother Feng to escape. Liu Ru is also willing to burn incense and worship Buddha from now on, fasting to wash away her father's sins. If she really wants to bring disaster, let Liu Ru bear it. Please!"

"Bang, bang, bang..." Tang Liuru kowtowed heavily after saying that, and blood spewed red from her forehead. However, she kept kowtoing. Until he fainted...

A meteor fell from the sky! It means that a life will disappear from now on. And the other side. A dim star slowly shines brightly, getting brighter and brighter, with faint signs of competing with the sun and the moon!


In the dense forest outside Tangjiabao, a monk with 18 jade Buddha beads on his neck and light golden light on his body looked at the star competing with the sun and the moon.

muttered to himself, "The extreme must be reversed, and the extreme will come. The originally dim stars are now competing with the sun and the moon! The world will turn upside down because of it! Right and evil, hey... it's going to change!"