xuan shou

Chapter 13 Peer Meets, Thieves also has a way

(I'm really sorry, I went to get together with my classmates today, and now I'm back. Three chapters have been sent together! Sorry...)

As the saying goes, "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!"

After staying in this city for more than ten days, he has seen all kinds of 'Jianghu'... He is now also a member of the 'thief Jianghu'. However, he plays a different role in this world. He didn't steal for a living, he just practiced his skills. Empty hands are not enough to practice moves alone. You must practice them from practice. After all, people are not wooden stakes! Everyone is moving all the time, and no thief can be sure that his 'guest' will maintain a posture all the time.

He doesn't steal ordinary people, such as...

"Grandpa, sir! Give me some money..."

"Get out of here, you stinky! Shout again, I'll kill you!"

At this time, Tang Feng will inadvertently 'collide' with the gentleman and walk away.

Thieves also have a way. This is a rule that Tang Feng set for himself when he practiced with empty hands! Don't steal good people, don't steal poor people, don't steal life-saving money! The stolen money is only taken from what you need, and the rest will be given to some people who really need help.


In a dilapidated room, a group of thin men in cheap clothes surrounded a middle-aged man with sharp eyes. If Tang Feng is there, he will definitely recognize these people as the usual 'time changes'. Several of them have been stolen by him!

The middle-aged man looked around for a week with his sharp eyes: "I heard that... we have a 'Chu Liuxiang' recently?"

"Hm!" Everyone neatly answered that the middle-aged man put his hand on the armrest and held his cheeks: "Speak and listen!"

A person below quickly stood up: "Brother Tian, the technology is amazing. The sheep he like has never lost a thousand times! However, he only cares about those who are not good! Moreover, most of the belongings brought were given to the nearby beggars!"

The man's eyes moved, and a fine light looked directly at the talking monkey: "How do you feel about him?"

The monkey was a little unaccustomed to it. He lowered his head and said two words: "I admire it!"

The middle-aged man looked around again: "In addition to the monkey, who else has been led by him!"

Suddenly, more than half of the people below lowered their heads in shame and raised their hands.

"Hmm! Red hair, have you even stolen the universe bag?

What they call the 'Qiankun bag' is not the magic weapon held by those practitioners. Instead, they named themselves for collecting stolen goods and designing exquisite cloth bags. This kind of 'Qiankun bag' is difficult to open if you don't know the reason.

"Hm! Brother Tian, the other party is very powerful. If we don't pay attention, we will fall!"

'Dat, Brother Tian closed his eyes and knocked on the armrest with his left hand. Everyone below knew that his eldest brother would tap wooden furniture with his fingers whenever he was upset, which was also the problem he left behind when he led the sheep in previous years.

After a long time, Brother Tian opened his eyes and said, "A Xing, go and try your best to attract him! Don't be found by Ma Liu and others.

A Xing's original name is Xiao Xing. He has been an orphan since he was a child and began to lead a sheep at the age of 13. Moreover, his talent is extremely high, and in just four years, he has become the leader of these 'time changes'. The trophy handed in every month is twice as much as the second place. However, he is a little cold. I don't like to deal with people. The appearance is also very ordinary...

Hearing the boss's order, he didn't say anything. Stand up directly and go outside...


Tang Feng did not have an ID card, so he rented a local man's house nearby. The house is not big, with one bedroom, one living room and one toilet. 1,500 yuan a month. The room is not very long. After careful cleaning, it gives people the feeling of a single apartment.

He is now lying on a hundred wooden boards** bought from the thrift market, dancing a small bag in his hand. After stealing from a red-haired thief, he never opened it. I tried to tear it hard several times, but I still didn't do it. He knows that this kind of bag must have the skill of opening, and it must be troublesome to make it! It is very practical for thieves.

After studying for a long time, I still didn't find a way to open it. I looked at a bag of bulging things but couldn't take it out.

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, he rolled up from **. At six o'clock sharp, it's time to work. This time is the peak period for commuting. There are many people, cluttered and crowded buses. Naturally, it is also the working hours of the 'time changes'.

As soon as I came to the street where I was often 'chivalry', I felt that I was being targeted. When I glanced at it, I found that the 'time change' was so ordinary that I couldn't remember it. Tang Feng has been here for more than half a month. Naturally, he knows that this 'time change' area has the best technology. Moreover, it is also stealing from people. Therefore, he has never been 'poisoned' by Tang Feng.

Xiao Xing watched Tang Feng looking for sheep everywhere and walked towards him.

Tang Feng thought to himself, "Well, it's coming! If the guess is correct, he will step on his left foot on his right foot one meter away and fall down!"

This is Xiao Xing's consistent practice. He fell forward at a distance of one meter and could just touch the other party's trouser pocket when he fell. So do it.


Sure enough, he stepped on his right foot and fell on Tang Feng.

Tang Feng gently moved a step forward to the left, just avoiding the finger with a sharp blade from top to bottom. Then, he walked to Xiao Xing and helped Xiao Xing up: "Be careful! Don't break it..." Then, his fingers brushed Xiao Xing's waist. Disappearing in the sea of people... In his hand, there was an 'world bag'. Only Xiao Xing, who is still in a daze...


The sea of people is vast, waiting for Xiao Xing to come to his senses. The other party has long disappeared. I touched my waist and couldn't help smiling bitterly. He was hit hard and took something away from him for the first time. This is really difficult for him to accept...

After this failure, he has no job today**. Go back to that dilapidated room early...

As soon as he entered the door, Red Hair ran over and shouted, "How's it going? Xing, did you get it? Where's my universe bag?"

Xiao Xing shook his head. Brother Tian called Xiao Xing to the front and asked, "A Xing, how's it going? Didn't work?"

Xiao Xing frowned and tried to recall what happened in the moment just now: "No, it's upside down!"

"Ah...A Xing also pasted it upside down? Was this man sent by Ma Liu to stir up the scene?

When the following people heard it, they all talked about it!

"Don't quarrel!" Brother Tian turned his head and shouted that everyone didn't say anything. Xiao Xing said his thoughts, "I don't think it was sent by Ma Liu. If there was such a master on Ma Liu's side, he must have come to grab the scene long ago. He gave me the feeling that... that is, how to say it? It's the unspeakable feeling of being far away from the world and seeing through the vicissitudes of the world. Moreover, his hand may soon be faster than Brother Tian.

"Hmm...do you know where he lives?"

"For the time being, I don't know... It should be nearby!"

"Okay... pay attention to it and let me know when you find it out!"

They know that Brother Tian is going to recruit 'talents' again!